First Results from 2nd Drill programme at Feren...
16June 2014
Sula Iron & Goldp lc
("Sula" or the "Company")
First Results from 2nd Drill programme at Ferensola
Sula Iron & Gold plc ("Sula" or the "Company"), the exploration and development
company focused on iron ore in Sierra Leone, is pleased to provide an update on
operations at its 100% owned Ferensola project ("the project"). The Company is
continuing its programme of exploration for further potential direct shipping
ore ("DSO") zones and the depth extent of the fresh magnetite Banded Iron
Formation ("BIF") target.
* Significant results from the first two batches of samples include:
* Hole BHDD106, 8m @ 60.89% Fe, 16m - 24m
* Hole BHDD106, 6m @ 60.56% Fe, 28m - 34m
* Hole BHDD111, 8m @ 60.25% Fe, 8m - 16m
* Hole BHDD120, 16m @ 59.34% Fe, 32m - 48m
* As of June 8 2014, a total of 4,693m of drilling had been completed
* A total of 7 batches of samples have now been submitted for analysis
* Drilling programme to continue, targeting open areas of further potential
DSO resource
To view a full version of the announcement, including figures and maps, please
visit the Company's website at:
Sula CEO Nick Warrell said, "We are very pleased with the initial results which
demonstrate that a well-defined haematite or iron oxide cap is present at
Sula commenced a resource drilling campaign at Ferensola during 2014 after a
successful reconnaissance drill programme was undertaken in May-July 2013. The
results reported are from 15 drill holes comprising 881m of drilling conducted
between 4 April 2014 and 29 April 2014. Drilling remains on-going with further
results expected over the next 6 months.
The Company has focused drilling to investigate shallow, high grade iron
mineralisation contained in the oxide and transitional saprolitic zones
overlying the primary magnetite BIF. A summary of the mineralised intersections
are shown in Table 1.
Preliminary drilling is also being implemented to test the depth extent of the
fresh magnetite BIF interpreted below the defined oxide package. The primary
magnetite BIF mineralisation currently remains open at depth.
The Ferensola Project
The Ferensola project appears to be a typical weathered BIF with an underlying
fresh magnetite BIF. The project consists of elevated iron grades at surface
grading down to a fresh and competent magnetite BIF. The preliminary
lithological interpretations supported by initial grade based observations have
indicated a laterite/duricrust cap with elevated iron and aluminium content;
this caps a zone of high grade black haematite / magnetite sand which is noted
to be highly friable.
The Phase 1 drilling, being the focus of this press release has been undertaken
on a regular grid on 400m x 50m intervals. Each hole has been drilled
vertically and represents the true vertical thickness of the oxide units. A
total of 4,693m has currently been completed defining units of high grade
material that lie within the oxide cap.
Preliminary results received from the initial 15 holes (881m), have been
positive with multiple intercepts in excess of 55% Fe defining a potential DSO
domain and additional high grade laterite and saprolitic material within the
oxide zone. Results have been tabulated in table 1 for key drill holes which
have intercepted the mineralised unit. In addition to these intercepts, it is
noted that four further holes have been drilled into the hangingwall and
footwall material with these intercepts considered to have no influence or
bearing on the mineralised unit.
Metallurgical testing has commenced on material associated with the underlying
fresh magnetite-BIF to confirm that a saleable concentrate can be generated
through standard magnetic separation techniques.
Table 1 -- Mineralised Intersections*
Logged From To Sum of Average Average Average Average
Protolith (m) (m) INTERVAL of Fe(%) of Al2O3 of SiO2 of P (%)
Material (m) (%) (%)
BHDD104 DUR 0 14 14 43.93 20.55 1.94 0.08
OXIDE 14 66 52 43.96 7.68 21.73 0.06
Including 22 28 8 57.5 4.26 3.28 0.08
BHDD106 DUR 0 16.2 16.2 44.43 11.46 15.23 0.07
OXIDE 16.2 62.5 46.3 35.80 10.94 29.48 0.06
Including 16 24 8 60.89 5.00 2.47 0.04
And 28 34 6 60.56 2.53 5.57 0.06
BHDD107 DUR 0 11.1 11.1 39.80 23.29 3.55 0.07
OXIDE 11.1 63 51.9 40.94 5.25 29.78 0.04
BHDD109 DUR 0 10.96 10.96 46.42 18.67 1.99 0.04
OXIDE 10.96 65.5 54.54 40.41 8.30 26.90 0.05
Including 10 18 8 57.91 7.69 1.99 0.05
BHDD111 DUR 0 7.5 7.5 52.18 13.12 1.66 0.06
OXIDE 7.5 26 18.5 41.53 14.53 15.43 0.09
Including 8 16 8 60.25 4.36 2.88 0.06
BHDD112 DUR 0 5.8 5.8 48.54 13.91 4.46 0.05
OXIDE 5.8 49.5 43.7 32.42 11.05 33.76 0.08
BHDD113 DUR 0 10.5 10.5 36.69 23.03 9.22 0.04
OXIDE 10.5 46 35.5 40.71 5.13 29.28 0.09
BHDD114 DUR 0 10.5 10.5 49.42 13.68 3.77 0.05
OXIDE 10.5 43.5 33 41.65 11.64 19.90 0.06
Including 8 22 14 58.75 6.19 1.72 0.05
BHDD116 DUR 0 15 15 37.81 23.47 5.63 0.07
OXIDE 15 81 66 32.09 11.01 33.83 0.07
BHDD120 DUR 0 9.2 9.2 40.86 22.19 4.45 0.05
OXIDE 9.2 77 67.8 47.32 7.29 17.68 0.05
Including 10 18 8 56.89 8.01 1.92 0.08
And 32 48 16 59.34 2.77 7.4 0.05
*results are reported as a weighted average for down-hole intervals,high grade
intervals are reported with a lower cut-off grade of 55% Fe and a maximum
internal waste of 5m. Datum WGS84, Zone 29N, some minor errors occur due to
Sula Iron & Gold plc +44 (0) 20 7583 8304
Nick Warrell / Matt Wood
Cairn Financial Advisers LLP +44 (0) 20 7148 7900
James Caithie / Avi Robinson
Daniel Stewart & Company Plc +44 (0) 20 7776 6550
Martin Lampshire / David Hart
Yellow Jersey PR +44 (0)7768 537 739
Dominic Barretto / Kelsey Traynor
Qualified Person
The information in this press release that relates to the current drilling
programme is based on information compiled by Mr Colin Rawbone, who is a
Chartered Professional Member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and
Metallurgy ("AusIMM"). Mr Rawbone is a full time employee of SRK and has
sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type
of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to
qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of
the 'Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources
and Ore Reserves'. Mr Colin Rawbone has reviewed this press release and
consents to the inclusion in the press release of the matters based on his
information in the form and context in which this appears.
In addition to the above, this press release has been compiled under
the direction of Mr Howard Baker, who is a Chartered Professional Fellow of
the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy ("AusIMM"). Mr Baker is a
full time employee of SRK Consulting (UK) Ltd and has sufficient experience
which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under
consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a
Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the 'Australasian Code for
Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves'. Mr Baker
has reviewed this press release and consents to the inclusion in the press
release of the matters based on his information in the form and context in
which this appears.
Forward-looking Statements
This announcement includes certain forward-looking statements. All statements,
other than statements of historical fact, included herein are forward-looking
statements that involve various known and unknown risks and uncertainties as
well as other factors. Such forward looking statements are subject to a number
of risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results or events to differ
materially from current expectations, including delays in obtaining or failure
to obtain required regulatory approvals. There can be no assurance that such
statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could
differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.
Sula Iron & Gold plc is a multi-commodity exploration company focussed on West
Africa. The Company's main objective is to explore and advance its Ferensola
Projects, in Northern Sierra Leone, that are highly prospective for iron and
gold. Sula is currently focussed on delineating a maiden JORC compliant iron
ore resource estimate and evaluating the gold prospectivity. The 153 sq. km
licence area is contiguous to African Minerals' operational Tonkolili Iron
Mine, which has a JORC compliant resource of 12.8 billion tonnes iron
Exploration work at the project has confirmed the presence of BIF at surface,
which has a known strike length of 3.1km. The BIF is proven to extend NE from
the Tonkolili licence and into Sula's licence area. A 2,000m scout drilling
programme conducted over a 2.2km section of BIF, confirmed the licence area's
prospectivity for high grade iron mineralisation.
Significant Greenstone Belt-style gold mineralisation has also been identified
at various prospects within the licence area. Five target areas for hard rock
gold mineralisation have been identified based on the location of historic
drill intercepts, the source areas for alluvial gold deposits, and the position
of major structures as defined by airborne magnetic data and drainage
The information in this release that relates to Exploration Results has been
reviewed by Mr Andrew Dacey, Non-Executive Technical Director of Sula Iron &
Gold plc. Mr Dacey is a Fellow of the Institute of Materials Minerals and
Mining, a Registered Professional Geologist with the Australian Institute of
Geoscientists and a Competent Person as defined in the Australasian Code for
Reporting of exploration results and Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves.
APPENDIX A. JORC CODE, 2012 Edition, Table 1 (Section 1 and 2)
Section 1 Sampling Techniques and Data
Criteria JORC Code explanation Commentary
Sampling techniques - Nature and quality of Diamond core samples collected
sampling (eg cut by Sula staff were of half HQ
channels, random chips, core, with the sample cut so as
or specific specialised to equally divide structures.
industry standard Sample lengths ranged from 0.5
measurement tools m to 2 m. Sample intervals were
appropriate to the not matched to geological
minerals under boundaries.
investigation, such as
down hole gamma sondes,
or handheld XRF
instruments, etc). These
examples should not be
taken as limiting the
broad meaning of
- Include reference to Sula used a minimum sample size
measures taken to ensure of 0.25 kg per core sample
sample representivity dispatched. They routinely
and the appropriate submitted blanks, duplicate and
calibration of any certified reference material.
measurement tools or
systems used.
- Aspects of the Diamond core samples were HQ
determination of diameter, and were cut in half
mineralisation that are using a core saw, dividing
Material to the Public geological structures equally
Report. where possible. Some samples
demonstrated a significant
variance when compared to
duplicate samples, but this
affect was observed to be
minor, with most samples
showing good repeatability.
Sample preparation techniques
were deemed to be of
international best practice.
- In cases where All sampling preparation has
`industry standard' work been undertaken by an
has been done this would accredited laboratory;
be relatively simple (eg preparation of samples has been
`reverse circulation undertaken through ALS Monrovia
drilling was used to and XRF analysis has been
obtain 1 m samples from undertaken by ALS based in
which 3 kg was Ireland.
pulverised to produce a
30 g charge for fire
assay'). In other cases
more explanation may be
required, such as where
there is coarse gold
that has inherent
sampling problems.
Unusual commodities or
mineralisation types (eg
submarine nodules) may
warrant disclosure of
detailed information.
Drilling techniques - Drill type (eg core, Drill method was diamond
reverse circulation, drilling of dominantly HQ core
open-hole hammer, rotary during the drill programmes
air blast, auger, undertaken, using standard
Bangka, sonic, etc) and tubes. A CS1000 man portable
details (eg core drill rig operated by a
diameter, triple or reputable company acting under
standard tube, depth of industry best practices.
diamond tails,
face-sampling bit or Core on vertical holes
other type, whether core targeting oxide material has
is oriented and if so, not been orientated.
by what method, etc).
Drill sample recovery - Method of recording Drill core recovery was
and assessing core and recorded for every hole through
chip sample recoveries routine monitoring of drill rod
and results assessed. depth and recovered core.
Recoveries for each hole were
graphically plotted and show
total recovery better than 85%.
Where recovery has been
recorded these intervals are
identified and flagged for
re-drilling as required.
- Measures taken to Supervision of the diamond
maximise sample recovery drilling by Sula geologists
and ensure ensured sample recovery was
representative nature of good, and that samples were
the samples. representative without
contamination issues. Where
poor recovery has been
encountered contractual
agreements with the drill
company incur penalties and
re-drill policies.
- Whether a relationship No studies are known to have
exists between sample been completed on sample bias.
recovery and grade and
whether sample bias may
have occurred due to
preferential loss/gain
of fine/coarse material.
Logging - Whether core and chip Geological logging for diamond
samples have been core includes a descriptive log
geologically and with some quantitative logging
geotechnically logged to of mineralogy and alteration,
a level of detail to in addition to plotting of
support appropriate assays and the geology as a
Mineral Resource graphic log.
estimation, mining
studies and No geotechnical logging has
metallurgical studies. been undertaken on oxide
material due to core
fragmentation and lack of
- Whether logging is Logging is qualitative, with
qualitative or the exception of some
quantitative in nature. quantitative logging of
Core (or costean, mineralogical and alteration
channel, etc) content.
Core photography is undertaken
for both half and whole core on
a box by box basis.
- The total length and 100% of diamond core samples
percentage of the can be correlated to graphic
relevant intersections logs of the diamond drill hole.
Sub-sampling techniques and sample preparation - If core, whether cut Drill core samples were half HQ
or sawn and whether core, where the core was cut to
quarter, half or all equally divide significant
core taken. structures in the rock. Half
core is dispatched for
analytical process's
- If non-core, whether All sampling relates to drill
riffled, tube sampled, core
rotary split, etc and
whether sampled wet or
- For all sample types, Diamond core samples have been
the nature, quality and analysed by XRF for a full
appropriateness of the suite of analytes including but
sample preparation not limited to Fe_%, Al2O3_%,
technique. SiO2_% and P_%. In addition to
this analysis the LOI was also
- Quality control For diamond drill core
procedures adopted for sampling, standards, duplicates
all sub-sampling stages and blanks were interleaved
to maximise randomly with the routine
representivity of samples, every 20th sample;
samples. targeting a frequency of 5%
- Measures taken to Field duplicates are submitted
ensure that the sampling as 1 in 20 insertion rate,
is representative of the where duplicates are selected
in situ material the remaining half core is
collected, including for split to produce a field based
instance results for quarter core sample for
field comparative studies.
- Whether sample sizes Diamond core samples were half
are appropriate to the HQ core, which is a large
grain size of the diameter core for exploration
material being sampled. drilling.
Quality of assay data and laboratory tests - The nature, quality SRK deem the accredited
and appropriateness of laboratory and the requested
the assaying and analysis to be suitable and
laboratory procedures sufficient for this type and
used and whether the style of mineralisation deposit
technique is considered
partial or total.
- For geophysical tools, No geophysical tools or other
spectrometers, handheld unusual analysis methods were
XRF instruments, etc, employed.
the parameters used in
determining the analysis
including instrument
make and model, reading
times, calibrations
factors applied and
their derivation, etc.
- Nature of quality For diamond drill core
control procedures sampling, standards, duplicates
adopted (eg standards, and blanks were interleaved
blanks, duplicates, randomly with the routine
external laboratory samples, every 20th sample;
checks) and whether targeting a frequency of 5%.
acceptable levels of
accuracy (ie lack of Samples are reviewed on a batch
bias) and precision have by batch basis to identify any
been established. bias with in the analytical
Verification of sampling and assaying - The verification of Mr Colin Rawbone of SRK has
significant independently verified the
intersections by either intersections derived from
independent or lithological and grade logging.
alternative company
- The use of twinned No twinned holes have been used
holes. to verify sampling and
- Documentation of Data has been compiled from
primary data, data entry good quality paper plans and
procedures, data digitally compiled at a later
verification, data date.
storage (physical and
electronic) protocols. The data has been assimilated
into the Company's Microsoft
Excel database, after
compilation and validation in
Mapinfo Software.
- Discuss any adjustment No adjustment to assay data has
to assay data. been undertaken
Location of data points - Accuracy and quality All drill collars are
of surveys used to positioned with handheld GPS to
locate drill holes an accuracy of within 5m.
(collar and down-hole
surveys), trenches, mine Down hole surveys are not
workings and other utilised on shallow vertical
locations used in drill holes but where required
Mineral Resource has been undertaken using the
estimation. REFLEX tools
- Specification of the WGS 84 UTM Zone 29 North
grid system used.
- Quality and adequacy Current topographic surveys has
of topographic control. been limited to SRTM data. An
aerial survey to meter scale
accuracy is currently being
Data spacing and distribution - Data spacing for Diamond drill core samples are
reporting of Exploration collected over contiguous
Results. intervals of alteration as per
logging. There are lengths of
diamond core not sampled. Some
sampled intervals were
reâ€Âsampled as composites, or
as single duplicate samples.
Drilling has taken place on
400m spaced drill fences at 50m
- Whether the data No Mineral Resource or Ore
spacing and distribution Reserve calculations have been
is sufficient to
establish the degree of reported on the deposit at this
geological and grade stage.
continuity appropriate
for the Mineral Resource
and Ore Reserve
estimation procedure(s)
and classifications
- Whether sample Sample compositing was
compositing has been performed for reporting of
applied. diamond drill core results,
based on a weighted average as
a function of sample length
versus grade.
Orientation of data in relation to geological structure - Whether the Drilling has been best
orientation of sampling orientated to allow a
achieves unbiased perpendicular intercept of the
sampling of possible surface oxide zone to be
structures and the achieved.
extent to which this is
known, considering the
deposit type.
- If the relationship Based on current information no
between the drilling bias has been introduced based
orientation and the on the orientation of drilling
orientation of key and relationship with key
mineralised structures structures.
is considered to have
introduced a sampling
bias, this should be
assessed and reported if
Sample security - The measures taken to Sula geologists maintain a full
ensure sample security. chain of custody of samples as
they leave site and are
transported to the process
laboratory. Upon sample return
sufficient checks and balances
are undertaken to ensure
samples have not been tampered
Audits or reviews - The results of any All logging and sampling
audits or reviews of techniques have been audited
sampling techniques and during an independent site
data. visit undertaken by Mr Colin
Rawbone of SRK
Section 2 Reporting of Exploration Results
(Criteria listed in the preceding section also apply to this section.)
JORC Code explanation Commentary
Mineral tenement and land tenure status - Type, reference EL54/2011 issued by the
name/number, location Government of Sierra Leone 23rd
and ownership August 2011 to Blue Horizon (SL
including agreements Ltd). Blue Horizon (SL Ltd) is
or material issues a 100% owned subsidiary of Sula
with third parties Iron & Gold Plc. Full due
such as joint diligence on the license was
ventures, carried out by Sula's SL
partnerships, lawyers and UK lawyers prior to
overriding royalties, IPO in October 2012. There are
native title no joint ventures in place save
interests, historical an MOU with the Town Chief and
sites, wilderness or his Elders of Dalakuru Town
national park and regarding the buildings in
environmental Dalakuru base camp. There are
settings. no historical sites, wilderness
or national park and
environmental settings within
our demarcated license area.
- The security of the As above
tenure held at the
time of reporting
along with any known
impediments to
obtaining a licence to
operate in the area.
Exploration done by other parties - Acknowledgment and Exploration carried out by Mano
appraisal of River during the 1990s. Almost
exploration by other impossible to appraise the
parties. exploration as little or no
records of the exploration were
submitted to the Ministry of
Mineral Resources.
Geology - Deposit type, The Ferensola project appears
geological setting and to be a typical weathered BIF
style of with an underlying fresh
mineralisation. magnetite BIF.
Drill hole Information - A summary of all All tabulated exploration
information material collars are included in the
to the understanding release in appendix B.
of the exploration
results including a Table depicts all intercepts
tabulation of the where drill holes have
following information intercepted mineralisation.
for all Material drill Intercept lengths from diamond
holes: drilling are presented as down
hole lengths, not true lengths,
o easting and northing and this is stated in the
of the drill hole release.
o elevation or RL
(Reduced Level -
elevation above sea
level in metres) of
the drill hole collar
o dip and azimuth of
the hole
o down hole length and
interception depth
o hole length.
- If the exclusion of Intercepts have been omitted
this information is from this report where drill
justified on the basis holes have not intercepted the
that the information interpreted mineralisation.
is not Material and Drill collars for each of these
this exclusion does holes however have been
not detract from the recorded in Appendix B
understanding of the
report, the Competent
Person should clearly
explain why this is
the case.
Data aggregation methods - In reporting Weighting is calculated as a
Exploration Results, function of each sample length
weighting averaging multiplied by each grade, with
techniques, maximum the summed product divided by
and/or minimum grade the total sample length, to
truncations (eg present composited intervals. A
cutting of high high grade portion of these
grades) and cut-off intercepts has been highlighted
grades are usually using a 55% Fe Cut-off grade
Material and should be where intervals were greater
stated. than 5m.
- Where aggregate Where intercepts are reported
intercepts incorporate as longer lengths of lower
short lengths of high grade, it is clearly stated
grade results and that the higher incepts within
longer lengths of low are part of the lower grade
grade results, the intercept, not in addition to
procedure used for the low grade intercept.
such aggregation
should be stated and
some typical examples
of such aggregations
should be shown in
- The assumptions used No metal equivalents are used
for any reporting of for the exploration results at
metal equivalent Ferensola Prospect.
values should be
clearly stated.
Relationship between mineralisation widths and intercept lengths - These relationships Diamond drill sample intercepts
are particularly are reported as down hole
important in the widths.
reporting of
Exploration Results.
- If the geometry of Mineralisation is considered to
the mineralisation be steeply dipping (approx. 70°
with respect to the NW) with a dominant strike
drill hole angle is NE-SW. However oxidation of
known, its nature this material is deemed to have
should be reported. affected a horizon of material
concordant with topography.
Therefore the vertical holes
currently drilled in targeting
this material are deemed
suitable to intercept the
primary target as close to 90°
as possible.
- If it is not known This is clearly stated in the
and only the down hole release.
lengths are reported,
there should be a
clear statement to
this effect (eg `down
hole length, true
width not known').
Diagrams - Appropriate maps and Diagrams are provided that show
sections (with scales) all surface samples and the
and tabulations of diamond drill hole traces in
intercepts should be plan view, plus a cross section
included for any is provided with the intercept
significant discovery locations and known geology.
being reported These
should include, but
not be limited to a
plan view of drill
hole collar locations
and appropriate
sectional views.
Balanced reporting - Where comprehensive Exploration results are
reporting of all presented in the Table 1,
Exploration Results is regardless of grade where
not practicable, mineralised material has been
representative intercepted. Grade has been
reporting of both low split by lithology based on
and high grades and/or logging undertaken by the Sula
widths should be geologists.
practiced to avoid
misleading reporting
of Exploration
Other substantive exploration data - Other exploration Discussion of the Ferensola
data, if meaningful Prospect geology is included in
and material, should the release.
be reported including
(but not limited to): In situ density measurements
geological are carried out using
observations; Archimedean principles for
geophysical survey consolidated fresh core and are
results; geochemical undertaken on a lithological
survey results; bulk basis.
samples - size and
method of treatment; To date no economic or
metallurgical test extractive measures such as
results; bulk density, bulk samples, metallurgical
groundwater, testing, bulk density,
geotechnical and rock groundwater, geotechnical or
characteristics; rock samples have been
potential deleterious undertaken.
or contaminating
Further work - The nature and scale Drill testing is identified as
of planned further future planned work. At present
work (eg tests for the infill drilling to a 200m x
lateral extensions or 50m spacing has been commenced
depth extensions or to increase confidence in the
large-scale step-out initial interpretations of
drilling). geometry and grade
distribution. In addition
1,500m of deep drilling has
been planned to develop the
fresh magnetite BIF interpreted
below the primary oxide
- Diagrams clearly Possible extensions are
highlighting the areas indicated on the plan and cross
of possible section provided in the
extensions, including release.
the main geological
interpretations and
future drilling areas,
provided this
information is not
APPENDIX B. - Ferensola Completed Drill Collars
216834 1013727 795 BHDD001 187.5
216768 1013806 797 BHDD002 302.2
216546 1013462 763 BHDD003 240.25
216478 1013533 776 BHDD004 269.65
216010 1012883 750 BHDD005 157.4
215946 1012957 765 BHDD006 245
215681 1012631 768 BHDD007 131.7
215589 1012757 808 BHDD008 293.15
216999 1013855 806 BHDD009 161.1
215928 1012978 758 BHDD101 72
215962 1012938 763 BHDD102 70.5
215598 1012733 799 BHDD103 64.5
215994 1012895 722 BHDD104 66.5
215633 1012688 769 BHDD105 67
216028 1012860 733 BHDD106 62.5
215669 1012654 782 BHDD107 63
216196 1012792 697 BHDD108 66
215696 1012626 732 BHDD109 65.5
216088 1012782 675 BHDD110 67.5
215727 1012579 737 BHDD111 61.5
215348 1012322 670 BHDD112 49.5
216210 1013192 703 BHDD113 46
215379 1012289 695 BHDD114 43.5
216499 1013512 746 BHDD115 66
216535 1013471 756 BHDD116 81
215429 1012257 683 BHDD117 48
215283 1012401 744 BHDD118 54.5
216258 1013173 683 BHDD119 56
216562 1013439 752 BHDD120 77
215306 1012369 733 BHDD121 69.2
216598 1013401 723 BHDD122 70
216291 1013148 705 BHDD123 72.5
216815 1013761 798 BHDD124 75
216626 1013369 680 BHDD125 63
216317 1013109 710 BHDD126 64.5
216846 1013724 753 BHDD127 69
217116 1013968 790 BHDD128 100
216876 1013683 731 BHDD129 70.5
217428 1014212 676 BHDD130 78
217091 1014008 776 BHDD131 129
216578 1013231 720 BHDD132 56.5
217398 1014250 637 BHDD133 63
217782 1014750 601 BHDD134 25.5
217063 1014042 738 BHDD135 127.5
217351 1014271 666 BHDD136 58.5
218088 1014586 607 BHDD137 79.5
217138 1013951 786 BHDD138 100.5
215838 1012832 779 BHDD139 71.5
218079 1014619 608 BHDD140 84
215881 1012798 769 BHDD141 73.5
217028 1014084 702 BHDD142 131
218081 1014632 601 BHDD143 67.5
218103 1014589 600 BHDD144 69
215902 1012757 732 BHDD145 60.5
217174 1014230 735 BHDD146 100.5
216109 1013104 709 BHDD147 54
215926 1012729 739 BHDD148 86.8
216133 1013067 729 BHDD151 70.5