Final Results
Tristel PLC
23 October 2006
Results for the year ended 30th June 2006
Tristel plc ('Tristel'), the infection and contamination control business, today
announces its results for the year ended 30th June 2006.
Tristel focuses on infection control products for acute NHS and private sector
hospitals, as well as primary care trusts, community hospitals and private
practices. Tristel also provides products for legionella control in water
systems and contamination control in the food growing, food processing and
pharmaceutical industries.
Results Highlights
• Turnover up 24% to £3.75m (2005: £3.01m)
• Acquisition contributed sales of £94,000
• Operating profits up 56% to £0.68m (2005: £0.44m before exceptional items)
• Pre-tax profit of £0.72m (2005: £0.10m), pre-tax margin of 19.2%
• Full year dividend of 1p (2005: 0.5p).
• Basic EPS 2.12p (2005: 0.24p)
• Balance sheet: Total net assets of £2.00m (2005: £1.68m)
Operations Highlights
• £1m acquisition of Vernagene Limited on 5 June 2006 - adds products for
legionella control in water systems and contamination control in food growing
and processing industries.
• Shareholder loan of £203,775 taken to part finance Vernagene acquisition
repaid August 2006.
• Co-marketing agreement with Johnson Diversey to develop products for
the pharmaceutical industry.
• Continuing overseas expansion with 14 export markets opened up.
• Design and patent rights acquired for a sterilisation tray and hygiene
work station.
• British patent issued for the Tristel Sporicidal Wipe.
• New product range for the environmental hygiene market - 'Tristel
Fusion for Surfaces' - a variant of the Tristel burstable sachet to compete
with the chlorine tablets that are used globally for the disinfection of
floors and walls in hospitals.
• Q1 sales in-line with Board expectations.
Commenting, Francisco Soler, Chairman, said:
'This has been another year of solid progress for Tristel. We have achieved
strong growth in turnover, improved margins, and have increased operating profit
and pre-tax profit significantly. We have entered the current financial year
with a stronger, better balanced mix of activities and products than we have had
in the past. Reflecting our continuing confidence in the future, the Board is
proposing the payment of a final dividend of 0.725 pence per ordinary share,
bringing the divided payment for the year ended 30 June 2005 to 1 penny'.
For further information please contact:
Tristel plc Parkgreen Communications Ltd
Tel: 01638 721500 Tel: 020 7493 3716
Paul Swinney, Chief Executive Paul McManus
Mob: 07798 805692 Mob: 07980 541 893
Paul Barnes, Finance Director Ben Knowles
Mob: 07974 016 940 Mob: 07900 346 978
Chairman's introduction
I am pleased to report that your Company made solid progress during the year
ended 30 June 2006, increasing turnover by 24% to £3,745,680 (2005: £3,009,115)
and operating profit by 56% to £684,207 (2005: £439,852 before exceptional
items). Whilst operating profit has more than quadrupled in the past three
years, the operating margin has increased from 9.4% in 2004 to 18.3% in 2006.
Tristel Solutions, our sole operating subsidiary for most of the year, continued
its focus on the acute NHS and private sector hospitals, but made further
progress in penetrating primary care trusts, community hospitals and private
practices with our growing range of infection control products. Tristel products
are the most widely used disinfectant solutions in all branches of endoscopy in
the United Kingdom. One of Tristel's strengths, gained as a result of the
product development strategy that we have pursued in recent years, is the range
of 'solutions' it offers a hospital.
To illustrate how the broad range of Tristel products might be employed in a
large metropolitan hospital, one could find two or more brands of Tristel liquid
disinfectant being used in the endoscopy department in different makes of
endoscope washer-disinfector; the Tristel Wipes System being used in the Ear,
Nose and Throat (ENT) department; Tristel Duo and Fusion being used to disinfect
floors, walls and equipment in intensive care, and the suite of Tristel
Ultrasound products being used in radiology.
One of the most significant developments of the year, which was facilitated by
the flotation and its associated fund raising, was the acquisition of Vernagene
Limited on 5 June 2006. The business, renamed Tristel Technologies Limited, also
uses chlorine dioxide chemistry, but with different applications to those of
Tristel Solutions. These are legionella control in buildings' water systems and
contamination control in the food growing and processing industries.
Importantly, many of Tristel Technologies' customers are also hospitals. There
are clear synergies and cross-selling opportunities between the two businesses
and I am pleased with the way in which management is integrating the two
Whilst the acquisition of Tristel Technologies was not planned at the time of
our flotation, it has enabled our management team to execute a digestible
acquisition that makes sound strategic sense.
Outlook and future prospects.
We have entered the current financial year with a stronger, better balanced mix
of activities and products than we have had in the past. The Group has momentum
and strong growth prospects in all the markets it serves, both within the United
Kingdom and overseas. Q1 sales are encouraging and are in-line with Board
Our earnings per share (basic) for the year ended 30 June 2006 were 2.12 pence.
Reflecting our continuing confidence in the future, the Board is proposing the
payment of a final dividend of 0.725 pence per ordinary share, representing a
total payment of £172,818, and bringing the divided payment for the year ended
30 June 2005 to 1 penny.
Francisco A. Soler
Chief Executive's review of activities.
The importance of the infection control issue to hospitals at home and abroad
has not abated during the year.
Outbreaks in hospital wards, for example of Clostridium difficile, and the
consequent death of patients, have been widely reported in our national press.
They underline the need for more effective biocidal products and higher
standards of cleaning and hygiene in hospitals. Clostridium difficile is
described as a 'sporing' organism, the most resistant of microbes. It is the
ability of chlorine dioxide to kill spores, whilst being safe and easy to use,
that distinguishes Tristel's chemistry from other disinfectants.
The first Tristel product was introduced to the United Kingdom market in 1995.
Today, we have over ten years experience of how to work best with the chemistry.
We understand how it interacts with medical instruments and the materials of
which they are made and we are able to optimise concentrations and corrosion
inhibition systems. Furthermore, we are well acquainted with the test programmes
and regulatory frameworks that govern entry for chlorine dioxide products into
different markets.
To our knowledge, Tristel remains the only chlorine dioxide based high-level
disinfectant being widely used for the decontamination of medical devices
anywhere in the world.
This first mover advantage has enabled Tristel to develop far beyond the
gastroenterology market that was originally targeted.
Patented chlorine dioxide wipes; patent pending foam systems for hard surfaces;
our patent pending Generator and chlorine dioxide measurement system; the
burstable sachet; the recently acquired patent pending sterilising tray which
enables, for the first time, single-use decontamination of endoscopes in markets
that cannot afford automated systems: these are all innovations with which we
lead the decontamination industry.
Some of the highlights of the year ended 30 June 2006 were:-
• A British patent was issued for the Tristel Sporicidal Wipe. Whenever
possible, we add to our portfolio of intellectual property rights, which we
consider to be a major asset of the Company. The most recent additions have
been applications filed on a sterilising tray and a hygiene work station;
• The expansion into overseas markets gathered momentum with the appointment
of distributors in Spain, Benelux, Romania, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey,
Pakistan, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and New Zealand.
Since the year end, further appointments have been made in the United Arab
Emirates, Oman and South Africa. Whilst export sales have yet to make a
significant contribution to turnover, the network of overseas distributors
represents an important pipeline of future sales;
• A co-marketing agreement was concluded with Johnson Diversey whereby
Tristel's chemistry is utilised in their sporicidal product branded
'Bi-Spore'. The product is used for the decontamination of clean rooms and
drug preparation areas in the pharmaceutical industry;
• The acquisition of Vernagene Limited was concluded on 5 June 2006. We
purchased the company's share capital for £1,000,000 cash and funded the
acquisition using existing cash balances of £800,000, supplemented by a
short term loan of £200,000 from one of our shareholders. The loan was
repaid in August 2006.
At the date of its acquisition the business (renamed Tristel Technologies
Limited) employed six people and in its most recent financial year, ended 31
March 2006, achieved sales of £1,177,000 (2005: £1,145,000 and 2004: £906,000)
and pre-tax profits of £301,000. Tristel Technologies has made a positive
contribution to group profits since its purchase;
• A product development programme was initiated by IVC Limited, Tristel's
distributor in New Zealand, for the creation of a sterilising tray and a
hygiene work station, both designed specifically for the use of Tristel's
Subsequent to the year end Tristel has entered into a technology acquisition
agreement with IVC whereby the design rights and patent applications belonging
to these products have been assigned to Tristel in return for the payment of
future royalties.
Outside of the most advanced healthcare markets, where endoscopes are mainly
processed in sophisticated and costly automated machines, the majority of
endoscopes are disinfected in basic trays and sinks. These can only hold
disinfectant liquids that have to be used repeatedly for many instruments
over a period of many hours or even days.
The Tristel tray system, combined with Tristel's novel burstable sachet,
Tristel Fusion, enables the disinfectant to be used once and to be dedicated
to one instrument only.
Results and finance
Our main operating subsidiary, Tristel Solutions, achieved its eighth successive
year of increased turnover since it first started trading in 1998. The 24%
increase in group turnover was attributable to higher levels of Tristel
Solutions' sales of its Wipes System and Instrument Sterilants and Tristel
Technologies' initial contribution to sales of £94,000.
The gross profit margin increased from 51.9% in 2005 to 54.4% in the year under
Despite the expansion of our activities, we restricted the increase in expense
growth to below that of the rate of turnover growth. Administrative expenses
totalled £1,368,937 (2005: £1,121,215) and included in this expenditure were
research costs of £59,213 (2005: £109,970).
Without the impact of exceptional items as recorded last year, we achieved
record pre-tax profits of £719,579 compared to £104,196 in 2005. The pre-tax
profit margin was 19.2%
The two Tristel subsidiaries are both profitable and generate positive cash
flow. Their products are consumable and are purchased frequently and regularly
by their customers. During the year, net cash inflow from operations was
£337,879 (2005: £312,543), after a reduction in creditors of £244,620 which
largely related to the settlement of costs arising from the flotation on AIM.
At the fiscal year-end, shareholders' funds stood at £2,005,692, an increase of
£321,668, resulting from additions to profit and loss reserves.
Paul Swinney
Chief Executive
Tristel plc
Consolidated Income Statement
for the year ended 30 June 2006
Year Ended to
30.6.06 30.6.05
Notes £ £
Revenue 3,745,680 3,009,115
Cost of sales (1,709,033) (1,448,048)
GROSS PROFIT 2,036,647 1,561,067
Other operating income 16,497 -
Administrative expenses (1,368,937) (1,121,215)
Exceptional items
Loss on sale of subsidiary 4 - (22,275)
Employee share option costs 4 - (279,956)
OPERATING PROFIT 684,207 137,621
Finance costs 5 - (39,200)
Finance income 5 35,372 5,775
PROFIT BEFORE TAX 6 719,579 104,196
Tax 7 (213,176) (65,440)
PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 506,403 38,756
Attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent 22 120,218 128,143
Tristel plc
Statement of Recognised Income and Expense
for the year ended 30 June 2006
Year Ended to
30.6.06 30.6.05
Notes £ £
Attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent 120,218 128,143
Earnings per share 10
Basic 2.12p 0.24p
Diluted 2.09p 0.22p
Other than the reallocation of the dividend payable there were no changes to
equity on transition to IAS (note 22)
Tristel plc
Consolidated Balance Sheet
30 June 2006
Year Ended to
30.6.06 30.6.05
Notes £ £
Goodwill 11 774,413 -
Other intangible assets 12 819,463 828,832
Property, plant and equipment 13 311,637 83,168
1,905,513 912,000
Inventories 15 395,193 224,710
Trade and other receivables 16 931,306 546,489
Cash and cash equivalents 17 173,930 1,212,112
1,500,429 1,983,311
Trade and other payables 18 825,426 1,045,467
Financial liabilities - borrowings
Bank overdrafts 19 54,228 58,838
Interest bearing loans and borrowings 19 203,775 -
Tax payable 191,975 10,526
1,275,404 1,114,831
NET CURRENT ASSETS 225,025 868,480
Deferred tax 20 124,846 96,456
124,846 96,456
NET ASSETS 2,005,692 1,684,024
Tristel plc
Consolidated Balance Sheet - continued
30 June 2006
Year Ended to
30.6.06 30.6.05
Notes £ £
Called up share capital 21 238,368 238,368
Share premium 22 1,455,980 1,455,980
Merger reserve 22 478,526 478,526
Profit and loss account 22 (167,182) (488,850)
Total shareholders' equity 2,005,692 1,684,024
TOTAL EQUITY 2,005,692 1,684,024
The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 10 October
2006 and were signed on its behalf by:
P F H Stephens - Director
P M Barnes FCCA - Director
Tristel plc
Company Balance Sheet
30 June 2006
Year Ended to
30.6.06 30.6.05
Notes £ £
Intangible assets 12 374,940 443,835
Investments 14 1,546,885 465,000
1,921,825 908,835
Trade and other receivables 16 112,182 63,205
Cash and cash equivalents 17 98,006 1,212,089
210,188 1,275,294
Trade and other payables 18 52,257 336,388
Financial liabilities - borrowings
Bank overdrafts 19 51,757 -
Interest bearing loans and borrowings 19 203,775 -
Tax payable 43,577 10,526
351,366 346,914
Deferred tax 20 22,673 14,724
NET ASSETS 1,757,974 1,822,491
Called up share capital 21 238,368 238,368
Share premium 22 1,455,980 1,455,980
Profit and loss account 22 63,626 128,143
Total shareholders' equity 1,757,974 1,822,491
TOTAL EQUITY 1,757,974 1,822,491
The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 10 October
2006 and were signed on its behalf by:
P F H Stephens -Director
P M Barnes FCCA - Director
Tristel plc
Cash Flow Statement
for the year ended 30 June 2006
Year Ended to
30.6.06 30.6.05
Notes £ £
Cash flows from operating activities
Cash generated from operations 1 337,879 312,543
Interest paid - (44,478)
Interest element of hire purchase or finance lease - (315)
rental payments
Tax paid (10,533) -
Net cash from operating activities 327,346 267,750
Cash flows from investing activities
Purchase of intangible fixed assets (105,712) (197,838)
Purchase of tangible fixed assets (235,897) (54,195)
Purchase of fixed asset investments - -
Sale of intangible fixed assets - -
Sale of tangible fixed assets 13,000 8,027
Disposal of subsidiary - (1,816)
Purchase of subsidiary, net of cash acquired (1,080,885) -
Interest received 35,372 5,775
Net cash from investing activities (1,374,122) (240,047)
Cash flows from financing activities
New loans in year - 20,000
Loan repayments in year - (440,000)
Loans written off - (3,714)
Directors' loans (5,836) (7,952)
Share issues - 1,596,575
Share buyback - (75,000)
Government grant received - 80,359
Equity dividends paid (184,735) -
Net cash from financing activities (190,571) 1,170,268
(Decrease)/Increase in cash and cash equivalents (1,237,347) 1,197,971
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 2 1,153,274 (44,697)
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 2 (84,073) 1,153,274
Tristel plc
Notes to the Cash Flow Statement
for the year ended 30 June 2006
Year Ended to
30.6.06 30.6.05
£ £
Operating profit 684,207 439,852
Depreciation charges 168,238 64,902
Loss on disposal of fixed assets 5,065 1,082
Government grants (16,497) -
Increase in inventories (53,961) (214,110)
Increase in trade and other receivables (204,553) (190,723)
(Decrease)/Increase in trade and other payables (244,620) 211,540
Net cash inflow from operating activities 337,879 312,543
The amounts disclosed on the cash flow statement in respect of cash and cash
equivalents are in respect of these balance sheet amounts:
Year ended 30 June 2006 30.6.06 1.7.05
£ £
Cash and cash equivalents 173,930 1,212,112
Bank overdrafts (54,228) (58,838)
Shareholders loan (203,775) -
(84,073) 1,153,274
Period ended 30 June 2005
30.6.05 1.5.04
£ £
Cash and cash equivalents 1,212,112 1
Bank overdrafts (58,838) (44,698)
1,153,274 (44,697)
During the year the group acquired Vernagene Limited (now Tristel Technologies
Ltd). The fair value of assets acquired and liabilities assumed were as follows:
Cash 1,000
Inventories 116,522
Accounts receivable 180,264
Property, plant and equipment 56,963
Intangible assets 6,831
Goodwill 774,413
Trade and other payables (54,108)
Total purchase price 1,081,885
Less: Cash acquired 1,000
Cash flow on acquisition net of cash acquired 1,080,885
Tristel plc
Notes to the Financial Statements
for the year ended 30 June 2006
Basis of preparation
These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International
Financial Reporting Standards and IFRIC interpretations and with those parts of
the Companies Act 1985 applicable to companies reporting under IFRS. The
financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention and
include restatement of comparatives as required for the implementation of IFRS
from 1 May 2004. No significant changes to the group's accounting policies or
financial position arises from the adoption of the new presentation.
Basis of consolidation
The group financial statements consolidate the accounts of Tristel plc for the
year ended 30 June 2006 and of its subsidiary undertakings for the year ended 30
June 2006, or until date of disposal as applicable. The accounting year end of
Tristel plc was extended to 30 June in 2005.
On 5 June 2006 the Group acquired the whole of the issued share capital of
Vernagene Limited and its name was changed to Tristel Technologies Limited on 28
June 2006. The acquisition of this company has been accounted for using purchase
accounting principles in accordance with International Financial Reporting
Standard 3. The Tristel Technologies Limited results have been incorporated for
the period of ownership.
Turnover is the total amount receivable by the group in the ordinary course of
business with outside customers for goods shipped as a principal and for
services provided, excluding value added tax and trade discounts. Product
revenue is recognised upon shipment of product and service income is recognised
upon the relating services having been completed or over the term of the
contract where relevant.
Acquired goodwill is included at cost and subject to an annual impairment
Intangible assets - patents and licences
Patents and licences are included at cost and depreciated in equal annual
instalments over a period of ten years which is their estimated useful economic
life. Provision is made for any impairment.
Intangible assets - research and development
Research expenditure is written off as incurred. Development expenditure is also
written off, except where the directors are satisfied as to the technical,
commercial and financial feasibility of individual projects. In such cases, the
identifiable expenditure is deferred and amortised over the period during which
the Group is expected to benefit. Provision is made for any impairment.
Property, plant and equipment
Depreciation is provided at the following annual rates in order to write off
each asset over its estimated useful life or, if held under a finance lease,
over the lease term, whichever is the shorter.
Improvements to property - Straight line over the lease term
Plant and machinery - 33% on cost
Fixtures and fittings - 25% on cost and
20% on cost
Motor vehicles - 25% on cost
Inventories are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Cost
includes materials and direct labour. Net realisable value is based on estimated
selling price, less further costs expected to be incurred to completion and
disposal. Provision is made for obsolete and slow moving and defective items
where applicable.
Tristel plc
Notes to the Financial Statements - continued
for the year ended 30 June 2006
Deferred tax
Deferred tax is provided in full on timing differences which result in an
obligation at the balance sheet date to pay more tax, or a right to pay less
tax, at a future date at rates expected to apply when they crystallise based on
current tax rates and law. Timing differences arise from the inclusion of items
of income and expenditure in taxation computations in periods different from
those in which they are included in the financial statements.
Current taxes are based on the results shown in the financial statements and are
calculated according to local tax rules, using tax rates enacted or
substantially enacted by the balance sheet date.
Foreign currencies
The financial statements are presented in Sterling and transactions in foreign
currencies are recorded at the rate of exchange at the date of the transaction.
Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies at the balance
sheet date are reported at the rates of exchange prevailing at that date.
Hire purchase and leasing commitments
Assets obtained under hire purchase contracts or finance leases are capitalised
in the balance sheet. Those held under hire purchase contracts are depreciated
over their estimated useful lives. Those held under finance leases are
depreciated over their estimated useful lives or the lease term, whichever is
the shorter.
The interest element of these obligations is charged to the income statement
over the relevant period. The capital element of the future payments is treated
as a liability.
Rentals paid under operating leases are charged to the income statement on a
straight line basis.
The group operates a defined contribution pension scheme. Contributions payable
for the year are charged in the income statement. Differences between
contributions payable in the period and those actually paid are shown in the
balance sheet as accruals or prepayments.
Government grants
Government grants relating to fixed assets are treated as deferred income and
released to the income statement over the expected useful lives of the assets
concerned. Other grants are credited to the income statement as the related
expenditure is incurred.
Share option related charges
In accordance with UITF 17, the Group recognises a charge on employee share
options issued at below fair value, equal to the differential between the fair
value and exercise price of the option.
Borrowing costs
Costs are charged to the income statement as incurred.
The turnover and profit before tax are attributable to the one principal
activity of the group.
Tristel Plc
Notes to the Financial Statements - continued
For the year ended 30 June 2006
2. TURNOVER - continued
Analysis of turnover by geographical market is given below:
Year Ended to
30.6.06 30.6.05
£ £
United Kingdom 3,709,915 2,970,682
Rest of the World 35,765 38,433
Total 3,745,680 3,009,115
Year Ended to
30.6.06 30.6.05
£ £
Wages and salaries 553,317 405,636
Social security costs 60,300 43,623
Other pension costs 28,928 18,354
642,545 467,613
The average monthly number of employees during the year was as
Year Ended to
30.6.06 30.6.05
Executive directors 2 1
Non-executive directors 3 -
Sales and marketing 7 6
Administration 4 3
16 10
Tristel plc
Notes to the Financial Statements - continued
for the year ended 30 June 2006
In addition to the staff costs disclosed above, there were costs of £279,956
included in 2005 as exceptional items comprising a UITF 17 charge of £207,600
and related employers' National Insurance contributions of £72,356 associated
with employee share options granted during the previous period.
Year Ended to
30.6.06 30.6.05
Directors' emoluments 216,092 150,788
Aggregate gains made by directors on the exercise of
share options - 759,687
Directors' pension contributions 17,704 7,000
The number of directors to whom retirement benefits were accruing was as
Defined contribution schemes 2 1
No directors exercised share options during the year (2005 - 3)
Information regarding the highest paid director for the year ended 30 June 2006
is as follows:
Year Ended to
30.6.06 30.6.05
£ £
Emoluments etc 117,559 99,205
Aggregate gains made on the exercise of share - 563,170
Pension contributions to money purchase schemes 11,700 7,000
In accordance with UITF 17, £207,600 was charged to the profit and loss account
in 2005 in respect of employee share options grant and exercised during that
period, which was then credited to reserves. In addition, the group incurred
employer's National Insurance costs of £72,356 in respect of the share options.
These costs were treated as exceptional as the options would not have vested had
the company not been admitted to AIM in 2005.
No options charge arises in 2006 as the market price of the company's shares at
the balance sheet date was below the option price.
The group disposed of one of its subsidiaries in February 2005, resulting in a
loss on consolidation of £22,275.
Tristel plc
Notes to the Financial Statements - continued
for the year ended 30 June 2006
Year Ended to
30.6.06 30.6.05
£ £
Finance income:
Deposit account interest 33,701 5,775
Other 1,671 -
35,372 5,775
Year Ended to
30.6.06 30.6.05
£ £
Finance costs:
Other interest - 36
Loan interest - 38,849
Hire purchase - 315
- 39,200
Net finance income/(cost) 35,372 (33,425)
The profit before tax is stated after charging:
Year Ended to
30.6.06 30.6.05
£ £
Cost of inventories recognised as expense 1,709,033 1,448,048
Depreciation - owned assets 46,326 28,024
Depreciation - assets on hire purchase contracts
or finance
leases - 2,054
Loss on disposal of fixed assets 5,065 1,082
Patents and licences amortisation 74,488 34,824
Development costs amortisation 47,424 -
Auditors' remuneration 20,221 7,500
Auditors' remuneration for non audit work - 3,090
Foreign exchange differences 895 -
Operating lease rentals:
- land and buildings 15,000 18,026
- vehicles and equipment 10,871 19,964
Research costs expensed 59,213 109,970
In addition to the auditors' remuneration disclosed above, share issue costs of
£49,700 were incurred in 2005 and included in the share premium account in
respect of work completed by the auditors relating to the company's admission to
Tristel plc
Notes to the Financial Statements - continued
for the year ended 30 June 2006
7. TAX
Analysis of the tax charge
Year Ended to
30.6.06 30.6.05
£ £
Current tax:
Corporation tax 183,779 10,526
Prior year adjustment 7 -
Total current tax 183,786 10,526
Deferred tax:
Advance capital allowances 18,030 83,420
Losses utilised 6,411 -
Deferred grant income 4,949 (28,506)
Total deferred tax 29,390 54,914
Total tax charge in income statement 213,176 65,440
Factors affecting the tax charge
The tax assessed for the year is lower (2005 - lower) than the standard rate of
corporation tax in the UK. The difference is explained below:
Year Ended to
30.6.06 30.6.05
£ £
Profit on ordinary activities before tax 719,579 104,196
Profit on ordinary activities multiplied by the
standard rate of corporation tax in the UK of
30% (2005 - 30%) 215,874 31,259
Effects of:
Expenses not deductible for tax purposes brought 2,586 18,961
Capital allowances in excess of depreciation (18,030) (54,970)
Losses utilised (6,411) -
Grant income taxed on receipt (4,949) 24,107
Effect of lower rate tax bands (1,744) (6,141)
Enhanced relief on qualifying scientific (3,547) (2,690)
research expenditure
Current tax charge 183,779 10,526
Tristel plc
Notes to the Financial Statements - continued
for the year ended 30 June 2006
As permitted by Section 230 of the Companies Act 1985, the profit and loss
account of the parent company is not presented as part of these financial
statements. The parent company's profit for the financial year was £120,218
(2005: £128,143, as restated).
Year Ended to
30.6.06 30.6.05
£ £
Equity shares:
Final for 2005 at 0.5p per share 119,184 -
Interim for 2006 at 0.275p per share 65,551 -
Final for 2006 at 0.725p per share 172,817 119,184
The calculations of earnings per share are based on the following profits and
numbers of shares:
2006 2005
Retained (loss)/profit for the financial £506,403 £38,756
Weighted average number of ordinary shares
for basic earnings per share 23,836,820 16,050,830
Weighted average number of ordinary shares
for diluted earnings per share 24,195,957 18,002,893
The calculation of the weighted average number of shares is based on the year
ended 30 June. The calculation of diluted earnings per share excludes
outstanding options on 250,000 ordinary shares at 30 June 2006 which could
potentially dilute earnings in the future because they were antidilutive for the
year as the exercise price of the options exceeded the fair average value of the
shares during the year.
Tristel plc
Notes to the Financial Statements - continued
for the year ended 30 June 2006
Group £
At 1 July 2005 -
Additions 774,413
At 30 June 2006 774,413
At 1 July 2005 -
Amortisation for year -
At 30 June 2006 -
At 30 June 2006 774,413
At 30 June 2005 -
Goodwill arises on the acquisition of Vernagene Limited in the period as the
company has adopted the purchase method of accounting. Under UK Generally
Accepted Accounting Practice, this asset would be set against the reserves of
the group but IAS does not allow for this. The amount will be subjected to
impairment review.
The net assets acquired were £307,472 and the total paid, including costs, was
The company has no goodwill to account for.
and Development
licences costs Totals
£ £ £
At 1 July 2005 699,005 384,997 1,084,002
Additions 5,497 100,215 105,712
Acquisition of subsidiary 10,015 - 10,015
At 30 June 2006 714,517 485,212 1,199,729
At 1 July 2005 255,170 - 255,170
Amortisation for year 74,488 47,424 121,912
Acquisition of subsidiary 3,184 - 3,184
At 30 June 2006 332,842 47,424 380,266
At 30 June 2006 381,675 437,788 819,463
At 30 June 2005 443,835 384,997 828,832
Tristel plc
Notes to the Financial Statements - continued
for the year ended 30 June 2006
12. INTANGIBLE ASSETS - continued
Company Patents
At 1 July 2005 699,005
Additions 5,497
At 30 June 2006 704,502
At 1 July 2005 255,170
Amortisation for year 74,392
At 30 June 2006 329,562
At 30 June 2006 374,940
At 30 June 2005 443,835
Improvements Fixtures
to Plant and and Motor
property machinery fittings vehicles Totals
£ £ £ £ £
At 1 July 2005 16,205 23,460 63,699 47,292 150,656
Additions 5,024 132,962 10,548 87,363 235,897
Acquisition of - 133,902 17,888 - 151,790
Disposals - - (2,298) (35,682) (37,980)
At 30 June 2006 21,229 290,324 89,837 98,973 500,363
At 1 July 2005 3,301 17,576 30,976 15,635 67,488
Charge for year 3,659 8,638 14,474 19,555 46,326
Acquisition of - 77,642 17,185 - 94,827
Eliminated on - - (2,030) (17,885) (19,915)
At 30 June 2006 6,960 103,856 60,605 17,305 188,726
At 30 June 2006 14,269 186,468 29,232 81,668 311,637
At 30 June 2005 12,904 5,884 32,723 31,657 83,168
Company - There are no tangible fixed assets held by the company.
Tristel plc
Notes to the Financial Statements - continued
for the year ended 30 June 2006
Shares in
At 1 July 2005 465,000
Additions 1,081,885
At 30 June 2006 1,546,885
At 30 June 2005 465,000
The group or the company's investments at the balance sheet date in the share
capital of companies include the following:
Tristel Solutions Limited
Country of incorporation: England and Wales
Nature of business: Supply of infection control products
Class of shares: holding
Ordinary 100.00
£ £
Aggregate capital and reserves 683,976 326,532
Profit /(loss) for the year/period 357,444 (46,278)
Tristel Technologies Limited
Country of incorporation: England and Wales
Nature of business: Supply of water purification and disinfecting products
Class of shares: holding
Ordinary 100.00
2006 30.06.05
£ £
Aggregate capital and reserves 333,072 -
Result for the period of ownership 25,600 -
2006 2005
£ £
Raw materials 50,087 24,969
Work-in-progress 128,940 67,233
Finished goods 216,166 132,508
395,193 224,710
Tristel plc
Notes to the Financial Statements - continued
for the year ended 30 June 2006
Group Company
2006 2005 2006 2005
£ £ £ £
Trade debtors 710,321 459,411 - -
Other debtors 47,775 29,133 27,628 27,628
Amount due from group undertakings - - 30,101 -
VAT 14,334 - 14,334 32,509
Prepayments and accrued income 158,876 57,945 40,119 3,068
931,306 546,489 112,182 63,205
No allowance has been made for estimated irrecoverable amounts from the sale of
goods. This position has been determined by reference to past default
The directors consider that the carrying amount of trade and other receivables
approximates to their value. The credit risk on the group is primarily
attributable to its trade receivables. The amounts in the balance sheet are net
of allowances for doubtful receivables. An allowance for impairment had been
made where there is an identifiable loss event which, based on previous
experience, is evidence of a reduction in the recoverability of the cash flows.
Group Company
2006 2005 2006 2005
£ £ £ £
Cash in hand 1,300 23 - -
Bank deposit account 91,055 1,000,000 91,055 1,000,000
Money market deposit 6,951 - 6,951 -
Bank accounts 74,624 212,089 - 212,089
173,930 1,212,112 98,006 1,212,089
Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash held by the group and short term bank
deposits with an original maturity of three months or less. The carrying amount
of these assets approximates to their fair value.
The credit risk on the group's principal financial assets, bank balances and
cash and trade and other receivables has been assessed. That on liquid funds and
financial instruments is limited because the holders are banks with high credit
ratings assigned by international credit rating agencies.
Tristel plc
Notes to the Financial Statements - continued
for the year ended 30 June 2006
Group Company
2006 2005 2006 2005
£ £ £ £
restated restated
Trade creditors 400,917 358,867 36,446 -
Amounts owed to group - - - 98,570
Social security and other taxes 126,124 100,557 - 1,838
Other creditors 14,468 238,630 12,472 235,980
Accruals and deferred income 283,690 341,350 3,339 -
Directors' current accounts 227 6,063 - -
825,426 1,045,467 52,257 336,388
Group Company
2006 2005 2006 2005
£ £ £ £
Bank overdrafts 54,228 58,838 51,757 -
Directors' current accounts 203,775 - 203,775 -
258,003 58,838 255,532 -
Terms and debt repayment
1 year or
Bank overdrafts 54,228
The average interest rates paid 2006 2005
Bank overdraft 8% 8%
Shareholders loan 203,775 -
Interest is payable at US Prime Rate.
Borrowings are arranged at floating rates thus exposing the company to cash flow
interest rate risk. The directors consider that the borrowings are shown at
their fair values.
Tristel plc
Notes to the Financial Statements - continued
for the year ended 30 June 2006
Group 2006 2005
£ £
Balance at 1 July 96,456 41,542
Acquisition of subsidiary (1,000) -
Accelerated capital allowances 18,030 54,970
Deferred grant income 4,949 (24,107)
Utilisation of losses 6,411 -
Increase in tax rate - 24,051
Balance at 30 June 124,846 96,456
Company 2006 2005
£ £
Balance at 1 July 14,724 -
Accelerated capital allowances 7,949 14,724
Balance at 30 June 22,673 14,724
Number: Class: Nominal 2006 2005
value: £ £
60,000,000 Ordinary 1p 600,000 600,000
Allotted, issued and fully paid:
Number: Class: Nominal 2006 2005
value: £ £
23,836,820 Ordinary 1p 238,368 238,368
At 30 June 2006 there were 940,000 shares that had been granted under share
options and had not been taken up at that date (2005: none).
Tristel plc
Notes to the Financial Statements - continued
for the year ended 30 June 2006
Group restated
and loss Share Merger
account premium reserve Totals
£ £ £ £
At 1 July 2005 restated (488,850) 1,455,980 478,526 1,445,656
Profit for the year 506,403 - - 506,403
Dividends (184,735) - - (184,735)
At 30 June 2006 (167,182) 1,455,980 478,526 1,767,324
Company restated
and loss Share Merger
account premium reserve Totals
£ £ £ £
At 1 July 2005 restated 128,143 1,455,980 - 1,584,123
Profit for the year 120,218 - - 120,218
Dividends (184,735) - - (184,735)
At 30 June 2006 63,626 1,455,980 - 1,519,606
Only the profit and loss account is distributable as the other reserves are of a
capital nature.
During the year Paul Swinney was granted an option over 250,000 of the company's
ordinary shares this option is at a price of 59.5p and is exercisable at any
time up to 23 December 2015.
Transactions between the Group and Bruce Green
Under the terms of a technology licence agreement between the Group and Bruce
Green, a shareholder in the Company, royalties of £145,583 (2005: £120,535) were
paid during the year ended 30 June 2006 to Bruce Green Limited, a company owned
by Mr. Green.
Tristel plc
Notes to the Financial Statements - continued
for the year ended 30 June 2006
The following annual commitments under non-cancellable operating leases:
Group and company
2006 2005
Land and Plant and Land and Plant and
buildings machinery buildings machinery
£ £ £ £
Expiring in two to five years 15,000 6,411 15,000 6,411
Expiring in more than five 26,708 - - -
2006 2005
£ £
Profit for the financial year 506,403 38,756
Dividends (184,735) -
321,668 38,756
New share capital subscribed - 1,666,719
Share related charges (UITF 17) - 207,600
Purchase of own shares - (75,000)
Net addition to shareholders' funds 321,668 1,838,075
Opening shareholders' funds 1,684,024 (154,051)
Closing shareholders' funds 2,005,692 1,684,024
Equity interests 2,005,692 1,684,024
Company 2006 2005
£ £
Profit for the financial year 120,218 128,143
Dividends (184,735) -
(64,517) 128,143
New share capital subscribed - 1,694,347
Net (reduction)/addition to shareholders' funds (64,517) 1,822,490
Opening shareholders' funds 1,822,491 1
Closing shareholders' funds 1,757,974 1,822,491
Equity interests 1,757,974 1,822,491
Copies of the annual reports are vailabe from the Company's registered office:
Lynx Business Park, Fordham Road, Snailwell, Cambridgeshire, CB8 7NY, United
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange