Lloyds Banking Group plc
2024 Half-Year Results
25 July 2024
Part 2 of 2
Condensed consolidated half-year financial statements (unaudited) |
56 |
Condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income (unaudited) |
57 |
58 |
Condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity (unaudited) |
59 |
62 |
Notes to the condensed consolidated half-year financial statements (unaudited) |
1 |
63 |
2 |
Critical accounting judgements and key sources of estimation uncertainty |
64 |
3 |
64 |
4 |
67 |
5 |
67 |
6 |
70 |
7 |
71 |
8 |
72 |
9 |
72 |
10 |
73 |
11 |
79 |
12 |
80 |
13 |
82 |
14 |
85 |
15 |
93 |
16 |
94 |
17 |
96 |
18 |
96 |
19 |
96 |
Note |
Half-year to 30 Jun 2024 £m |
Half-year to 30 Jun 2023 £m |
Half-year to 31 Dec 2023 £m |
Interest income |
15,435 |
13,048 |
15,003 |
Interest expense |
(9,389) |
(6,250) |
(8,503) |
Net interest income |
6,046 |
6,798 |
6,500 |
Fee and commission income |
1,458 |
1,426 |
1,500 |
Fee and commission expense |
(568) |
(539) |
(556) |
Net fee and commission income |
4 |
890 |
887 |
944 |
Net trading income |
10,758 |
6,161 |
11,888 |
Insurance revenue |
1,650 |
1,450 |
1,558 |
Insurance service expense |
(1,339) |
(1,238) |
(1,176) |
Net (expense) income from reinsurance contracts held |
(23) |
11 |
(9) |
Insurance service result |
5 |
288 |
223 |
373 |
Other operating income |
907 |
826 |
805 |
Other income |
12,843 |
8,097 |
14,010 |
Total income |
18,889 |
14,895 |
20,510 |
Net finance expense from insurance, participating investment and reinsurance contracts |
5 |
(6,477) |
(3,769) |
(7,915) |
Movement in third party interests in consolidated funds |
(802) |
(332) |
(777) |
Change in non-participating investment contracts |
(2,734) |
(1,488) |
(2,495) |
Net finance expense in respect of insurance and investment contracts |
(10,013) |
(5,589) |
(11,187) |
Total income, after net finance expense in respect of insurance and investment contracts |
8,876 |
9,306 |
9,323 |
Operating expenses |
6 |
(5,452) |
(4,774) |
(6,049) |
Impairment (charge) credit |
8 |
(100) |
(662) |
359 |
Profit before tax |
3,324 |
3,870 |
3,633 |
Tax expense |
9 |
(880) |
(1,006) |
(979) |
Profit for the period |
2,444 |
2,864 |
2,654 |
Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders |
2,145 |
2,572 |
2,361 |
Profit attributable to other equity holders |
269 |
255 |
272 |
Profit attributable to equity holders |
2,414 |
2,827 |
2,633 |
Profit attributable to non-controlling interests |
30 |
37 |
21 |
Profit for the period |
2,444 |
2,864 |
2,654 |
Basic earnings per share |
17 |
3.4p |
3.9p |
3.7p |
Diluted earnings per share |
17 |
3.3p |
3.8p |
3.7p |
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the condensed consolidated half-year financial statements.
Half-year to 30 Jun 2024 £m |
Half-year to 30 Jun 2023 £m |
Half-year to 31 Dec 2023 £m |
Profit for the period |
2,444 |
2,864 |
2,654 |
Other comprehensive income |
Items that will not subsequently be reclassified to profit or loss: |
Post-retirement defined benefit scheme remeasurements: |
Remeasurements before tax |
(351) |
(119) |
(1,514) |
Tax |
93 |
27 |
401 |
(258) |
(92) |
(1,113) |
Movements in revaluation reserve in respect of equity shares held at fair value through other comprehensive income: |
Change in fair value |
72 |
(48) |
(6) |
Tax |
- |
- |
(3) |
72 |
(48) |
(9) |
Gains and losses attributable to own credit risk: |
Losses before tax |
(86) |
(85) |
(149) |
Tax |
24 |
24 |
42 |
(62) |
(61) |
(107) |
Items that may subsequently be reclassified to profit or loss: |
Movements in revaluation reserve in respect of debt securities held at fair value through other comprehensive income: |
Change in fair value |
105 |
157 |
(197) |
Income statement transfers in respect of disposals |
(4) |
(107) |
(15) |
Income statement transfers in respect of impairment |
(2) |
(2) |
- |
Tax |
(27) |
(13) |
60 |
72 |
35 |
(152) |
Movements in cash flow hedging reserve: |
Effective portion of changes in fair value taken to other comprehensive income |
(1,601) |
(1,644) |
2,189 |
Net income statement transfers |
1,238 |
756 |
1,082 |
Tax |
101 |
244 |
(917) |
(262) |
(644) |
2,354 |
Movements in foreign currency translation reserve: |
Currency translation differences (tax: £nil) |
(39) |
(66) |
13 |
Transfers to income statement (tax: £nil) |
- |
- |
- |
(39) |
(66) |
13 |
Total other comprehensive (loss) income for the period, net of tax |
(477) |
(876) |
986 |
Total comprehensive income for the period |
1,967 |
1,988 |
3,640 |
Total comprehensive income attributable to ordinary shareholders |
1,668 |
1,696 |
3,347 |
Total comprehensive income attributable to other equity holders |
269 |
255 |
272 |
Total comprehensive income attributable to equity holders |
1,937 |
1,951 |
3,619 |
Total comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling interests |
30 |
37 |
21 |
Total comprehensive income for the period |
1,967 |
1,988 |
3,640 |
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the condensed consolidated half-year financial statements.
Note |
At 30 Jun 2024 £m |
At 31 Dec 2023 £m |
Assets |
Cash and balances at central banks |
66,808 |
78,110 |
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss |
10 |
209,139 |
203,318 |
Derivative financial instruments |
11 |
18,983 |
22,356 |
Loans and advances to banks |
8,454 |
10,764 |
Loans and advances to customers |
12 |
452,408 |
449,745 |
Reverse repurchase agreements |
49,404 |
38,771 |
Debt securities |
15,432 |
15,355 |
Financial assets at amortised cost |
525,698 |
514,635 |
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income |
10 |
27,847 |
27,592 |
Goodwill and other intangible assets |
8,315 |
8,306 |
Current tax recoverable |
1,152 |
1,183 |
Deferred tax assets |
4,995 |
5,185 |
Retirement benefit assets |
7 |
3,379 |
3,624 |
Other assets |
26,611 |
17,144 |
Total assets |
892,927 |
881,453 |
Liabilities |
Deposits from banks |
5,584 |
6,153 |
Customer deposits |
474,693 |
471,396 |
Repurchase agreements at amortised cost |
37,914 |
37,703 |
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss |
10 |
27,056 |
24,914 |
Derivative financial instruments |
11 |
16,647 |
20,149 |
Notes in circulation |
1,766 |
1,392 |
Debt securities in issue at amortised cost |
15 |
74,760 |
75,592 |
Liabilities arising from insurance and participating investment contracts |
5 |
125,007 |
120,123 |
Liabilities arising from non-participating investment contracts |
48,280 |
44,978 |
Other liabilities |
23,544 |
19,026 |
Retirement benefit obligations |
7 |
130 |
136 |
Current tax liabilities |
47 |
39 |
Deferred tax liabilities |
146 |
157 |
Provisions |
16 |
1,788 |
2,077 |
Subordinated liabilities |
10,448 |
10,253 |
Total liabilities |
847,810 |
834,088 |
Equity |
Share capital |
6,252 |
6,358 |
Share premium account |
18,671 |
18,568 |
Other reserves |
8,525 |
8,508 |
Retained profits |
5,511 |
6,790 |
Ordinary shareholders' equity |
38,959 |
40,224 |
Other equity instruments |
5,932 |
6,940 |
Total equity excluding non-controlling interests |
44,891 |
47,164 |
Non-controlling interests |
226 |
201 |
Total equity |
45,117 |
47,365 |
Total equity and liabilities |
892,927 |
881,453 |
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the condensed consolidated half-year financial statements.
Attributable to ordinary shareholders |
Share capital and premium £m |
Other reserves £m |
Retained profits £m |
Total £m |
Other equity instruments £m |
Non- controlling interests £m |
Total £m |
At 1 January 2024 |
24,926 |
8,508 |
6,790 |
40,224 |
6,940 |
201 |
47,365 |
Comprehensive income |
Profit for the period |
- |
- |
2,145 |
2,145 |
269 |
30 |
2,444 |
Other comprehensive income |
Post-retirement defined benefit scheme remeasurements, net of tax |
- |
- |
(258) |
(258) |
- |
- |
(258) |
Movements in revaluation reserve in respect of financial assets held at fair value through other comprehensive income, net of tax: |
Debt securities |
- |
72 |
- |
72 |
- |
- |
72 |
Equity shares |
- |
72 |
- |
72 |
- |
- |
72 |
Gains and losses attributable to own credit risk, net of tax |
- |
- |
(62) |
(62) |
- |
- |
(62) |
Movements in cash flow hedging reserve, net of tax |
- |
(262) |
- |
(262) |
- |
- |
(262) |
Movements in foreign currency translation reserve, net of tax |
- |
(39) |
- |
(39) |
- |
- |
(39) |
Total other comprehensive loss |
- |
(157) |
(320) |
(477) |
- |
- |
(477) |
Total comprehensive (loss) income1 |
- |
(157) |
1,825 |
1,668 |
269 |
30 |
1,967 |
Transactions with owners |
Dividends |
- |
- |
(1,169) |
(1,169) |
- |
(3) |
(1,172) |
Distributions on other equity instruments |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(269) |
- |
(269) |
Issue of ordinary shares |
171 |
- |
- |
171 |
- |
- |
171 |
Share buyback2 |
(174) |
174 |
(1,553) |
(1,553) |
- |
- |
(1,553) |
Issue of other equity instruments |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Repurchases and redemptions of other equity instruments |
- |
- |
(316) |
(316) |
(1,008) |
- |
(1,324) |
Movement in treasury shares |
- |
- |
(136) |
(136) |
- |
- |
(136) |
Value of employee services: |
Share option schemes |
- |
- |
24 |
24 |
- |
- |
24 |
Other employee award schemes |
- |
- |
46 |
46 |
- |
- |
46 |
Changes in non-controlling interests |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(2) |
(2) |
Total transactions with owners |
(3) |
174 |
(3,104) |
(2,933) |
(1,277) |
(5) |
(4,215) |
Realised gains and losses on equity shares held at fair value through other comprehensive income |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
At 30 June 20243 |
24,923 |
8,525 |
5,511 |
38,959 |
5,932 |
226 |
45,117 |
1 Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent was £1,937 million.
2 Contains a closed period accrual of £630 million.
3 Total equity attributable to owners of the parent was £44,891 million.
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the condensed consolidated half-year financial statements.
Attributable to ordinary shareholders |
Share capital and premium £m |
Other reserves £m |
Retained profits £m |
Total £m |
Other equity instruments £m |
Non- controlling interests £m |
Total £m |
At 1 January 2023 |
25,233 |
6,587 |
6,550 |
38,370 |
5,297 |
244 |
43,911 |
Comprehensive income |
Profit for the period |
- |
- |
2,572 |
2,572 |
255 |
37 |
2,864 |
Other comprehensive income |
Post-retirement defined benefit scheme remeasurements, net of tax |
- |
- |
(92) |
(92) |
- |
- |
(92) |
Movements in revaluation reserve in respect of financial assets held at fair value through other comprehensive income, net of tax: |
Debt securities |
- |
35 |
- |
35 |
- |
- |
35 |
Equity shares |
- |
(48) |
- |
(48) |
- |
- |
(48) |
Gains and losses attributable to own credit risk, net of tax |
- |
- |
(61) |
(61) |
- |
- |
(61) |
Movements in cash flow hedging reserve, net of tax |
- |
(644) |
- |
(644) |
- |
- |
(644) |
Movements in foreign currency translation reserve, net of tax |
- |
(66) |
- |
(66) |
- |
- |
(66) |
Total other comprehensive loss |
- |
(723) |
(153) |
(876) |
- |
- |
(876) |
Total comprehensive (loss) income1 |
- |
(723) |
2,419 |
1,696 |
255 |
37 |
1,988 |
Transactions with owners |
Dividends |
- |
- |
(1,059) |
(1,059) |
- |
(30) |
(1,089) |
Distributions on other equity instruments |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(255) |
- |
(255) |
Issue of ordinary shares |
115 |
- |
- |
115 |
- |
- |
115 |
Share buyback2 |
(327) |
327 |
(2,020) |
(2,020) |
- |
- |
(2,020) |
Issue of other equity instruments |
- |
- |
(6) |
(6) |
1,778 |
- |
1,772 |
Repurchases and redemptions of other equity instruments |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(135) |
- |
(135) |
Movement in treasury shares |
- |
- |
101 |
101 |
- |
- |
101 |
Value of employee services: |
Share option schemes |
- |
- |
23 |
23 |
- |
- |
23 |
Other employee award schemes |
- |
- |
71 |
71 |
- |
- |
71 |
Changes in non-controlling interests |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Total transactions with owners |
(212) |
327 |
(2,890) |
(2,775) |
1,388 |
(30) |
(1,417) |
Realised gains and losses on equity shares held at fair value through other comprehensive income |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
At 30 June 20233 |
25,021 |
6,191 |
6,079 |
37,291 |
6,940 |
251 |
44,482 |
1 Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent was £1,951 million.
2 Contains a closed period accrual of £419 million.
3 Total equity attributable to owners of the parent was £44,231 million.
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the condensed consolidated half-year financial statements.
Attributable to ordinary shareholders |
Share capital and premium £m |
Other reserves £m |
Retained profits £m |
Total £m |
Other equity instruments £m |
Non- controlling interests £m |
Total £m |
At 1 July 2023 |
25,021 |
6,191 |
6,079 |
37,291 |
6,940 |
251 |
44,482 |
Comprehensive income |
Profit for the period |
- |
- |
2,361 |
2,361 |
272 |
21 |
2,654 |
Other comprehensive income |
Post-retirement defined benefit scheme remeasurements, net of tax |
- |
- |
(1,113) |
(1,113) |
- |
- |
(1,113) |
Movements in revaluation reserve in respect of financial assets held at fair value through other comprehensive income, net of tax: |
Debt securities |
- |
(152) |
- |
(152) |
- |
- |
(152) |
Equity shares |
- |
(9) |
- |
(9) |
- |
- |
(9) |
Gains and losses attributable to own credit risk, net of tax |
- |
- |
(107) |
(107) |
- |
- |
(107) |
Movements in cash flow hedging reserve, net of tax |
- |
2,354 |
- |
2,354 |
- |
- |
2,354 |
Movements in foreign currency translation reserve, net of tax |
- |
13 |
- |
13 |
- |
- |
13 |
Total other comprehensive income (loss) |
- |
2,206 |
(1,220) |
986 |
- |
- |
986 |
Total comprehensive income1 |
- |
2,206 |
1,141 |
3,347 |
272 |
21 |
3,640 |
Transactions with owners |
Dividends |
- |
- |
(592) |
(592) |
- |
(71) |
(663) |
Distributions on other equity instruments |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(272) |
- |
(272) |
Issue of ordinary shares |
16 |
- |
- |
16 |
- |
- |
16 |
Share buyback |
(111) |
111 |
27 |
27 |
- |
- |
27 |
Issue of other equity instruments |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Repurchases and redemptions of other equity instruments |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Movement in treasury shares |
- |
- |
2 |
2 |
- |
- |
2 |
Value of employee services: |
Share option schemes |
- |
- |
35 |
35 |
- |
- |
35 |
Other employee award schemes |
- |
- |
98 |
98 |
- |
- |
98 |
Changes in non-controlling interests |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Total transactions with owners |
(95) |
111 |
(430) |
(414) |
(272) |
(71) |
(757) |
Realised gains and losses on equity shares held at fair value through other comprehensive income |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
At 31 December 20232 |
24,926 |
8,508 |
6,790 |
40,224 |
6,940 |
201 |
47,365 |
1 Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent was £3,619 million.
2 Total equity attributable to owners of the parent was £47,164 million.
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the condensed consolidated half-year financial statements.
Half-year to 30 Jun 2024 £m |
Half-year to 30 Jun 2023 £m |
Half-year to 31 Dec 2023 £m |
Cash flows from operating activities |
Profit before tax |
3,324 |
3,870 |
3,633 |
Adjustments for: |
Change in operating assets |
(21,509) |
(589) |
(8,521) |
Change in operating liabilities |
14,032 |
10,162 |
(5,930) |
Non-cash and other items |
1,671 |
2,222 |
3,400 |
Net tax paid |
(398) |
(861) |
(576) |
Net cash (used in) provided by operating activities |
(2,880) |
14,804 |
(7,994) |
Cash flows from investing activities |
Purchase of financial assets |
(5,809) |
(3,850) |
(6,461) |
Proceeds from sale and maturity of financial assets |
5,269 |
3,657 |
1,641 |
Purchase of fixed assets |
(2,884) |
(3,378) |
(2,077) |
Proceeds from sale of fixed assets |
642 |
534 |
493 |
Repayment of capital by joint ventures and associates |
- |
9 |
(9) |
Acquisition of businesses, net of cash acquired |
(63) |
(28) |
(352) |
Net cash used in investing activities |
(2,845) |
(3,056) |
(6,765) |
Cash flows from financing activities |
Dividends paid to ordinary shareholders |
(1,169) |
(1,059) |
(592) |
Distributions in respect of other equity instruments |
(269) |
(255) |
(272) |
Distributions in respect of non-controlling interests |
(3) |
(30) |
(71) |
Interest paid on subordinated liabilities |
(350) |
(344) |
(279) |
Proceeds from issue of subordinated liabilities |
427 |
746 |
671 |
Proceeds from issue of other equity instruments |
- |
1,772 |
- |
Proceeds from issue of ordinary shares |
170 |
70 |
16 |
Share buyback |
(923) |
(1,523) |
(470) |
Repayment of subordinated liabilities |
- |
(1,162) |
(583) |
Repurchases and redemptions of other equity instruments |
(1,324) |
(135) |
- |
Change in stake of non-controlling interests |
(2) |
- |
- |
Net cash used in financing activities |
(3,443) |
(1,920) |
(1,580) |
Effects of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents |
(17) |
(493) |
13 |
Change in cash and cash equivalents |
(9,185) |
9,335 |
(16,326) |
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period |
88,838 |
95,829 |
105,164 |
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period |
79,653 |
105,164 |
88,838 |
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the condensed consolidated half-year financial statements.
Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash and non-mandatory balances with central banks and amounts due from banks with an original maturity of less than three months. Included within cash and cash equivalents at 30 June 2024 is £35 million (30 June 2023: £45 million; 31 December 2023: £31 million) held within the Group's long-term insurance and investments operations, which is not immediately available for use in the business.
Note 1: Basis of preparation and accounting policies
These condensed consolidated half-year financial statements as at and for the period to 30 June 2024 have been prepared in accordance with the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and with International Accounting Standard 34 (IAS 34), Interim Financial Reporting as adopted by the United Kingdom and comprise the results of Lloyds Banking Group plc (the Company) together with its subsidiaries (the Group). They do not include all of the information required for full annual financial statements and should be read in conjunction with the Group's consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2023 which complied with international accounting standards in conformity with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006 and were prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). Copies of the 2023 annual report and accounts are available on the Group's website and are also available upon request from Investor Relations, Lloyds Banking Group plc, 25 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7HN.
The UK Finance Code for Financial Reporting Disclosure (the Disclosure Code) sets out disclosure principles together with supporting guidance in respect of the financial statements of UK banks. The Group has adopted the Disclosure Code and these condensed consolidated half-year financial statements have been prepared in compliance with the Disclosure Code's principles. Terminology used in these condensed consolidated half-year financial statements is consistent with that used in the Group's 2023 annual report and accounts.
The directors consider that it is appropriate to continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing these condensed consolidated half-year financial statements. In reaching this assessment, the directors have taken into account the uncertainties affecting the UK economy and their potential effects upon the Group's performance and projected funding and capital position; the impact of further stress scenarios has also been considered. On this basis, the directors are satisfied that the Group will maintain adequate levels of funding and capital for the foreseeable future.
The Group's accounting policies are consistent with those applied by the Group in its financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2023 and there have been no changes in the Group's methods of computation.
The IASB has issued a number of minor amendments to IFRSs that are relevant to the Group effective 1 January 2024, including IFRS 16 Lease Liability in a Sale and Leaseback, IAS 1 Non-current Liabilities with Covenants, and IAS 1 Classification of Liabilities as Current or Non-current. These amendments have not had a significant impact on the Group.
Future accounting developments
The IASB has issued Amendments to the Classification and Measurement of Financial Instruments (IFRS 9 and IFRS 7) which is effective 1 January 2026 and IFRS 19 Subsidiaries without Public Accountability: Disclosures which is effective 1 January 2027. Neither the amendments nor IFRS 19 are expected to have a significant impact on the Group. The IASB has also issued IFRS 18 Primary Financial Statements which is effective 1 January 2027. The standard includes no measurement changes, and the Group is currently assessing the impact of this standard on its income statement presentation.
Related party transactions
The Group has had no significant related party transactions during the half-year to 30 June 2024. Related party transactions for the half-year to 30 June 2024 are similar in nature to those for the year ended 31 December 2023. Full details of the Group's related party transactions for the year ended 31 December 2023 can be found in the Group's 2023 annual report and accounts.
The financial information contained in this document does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of section 434 of the Companies Act 2006 (the Act). The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2023 were approved by the directors on 21 February 2024 and were delivered to the Registrar of Companies on 30 March 2024. The auditors' report on those accounts was unqualified and did not include a statement under sections 498(2) (accounting records or returns inadequate or accounts not agreeing with records and returns) or 498(3) (failure to obtain necessary information and explanations) of the Act.
Note 2: Critical accounting judgements and key sources of estimation uncertainty
The preparation of the Group's financial statements in accordance with IFRS requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions in applying the accounting policies that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, income and expenses. Due to the inherent uncertainty in making estimates, actual results reported in future periods may be based upon amounts which differ from these estimates. Estimates, judgements and assumptions are continually evaluated and are based on historical experience and other factors, including expectations of future events that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances. In preparing the financial statements, the Group has considered the impact of climate-related risks on its financial position and performance. While the effects of climate change represent a source of uncertainty, the Group does not consider there to be a material impact on its judgements and estimates from the physical, transition and other climate-related risks in the short-term.
The Group's significant judgements, estimates and assumptions are unchanged compared to those disclosed in note 3 of the Group's 2023 financial statements. Further information on the critical accounting judgements and key sources of estimation uncertainty for the allowance for expected credit losses is set out in note 14.
Note 3: Segmental analysis
Lloyds Banking Group provides a wide range of banking and financial services in the UK and in certain locations overseas. The Group Executive Committee (GEC) remains the "chief operating decision maker" (as defined by IFRS 8 Operating Segments) for the Group.
The segmental results and comparatives are presented on an underlying basis, the basis reviewed by the chief operating decision maker. The underlying basis is derived from the recognition and measurement principles of IFRS with the effects of the following excluded in arriving at underlying profit before tax:
• Restructuring costs relating to merger, acquisition and integration activities
• Volatility and other items, which includes the effects of certain asset sales, the volatility relating to the Group's hedging arrangements and that arising in the insurance businesses, the unwind of acquisition-related fair value adjustments and the amortisation of purchased intangible assets
• Losses from insurance and participating investment contract modifications relating to the enhancement to the Group's longstanding and workplace pension business through the addition of a drawdown feature
For the purposes of the underlying income statement, operating lease depreciation (net of gains on disposal of operating lease assets) is shown as an adjustment to total underlying income.
There has been no change to the descriptions of these segments as provided in note 4 to the Group's financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2023.
Note 3: Segmental analysis (continued)
The table below analyses the Group's income and profit by segment on an underlying basis and provides a reconciliation through to certain lines in the Group's statutory income statement. Total income, after net finance income in respect of insurance and investment contracts is also analysed between external and inter-segment income. The Group's full segmental income statement on an underlying basis is shown on page 16.
Half-year to 30 June 2024 |
Net interest income £m |
Other income, after net finance expense1 £m |
Total income, after net finance expense1,2 £m |
Profit before tax £m |
External income £m |
Inter- segment income (expense) £m |
Underlying basis |
Retail |
4,430 |
1,148 |
5,578 |
1,875 |
6,566 |
(988) |
Commercial Banking |
1,696 |
947 |
2,643 |
1,329 |
2,088 |
555 |
Insurance, Pensions and Investments |
(74) |
649 |
575 |
119 |
649 |
(74) |
Other |
286 |
(10) |
276 |
174 |
(231) |
507 |
Group |
6,338 |
2,734 |
9,072 |
3,497 |
9,072 |
- |
Reconciling items: |
Insurance grossing adjustment |
8 |
(112) |
(104) |
- |
Market volatility and asset sales |
(273) |
208 |
(65) |
(65) |
Amortisation of purchased intangibles |
- |
- |
- |
(41) |
Restructuring costs3 |
- |
- |
- |
(15) |
Fair value unwind and other items |
(27) |
- |
(27) |
(52) |
Group - statutory |
6,046 |
2,830 |
8,876 |
3,324 |
Half-year to 30 June 2023 |
Net interest income £m |
Other income, after net finance expense1 £m |
Total income, after net finance expense1,2 £m |
Profit before tax £m |
External income £m |
Inter- segment income (expense) £m |
Underlying basis |
Retail |
5,064 |
1,006 |
6,070 |
2,505 |
6,429 |
(359) |
Commercial Banking |
1,934 |
856 |
2,790 |
1,417 |
2,296 |
494 |
Insurance, Pensions and Investments |
(70) |
619 |
549 |
91 |
621 |
(72) |
Other |
76 |
57 |
133 |
28 |
196 |
(63) |
Group |
7,004 |
2,538 |
9,542 |
4,041 |
9,542 |
- |
Reconciling items: |
Insurance grossing adjustment |
7 |
(139) |
(132) |
- |
Market volatility and asset sales |
(183) |
117 |
(66) |
(63) |
Amortisation of purchased intangibles |
- |
- |
- |
(35) |
Restructuring costs3 |
- |
- |
- |
(25) |
Fair value unwind and other items |
(30) |
(8) |
(38) |
(48) |
Group - statutory |
6,798 |
2,508 |
9,306 |
3,870 |
1 Other income and total income, after net finance expense in respect of insurance and investment contracts.
2 Total income, after net finance expense does not include operating lease depreciation which, on a statutory basis, is included within operating costs.
3 Restructuring costs related to merger, acquisition and integration costs.
Note 3: Segmental analysis (continued)
Half-year to 31 December 2023 |
Net interest income £m |
Other income, after net finance expense1 £m |
Total income, after net finance expense1,2 £m |
Profit before tax £m |
External income £m |
Inter- segment income (expense) £m |
Underlying basis |
Retail |
4,583 |
1,153 |
5,736 |
1,538 |
6,374 |
(638) |
Commercial Banking |
1,865 |
835 |
2,700 |
1,802 |
2,274 |
426 |
Insurance, Pensions and Investments |
(62) |
590 |
528 |
99 |
600 |
(72) |
Other |
375 |
7 |
382 |
329 |
98 |
284 |
Group |
6,761 |
2,585 |
9,346 |
3,768 |
9,346 |
- |
Reconciling items: |
Insurance grossing adjustment |
5 |
(100) |
(95) |
- |
Market volatility and asset sales |
(240) |
334 |
94 |
98 |
Amortisation of purchased intangibles |
- |
- |
- |
(45) |
Restructuring costs3 |
- |
- |
- |
(129) |
Fair value unwind and other items |
(26) |
4 |
(22) |
(59) |
Group - statutory |
6,500 |
2,823 |
9,323 |
3,633 |
1 Other income and total income, after net finance expense in respect of insurance and investment contracts.
2 Total income, after net finance expense does not include operating lease depreciation which, on a statutory basis, is included within operating costs.
3 Restructuring costs related to merger, acquisition and integration costs.
Segment loans and advances to customers |
Segment external assets |
At 30 Jun 2024 £m |
At 31 Dec 2023 £m |
At 30 Jun 2024 £m |
At 31 Dec 2023 £m |
Retail |
365,055 |
361,181 |
380,919 |
376,789 |
Commercial Banking |
88,069 |
88,606 |
148,736 |
150,834 |
Insurance, Pensions and Investments |
- |
- |
191,796 |
184,267 |
Other |
(716) |
(42) |
171,476 |
169,563 |
Total Group |
452,408 |
449,745 |
892,927 |
881,453 |
Segment customer deposits |
Segment external liabilities |
At 30 Jun 2024 £m |
At 31 Dec 2023 £m |
At 30 Jun 2024 £m |
At 31 Dec 2023 £m |
Retail |
313,339 |
308,441 |
319,066 |
313,244 |
Commercial Banking |
161,159 |
162,752 |
202,358 |
204,815 |
Insurance, Pensions and Investments |
- |
- |
187,673 |
179,962 |
Other |
195 |
203 |
138,713 |
136,067 |
Total Group |
474,693 |
471,396 |
847,810 |
834,088 |
Note 4: Net fee and commission income
Half-year to 30 Jun 2024 £m |
Half-year to 30 Jun 2023 £m |
Half-year to 31 Dec 2023 £m |
Fee and commission income: |
Current accounts |
314 |
310 |
314 |
Credit and debit card fees |
631 |
617 |
647 |
Commercial banking and treasury fees |
188 |
166 |
168 |
Unit trust and insurance broking |
32 |
34 |
35 |
Factoring |
35 |
39 |
36 |
Other fees and commissions |
258 |
260 |
300 |
Total fee and commission income |
1,458 |
1,426 |
1,500 |
Fee and commission expense |
(568) |
(539) |
(556) |
Net fee and commission income |
890 |
887 |
944 |
Current account and credit and debit card fees principally arise in Retail; commercial banking, treasury and factoring fees arise in Commercial Banking; and unit trust and insurance broking fees arise in Insurance, Pensions and Investments.
Note 5: Insurance business
Half-year to 30 Jun 2024 £m |
Half-year to 30 Jun 2023 £m |
Half-year to 31 Dec 2023 £m |
Life |
Amounts relating to the changes in liabilities for remaining coverage: |
Contractual service margin recognised for services provided |
216 |
160 |
169 |
Change in risk adjustments for non-financial risk for risk expired |
27 |
30 |
54 |
Expected incurred claims and other insurance services expenses |
977 |
955 |
952 |
Charges to funds in respect of policyholder tax and other |
68 |
20 |
67 |
1,288 |
1,165 |
1,242 |
Recovery of insurance acquisition cash flows |
56 |
40 |
47 |
Total life |
1,344 |
1,205 |
1,289 |
Non-life |
Total non-life |
306 |
245 |
269 |
Total insurance revenue |
1,650 |
1,450 |
1,558 |
Life |
Incurred claims and other directly attributable expenses |
(961) |
(966) |
(931) |
Changes that relate to past service: adjustment to liabilities for incurred claims |
3 |
(1) |
1 |
Changes that relate to future service: losses and reversal of losses on onerous contracts |
(46) |
(26) |
84 |
Amortisation of insurance acquisition cash flows |
(56) |
(40) |
(48) |
Net impairment loss on insurance acquisition assets |
(8) |
- |
(7) |
Total life |
(1,068) |
(1,033) |
(901) |
Non-life |
Total non-life |
(271) |
(205) |
(275) |
Total insurance service expense |
(1,339) |
(1,238) |
(1,176) |
Net (expense) income from reinsurance contracts held |
(23) |
11 |
(9) |
Insurance service result |
288 |
223 |
373 |
Note 5: Insurance business (continued)
Half-year to 30 June 2024 |
Life £m |
Non-life £m |
Total £m |
Net investment return on assets held to back insurance and participating investment contracts (memorandum item)1 |
6,482 |
20 |
6,502 |
Net finance expense from insurance and participating investment contracts |
(6,555) |
(3) |
(6,558) |
Net finance income from reinsurance contracts held |
81 |
- |
81 |
Net finance expense from insurance, participating investment and reinsurance contracts |
(6,474) |
(3) |
(6,477) |
Half-year to 30 June 2023 |
Life £m |
Non-life £m |
Total £m |
Net investment return on assets held to back insurance and participating investment contracts (memorandum item)1 |
3,542 |
28 |
3,570 |
Net finance expense from insurance and participating investment contracts |
(3,732) |
(39) |
(3,771) |
Net finance income from reinsurance contracts held |
2 |
- |
2 |
Net finance expense from insurance, participating investment and reinsurance contracts |
(3,730) |
(39) |
(3,769) |
Half-year to 31 December 2023 |
Life £m |
Non-life £m |
Total £m |
Net investment return on assets held to back insurance and participating investment contracts (memorandum item)1 |
8,214 |
7 |
8,221 |
Net finance (expense) income from insurance and participating investment contracts |
(7,997) |
33 |
(7,964) |
Net finance income from reinsurance contracts held |
49 |
- |
49 |
Net finance (expense) income from insurance, participating investment and reinsurance contracts |
(7,948) |
33 |
(7,915) |
1 Net investment return on assets held to back insurance contracts and participating investment contracts is reported within net trading income on the face of the Group's income statement; includes income of £6,951 million (half-year to 30 June 2023: £3,781 million; half-year to 31 December 2023: £6,419 million) in respect of unit-linked and with-profit contracts measured applying the variable fee approach. The assets generating the investment return held to back insurance contracts and participating investment contracts are carried at fair value on the Group's balance sheet.
Note 5: Insurance business (continued)
At 30 June 2024 |
Present value of future cash flows £m |
Risk adjustment1 £m |
Contractual service margin2 £m |
Other £m |
Total £m |
Insurance contract assets |
2 |
1 |
(2) |
- |
1 |
Liabilities arising from insurance contracts and participating investment contracts3,4 |
(119,421) |
(1,139) |
(4,467) |
- |
(125,027) |
Insurance acquisition assets |
- |
- |
- |
20 |
20 |
Net liabilities |
(119,419) |
(1,138) |
(4,469) |
20 |
(125,006) |
At 31 December 2023 |
Insurance contract assets |
- |
1 |
- |
- |
1 |
Liabilities arising from insurance contracts and participating investment contracts3,4 |
(114,555) |
(1,178) |
(4,415) |
- |
(120,148) |
Insurance acquisition assets |
- |
- |
- |
24 |
24 |
Net liabilities |
(114,555) |
(1,177) |
(4,415) |
24 |
(120,123) |
1 The movement in the risk adjustment during the half-year to 30 June 2024 included £34 million, net of reinsurance, arising on the initial recognition of contracts issued in the period (half-year to 30 June 2023: £42 million; half-year to 31 December 2023: £44 million).
2 The movement in the contractual service margin during the half-year to 30 June 2024 included £27 million, net of reinsurance, arising on the initial recognition of contracts issued in the period (half-year to 30 June 2023: £56 million; half-year to 31 December 2023: £31 million).
3 Liabilities arising from insurance and participating investment contracts substantially all relates to liability for remaining coverage.
4 Excluding insurance acquisition assets.
On 13 March 2024, the Group entered into a business transfer agreement with Rothesay Life plc for the sale of the Group's bulk annuity business and to pursue the transfer of associated business assets and assumed liabilities under Part VII of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. A reinsurance agreement between the Group and Rothesay Life plc was signed on 30 April 2024 to materially de-risk the Group's bulk annuity portfolio. The Part VII process is subject to approval by the High Court, through a process in which regulators and policyholders are given the opportunity to object. The Group currently expects the Part VII to take place in the second half of 2025.
Upon entering into the reinsurance agreement, the Group derecognised £5.3 billion of financial assets which represents the reinsurance premium paid and at 30 April 2024 recognised a reinsurance contract asset of £5.3 billion, of which £0.3 billion contractual service margin was recognised. The reinsurance contract asset is presented on the Group's balance sheet within other assets.
Note 6: Operating expenses
Half-year to 30 Jun 2024 £m |
Half-year to 30 Jun 2023 £m |
Half-year to 31 Dec 2023 £m |
Staff costs: |
Salaries and social security costs |
1,914 |
1,695 |
1,956 |
Pensions and other post-retirement benefit schemes (note 7) |
276 |
153 |
202 |
Restructuring and other staff costs |
214 |
185 |
302 |
2,404 |
2,033 |
2,460 |
Premises and equipment costs1 |
196 |
179 |
270 |
Depreciation and amortisation |
1,705 |
1,333 |
1,572 |
UK bank levy |
- |
- |
150 |
Regulatory and legal provisions (note 16) |
95 |
70 |
605 |
Other |
1,365 |
1,448 |
1,272 |
Operating expenses before adjustment for: |
5,765 |
5,063 |
6,329 |
Amounts attributable to the acquisition of insurance and participating investment contracts |
(88) |
(82) |
(101) |
Amounts reported within insurance service expenses |
(225) |
(207) |
(179) |
Total operating expenses |
5,452 |
4,774 |
6,049 |
1 Net of profits on disposal of operating lease assets of £37 million (half-year to 30 June 2023: £67 million; half-year to 31 December 2023: £26 million).
Note 7: Retirement benefit obligations
The Group's post-retirement defined benefit scheme obligations are comprised as follows:
At 30 Jun 2024 £m |
At 31 Dec 2023 £m |
Defined benefit pension schemes: |
Present value of funded obligations |
(28,633) |
(30,201) |
Fair value of scheme assets |
31,924 |
33,733 |
Net pension scheme asset |
3,291 |
3,532 |
Other post-retirement schemes |
(42) |
(44) |
Total amounts recognised in the balance sheet |
3,249 |
3,488 |
Recognised on the balance sheet as: |
Retirement benefit assets |
3,379 |
3,624 |
Retirement benefit obligations |
(130) |
(136) |
Total amounts recognised in the balance sheet |
3,249 |
3,488 |
Movements in the Group's net post-retirement defined benefit scheme asset during the period were as follows:
£m |
Asset at 1 January 2024 |
3,488 |
Income statement credit |
21 |
Employer contributions |
91 |
Remeasurement |
(351) |
Asset at 30 June 2024 |
3,249 |
The charge to the income statement in respect of pensions and other post-retirement benefit schemes is comprised as follows:
Half-year to 30 Jun 2024 £m |
Half-year to 30 Jun 2023 £m |
Half-year to 31 Dec 2023 £m |
Defined benefit schemes |
(21) |
(37) |
(42) |
Defined contribution schemes |
297 |
190 |
244 |
Total charge to the income statement |
276 |
153 |
202 |
The principal assumptions used in the valuations of the defined benefit pension schemes were as follows:
At 30 Jun 2024 % |
At 31 Dec 2023 % |
Discount rate |
5.18 |
4.70 |
Rate of inflation: |
Retail Price Index (RPI) |
3.08 |
2.96 |
Consumer Price Index (CPI) |
2.67 |
2.47 |
Rate of salary increases |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Weighted-average rate of increase for pensions in payment |
2.90 |
2.73 |
Note 8: Impairment
Half-year to 30 Jun 2024 £m |
Half-year to 30 Jun 2023 £m |
Half-year to 31 Dec 2023 £m |
Loans and advances to banks |
(5) |
(3) |
(4) |
Loans and advances to customers |
161 |
667 |
(346) |
Debt securities |
(3) |
2 |
(1) |
Financial assets held at amortised cost |
153 |
666 |
(351) |
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income |
(2) |
(3) |
1 |
Other assets |
(8) |
(2) |
(8) |
Loan commitments and financial guarantees |
(43) |
1 |
(1) |
Total impairment charge (credit) |
100 |
662 |
(359) |
There was a £10 million charge in respect of residual value impairment and voluntary terminations within the Group's UK Motor Finance business in the current period (half-year to 30 June 2023: £27 million; half-year to 31 December 2023: £46 million).
Note 9: Tax
In accordance with IAS 34, the Group's income tax expense for the half-year to 30 June 2024 is based on the best estimate of the weighted-average annual income tax rate expected for the full financial year. The tax effects of one-off items are not included in the weighted-average annual income tax rate, but are recognised in the relevant period.
An explanation of the relationship between tax expense and accounting profit is set out below:
Half-year to 30 Jun 2024 £m |
Half-year to 30 Jun 2023 £m |
Half-year to 31 Dec 2023 £m |
Profit before tax |
3,324 |
3,870 |
3,633 |
UK corporation tax thereon at 25.0 per cent (2023: 23.5 per cent) |
(831) |
(909) |
(854) |
Impact of surcharge on banking profits |
(83) |
(141) |
(164) |
Non-deductible costs: conduct charges |
4 |
(2) |
(27) |
Non-deductible costs: bank levy |
- |
- |
(35) |
Other non-deductible costs |
(39) |
(80) |
(26) |
Non-taxable income |
27 |
27 |
53 |
Tax relief on coupons on other equity instruments |
67 |
60 |
64 |
Tax-exempt gains on disposals |
33 |
27 |
8 |
Tax losses where no deferred tax recognised |
(2) |
- |
(2) |
Remeasurement of deferred tax due to rate changes |
3 |
(8) |
(6) |
Differences in overseas tax rates |
- |
5 |
1 |
Policyholder tax |
(46) |
(37) |
(24) |
Deferred tax asset in respect of life assurance expenses |
- |
64 |
20 |
Adjustments in respect of prior years |
(12) |
(11) |
11 |
Tax effect of share of results of joint ventures |
(1) |
(1) |
2 |
Tax expense |
(880) |
(1,006) |
(979) |
Note 10: Fair values of financial assets and liabilities
The valuations of financial instruments have been classified into three levels according to the quality and reliability of information used to determine those fair values. Note 21 to the Group's financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2023 details the definitions of the three levels in the fair value hierarchy.
Financial instruments classified as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, derivative financial instruments, financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income and financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss are recognised at fair value.
The Group manages valuation adjustments for its derivative exposures on a net basis; the Group determines their fair values on the basis of their net exposures. In all other cases, fair values of financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value are determined on the basis of their gross exposures.
The following tables provide an analysis of the financial assets and liabilities of the Group that are carried at fair value in the Group's consolidated balance sheet, grouped into levels 1 to 3 based on the degree to which the fair value is observable. There were no significant transfers between level 1 and level 2 during the period.
Financial assets |
Level 1 £m |
Level 2 £m |
Level 3 £m |
Total £m |
At 30 June 2024 |
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss: |
Loans and advances to banks |
- |
3,405 |
- |
3,405 |
Loans and advances to customers |
- |
3,152 |
6,301 |
9,453 |
Reverse repurchase agreements |
- |
19,816 |
- |
19,816 |
Debt securities |
10,589 |
24,999 |
2,286 |
37,874 |
Treasury and other bills |
12 |
- |
- |
12 |
Contracts held with reinsurers |
- |
11,838 |
- |
11,838 |
Equity shares |
125,181 |
- |
1,560 |
126,741 |
Total financial assets at fair value through profit or loss1 |
135,782 |
63,210 |
10,147 |
209,139 |
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income: |
Debt securities |
14,059 |
13,432 |
51 |
27,542 |
Equity shares |
- |
- |
305 |
305 |
Total financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income |
14,059 |
13,432 |
356 |
27,847 |
Derivative financial instruments |
28 |
18,603 |
352 |
18,983 |
Total financial assets carried at fair value |
149,869 |
95,245 |
10,855 |
255,969 |
1 Other financial assets mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss include assets backing insurance contracts and investment contracts of £178,559 million.
Note 10: Fair values of financial assets and liabilities (continued)
Financial assets |
Level 1 £m |
Level 2 £m |
Level 3 £m |
Total £m |
At 31 December 2023 |
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss: |
Loans and advances to banks |
- |
3,127 |
- |
3,127 |
Loans and advances to customers |
- |
2,015 |
7,890 |
9,905 |
Reverse repurchase agreements |
- |
17,413 |
- |
17,413 |
Debt securities |
11,611 |
28,802 |
2,250 |
42,663 |
Treasury and other bills |
51 |
- |
- |
51 |
Contracts held with reinsurers |
- |
11,424 |
- |
11,424 |
Equity shares |
117,194 |
- |
1,541 |
118,735 |
Total financial assets at fair value through profit or loss1 |
128,856 |
62,781 |
11,681 |
203,318 |
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income: |
Debt securities |
15,049 |
12,259 |
52 |
27,360 |
Equity shares |
- |
- |
232 |
232 |
Total financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income |
15,049 |
12,259 |
284 |
27,592 |
Derivative financial instruments |
77 |
21,857 |
422 |
22,356 |
Total financial assets carried at fair value |
143,982 |
96,897 |
12,387 |
253,266 |
1 Other financial assets mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss include assets backing insurance contracts and investment contracts of £176,475 million.
Financial liabilities |
Level 1 £m |
Level 2 £m |
Level 3 £m |
Total £m |
At 30 June 2024 |
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss: |
Debt securities in issue |
- |
4,897 |
23 |
4,920 |
Liabilities in respect of securities sold under repurchase agreements |
- |
20,167 |
- |
20,167 |
Short positions in securities |
1,920 |
9 |
- |
1,929 |
Other |
- |
40 |
- |
40 |
Total financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss |
1,920 |
25,113 |
23 |
27,056 |
Derivative financial instruments |
28 |
16,246 |
373 |
16,647 |
Liabilities arising from non-participating investment contracts |
- |
48,280 |
- |
48,280 |
Total financial liabilities carried at fair value |
1,948 |
89,639 |
396 |
91,983 |
At 31 December 2023 |
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss: |
Debt securities in issue |
- |
5,223 |
42 |
5,265 |
Liabilities in respect of securities sold under repurchase agreements |
- |
18,057 |
- |
18,057 |
Short positions in securities |
1,569 |
5 |
- |
1,574 |
Other |
- |
18 |
- |
18 |
Total financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss |
1,569 |
23,303 |
42 |
24,914 |
Derivative financial instruments |
116 |
19,589 |
444 |
20,149 |
Liabilities arising from non-participating investment contracts |
- |
44,978 |
- |
44,978 |
Total financial liabilities carried at fair value |
1,685 |
87,870 |
486 |
90,041 |
Note 10: Fair values of financial assets and liabilities (continued)
Valuation control framework
Key elements of the valuation control framework include model validation (incorporating pre-trade and post-trade testing), product implementation review and independent price verification. The framework covers processes for all 3 levels in the fair value hierarchy. Formal committees meet quarterly to discuss and approve valuations in more judgemental areas.
Transfers into and out of level 3 portfolios
Transfers out of level 3 portfolios arise when inputs that could have a significant impact on the instrument's valuation become market observable; conversely, transfers into the portfolios arise when sources of data cease to be observable.
Valuation methodology
For level 2 and level 3 portfolios, there is no significant change to the valuation methodology (techniques and inputs) disclosed in the Group's financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2023 applied to these portfolios.
Movements in level 3 portfolio
The tables below analyse movements in the level 3 financial assets portfolio.
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss £m |
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income £m |
Derivative assets £m |
Total financial assets carried at fair value £m |
At 1 January 2024 |
11,681 |
284 |
422 |
12,387 |
Exchange and other adjustments |
2 |
(1) |
- |
1 |
Gains (losses) recognised in the income statement within other income |
55 |
- |
(54) |
1 |
Gains recognised in other comprehensive income within the revaluation reserve in respect of financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income |
- |
74 |
- |
74 |
Purchases/increases to customer loans |
335 |
- |
6 |
341 |
Sales/repayments of customer loans |
(1,923) |
(1) |
(22) |
(1,946) |
Transfers into the level 3 portfolio |
32 |
- |
- |
32 |
Transfers out of the level 3 portfolio |
(35) |
- |
- |
(35) |
At 30 June 2024 |
10,147 |
356 |
352 |
10,855 |
Gains (losses) recognised in the income statement, within other income, relating to the change in fair value of those assets held at 30 June 2024 |
54 |
- |
(41) |
13 |
At 1 January 2023 |
11,304 |
342 |
553 |
12,199 |
Exchange and other adjustments |
(1) |
(2) |
(13) |
(16) |
Gains (losses) recognised in the income statement within other income |
104 |
4 |
(53) |
55 |
Losses recognised in other comprehensive income within the revaluation reserve in respect of financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income |
- |
(48) |
- |
(48) |
Purchases/increases to customer loans |
347 |
- |
40 |
387 |
Sales/repayments of customer loans |
(475) |
(4) |
(17) |
(496) |
Transfers into the level 3 portfolio |
139 |
- |
- |
139 |
Transfers out of the level 3 portfolio |
(4) |
- |
(3) |
(7) |
At 30 June 2023 |
11,414 |
292 |
507 |
12,213 |
Gains (losses) recognised in the income statement, within other income, relating to the change in fair value of those assets held at 30 June 2023 |
79 |
2 |
(58) |
23 |
Note 10: Fair values of financial assets and liabilities (continued)
The tables below analyse movements in the level 3 financial liabilities portfolio.
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss £m |
Derivative liabilities £m |
Total financial liabilities carried at fair value £m |
At 1 January 2024 |
42 |
444 |
486 |
Exchange and other adjustments |
- |
- |
- |
Losses (gains) recognised in the income statement within other income |
2 |
(43) |
(41) |
Additions |
- |
5 |
5 |
Redemptions |
(2) |
(33) |
(35) |
Transfers into the level 3 portfolio |
- |
- |
- |
Transfers out of the level 3 portfolio |
(19) |
- |
(19) |
At 30 June 2024 |
23 |
373 |
396 |
Losses (gains) recognised in the income statement, within other income, relating to the change in fair value of those liabilities held at 30 June 2024 |
2 |
(31) |
(29) |
At 1 January 2023 |
45 |
608 |
653 |
Exchange and other adjustments |
- |
(8) |
(8) |
Losses (gains) recognised in the income statement within other income |
1 |
(57) |
(56) |
Additions |
- |
31 |
31 |
Redemptions |
(1) |
(36) |
(37) |
Transfers into the level 3 portfolio |
2 |
- |
2 |
Transfers out of the level 3 portfolio |
(1) |
- |
(1) |
At 30 June 2023 |
46 |
538 |
584 |
Losses (gains) recognised in the income statement, within other income, relating to the change in fair value of those liabilities held at 30 June 2023 |
1 |
(58) |
(57) |
Note 10: Fair values of financial assets and liabilities (continued)
Sensitivity of level 3 valuations
The tables below set out the effects of reasonably possible alternative assumptions for categories of level 3 financial assets and financial liabilities.
Effect of reasonably possible alternative assumptions1 |
At 30 June 2024 |
Valuation techniques |
Significant unobservable inputs2 |
Carrying value £m |
Favourable changes £m |
Unfavourable changes £m |
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss |
Loans and advances to customers |
Discounted cash flows |
Interest rate spreads (-127bps/+238bps) |
6,301 |
277 |
(245) |
Equity and venture capital investments |
Market approach |
Earnings multiple (1.6/17.8) |
2,293 |
163 |
(163) |
Underlying asset/net asset value (incl. property prices)3 |
n/a |
853 |
80 |
(95) |
Unlisted equities, debt securities and property partnerships in the life funds |
Underlying asset/net asset value (incl. property prices), broker quotes or discounted cash flows3 |
n/a |
297 |
2 |
(9) |
Other |
403 |
33 |
(33) |
10,147 |
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income |
Asset-backed securities |
Lead manager or broker quote/consensus pricing |
n/a |
51 |
2 |
(2) |
Equity and venture capital investments |
Underlying asset/net asset value (incl. property prices)3 |
n/a |
305 |
29 |
(29) |
356 |
Derivative financial assets |
Interest rate derivatives |
Option pricing model |
Interest rate volatility (13%/200%) |
352 |
6 |
(3) |
Level 3 financial assets carried at fair value |
10,855 |
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss |
23 |
1 |
(1) |
Derivative financial liabilities |
Interest rate derivatives |
Option pricing model |
Interest rate volatility (13%/200%) |
373 |
17 |
(18) |
Level 3 financial liabilities carried at fair value |
396 |
1 Where the exposure to an unobservable input is managed on a net basis, only the net impact is shown in the table.
2 Ranges are shown where appropriate and represent the highest and lowest inputs used in the level 3 valuations.
3 Underlying asset/net asset values represent fair value.
Note 10: Fair values of financial assets and liabilities (continued)
Sensitivity of level 3 valuations (continued)
Effect of reasonably possible alternative assumptions1 |
At 31 December 2023 |
Valuation techniques |
Significant unobservable inputs2 |
Carrying value £m |
Favourable changes £m |
Unfavourable changes £m |
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss |
Loans and advances to customers |
Discounted cash flows |
Interest rate spreads (-50bps/+272bps) |
7,890 |
369 |
(351) |
Equity and venture capital investments |
Market approach |
Earnings multiple (1.6/17.8) |
2,228 |
131 |
(131) |
Underlying asset/net asset value (incl. property prices)3 |
n/a |
809 |
77 |
(99) |
Unlisted equities, debt securities and property partnerships in the life funds |
Underlying asset/net asset value (incl. property prices), broker quotes or discounted cash flows3 |
n/a |
309 |
7 |
(6) |
Other |
445 |
39 |
(41) |
11,681 |
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income |
Asset-backed securities |
Lead manager or broker quote/consensus pricing |
n/a |
52 |
2 |
(2) |
Equity and venture capital investments |
Underlying asset/net asset value (incl. property prices)3 |
n/a |
232 |
22 |
(22) |
284 |
Derivative financial assets |
Interest rate derivatives |
Option pricing model |
Interest rate volatility (13%/200%) |
422 |
6 |
(3) |
Level 3 financial assets carried at fair value |
12,387 |
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss |
42 |
1 |
(1) |
Derivative financial liabilities |
Interest rate derivatives |
Option pricing model |
Interest rate volatility (13%/200%) |
444 |
10 |
(7) |
Level 3 financial liabilities carried at fair value |
486 |
1 Where the exposure to an unobservable input is managed on a net basis, only the net impact is shown in the table.
2 Ranges are shown where appropriate and represent the highest and lowest inputs used in the level 3 valuations.
3 Underlying asset/net asset values represent fair value.
Unobservable inputs
Significant unobservable inputs affecting the valuation of debt securities, unlisted equity investments and derivatives are unchanged from those described in the Group's financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2023.
Reasonably possible alternative assumptions
Valuation techniques applied to many of the Group's level 3 instruments often involve the use of two or more inputs whose relationship is interdependent. The calculation of the effect of reasonably possible alternative assumptions included in the table above reflects such relationships and is unchanged from that described in note 21 to the Group's financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2023.
Note 10: Fair values of financial assets and liabilities (continued)
The table below summarises the carrying values of financial assets and liabilities measured at amortised cost in the Group's consolidated balance sheet. The fair values presented in the table are at a specific date and may be significantly different from the amounts which will actually be paid or received on the maturity or settlement date.
At 30 June 2024 |
At 31 December 2023 |
Carrying value £m |
Fair value £m |
Carrying value £m |
Fair value £m |
Financial assets |
Loans and advances to banks |
8,454 |
8,454 |
10,764 |
10,764 |
Loans and advances to customers |
452,408 |
445,987 |
449,745 |
439,449 |