Announcement sources

Regulatory News

Non-Regulatory News

Search pages

  • LatestThe day's latest announcements as they are released from all contributors.
  • FTSE-100Announcements from all FTSE-100 contributors for the current day.
  • FTSE-250The current day's announcements from all FTSE-250 contributors.
  • AIMAll AIM Sector announcement for the current day
  • techMarkAll techMark Sector announcements for the current day.
  • CompanyAll announcements on the database by Company in date and time order.
  • CategoryAnnouncements for the current day by Category from all contributors.
  • SectorThe day's latest announcements by Industry Sector from all contributors.
  • ArchiveArchives of announcements from all contributors by date.

Extended Search - the "Search by" feature

  • EPIC

    Will match a given Company against all announcements within the database that refer to that EPIC. All announcements have the EPIC of the issuing Company and the EPIC of any other Company to which that announcement also relates. For example, a search against the EPIC "FRE" for FreeServe will return all announcements by FreeServe or others about them. The unique EPIC is required for this search and a table of these can be found on the "Company" search page.

  • Keyword Will search the database for a given word or string of words from within the announcement text. For example, a search against the Keyword "hostile" will return all announcements with "hostile" appearing in the body, from the latest backwards.
  • Company Will compare a given Company Name or part name against the Company Descriptions within the database. For example a search against "Marks" will identify all announcements by "Marks & Spencer" but also any other Company which may have "Marks" within its name, from the latest backwards. The more precise you are with the Company Description the more accurate the result. Please use the "Company" search page if in any doubt

*All intraday prices are subject to a delay of fifteen (15) minutes.
Investegate takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information within this site.
The announcements are supplied by the denoted source. Queries about the content of an announcement should be directed to the source. Investegate reserves the right to publish a filtered set of announcements. NAV, EMM/EPT, Rule 8 and FRN Variable Rate Fix announcements are filtered from this site.

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