Standard Chartered PLC - Half Year Results 2024 - Part 2
Table of content
Risk review |
2 |
Capital review |
59 |
Financial statements |
65 |
Other supplementary information |
120 |
Glossary |
133 |
Unless another currency is specified, the word 'dollar' or symbol '$' in this document means US dollar and the word 'cent' or symbol 'c' means one-hundredth of one US dollar.
The information within this report is unaudited.
Unless the context requires, within this document, 'China' refers to the People's Republic of China and, for the purposes of this document only, excludes Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Hong Kong), Macau Special Administrative Region (Macau) and Taiwan. 'Korea' or 'South Korea' refers to the Republic of Korea.
Within the tables in this report, blank spaces indicate that the number is not disclosed, dashes indicate that the number is zero and nm stands for not meaningful. Standard Chartered PLC is incorporated in England and Wales with limited liability. Standard Chartered PLC is headquartered in London.
The Group's head office provides guidance on governance and regulatory standards. Standard Chartered PLC stock codes are: HKSE 02888 and LSE STAN.LN.
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Risk review and Capital review
Risk Index |
Risk profile |
Credit risk |
Basis of preparation |
Credit risk overview |
Impairment model |
Staging of financial instruments |
IFRS 9 expected credit loss principles and approaches |
Summary of Credit Risk Performance |
Maximum exposure to Credit risk |
Analysis of financial instrument by stage |
Credit quality analysis |
• Credit quality by client segment |
• Loans and advances by client segment credit quality analysis by key geography |
Movement in gross exposures and credit impairment for loans and advances, debt securities, undrawn commitments and financial guarantees |
Movement of debt securities, additional tier one and other eligible bills |
Analysis of stage 2 balances |
Credit impairment charge |
Problem credit management and provisioning |
• Forborne and other modified loans by client segment |
• Forborne and other modified loans by country |
Credit risk mitigation |
• Collateral held on loans and advances |
• Collateral - Corporate & Investment Banking |
• Collateral - Wealth & Retail Banking |
• Mortgage loan-to-value ratios by country |
• Collateral and other credit enhancements possessed or called upon |
• Other Credit risk mitigation |
Other portfolio analysis |
• Credit quality by industry |
• Industry analysis of loans and advances by key geography |
• Vulnerable, cyclical and high carbon sectors |
• China commercial real estate |
• Debt securities and other eligible bills |
IFRS 9 expected credit loss methodology |
Traded risk |
Market risk movements |
Counterparty Credit risk |
Derivative financial instruments Credit risk mitigation |
Liquidity and Funding risk |
Liquidity and Funding risk metrics |
Liquidity analysis of the Group's balance sheet |
Interest Rate risk in the Banking Book |
Operational and Technology risk |
Operational and Technology risk profile |
Capital |
Capital summary |
• Capital ratio |
• Capital base |
• Movement in total capital |
Risk-weighted asset |
Leverage ratio |
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The following parts of the Risk review and Capital review form part of these financial statements and are reviewed by the external auditors:
a) Risk review: Disclosures marked as 'reviewed' from the start of Credit risk section to the end of Operational and Technology risk in the same section; and
b) Capital review: Tables marked as 'reviewed' from the start of 'Capital base' to the end of 'Movement in total capital', excluding 'Total risk-weighted assets'
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Risk review
Unless otherwise stated the balance sheet and income statement information presented within this section is based on the Group's management view. This is principally the location from which a client relationship is managed, which may differ from where it is financially booked and may be shared between businesses and/or regions. This view reflects how the client segments and regions are managed internally.
Loans and advances to customers and banks held at amortised cost in this 'Risk profile' section include reverse repurchase agreement balances held at amortised cost, per Note 16 Reverse repurchase and repurchase agreements including other similar secured lending and borrowing.
Credit Risk is the potential for loss due to the failure of a counterparty to meet its contractual obligations to pay the Group. Credit exposures arise from both the banking and trading books.
IFRS 9 mandates an impairment model that requires the recognition of expected credit losses (ECL) on all financial debt instruments held at amortised cost, Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income (FVOCI), undrawn loan commitments and financial guarantees.
Financial instruments that are not already credit-impaired are originated into stage 1 and a 12-month expected credit loss provision is recognised.
Instruments will remain in stage 1 until they are repaid, unless they experience significant credit deterioration (stage 2) or they become credit-impaired (stage 3).
Instruments will transfer to stage 2 and a lifetime expected credit loss provision is recognised when there has been a significant change in the Credit Risk compared to what was expected at origination.
The framework used to determine a Significant increase in Credit Risk (SICR) is set out below.
• 12-month ECL
• Performing
• Lifetime expected credit loss
• Performing but has exhibited significant increase in Credit Risk (SICR)
• Credit-impaired
• Non-performing
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The main methodology principles and approach adopted by the Group are set out in the following table.
Title |
Supplementary Information |
Approach for determining expected credit losses |
IFRS 9 methodology Determining lifetime expected credit loss for revolving products Post model adjustments |
Incorporation of forward-looking information |
Incorporation of forward-looking information Forecast of key macroeconomic variables underlying the expected Judgemental adjustments and sensitivity to macroeconomic variables |
Quantitative and qualitative criteria |
Assessment of credit-impaired financial assets |
Consumer and Business Banking clients Corporate and Investment Banking (CIB) and Private Banking clients Write-offs |
Transfers between stages |
Movement in loan exposures and expected credit losses |
Modified financial assets |
Forbearance and other modified loans |
Governance and application of expert credit judgement in respect of expected credit losses |
Summary of Credit Risk Performance
The Group's on-balance sheet maximum exposure to Credit Risk increased by $9.1 billion to $807 billion (31 December 2023: $798 billion). Cash and balances at Central bank decreased by $5.8 billion to $64 billion (31 December 2023: $70 billion) due to reduced placements with a Central Bank. Loans to banks held at amortised cost remained stable at $45 billion (31 December 2023: $45 billion). Fair Value through profit and loss increased by $32 billion to $176 billion (31 December 2023: $144 billion), largely due to an increase in debt securities and reverse repos. This was partly offset by a $11 billion decrease in loans and advances to customers to $276 billion (31 December 2023: $287 billion) of which $5 billion was due to a reduction in mortgages in Korea and Hong Kong due to low new business driven by the higher interest rate environment, as well as a $4.2 billion reduction in Central and other items mainly due to matured loan exposures. Debt securities decreased by $8.7 billion to $152 billion (31 December 2023: $160 billion). Off-balance sheet instruments increased by $7.9 billion to $265 billion (31 December 2023: $257 billion), due to an increase in financial guarantees and other equivalents, which were driven by new business.
94 per cent (31 December 2023: 94 per cent) of the Group's gross loans and advances to customers remain in stage 1 at $281 billion (31 December 2023: $292 billion), reflecting our continued focus on high-quality origination.
Stage 1 loans and advances decreased by $9.4 billion to $264 billion (31 December 2023: $274 billion). For Wealth and Retail Banking (WRB), stage 1 balances decreased by $5.4 billion to $118 billion (31 December 2023: $123 billion), of which $5 billion was mainly due to a decrease in mortgages. This was driven by a slowdown in sales in Korea and Hong Kong, due to the high interest rate environment. For Corporate and Investment Banking (CIB), stage 1 balances remained stable at $121 billion (31 December 2023: $121 billion). For Central and other items, stage 1 balances decreased by $4.5 billion to $24 billion (31 December 2023: $28 billion) due to a reduction in reverse repos. Stage 1 cover ratio remained stable at 0.2 per cent (31 December 2023: 0.2 per cent).
Stage 2 loans and advances to customers decreased by $1.2 billion to $10 billion (31 December 2023: $11.2 billion). For WRB, stage 2 balances decreased by $0.5 billion to $1.8 billion (31 December 2023: $2.3 billion). This was mainly driven by the lower new bookings of the mortgage portfolio in Korea and Hong Kong, due to the high interest rate environment. Higher risk exposure net decrease of $1 billion to $0.1 billion (31 December 2023: $1 billion) from Central and other items, was due to the maturity of short-term loan exposures being replaced with debt securities in the Middle East. Total stage 2 cover ratio decreased by 0.1 per cent to 3.6 per cent (31 December 2023: 3.7 per cent). The decrease was driven by China commercial real estate (CRE) overlay releases in CIB largely due to repayments, which was partly offset by an increase in WRB due to exposure reductions. Ventures cover ratio increased by 7 per cent to 46 per cent (31 December 2023: 39 per cent) due to higher levels of delinquencies in Q1 2024, however this improved during Q2 2024 following credit measures being put in place in Q4 2023.
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Stage 3 loans and advances decreased by $0.6 billion to $6.6 billion (31 December 2023: $7.2 billion) due to repayments, debt sales and write-offs in CIB. The CIB stage 3 cover ratio increased by 4 per cent to 68 per cent (31 December 2023: 64 per cent) as a result of repayments and write-offs. The WRB stage 3 loans remains broadly stable at $1.5 billion (31 December 2023: $1.5 billion). The WRB stage 3 cover ratio decreased by 5 per cent to 46 per cent (31 December 2023: 51 per cent) driven by reduction in personal loan provisions in Malaysia due to unsecured assets reclassified as held for sale. Stage 3 Central and other items decreased by $160 million to $0.1 billion (31 December 2023: $0.2 billion) as funds were reinvested into debt securities for liquidity purposes. Total stage 3 cover ratio increased by 3 per cent to 63 per cent (31 December 2023: 60 per cent) due to a decrease in exposures. The cover ratio after collateral increased by 6 per cent to 82 per cent (31 December 2023: 76 per cent).
The key SICR driver which caused exposures to be classified as stage 2 remains an increase in probability of default (PD). The proportion of exposures in CIB in stage 2 decreased due to a reduction in clients placed on non-purely precautionary early alert that have not breached PD thresholds. In WRB, the proportion of loans in stage 2 from 30 days past due trigger remained stable. In Central and other items, the decrease in CG12 was due to the maturity of short-term loan exposures being replaced with debt securities in the Middle East.
The Group's ongoing credit impairment was a net charge of $249 million (30 June 2023: $172 million).
For CIB, stage 1 and 2 impairment charges decreased by $71 million to a net release of $38 million (30 June 2023: $33 million), due to $55 million China CRE overlay releases driven by repayments, and sovereign upgrades. This was partly offset by portfolio movements.
CIB stage 3 impairment charges decreased by $33 million to $3 million (30 June 2023: $36 million) due to a number of recoveries, which was partly offset by additional impairments on the China CRE portfolio including one new downgrade.
For WRB, stage 1 and 2 impairment charges increased by $120 million to $135 million (30 June 2023: $15 million) mainly due to the release of COVID-19 overlays and other one-off releases present in 2023. Growth in the Digital Partnership portfolio has also resulted in an increase in ECL.
WRB stage 3 impairment charges increased by $54 million to $147 million (30 June 2023: $93 million). This was driven by gross charge-offs in credit cards and personal loans (mainly in China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Korea) on account of the higher interest rate environment impacting customer affordability, as well as maturation of digital partnerships (in China, Indonesia, and Vietnam).
For Ventures, total impairment charges increased by $20 million to $43 million (30 June 2023: $23 million). Of the $43 million charge, Mox Bank accounts for $33 million. Stage 1 and 2 impairment charges decreased by $5 million to $7 million (30 June 2023: $12 million). Out of the $7 million charge, $2 million was from Mox Bank and $5 million was from Trust Bank. Mox Bank's delinquency and flow rates have improved on both the new and legacy books as new credit control measures have taken effect over the course of 2024.
Ventures stage 3 impairment charges increased by $25 million to $36 million (30 June 2023: $11 million). Of the $36 million, $30 million was from Mox Bank due to gross charge-offs and bankruptcy-related charges. These charges declined as we progressed through H1 2024.
For Central and other items, stage 1 and 2 impairment charges decreased by $4 million to a net release of $31 million (30 June 2023: net release of $27 million) due to sovereign upgrades, driven by improvements in the macroeconomic environment. The charges also declined due to a portfolio of debt securities maturing, which were being held by Treasury and accounted for under FVOCI.
Central and other items stage 3 impairment charges decreased by $9 million to a net release of $10 million (30 June 2023: net release of $1 million) due to an upgrade in a sovereign's local currency position to CG12C (higher risk).
Further details can be found in the 'Credit impairment charge' section.
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Total net on-balance sheet exposure to vulnerable and cyclical sectors increased by $4.8 billion to $33 billion (31 December 2023: $29 billion) largely due to increases in the Oil and Gas and Commodity Traders sectors in stage 1. Stage 2 vulnerable and cyclical sector loans decreased by $0.3 billion to $3.1 billion (31 December 2023: $3.4 billion) mainly due to CRE. Stage 3 vulnerable and cyclical sector loans decreased by $0.3 billion to $3.3 billion (31 December 2023: $3.6 billion) mainly due to a loan sales in the CRE sector, which was partly offset by one new downgrade.
The Group provides loans to CRE counterparties of which $8.9 billion is to counterparties in CIB where the source of repayment is substantially derived from rental or sale of real estate and is secured by real estate collateral. The remaining CRE loans comprise working capital loans to real estate corporates, loans with non-property collateral, unsecured loans and loans to real estate entities of diversified conglomerates. The average LTV ratio of the performing book CRE portfolio has increased to 53 per cent (31 December 2023: 52 per cent). The proportion of loans with an LTV greater than 80 per cent has increased to 4 per cent (31 December 2023: 3 per cent).
Further details can be found in the 'Vulnerable, cyclical and high carbon sectors' section.
Total exposure to China CRE decreased by $0.4 billion to $2.2 billion (31 December 2023: $2.6 billion) mainly from repayments. The proportion of credit impaired amortised cost loans to customers increased to 67 per cent (31 December 2023: 58 per cent) largely due to repayments in the performing portfolio and a downgrade. Stage 3 provision coverage increased to 77 per cent (31 December 2023: 72 per cent) reflecting increased provisions made during the period. The proportion of the loan book rated as higher risk was stable at 0.4 per cent (31 December 2023: 0.3 per cent).
The Group continues to hold a judgemental management overlay in respect of the performing portfolio, which decreased by $55 million to $86 million (31 December 2023: $141 million) due to repayments and a downgrade to stage 3.
The Group is further indirectly exposed to China CRE through its associate investment in China Bohai Bank.
Further details can be found in the 'China commercial real estate' section.
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The table below presents the Group's maximum exposure to Credit Risk for its on-balance sheet and off-balance sheet financial instruments as at 30 June 2024, before and after taking into account any collateral held or other Credit Risk mitigation.
Further details can be found in the 'Summary of Credit Risk performance' section.
30.06.24 |
31.12.23 |
Maximum exposure |
Credit risk management |
Net exposure |
Maximum exposure |
Credit risk management |
Net exposure |
Collateral8 |
Master netting agreements |
Collateral8 |
Master netting agreements |
On-balance sheet |
Cash and balances at central banks |
64,086 |
64,086 |
69,905 |
69,905 |
Loans and advances to banks1 |
45,231 |
3,991 |
41,240 |
44,977 |
1,738 |
43,239 |
of which - reverse repurchase agreements and other similar secured lending7 |
3,991 |
3,991 |
- |
1,738 |
1,738 |
- |
Loans and advances to customers1 |
275,896 |
115, 872 |
160,024 |
286,975 |
118,492 |
168,483 |
of which - reverse repurchase agreements and other similar secured lending7 |
7,788 |
7,788 |
- |
13,996 |
13,996 |
- |
Investment securities - Debt securities and other eligible bills2 |
151,580 |
151,580 |
160,263 |
160,263 |
Fair value through profit or loss3, 7 |
176,460 |
93,202 |
- |
83,258 |
144,276 |
81,847 |
- |
62,429 |
Loans and advances to banks |
2,193 |
2,193 |
2,265 |
2,265 |
Loans and advances to customers |
6,877 |
6,877 |
7,212 |
7,212 |
Reverse repurchase agreements and |
93,202 |
93,202 |
- |
81,847 |
81,847 |
- |
Investment securities - Debt securities |
74,188 |
74,188 |
52,952 |
52,952 |
Derivative financial instruments4, 7 |
48,647 |
11,285 |
34,398 |
2,964 |
50,434 |
8,440 |
39,293 |
2,701 |
Accrued income |
2,786 |
2,786 |
2,673 |
2,673 |
Assets held for sale9 |
517 |
517 |
701 |
701 |
Other assets5 |
42,206 |
42,206 |
38,140 |
38,140 |
Total balance sheet |
807,409 |
224,350 |
34,398 |
548,661 |
798,344 |
210,517 |
39,293 |
548,534 |
Off-balance sheet6 |
Undrawn Commitments |
178,568 |
3,078 |
175,490 |
182,390 |
2,940 |
179,450 |
Financial Guarantees and other equivalents |
86,094 |
2,351 |
83,743 |
74,414 |
2,590 |
71,824 |
Total off-balance sheet |
264,662 |
5,429 |
- |
259,233 |
256,804 |
5,530 |
- |
251,274 |
Total |
1,072,071 |
229,779 |
34,398 |
807,894 |
1,055,148 |
216,047 |
39,293 |
799,808 |
1. An analysis of credit quality is set out in the credit quality analysis section. Further details of collateral held by client segment and stage are set out in the collateral analysis section
2. Excludes equity and other investments of $823 million (31 December 2023: $992 million). Further details are set out in Note 13 financial instruments
3. Excludes equity and other investments of $5,264 million (31 December 2023: $2,940 million). Further details are set out in Note 13 financial instruments
4 The Group enters into master netting agreements, which in the event of default result in a single amount owed by or to the counterparty through netting the sum of the positive and negative mark-to-market values of applicable derivative transactions
5. Other assets include Hong Kong certificates of indebtedness, cash collateral, and acceptances, in addition to unsettled trades and other financial assets
6. Excludes ECL allowances which are reported under Provisions for liabilities and charges
7. Collateral capped at maximum exposure (over-collateralised)
8. Adjusted for over-collateralisation, which has been determined with reference to the drawn and undrawn component as this best reflects the effect on the amount arising from expected credit losses
9. The amount is after ECL. Further details are set out in Note 20 Assets held for sale and associated liabilities
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Analysis of financial instruments by stage (reviewed)
The table below presents the gross and credit impairment balances by stage for the Group's amortised cost and FVOCI financial instruments as at 30 June 2024.
Further details can be found in the 'Summary of Credit Risk performance' section.
30.06.24 |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Total |
Gross balance1 |
Total credit impairment |
Net carrying value |
Gross balance1 |
Total credit impairment |
Net carrying value |
Gross balance1 |
Total credit impairment |
Net carrying value |
Gross balance1 |
Total credit impairment |
Net carrying value |
Cash and balances at central banks |
63,238 |
- |
63,238 |
339 |
- |
339 |
522 |
(13) |
509 |
64,099 |
(13) |
64,086 |
Loans and advances |
44,793 |
(4) |
44,789 |
392 |
(3) |
389 |
57 |
(4) |
53 |
45,242 |
(11) |
45,231 |
Loans and advances to customers (amortised cost) |
264,249 |
(480) |
263,769 |
10,005 |
(362) |
9,643 |
6,639 |
(4,155) |
2,484 |
280,893 |
(4,997) |
275,896 |
Debt securities and other |
149,422 |
(23) |
1,787 |
(10) |
387 |
(16) |
151,596 |
(49) |
Amortised cost |
55,961 |
(16) |
55,945 |
396 |
- |
396 |
62 |
- |
62 |
56,419 |
(16) |
56,403 |
93,461 |
(7) |
1,391 |
(10) |
325 |
(16) |
95,177 |
(33) |
Accrued income (amortised cost)4 |
2,786 |
2,786 |
- |
- |
2,786 |
- |
2,786 |
Assets held |
429 |
- |
429 |
50 |
(1) |
49 |
114 |
(75) |
39 |
593 |
(76) |
517 |
Other assets |
42,209 |
(3) |
42,206 |
- |
- |
- |
3 |
(3) |
- |
42,212 |
(6) |
42,206 |
Undrawn commitments3 |
173,625 |
(46) |
4,935 |
(47) |
8 |
- |
178,568 |
(93) |
Financial guarantees, |
83,957 |
(12) |
1,423 |
(6) |
714 |
(142) |
86,094 |
(160) |
Total |
824,708 |
(568) |
18,931 |
(429) |
8,444 |
(4,408) |
852,083 |
(5,405) |
1 Gross carrying amount for off-balance sheet refers to notional values
2 These instruments are held at fair value on the balance sheet. The ECL provision in respect of debt securities measured at FVOCI is held within the OCI reserve
3 These are off-balance sheet instruments. Only the ECL is recorded on-balance sheet as a financial liability and therefore there is no "net carrying amount". ECL allowances on off-balance sheet instruments are held as liability provisions to the extent that the drawn and undrawn components of loan exposures can be separately identified. Otherwise they will be reported against the drawn component
4 Stage 1 ECL is not material
5 Stage 3 gross includes $23 million (31 December 2023: $80 million) originated credit-impaired debt securities with impairment of $nil million (31 December 2023: $14 million)
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31.12.23 |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Total |
Gross balance1 |
Total credit impairment |
Net carrying value |
Gross balance1 |
Total credit impairment |
Net carrying value |
Gross balance1 |
Total credit impairment |
Net carrying value |
Gross balance1 |
Total credit impairment |
Net carrying value |
Cash and balances at central banks |
69,313 |
- |
69,313 |
207 |
(7) |
200 |
404 |
(12) |
392 |
69,924 |
(19) |
69,905 |
Loans and advances |
44,384 |
(8) |
44,376 |
540 |
(10) |
530 |
77 |
(6) |
71 |
45,001 |
(24) |
44,977 |
Loans and advances to customers (amortised cost) |
273,692 |
(430) |
273,262 |
11,225 |
(420) |
10,805 |
7,228 |
(4,320) |
2,908 |
292,145 |
(5,170) |
286,975 |
Debt securities and other |
158,314 |
(26) |
1,860 |
(34) |
164 |
(61) |
160,338 |
(121) |
Amortised cost |
56,787 |
(16) |
56,771 |
103 |
(2) |
101 |
120 |
(57) |
63 |
57,010 |
(75) |
56,935 |
101,527 |
(10) |
1,757 |
(32) |
44 |
(4) |
103,328 |
(46) |
Accrued income (amortised cost)4 |
2,673 |
2,673 |
- |
- |
2,673 |
- |
2,673 |
Assets held |
661 |
(33) |
628 |
76 |
(4) |
72 |
1 |
- |
1 |
738 |
(37) |
701 |
Other assets |
38,139 |
- |
38,139 |
- |
- |
- |
4 |
(3) |
1 |
38,143 |
(3) |
38,140 |
Undrawn commitments3 |
176,654 |
(52) |
5,733 |
(39) |
3 |
- |
182,390 |
(91) |
Financial guarantees, |
70,832 |
(10) |
2,910 |
(14) |
672 |
(112) |
74,414 |
(136) |
Total |
834,662 |
(559) |
22,551 |
(528) |
8,553 |
(4,514) |
865,766 |
(5,601) |
1 Gross carrying amount for off-balance sheet refers to notional values
2 These instruments are held at fair value on the balance sheet. The ECL provision in respect of debt securities measured at FVOCI is held within the OCI reserve
3 These are off-balance sheet instruments. Only the ECL is recorded on-balance sheet as a financial liability and therefore there is no "net carrying amount". ECL allowances on off-balance sheet instruments are held as liability provisions to the extent that the drawn and undrawn components of loan exposures can be separately identified. Otherwise they will be reported against the drawn component
4 Stage 1 ECL is not material
5 Stage 3 gross includes $80 million originated credit-impaired debt securities with impairment of $14 million
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Credit quality analysis
For CIB, exposures are analysed by credit grade (CG), which plays a central role in the quality assessment and monitoring of risk. All loans are assigned a CG, which is reviewed periodically and amended in light of changes in the borrower's circumstances or behaviour. CGs 1 to 12 are assigned to stage 1 and stage 2 (performing) clients or accounts, while CGs 13 and 14 are assigned to stage 3 (credit-impaired) clients. Consumer and Business Banking portfolios are analysed by days past due and Private Banking by the type of collateral held.
The Group uses the following internal risk mapping to determine the credit quality for loans.
Credit quality description |
Corporate & Investment Banking |
Private Banking1 |
Wealth & Retail Banking5 |
Internal grade mapping |
S&P external ratings equivalent |
Regulatory PD range (%) |
Internal ratings |
Internal grade mapping |
Strong |
1A to 5B |
AAA/AA+ to BBB-/BB+² |
0 to 0.425 |
Class I and Class IV |
Current loans (no past dues nor impaired) |
Satisfactory |
6A to 11C |
BB+/BB to B-/CCC+³ |
0.426 to 15.75 |
Class II and Class III |
Loans past due till 29 days |
Higher risk |
Grade 12 |
CCC+ to C⁴ |
15.751 to 99.999 |
Stressed Assets Group (SAG) managed |
Past due loans 30 days and over till 90 days |
1 For Private Banking, classes of risk represent the type of collateral held. Class I represents facilities with liquid collateral, such as cash and marketable securities. Class II represents unsecured/partially secured facilities and those with illiquid collateral, such as equity in private enterprises. Class III represents facilities with residential or commercial real estate collateral. Class IV covers margin trading facilities
2 Banks' rating: AAA/AA+ to BB+. Sovereigns' rating: AAA to BB+
3 Banks' rating: BB to "CCC+ to C". Sovereigns' rating: BB+/BB to B-/CCC+
4 Banks' rating: CCC+ to C. Sovereigns' rating: CCC+ to "CCC+ to C"
5 Wealth & Retail Banking excludes Private Banking. Medium enterprise clients within Business Banking are managed using the same internal credit grades as CIB
The table below sets out the gross loans and advances held at amortised cost, expected credit loss provisions and
expected credit loss coverage by business segment and stage. Expected credit loss coverage represents the expected
credit loss reported for each segment and stage as a proportion of the gross loan balance for each segment and stage.
Further details can be found in the 'Summary of Credit Risk performance' section.
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Amortised cost |
30.06.24 |
Banks |
Customers |
Undrawn commitments |
Financial Guarantees |
Corporate & Investment Banking |
Wealth & Retail Banking |
Ventures |
Central & other items |
Customer Total |
Stage 1 |
44,793 |
121,272 |
118,064 |
1,103 |
23,810 |
264,249 |
173,625 |
83,957 |
- Strong |
35,029 |
83,625 |
112,547 |
1,088 |
23,424 |
220,684 |
158,620 |
56,826 |
- Satisfactory |
9,764 |
37,647 |
5,517 |
15 |
386 |
43,565 |
15,005 |
27,131 |
Stage 2 |
392 |
7,980 |
1,848 |
48 |
129 |
10,005 |
4,935 |
1,423 |
- Strong |
173 |
1,129 |
1,333 |
32 |
- |
2,494 |
1,768 |
303 |
- Satisfactory |
161 |
6,074 |
172 |
5 |
- |
6,251 |
2,953 |
912 |
- Higher risk |
58 |
777 |
343 |
11 |
129 |
1,260 |
214 |
208 |
Of which (stage 2): |
- Less than 30 days past due |
- |
228 |
172 |
5 |
- |
405 |
- |
- |
- More than 30 days past due |
3 |
7 |
343 |
11 |
- |
361 |
- |
- |
Stage 3, credit-impaired financial assets |
57 |
5,048 |
1,518 |
9 |
64 |
6,639 |
8 |
714 |
Gross balance¹ |
45,242 |
134,300 |
121,430 |
1,160 |
24,003 |
280,893 |
178,568 |
86,094 |
Stage 1 |
(4) |
(110) |
(350) |
(20) |
- |
(480) |
(46) |
(12) |
- Strong |
(2) |
(70) |
(274) |
(19) |
- |
(363) |
(30) |
(3) |
- Satisfactory |
(2) |
(40) |
(76) |
(1) |
- |
(117) |
(16) |
(9) |
Stage 2 |
(3) |
(206) |
(134) |
(22) |
- |
(362) |
(47) |
(6) |
- Strong |
(2) |
(15) |
(49) |
(16) |
- |
(80) |
(9) |
(1) |
- Satisfactory |
(1) |
(144) |
(27) |
(3) |
- |
(174) |
(26) |
(2) |
- Higher risk |
- |
(47) |
(58) |
(3) |
- |
(108) |
(12) |
(3) |
Of which (stage 2): |
- Less than 30 days past due |
- |
(15) |
(27) |
(3) |
- |
(45) |
- |
- |
- More than 30 days past due |
- |
- |
(58) |
(3) |
- |
(61) |
- |
- |
Stage 3, credit-impaired financial assets |
(4) |
(3,449) |
(697) |
(9) |
- |
(4,155) |
- |
(142) |
Total credit impairment |
(11) |
(3,765) |
(1,181) |
(51) |
- |
(4,997) |
(93) |
(160) |
Net carrying value |
45,231 |
130,535 |
120,249 |
1,109 |
24,003 |
275,896 |
Stage 1 |
0.0% |
0.1% |
0.3% |
1.8% |
0.0% |
0.2% |
0.0% |
0.0% |
- Strong |
0.0% |
0.1% |
0.2% |
1.7% |
0.0% |
0.2% |
0.0% |
0.0% |
- Satisfactory |
0.0% |
0.1% |
1.4% |
6.7% |
0.0% |
0.3% |
0.1% |
0.0% |
Stage 2 |
0.8% |
2.6% |
7.3% |
45.8% |
0.0% |
3.6% |
1.0% |
0.4% |
- Strong |
1.2% |
1.3% |
3.7% |
50.0% |
0.0% |
3.2% |
0.5% |
0.3% |
- Satisfactory |
0.6% |
2.4% |
15.7% |
60.0% |
0.0% |
2.8% |
0.9% |
0.2% |
- Higher risk |
0.0% |
6.0% |
16.9% |
27.3% |
0.0% |
8.6% |
5.6% |
1.4% |
Of which (stage 2): |
- Less than 30 days past due |
0.0% |
6.6% |
15.7% |
60.0% |
0.0% |
11.1% |
0.0% |
0.0% |
- More than 30 days past due |
0.0% |
0.0% |
16.9% |
27.3% |
0.0% |
16.9% |
0.0% |
0.0% |
Stage 3, credit-impaired financial |
7.0% |
68.3% |
45.9% |
100.0% |
0.0% |
62.6% |
0.0% |
19.9% |
- Stage 3 Collateral |
2 |
635 |
664 |
- |
- |
1,299 |
- |
47 |
- Stage 3 Cover ratio (after collateral) |
10.5% |
80.9% |
89.7% |
100.0% |
0.0% |
82.2% |
0.0% |
26.5% |
Cover ratio |
0.0% |
2.8% |
1.0% |
4.4% |
0.0% |
1.8% |
0.1% |
0.2% |
Fair value through profit or loss |
Performing |
42,461 |
59,769 |
9 |
- |
- |
59,778 |
- |
- |
- Strong |
37,129 |
40,917 |
6 |
- |
- |
40,923 |
- |
- |
- Satisfactory |
5,332 |
18,801 |
3 |
- |
- |
18,804 |
- |
- |
- Higher risk |
- |
51 |
- |
- |
- |
51 |
- |
- |
Defaulted (CG13-14) |
- |
33 |
- |
- |
- |
33 |
- |
- |
Gross balance (FVTPL)2 |
42,461 |
59,802 |
9 |
- |
- |
59,811 |
- |
- |
Net carrying value (incl FVTPL) |
87,692 |
190,337 |
120,258 |
1,109 |
24,003 |
335,707 |
- |
- |
1 Loans and advances includes reverse repurchase agreements and other similar secured lending of $7,788 million under Customers and of $3,991 million under Banks, held at amortised cost
2 Loans and advances includes reverse repurchase agreements and other similar secured lending of $52,934 million under Customers and of $40,268 million under Banks, held at fair value through profit or loss
Page 12
Amortised cost |
31.12.23 |
Banks |
Customers |
Undrawn commitments |
Financial Guarantees |
Corporate & Investment Banking |
Wealth & Retail Banking |
Ventures |
Central & other items |
Customer Total |
Stage 1 |
44,384 |
120,886 |
123,486 |
1,015 |
28,305 |
273,692 |
176,654 |
70,832 |
- Strong |
35,284 |
84,248 |
118,193 |
1,000 |
27,967 |
231,408 |
162,643 |
47,885 |
- Satisfactory |
9,100 |
36,638 |
5,293 |
15 |
338 |
42,284 |
14,011 |
22,947 |
Stage 2 |
540 |
7,902 |
2,304 |
54 |
965 |
11,225 |
5,733 |
2,910 |
- Strong |
55 |
1,145 |
1,761 |
34 |
- |
2,940 |
1,090 |
830 |
- Satisfactory |
212 |
5,840 |
206 |
7 |
- |
6,053 |
4,169 |
1,823 |
- Higher risk |
273 |
917 |
337 |
13 |
965 |
2,232 |
474 |
257 |
Of which (stage 2): |
- Less than 30 days past due |
- |
78 |
206 |
7 |
- |
291 |
- |
- |
- More than 30 days past due |
- |
10 |
337 |
13 |
- |
360 |
- |
- |
Stage 3, credit-impaired financial assets |
77 |
5,508 |
1,484 |
12 |
224 |
7,228 |
3 |
672 |
Gross balance1 |
45,001 |
134,296 |
127,274 |
1,081 |
29,494 |
292,145 |
182,390 |
74,414 |
Stage 1 |
(8) |
(101) |
(314) |
(15) |
- |
(430) |
(52) |
(10) |
- Strong |
(3) |
(34) |
(234) |
(14) |
- |
(282) |
(31) |
(2) |
- Satisfactory |
(5) |
(67) |
(80) |
(1) |
- |
(148) |
(21) |
(8) |
Stage 2 |
(10) |
(257) |
(141) |
(21) |
(1) |
(420) |
(39) |
(14) |
- Strong |
(1) |
(18) |
(65) |
(14) |
- |
(97) |
(5) |
- |
- Satisfactory |
(2) |
(179) |
(22) |
(3) |
- |
(204) |
(23) |
(7) |
- Higher risk |
(7) |
(60) |
(54) |
(4) |
(1) |
(119) |
(11) |
(7) |
Of which (stage 2): |
- Less than 30 days past due |
- |
(2) |
(22) |
(3) |
- |
(27) |
- |
- |
- More than 30 days past due |
- |
(1) |
(54) |
(4) |
- |
(59) |
- |
- |
Stage 3, credit-impaired financial assets |
(6) |
(3,533) |
(760) |
(12) |
(15) |
(4,320) |
- |
(112) |
Total credit impairment |
(24) |
(3,891) |
(1,215) |
(48) |
(16) |
(5,170) |
(91) |
(136) |
Net carrying value |
44,977 |
130,405 |
126,059 |
1,033 |
29,478 |
286,975 |
- |
- |
Stage 1 |
0.0% |
0.1% |
0.3% |
1.5% |
0.0% |
0.2% |
0.0% |
0.0% |
- Strong |
0.0% |
0.0% |
0.2% |
1.4% |
0.0% |
0.1% |
0.0% |
0.0% |
- Satisfactory |
0.1% |
0.2% |
1.5% |
6.7% |
0.0% |
0.4% |
0.1% |
0.0% |
Stage 2 |
1.9% |
3.3% |
6.1% |
38.9% |
0.1% |
3.7% |
0.7% |
0.5% |
- Strong |
1.8% |
1.6% |
3.7% |
41.2% |
0.0% |
3.3% |
0.5% |
(0.0)% |
- Satisfactory |
0.9% |
3.1% |
10.7% |
42.9% |
0.0% |
3.4% |
0.6% |
0.4% |
- Higher risk |
2.6% |
6.5% |
16.0% |
30.8% |
0.1% |
5.3% |
2.3% |
2.7% |
Of which (stage 2): |
- Less than 30 days past due |
0.0% |
2.6% |
10.7% |
42.9% |
0.0% |
9.3% |
0.0% |
0.0% |
- More than 30 days past due |
0.0% |
10.0% |
16.0% |
30.8% |
0.0% |
16.4% |
0.0% |
0.0% |
Stage 3, credit-impaired financial |
7.8% |
64.1% |
51.2% |
100.0% |
6.7% |
59.8% |
0.0% |
16.7% |
- Stage 3 Collateral |
2 |
621 |
554 |
- |
- |
1,175 |
- |
34 |
- Stage 3 Cover ratio (after collateral) |
10.4% |
75.4% |
88.5% |
100.0% |
6.7% |
76.0% |
0.0% |
21.7% |
Cover ratio |
0.1% |
2.9% |
1.0% |
4.4% |
0.1% |
1.8% |
0.0% |
0.2% |
Fair value through profit or loss |
Performing |
32,813 |
58,465 |
13 |
- |
- |
58,478 |
- |
- |
- Strong |
28,402 |
38,014 |
13 |
- |
- |
38,027 |
- |
- |
- Satisfactory |
4,411 |
20,388 |
- |
- |
- |
20,388 |
- |
- |
- Higher risk |
- |
63 |
- |
- |
- |
63 |
- |
- |
Defaulted (CG13-14) |
- |
33 |
- |
- |
- |
33 |
- |
- |
Gross balance (FVTPL)2 |
32,813 |
58,498 |
13 |
- |
- |
58,511 |
- |
- |
Net carrying value (incl FVTPL) |
77,790 |
188,903 |
126,072 |
1,033 |
29,478 |
345,486 |
- |
- |
1 Loans and advances includes reverse repurchase agreements and other similar secured lending of $13,996 million under Customers and of $1,738 million under Banks, held at amortised cost
2 Loans and advances includes reverse repurchase agreements and other similar secured lending of $51,299 million under Customers and of $30,548 million under Banks, held at fair value through profit or loss
Page 13
Credit grade |
Regulatory 1 year PD range (%) |
S&P external ratings equivalent |
Corporate & Investment Banking |
30.06.24 |
Gross |
Credit impairment |
Stage 1 $million |
Stage 2 $million |
Stage 3 $million |
Total $million |
Stage 1 $million |
Stage 2 $million |
Stage 3 $million |
Total $million |
Total Coverage % |
Strong |
83,625 |
1,129 |
- |
84,754 |
(70) |
(15) |
- |
(85) |
0.1% |
1A-2B |
0 - 0.045 |
A+ and Above |
11,929 |
28 |
- |
11,957 |
(2) |
- |
- |
(2) |
0.0% |
3A-4A |
0.046 - 0.110 |
A/A- to BBB+/BBB |
33,470 |
559 |
- |
34,029 |
(7) |
(3) |
- |
(10) |
0.0% |
4B-5B |
0.111 - 0.425 |
BBB to BBB-/BB+ |
38,226 |
542 |
- |
38,768 |
(61) |
(12) |
- |
(73) |
0.2% |
Satisfactory |
37,647 |
6,074 |
- |
43,721 |
(40) |
(144) |
- |
(184) |
0.4% |
6A-7B |
0.426 - 1.350 |
BB+/BB to BB- |
24,516 |
2,010 |
- |
26,526 |
(19) |
(80) |
- |
(99) |
0.4% |
8A-9B |
1.351 - 4.000 |
BB-/B+ to B |
8,614 |
2,557 |
- |
11,171 |
(12) |
(49) |
- |
(61) |
0.5% |
10A-11C |
4.001 - 15.75 |
B/B- to B-/CCC+ |
4,517 |
1,507 |
- |
6,024 |
(9) |
(15) |
- |
(24) |
0.4% |
Higher risk |
- |
777 |
- |
777 |
- |
(47) |
- |
(47) |
6.0% |
12 |
15.751 - 99.999 |
CCC+/C |
- |
777 |
- |
777 |
- |
(47) |
- |
(47) |
6.0% |
Credit-impaired |
- |
- |
5,048 |
5,048 |
- |
- |
(3,449) |
(3,449) |
68.3% |
13-14 |
100 |
Defaulted |
- |
- |
5,048 |
5,048 |
- |
- |
(3,449) |
(3,449) |
68.3% |
Total |
121,272 |
7,980 |
5,048 |
134,300 |
(110) |
(206) |
(3,449) |
(3,765) |
2.8% |
Credit grade |
Regulatory 1 year PD range (%) |
S&P external ratings equivalent |
Corporate & Investment Banking |
31.12.23 |
Gross |
Credit impairment |
Stage 1 $million |
Stage 2 $million |
Stage 3 $million |
Total $million |
Stage 1 $million |
Stage 2 $million |
Stage 3 $million |
Total $million |
Total Coverage % |
Strong |
84,248 |
1,145 |
- |
85,393 |
(34) |
(18) |
- |
(52) |
0.1% |
1A-2B |
0 - 0.045 |
A+ and Above |
10,891 |
81 |
- |
10,972 |
(1) |
- |
- |
(1) |
0.0% |
3A-4A |
0.046 - 0.110 |
A/A- to BBB+/BBB |
31,974 |
558 |
- |
32,532 |
(3) |
- |
- |
(3) |
0.0% |
4B-5B |
0.111 - 0.425 |
BBB to BBB-/BB+ |
41,383 |
506 |
- |
41,889 |
(30) |
(18) |
- |
(48) |
0.1% |
Satisfactory |
36,638 |
5,840 |
- |
42,478 |
(67) |
(179) |
- |
(246) |
0.6% |
6A-7B |
0.426 - 1.350 |
BB+/BB to BB- |
24,296 |
1,873 |
- |
26,169 |
(38) |
(77) |
- |
(115) |
0.4% |
8A-9B |
1.351 - 4.000 |
BB-/B+ to B |
8,196 |
2,273 |
- |
10,469 |
(13) |
(90) |
- |
(103) |
1.0% |
10A-11C |
4.001 - 15.75 |
B/B- to B-/CCC+ |
4,146 |
1,694 |
- |
5,840 |
(16) |
(12) |
- |
(28) |
0.5% |
Higher risk |
- |
917 |
- |
917 |
- |
(60) |
- |
(60) |
6.5% |
12 |
15.751 - 99.999 |
CCC+/C |
- |
917 |
- |
917 |
- |
(60) |
- |
(60) |
6.5% |
Credit-impaired |
- |
- |
5,508 |
5,508 |
- |
- |
(3,533) |
(3,533) |
64.1% |
13-14 |
100 |
Defaulted |
- |
- |
5,508 |
5,508 |
- |
- |
(3,533) |
(3,533) |
64.1% |
Total |
120,886 |
7,902 |
5,508 |
134,296 |
(101) |
(257) |
(3,533) |
(3,891) |
2.9% |
Page 14
Loans and advances by client segment credit quality analysis by key geography
Corporate & Investment Banking
Corporate & Investment Banking |
30.06.24 |
Gross |
Credit impairment |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Coverage |
Strong $million |
Satis-factory $million |
Total $million |
Strong $million |
Satis-factory $million |
Higher Risk $million |
Total $million |
De-faulted $million |
Total $million |
Strong $million |
Satis-factory $million |
Total $million |
Strong $million |
Satis-factory $million |
Higher Risk $million |
Total $million |
De-faulted $million |
Total $million |
% |
Hong Kong |
31,685 |
10,144 |
41,829 |
199 |
1,065 |
27 |
1,291 |
1,371 |
44,491 |
(36) |
(7) |
(43) |
(2) |
(70) |
(3) |
(75) |
(1,111) |
(1,229) |
2.8% |
Corporate Lending |
14,459 |
6,614 |
21,073 |
162 |
853 |
27 |
1,042 |
1,361 |
23,476 |
(36) |
(4) |
(40) |
(1) |
(70) |
(3) |
(74) |
(1,111) |
(1,225) |
5.2% |
Non Corporate Lending¹ |
2,848 |
1,685 |
4,533 |
- |
212 |
- |
212 |
10 |
4,755 |
- |
(2) |
(2) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(2) |
0.0% |
Banks |
14,378 |
1,845 |
16,223 |
37 |
- |
- |
37 |
- |
16,260 |
- |
(1) |
(1) |
(1) |
- |
- |
(1) |
- |
(2) |
0.0% |
Singapore |
15,821 |
7,122 |
22,943 |
352 |
665 |
9 |
1,026 |
283 |
24,252 |
(5) |
(5) |
(10) |
- |
(18) |
(3) |
(21) |
(90) |
(121) |
0.5% |
Corporate Lending |
8,421 |
3,348 |
11,769 |
319 |
515 |
9 |
843 |
236 |
12,848 |
(5) |
(4) |
(9) |
- |
(13) |
(3) |
(16) |
(90) |
(115) |
0.9% |
Non Corporate Lending¹ |
1,395 |
572 |
1,967 |
30 |
144 |
- |
174 |
- |
2,141 |
- |
(1) |
(1) |
- |
(5) |
- |
(5) |
- |
(6) |
0.3% |
Banks |
6,005 |
3,202 |
9,207 |
3 |
6 |
- |
9 |
47 |
9,263 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
0.0% |
UK |
16,196 |
3,489 |
19,685 |
189 |
2,085 |
117 |
2,391 |
349 |
22,425 |
(7) |
- |
(7) |
(7) |
(34) |
- |
(41) |
(198) |
(246) |
1.1% |
Corporate Lending |
6,957 |
835 |
7,792 |
188 |
1,670 |
- |
1,858 |
224 |
9,874 |
(7) |
- |
(7) |
(7) |
(31) |
- |
(38) |
(173) |
(218) |
2.2% |
Non Corporate Lending¹ |
7,096 |
1,023 |
8,119 |
1 |
353 |
110 |
464 |
121 |
8,704 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(3) |
- |
(3) |
(21) |
(24) |
0.3% |
Banks |
2,143 |
1,631 |
3,774 |
- |
62 |
7 |
69 |
4 |
3,847 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(4) |
(4) |
0.1% |
US |
14,367 |
4,151 |
18,518 |
104 |
269 |
13 |
386 |
4 |
18,908 |
(4) |
(2) |
(6) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(4) |
(10) |
0.1% |
Corporate Lending |
5,706 |
2,056 |
7,762 |
- |
264 |
- |
264 |
1 |
8,027 |
(3) |
(2) |
(5) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(1) |
(6) |
0.1% |
Non Corporate Lending¹ |
7,640 |
441 |
8,081 |
18 |
5 |
- |
23 |
3 |
8,107 |
(1) |
- |
(1) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(3) |
(4) |
0.0% |
Banks |
1,021 |
1,654 |
2,675 |
86 |
- |
13 |
99 |
- |
2,774 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
0.0% |
China |
11,005 |
2,641 |
13,646 |
- |
174 |
21 |
195 |
249 |
14,090 |
(3) |
(1) |
(4) |
- |
- |
(2) |
(2) |
(131) |
(137) |
1.0% |
Corporate Lending |
4,976 |
2,069 |
7,045 |
- |
174 |
21 |
195 |
246 |
7,486 |
(1) |
(1) |
(2) |
- |
- |
(2) |
(2) |
(131) |
(135) |
1.8% |
Non Corporate Lending¹ |
3,515 |
309 |
3,824 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
3,824 |
(1) |
- |
(1) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(1) |
0.0% |
Banks |
2,514 |
263 |
2,777 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
3 |
2,780 |
(1) |
- |
(1) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(1) |
0.0% |
Other |
29,580 |
19,864 |
49,444 |
458 |
1,977 |
648 |
3,083 |
2,849 |
55,376 |
(17) |
(27) |
(44) |
(8) |
(23) |
(39) |
(70) |
(1,919) |
(2,033) |
3.7% |
Corporate Lending |
16,478 |
15,285 |
31,763 |
394 |
1,160 |
610 |
2,164 |
2,740 |
36,667 |
(9) |
(21) |
(30) |
(7) |
(22) |
(39) |
(68) |
(1,813) |
(1,911) |
5.2% |
Non Corporate Lending¹ |
4,134 |
3,410 |
7,544 |
17 |
724 |
- |
741 |
106 |
8,391 |
(7) |
(5) |
(12) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(106) |
(118) |
1.4% |
Banks |
8,968 |
1,169 |
10,137 |
47 |
93 |
38 |
178 |
3 |
10,318 |
(1) |
(1) |
(2) |
(1) |
(1) |
- |
(2) |
- |
(4) |
0.0% |
Total |
118,654 |
47,411 |
166,065 |
1,302 |
6,235 |
835 |
8,372 |
5,105 |
179,542 |
(72) |
(42) |
(114) |
(17) |
(145) |
(47) |
(209) |
(3,453) |
(3,776) |
2.1% |
1 Include financing, insurance and non-banking corporations and governments
Page 15
Corporate & Investment Banking |
31.12.23 |
Gross |
Credit impairment |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Coverage |
Strong $million |
Satis-factory $million |
Total $million |
Strong $million |
Satis-factory $million |
Higher Risk $million |
Total $million |
De-faulted $million |
Total $million |
Strong $million |
Satis-factory $million |
Total $million |
Strong $million |
Satis-factory $million |
Higher Risk $million |
Total $million |
De-faulted $million |
Total $million |
% |
Hong Kong |
32,997 |
10,151 |
43,148 |
167 |
937 |
30 |
1,134 |
1,284 |
45,566 |
(7) |
(23) |
(30) |
(4) |
(118) |
(3) |
(125) |
(1,025) |
(1,180) |
2.6% |
Corporate Lending |
14,401 |
6,289 |
20,690 |
165 |
855 |
30 |
1,050 |
1,219 |
22,959 |
(5) |
(20) |
(25) |
(3) |
(118) |
(3) |
(124) |
(1,024) |
(1,173) |
5.1% |
Non Corporate Lending¹ |
2,544 |
2,458 |
5,002 |
1 |
81 |
- |
82 |
65 |
5,149 |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(1) |
(4) |
0.1% |
Banks |
16,052 |
1,404 |
17,456 |
1 |
1 |
- |
2 |
- |
17,458 |
(1) |
(1) |
(2) |
(1) |
- |
- |
(1) |
- |
(3) |
0.0% |
Singapore |
13,180 |
6,046 |
19,226 |
361 |
509 |
36 |
906 |
285 |
20,417 |
(4) |
(4) |
(8) |
(11) |
(14) |
(4) |
(29) |
(75) |
(112) |
0.5% |
Corporate Lending |
5,766 |
2,334 |
8,100 |
304 |
504 |
36 |
844 |
221 |
9,165 |
(4) |
(3) |
(7) |
(11) |
(13) |
(4) |
(28) |
(74) |
(109) |
1.2% |
Non Corporate Lending¹ |
1,687 |
510 |
2,197 |
57 |
2 |
- |
59 |
- |
2,256 |
- |
(1) |
(1) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(1) |
0.0% |
Banks |
5,727 |
3,202 |
8,929 |
- |
3 |
- |
3 |
64 |
8,996 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(1) |
- |
(1) |
(1) |
(2) |
0.0% |
UK |
8,364 |
4,171 |
12,535 |
56 |
785 |
83 |
924 |
257 |
13,716 |
(5) |
(5) |
(10) |
- |
(14) |
(7) |
(21) |
(209) |
(240) |
1.7% |
Corporate Lending |
5,407 |
1,559 |
6,966 |
52 |
539 |
71 |
662 |
250 |
7,878 |
(4) |
(5) |
(9) |
- |
(13) |
(7) |
(20) |
(202) |
(231) |
2.9% |
Non Corporate Lending¹ |
558 |
1,244 |
1,802 |
- |
160 |
- |
160 |
3 |
1,965 |
(1) |
- |
(1) |
- |
(1) |
- |
(1) |
(3) |
(5) |
0.3% |
Banks |
2,399 |
1,368 |
3,767 |
4 |
86 |
12 |
102 |
4 |
3,873 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(4) |
(4) |
0.1% |
US |
14,550 |
4,742 |
19,292 |
219 |
176 |
19 |
414 |
5 |
19,711 |
(2) |
(2) |
(4) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(5) |
(9) |
0.0% |
Corporate Lending |
7,487 |
2,765 |
10,252 |
146 |
130 |
- |
276 |
1 |
10,529 |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(1) |
(4) |
0.0% |
Non Corporate Lending¹ |
6,181 |
425 |
6,606 |
25 |
4 |
- |
29 |
4 |
6,639 |
(1) |
- |
(1) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(4) |
(5) |
0.1% |
Banks |
882 |
1,552 |
2,434 |
48 |
42 |
19 |
109 |
- |
2,543 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
0.0% |
China |
9,737 |
2,733 |
12,470 |
31 |
298 |
8 |
337 |
262 |
13,069 |
(3) |
(4) |
(7) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(125) |
(132) |
1.0% |
Corporate Lending |
4,723 |
2,179 |
6,902 |
31 |
297 |
8 |
336 |
259 |
7,497 |
(2) |
(1) |
(3) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(125) |
(128) |
1.7% |
Non Corporate Lending¹ |
3,254 |
318 |
3,572 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
3,572 |
(1) |
- |
(1) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(1) |
0.0% |
Banks |
1,760 |
236 |
1,996 |
- |
1 |
- |
1 |
3 |
2,000 |
- |
(3) |
(3) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(3) |
0.2% |
Other |
40,704 |
17,895 |
58,599 |
366 |
3,347 |
1,014 |
4,727 |
3,492 |
66,818 |
(16) |
(34) |
(50) |
(4) |
(35) |
(53) |
(92) |
(2,100) |
(2,242) |
3.4% |
Corporate Lending |
16,189 |
15,034 |
31,223 |
345 |
2,322 |
678 |
3,345 |
3,335 |
37,903 |
(8) |
(27) |
(35) |
(3) |
(28) |
(46) |
(77) |
(2,012) |
(2,124) |
5.6% |
Non Corporate Lending¹ |
16,051 |
1,523 |
17,574 |
19 |
946 |
94 |
1,059 |
151 |
18,784 |
(6) |
(6) |
(12) |
(1) |
(6) |
- |
(7) |
(87) |
(106) |
0.6% |
Banks |
8,464 |
1,338 |
9,802 |
2 |
79 |
242 |
323 |
6 |
10,131 |
(2) |
(1) |
(3) |
- |
(1) |
(7) |
(8) |
(1) |
(12) |
0.1% |
Total |
119,532 |
45,738 |
165,270 |
1,200 |
6,052 |
1,190 |
8,442 |
5,585 |
179,297 |
(37) |
(72) |
(109) |
(19) |
(181) |
(67) |
(267) |
(3,539) |
(3,915) |
2.2% |
1 Include financing, insurance and non-banking corporations and governments
Page 16
Wealth & Retail Banking
Wealth & Retail Banking |
30.06.24 |
Gross |
Credit impairment |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Coverage |
Strong $million |
Satis-factory $million |
Total $million |
Strong $million |
Satis-factory $million |
Higher Risk $million |
Total $million |
De-faulted $million |
Total $million |
Strong $million |
Satis-factory $million |
Total $million |
Strong $million |
Satis-factory $million |
Higher Risk $million |
Total $million |
De-faulted $million |
Total $million |
% |
Hong Kong |
41,284 |
196 |
41,480 |
351 |
44 |
36 |
431 |
189 |
42,100 |
(28) |
(29) |
(57) |
(12) |
(10) |
(10) |
(32) |
(49) |
(138) |
0.3% |
Mortgages |
31,424 |
151 |
31,575 |
142 |
30 |
13 |
185 |
65 |
31,825 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(4) |
(4) |
0.0% |
Credit cards |
3,300 |
28 |
3,328 |
43 |
10 |
14 |
67 |
9 |
3,404 |
(14) |
(28) |
(42) |
(4) |
(9) |
(5) |
(18) |
(9) |
(69) |
2.0% |
Others |
6,560 |
17 |
6,577 |
166 |
4 |
9 |
179 |
115 |
6,871 |
(14) |
(1) |
(15) |
(8) |
(1) |
(5) |
(14) |
(36) |
(65) |
0.9% |
Singapore |
26,551 |
73 |
26,624 |
207 |
39 |
36 |
282 |
301 |
27,207 |
(14) |
(15) |
(29) |
- |
(5) |
(5) |
(10) |
(249) |
(288) |
1.1% |
Mortgages |
14,287 |
21 |
14,308 |
161 |
31 |
15 |
207 |
20 |
14,535 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(4) |
(4) |
0.0% |
Credit cards |
1,617 |
21 |
1,638 |
10 |
5 |
16 |
31 |
10 |
1,679 |
(4) |
(15) |
(19) |
- |
(5) |
(4) |
(9) |
(8) |
(36) |
2.1% |
Others |
10,647 |
31 |
10,678 |
36 |
3 |
5 |
44 |
271 |
10,993 |
(10) |
- |
(10) |
- |
- |
(1) |
(1) |
(237) |
(248) |
2.3% |
Korea |
18,532 |
180 |
18,712 |
368 |
10 |
21 |
399 |
105 |
19,216 |
(26) |
(2) |
(28) |
(11) |
(2) |
(2) |
(15) |
(29) |
(72) |
0.4% |
Mortgages |
13,230 |
133 |
13,363 |
280 |
8 |
17 |
305 |
57 |
13,725 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(1) |
(1) |
0.0% |
Credit cards |
64 |
1 |
65 |
1 |
- |
- |
1 |
- |
66 |
(1) |
- |
(1) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(1) |
1.5% |
Others |
5,238 |
46 |
5,284 |
87 |
2 |
4 |
93 |
48 |
5,425 |
(25) |
(2) |
(27) |
(11) |
(2) |
(2) |
(15) |
(28) |
(70) |
1.3% |
Others |
26,180 |
5,068 |
31,248 |
407 |
79 |
250 |
736 |
923 |
32,907 |
(206) |
(30) |
(236) |
(26) |
(10) |
(41) |
(77) |
(370) |
(683) |
2.1% |
Mortgages |
14,589 |
2,249 |
16,838 |
137 |
38 |
136 |
311 |
444 |
17,593 |
(5) |
(4) |
(9) |
(1) |
(1) |
(1) |
(3) |
(123) |
(135) |
0.8% |
Credit cards |
1,400 |
88 |
1,488 |
74 |
1 |
17 |
92 |
47 |
1,627 |
(23) |
(8) |
(31) |
(7) |
- |
(11) |
(18) |
(21) |
(70) |
4.3% |
Others |
10,191 |
2,731 |
12,922 |
196 |
40 |
97 |
333 |
432 |
13,687 |
(178) |
(18) |
(196) |
(18) |
(9) |
(29) |
(56) |
(226) |
(478) |
3.5% |
Total |
112,547 |
5,517 |
118,064 |
1,333 |
172 |
343 |
1,848 |
1,518 |
121,430 |
(274) |
(76) |
(350) |
(49) |
(27) |
(58) |
(134) |
(697) |
(1,181) |
1.0% |
Wealth & Retail Banking |
31.12.23 |
Gross |
Credit impairment |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Coverage |
Strong $million |
Satis-factory $million |
Total $million |
Strong $million |
Satis-factory $million |
Higher Risk $million |
Total $million |
De-faulted $million |
Total $million |
Strong $million |
Satis-factory $million |
Total $million |
Strong $million |
Satis-factory $million |
Higher Risk $million |
Total $million |
De-faulted $million |
Total $million |
% |
Hong Kong |
42,161 |
230 |
42,391 |
480 |
66 |
40 |
586 |
164 |
43,141 |
(17) |
(33) |
(50) |
(14) |
(10) |
(9) |
(33) |
(39) |
(122) |
0.3% |
Mortgages |
32,374 |
152 |
32,526 |
282 |
53 |
13 |
348 |
63 |
32,937 |
- |
- |
- |
(1) |
- |
- |
(1) |
(1) |
(2) |
0.0% |
Credit cards |
3,278 |
32 |
3,310 |
46 |
9 |
13 |
68 |
8 |
3,386 |
(2) |
(32) |
(34) |
(5) |
(9) |
(5) |
(19) |
(8) |
(61) |
1.8% |
Others |
6,509 |
46 |
6,555 |
152 |
4 |
14 |
170 |
93 |
6,818 |
(15) |
(1) |
(16) |
(8) |
(1) |
(4) |
(13) |
(30) |
(59) |
0.9% |
Singapore |
26,412 |
64 |
26,476 |
379 |
41 |
32 |
452 |
280 |
27,208 |
(8) |
(18) |
(26) |
(2) |
(5) |
(4) |
(11) |
(245) |
(282) |
1.0% |
Mortgages |
14,992 |
16 |
15,008 |
230 |
34 |
11 |
275 |
13 |
15,296 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(4) |
(4) |
0.0% |
Credit cards |
1,679 |
21 |
1,700 |
11 |
5 |
14 |
30 |
8 |
1,738 |
- |
(17) |
(17) |
- |
(5) |
(3) |
(8) |
(8) |
(33) |
1.9% |
Others |
9,741 |
27 |
9,768 |
138 |
2 |
7 |
147 |
259 |
10,174 |
(8) |
(1) |
(9) |
(2) |
- |
(1) |
(3) |
(233) |
(245) |
2.4% |
Korea |
22,965 |
211 |
23,176 |
462 |
20 |
9 |
491 |
93 |
23,760 |
(40) |
- |
(40) |
(18) |
- |
- |
(18) |
(19) |
(77) |
0.3% |
Mortgages |
16,534 |
164 |
16,698 |
364 |
18 |
8 |
390 |
69 |
17,157 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
0.0% |
Credit cards |
113 |
2 |
115 |
3 |
- |
- |
3 |
- |
118 |
(4) |
- |
(4) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(4) |
3.4% |
Others |
6,318 |
45 |
6,363 |
95 |
2 |
1 |
98 |
24 |
6,485 |
(36) |
- |
(36) |
(18) |
- |
- |
(18) |
(19) |
(73) |
1.1% |
Others |
26,655 |
4,788 |
31,443 |
440 |
79 |
256 |
775 |
947 |
33,165 |
(169) |
(29) |
(198) |
(31) |
(7) |
(41) |
(79) |
(457) |
(734) |
2.2% |
Mortgages |
14,681 |
2,297 |
16,978 |
155 |
48 |
134 |
337 |
374 |
17,689 |
(5) |
(2) |
(7) |
(2) |
(1) |
(1) |
(4) |
(118) |
(129) |
0.7% |
Credit cards |
1,420 |
68 |
1,488 |
73 |
1 |
15 |
89 |
40 |
1,617 |
(26) |
(9) |
(35) |
(7) |
- |
(10) |
(17) |
(16) |
(68) |
4.2% |
Others |
10,554 |
2,423 |
12,977 |
212 |
30 |
107 |
349 |
533 |
13,859 |
(138) |
(18) |
(156) |
(22) |
(6) |
(30) |
(58) |
(323) |
(537) |
3.9% |
Total |
118,193 |
5,293 |
123,486 |
1,761 |
206 |
337 |
2,304 |
1,484 |
127,274 |
(234) |
(80) |
(314) |
(65) |
(22) |
(54) |
(141) |
(760) |
(1,215) |
1.0% |
Movement in gross exposures and credit impairment for loans and advances, debt securities, undrawn commitments and financial guarantees (reviewed)
The tables overleaf set out the movement in gross exposures and credit impairment by stage in respect of amortised cost loans to banks and customers, undrawn commitments, financial guarantees and debt securities classified at amortised cost and FVOCI. The tables are presented for the Group, debt securities and other eligible bills.
The movement lines within the tables are an aggregation of monthly movements over the year and will therefore reflect the accumulation of multiple trades during the year. The credit impairment charge in the income statement comprises the amounts within the boxes in the table below, less recoveries of amounts previously written off. Discount unwind is reported in net interest income and related to stage 3 financial instruments only.
Page 17
The approach for determining the key line items in the tables is set out below.
• Transfers - transfers between stages are deemed to occur at the beginning of a month based on prior month closing balances.
• Net remeasurement from stage changes - the remeasurement of credit impairment provisions arising from a change in stage is reported within the stage that the assets are transferred to. For example, assets transferred into stage 2 are remeasured from a 12-month to a lifetime expected credit loss, with the effect of remeasurement reported in stage 2. For stage 3, this represents the initial remeasurement from specific provisions recognised on individual assets transferred into stage 3 in the year.
• Net changes in exposures - new business written less repayments in the year. Within stage 1, new business written will attract up to 12 months of expected credit loss charges. Repayments of non-amortising loans (primarily within CIB) will have low amounts of expected credit loss provisions attributed to them, due to the release of provisions over the term to maturity. In stages 2 and 3, the net change in exposures reflect repayments although stage 2 may include new facilities where clients are on non-purely precautionary early alert, are CG 12, or when non-investment grade debt securities are acquired.
• Changes in risk parameters - for stages 1 and 2, this reflects changes in the probability of default (PD), loss given default (LGD) and exposure at default (EAD) of assets during the year, which includes the impact of releasing provisions over the term to maturity. It also includes the effect of changes in forecasts of macroeconomic variables during the year. In stage 3, this line represents additional specific provisions recognised on exposures held within stage 3.
• Interest due but not paid - change in contractual amount of interest due in stage 3 financial instruments but not paid, being the net of accruals, repayments and write-offs, together with the corresponding change in credit impairment.
Changes to ECL models, which incorporate changes to model approaches and methodologies, are not reported as a separate line item as these have an impact over a number of lines and stages.
Movements during the year
Stage 1 gross exposures decreased by $7.8 billion to $716 billion (31 December 2023: $724 billion). CIB increased by $20.5 billion to $358 billion (31 December 2023: $337 billion) largely due to higher amounts of financial guarantees. WRB decreased by $15.6 billion to $175 billion (31 December 2023: $191 billion), largely due to the mortgage portfolio in Korea and Hong Kong, as well as off balance sheet commitments. Stage 1 debt securities decreased by $8.9 billion to $149 billion (31 December 2023: $158 billion).
Total stage 1 provisions increased by $39 million to $565 million (31 December 2023: $526 million). CIB provisions decreased by $7 million to $144 million (31 December 2023: $151 million), due to China CRE overlay releases driven by repayments. This was partly offset by increases due to portfolio movements. WRB provisions increased by $33 million to $358 million (31 December 2023: $325 million), due to delinquencies in personal loans and unsecured lending portfolio. There was also $10 million overlay charges on Hong Kong and Singapore credit cards due to an increase in industry bankruptcy trends.
Stage 2 gross exposures decreased by $3.7 billion to $19 billion (31 December 2023: $22 billion), primarily driven by a net reduction in CIB exposures from off-balance sheet instruments, and in Central and other items where a portfolio of debt securities were maturing, which were being held by Treasury and accounted for under FVOCI. WRB exposures decreased by $0.5 billion to $2 billion (31 December 2023: $2.5 billion). Debt securities remained broadly stable at $1.8 billion (31 December 2023: $1.9 billion).
Stage 2 provisions decreased by $89 million to $428 million (31 December 2023: $517 million). CIB provisions decreased by $59 million to $259 million (31 December 2023: $318 million) from China CRE overlay releases largely due to repayments, and releases due to a sovereign upgrade. This was partly offset by portfolio movements. Debt securities provisions decreased by $24 million to $10 million (31 December 2023: $34 million) mainly due to a sovereign upgrade, which was driven by an improvement in the macroeconomic environment. The decrease was also due to the maturity of a portfolio of debt securities, which were being held by Treasury and accounted for under FVOCI.
The impact of model and methodology updates in H1 2024 reduced modelled provisions by $13 million across stages 1, 2 and 3 in WRB.
Page 18
Stage 3 gross loans for CIB decreased by $0.4 billion to $5.8 billion (31 December 2023: $6.3 billion) due to repayments and write-offs, which were partly offset by new inflows. CIB provisions decreased by $58 million to $3.6 billion (31 December 2023: $3.7 billion), due to releases from repayments and write-offs, which was offset by charges from new downgrades. WRB stage 3 loans was stable at $1.5 billion (31 December 2023: $1.5 billion) but provisions decreased by $61 million to $0.7 billion (31 December 2023: $0.8 billion) due to the unsecured portfolio being classified as held for sale in Malaysia. Debt securities increased by $223 million to $387 million (31 December 2023: $164 million) due to sovereign client positions.
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 35 |
Total |
Gross balance3 |
Total credit impair-ment |
Net |
Gross balance3 |
Total credit impair-ment |
Net |
Gross balance3 |
Total credit impair-ment |
Net |
Gross balance3 |
Total credit impair-ment |
Net |
As at 1 January 2023 |
720,112 |
(645) |
719,467 |
27,479 |
(618) |
26,861 |
8,841 |
(4,724) |
4,117 |
756,432 |
(5,987) |
750,445 |
Transfers to stage 1 |
19,594 |
(661) |
18,933 |
(19,583) |
661 |
(18,922) |
(11) |
- |
(11) |
- |
- |
- |
Transfers to stage 2 |
(42,628) |
174 |
(42,454) |
42,793 |
(182) |
42,611 |
(165) |
8 |
(157) |
- |
- |
- |
Transfers to stage 3 |
(96) |
6 |
(90) |
(2,329) |
326 |
(2,003) |
2,425 |
(332) |
2,093 |
- |
- |
- |
Net change in exposures |
23,717 |
(185) |
23,532 |
(22,727) |
22 |
(22,705) |
(1,708) |
624 |
(1,084) |
(718) |
461 |
(257) |
Net remeasurement from stage changes |
- |
52 |
52 |
- |
(199) |
(199) |
- |
(163) |
(163) |
- |
(310) |
(310) |
Changes in risk parameters |
- |
202 |
202 |
- |
(32) |
(32) |
- |
(1,100) |
(1,100) |
- |
(930) |
(930) |
Write-offs |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(1,027) |
1,027 |
- |
(1,027) |
1,027 |
- |
Interest due but unpaid |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(83) |
83 |
- |
(83) |
83 |
- |
Discount unwind |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
180 |
180 |
- |
180 |
180 |
Exchange translation differences and |
3,177 |
531 |
3,708 |
(3,365) |
(495) |
(3,860) |
(128) |
(102) |
(230) |
(316) |
(66) |
(382) |
As at 31 December 2023² |
723,876 |
(526) |
723,350 |
22,268 |
(517) |
21,751 |
8,144 |
(4,499) |
3,645 |
754,288 |
(5,542) |
748,746 |
Income statement ECL (charge)/release |
69 |
(209) |
(639) |
(779) |
Recoveries of amounts previously written off |
- |
- |
271 |
271 |
Total credit impairment (charge)/release |
69 |
(209) |
(368) |
(508) |
As at 1 January 2024 |
723,876 |
(526) |
723,350 |
22,268 |
(517) |
21,751 |
8,144 |
(4,499) |
3,645 |
754,288 |
(5,542) |
748,746 |
Transfers to stage 1 |
8,877 |
(299) |
8,578 |
(8,862) |
299 |
(8,563) |
(15) |
- |
(15) |
- |
- |
- |
Transfers to stage 2 |
(18,521) |
121 |
(18,400) |
18,617 |
(122) |
18,495 |
(96) |
1 |
(95) |
- |
- |
- |
Transfers to stage 3 |
(347) |
16 |
(331) |
(576) |
108 |
(468) |
923 |
(124) |
799 |
- |
- |
- |
Net change in exposures |
13,748 |
(72) |
13,676 |
(11,669) |
27 |
(11,642) |
(563) |
165 |
(398) |
1,516 |
120 |
1,636 |
Net remeasurement from stage changes |
- |
44 |
44 |
- |
(117) |
(117) |
- |
(145) |
(145) |
- |
(218) |
(218) |
Changes in risk parameters |
- |
68 |
68 |
- |
(25) |
(25) |
- |
(314) |
(314) |
- |
(271) |
(271) |
Write-offs |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(578) |
578 |
- |
(578) |
578 |
- |
Interest due but unpaid |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
13 |
(13) |
- |
13 |
(13) |
- |
Discount unwind |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
69 |
69 |
- |
69 |
69 |
Exchange translation differences and |
(11,587) |
83 |
(11,504) |
(1,236) |
(81) |
(1,317) |
(23) |
(35) |
(58) |
(12,846) |
(33) |
(12,879) |
As at 30 June 2024² |
716,046 |
(565) |
715,481 |
18,542 |
(428) |
18,114 |
7,805 |
(4,317) |
3,488 |
742,393 |
(5,310) |
737,083 |
Income statement ECL (charge)/release⁶ |
40 |
(115) |
(294) |
(369) |
Recoveries of amounts previously written off |
- |
- |
130 |
130 |
Total credit impairment (charge)/release4 |
40 |
(115) |
(164) |
(239) |
1 Includes fair value adjustments and amortisation on debt securities
2 Excludes Cash and balances at central banks, Accrued income, Assets held for sale and Other assets gross balances of $109,690 million (2023: $111,478 million) and Total credit impairment of $95 million (2023: $59 million)
3 Does not include $1 million (2023: Nil) release relating to Other assets
4 Reported basis
5 Stage 3 gross includes $23 million (2023: $80 million) originated credit-impaired debt securities with impairment of Nil (2023: $14 million)
6 The gross balance includes the notional amount of off balance sheet instruments
Page 19
Of which - movement of debt securities, additional tier one and other eligible bills (reviewed)
Amortised cost and FVOCI |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 32 |
Total |
Gross balance |
Total credit impair-ment |
Net |
Gross balance |
Total credit impair-ment |
Net |
Gross balance |
Total credit impair-ment |
Net |
Gross balance |
Total credit impair-ment |
Net3 |
As at 1 January 2023 |
166,103 |
(25) |
166,078 |
5,455 |
(90) |
5,365 |
144 |
(106) |
38 |
171,702 |
(221) |
171,481 |
Transfers to stage 1 |
371 |
(65) |
306 |
(371) |
65 |
(306) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Transfers to stage 2 |
(884) |
14 |
(870) |
884 |
(14) |
870 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Transfers to stage 3 |
- |
- |
- |
(16) |
- |
(16) |
16 |
- |
16 |
- |
- |
- |
Net change in exposures |
(11,583) |
(28) |
(11,611) |
(1,899) |
(44) |
(1,943) |
7 |
- |
7 |
(13,475) |
(72) |
(13,547) |
Net remeasurement from stage changes |
- |
7 |
7 |
- |
(18) |
(18) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(11) |
(11) |
Changes in risk parameters |
- |
32 |
32 |
- |
105 |
105 |
- |
(4) |
(4) |
- |
133 |
133 |
Write-offs |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Interest due but unpaid |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Exchange translation differences and |
4,307 |
39 |
4,346 |
(2,193) |
(38) |
(2,231) |
(3) |
49 |
46 |
2,111 |
50 |
2,161 |
As at 31 December 2023 |
158,314 |
(26) |
158,288 |
1,860 |
(34) |
1,826 |
164 |
(61) |
103 |
160,338 |
(121) |
160,217 |
Income statement ECL (charge)/release |
11 |
43 |
(4) |
50 |
Recoveries of amounts previously written off |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Total credit impairment (charge)/release |
11 |
43 |
(4) |
50 |
As at 1 January 2024 |
158,314 |
(26) |
158,288 |
1,860 |
(34) |
1,826 |
164 |
(61) |
103 |
160,338 |
(121) |
160,217 |
Transfers to stage 1 |
125 |
- |
125 |
(125) |
- |
(125) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Transfers to stage 2 |
(555) |
42 |
(513) |
555 |
(42) |
513 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Transfers to stage 3 |
(131) |
- |
(131) |
131 |
- |
131 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Net change in exposures |
(5,162) |
(4) |
(5,166) |
2 |
(9) |
(7) |
272 |
22 |
294 |
(4,888) |
9 |
(4,879) |
Net remeasurement from stage changes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
2 |
2 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
2 |
2 |
Changes in risk parameters |
- |
4 |
4 |
- |
26 |
26 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
30 |
30 |
Write-offs |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(51) |
51 |
- |
(51) |
51 |
- |
Interest due but unpaid |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Exchange translation differences and |
(3,169) |
(39) |
(3,208) |
(636) |
47 |
(589) |
2 |
(28) |
(26) |
(3,803) |
(20) |
(3,823) |
As at 30 June 2024 |
149,422 |
(23) |
149,399 |
1,787 |
(10) |
1,777 |
387 |
(16) |
371 |
151,596 |
(49) |
151,547 |
Income statement ECL (charge)/release |
- |
19 |
22 |
41 |
Recoveries of amounts previously written off |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Total credit impairment (charge)/release |
- |
19 |
22 |
41 |
1 Includes fair value adjustments and amortisation on debt securities
2 Stage 3 includes gross of $23 million (31 December 2023: $80 million) and ECL Nil (31 December 2023: $14 million) originated credit-impaired debt securities
3 FVOCI instruments are not presented net of ECL. While the presentation is on a net basis for the table, the total net on-balance sheet amount to $151,580 million (31 December 2023: $160,263 million). Refer to the Analysis of financial instrument by stage table
Page 20
Amortised cost and FVOCI |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Total |
Gross balance1 |
Total credit impair-ment |
Net |
Gross balance1 |
Total credit impair-ment |
Net |
Gross balance1 |
Total credit impair-ment |
Net |
Gross balance1 |
Total credit impair-ment |
Net |
As at 1 January 2023 |
315,437 |
(194) |
315,243 |
20,148 |
(411) |
19,737 |
6,994 |
(3,822) |
3,172 |
342,579 |
(4,427) |
338,152 |
Transfers to stage 1 |
14,948 |
(347) |
14,601 |
(14,948) |
347 |
(14,601) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Transfers to stage 2 |
(34,133) |
80 |
(34,053) |
34,175 |
(88) |
34,087 |
(42) |
8 |
(34) |
- |
- |
- |
Transfers to stage 3 |
(17) |
- |
(17) |
(1,270) |
141 |
(1,129) |
1,287 |
(141) |
1,146 |
- |
- |
- |
Net change in exposures |
41,314 |
(73) |
41,241 |
(20,084) |
89 |
(19,995) |
(1,335) |
623 |
(712) |
19,895 |
639 |
20,534 |
Net remeasurement from stage changes |
- |
15 |
15 |
- |
(45) |
(45) |
- |
(82) |
(82) |
- |
(112) |
(112) |
Changes in risk parameters |
- |
60 |
60 |
- |
(68) |
(68) |
- |
(668) |
(668) |
- |
(676) |
(676) |
Write-offs |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(340) |
340 |
- |
(340) |
340 |
- |
Interest due but unpaid |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(120) |
120 |
- |
(120) |
120 |
- |
Discount unwind |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
155 |
155 |
- |
155 |
155 |
Exchange translation differences and |
(360) |
308 |
(52) |
(1,148) |
(283) |
(1,431) |
(188) |
(184) |
(372) |
(1,696) |
(159) |
(1,855) |
As at 31 December 2023 |
337,189 |
(151) |
337,038 |
16,873 |
(318) |
16,555 |
6,256 |
(3,651) |
2,605 |
360,318 |
(4,120) |
356,198 |
Income statement ECL (charge)/release2 |
2 |
(24) |
(127) |
(149) |
Recoveries of amounts previously written off |
- |
- |
31 |
31 |
Total credit impairment (charge)/release |
2 |
(24) |
(96) |
(118) |
As at 1 January 2024 |
337,189 |
(151) |
337,038 |
16,873 |
(318) |
16,555 |
6,256 |
(3,651) |
2,605 |
360,318 |
(4,120) |
356,198 |
Transfers to stage 1 |
5,730 |
(144) |
5,586 |
(5,730) |
144 |
(5,586) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Transfers to stage 2 |
(14,220) |
41 |
(14,179) |
14,245 |
(42) |
14,203 |
(25) |
1 |
(24) |
- |
- |
- |
Transfers to stage 3 |
(118) |
13 |
(105) |
(147) |
(3) |
(150) |
265 |
(10) |
255 |
- |
- |
- |
Net change in exposures |
32,957 |
(23) |
32,934 |
(10,137) |
39 |
(10,098) |
(479) |
127 |
(352) |
22,341 |
143 |
22,484 |
Net remeasurement from stage changes |
- |
12 |
12 |
(1) |
(32) |
(33) |
- |
(83) |
(83) |
(1) |
(103) |
(104) |
Changes in risk parameters |
- |
38 |
38 |
- |
3 |
3 |
- |
(69) |
(69) |
- |
(28) |
(28) |
Write-offs |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(107) |
107 |
- |
(107) |
107 |
- |
Interest due but unpaid |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
16 |
(16) |
- |
16 |
(16) |
- |
Discount unwind |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
54 |
54 |
- |
54 |
54 |
Exchange translation differences and |
(3,878) |
70 |
(3,808) |
(538) |
(50) |
(588) |
(102) |
(53) |
(155) |
(4,518) |
(33) |
(4,551) |
As at 30 June 2024 |
357,660 |
(144) |
357,516 |
14,565 |
(259) |
14,306 |
5,824 |
(3,593) |
2,231 |
378,049 |
(3,996) |
374,053 |
Income statement ECL (charge)/release² |
27 |
10 |
(25) |
12 |
Recoveries of amounts previously written off |
- |
- |
5 |
5 |
Total credit impairment (charge)/release |
27 |
10 |
(20) |
17 |
1 The gross balance includes the notional amount of off balance sheet instruments
2 Does not include release relating to Other assets
Page 21
Amortised cost and FVOCI |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Total |
Gross balance1 |
Total credit impair-ment |
Net |
Gross balance1 |
Total credit impair-ment |
Net |
Gross balance1 |
Total credit impair-ment |
Net |
Gross balance1 |
Total credit impair-ment |
Net |
As at 1 January 2023 |
193,239 |
(413) |
192,826 |
1,821 |
(118) |
1,703 |
1,454 |
(776) |
678 |
196,514 |
(1,307) |
195,207 |
Transfers to stage 1 |
4,265 |
(246) |
4,019 |
(4,254) |
246 |
(4,008) |
(11) |
- |
(11) |
- |
- |
- |
Transfers to stage 2 |
(7,544) |
73 |
(7,471) |
7,667 |
(73) |
7,594 |
(123) |
- |
(123) |
- |
- |
- |
Transfers to stage 3 |
(64) |
1 |
(63) |
(1,049) |
187 |
(862) |
1,113 |
(188) |
925 |
- |
- |
- |
Net change in exposures |
1,965 |
(78) |
1,887 |
(1,713) |
14 |
(1,699) |
(395) |
- |
(395) |
(143) |
(64) |
(207) |
Net remeasurement from stage changes |
- |
31 |
31 |
- |
(137) |
(137) |
- |
(38) |
(38) |
- |
(144) |
(144) |
Changes in risk parameters |
- |
110 |
110 |
- |
(69) |
(69) |
- |
(426) |
(426) |
- |
(385) |
(385) |
Write-offs |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(649) |
649 |
- |
(649) |
649 |
- |
Interest due but unpaid |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
37 |
(37) |
- |
37 |
(37) |
- |
Discount unwind |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
24 |
24 |
- |
24 |
24 |
Exchange translation differences and |
(862) |
197 |
(665) |
- |
(190) |
(190) |
59 |
33 |
92 |
(803) |
40 |
(763) |
As at 31 December 2023 |
190,999 |
(325) |
190,674 |
2,472 |
(140) |
2,332 |
1,485 |
(759) |
726 |
194,956 |
(1,224) |
193,732 |
Income statement ECL (charge)/release |
63 |
(192) |
(464) |
(593) |
Recoveries of amounts previously written off |
- |
- |
239 |
239 |
Total credit impairment (charge)/release |
63 |
(192) |
(225) |
(354) |
As at 1 January 2024 |
190,999 |
(325) |
190,674 |
2,472 |
(140) |
2,332 |
1,485 |
(759) |
726 |
194,956 |
(1,224) |
193,732 |
Transfers to stage 1 |
2,963 |
(146) |
2,817 |
(2,948) |
146 |
(2,802) |
(15) |
- |
(15) |
- |
- |
- |
Transfers to stage 2 |
(3,684) |
36 |
(3,648) |
3,755 |
(36) |
3,719 |
(71) |
- |
(71) |
- |
- |
- |
Transfers to stage 3 |
(57) |
- |
(57) |
(568) |
112 |
(456) |
625 |
(112) |
513 |
- |
- |
- |
Net change in exposures |
(11,173) |
(27) |
(11,200) |
(668) |
(3) |
(671) |
(196) |
- |
(196) |
(12,037) |
(30) |
(12,067) |
Net remeasurement from stage changes |
- |
16 |
16 |
- |
(82) |
(82) |
- |
(26) |
(26) |
- |
(92) |
(92) |
Changes in risk parameters |
- |
15 |
15 |
- |
(54) |
(54) |
- |
(245) |
(245) |
- |
(284) |
(284) |
Write-offs |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(382) |
382 |
- |
(382) |
382 |
- |
Interest due but unpaid |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(3) |
3 |
- |
(3) |
3 |
- |
Discount unwind |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
15 |
15 |
- |
15 |
15 |
Exchange translation differences and |
(3,604) |
73 |
(3,531) |
(38) |
(81) |
(119) |
79 |
44 |
123 |
(3,563) |
36 |
(3,527) |
As at 30 June 2024 |
175,444 |
(358) |
175,086 |
2,005 |
(138) |
1,867 |
1,522 |
(698) |
824 |
178,971 |
(1,194) |
177,777 |
Income statement ECL (charge)/release |
4 |
(139) |
(271) |
(406) |
Recoveries of amounts previously written off |
- |
- |
124 |
124 |
Total credit impairment (charge)/release |
4 |
(139) |
(147) |
(282) |
1 The gross balance includes the notional amount of off-balance sheet instruments
Page 22
Amortised cost and FVOCI |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Total |
Gross balance1 |
Total credit impair-ment |
Net |
Gross balance1 |
Total credit impair-ment |
Net |
Gross balance1 |
Total credit impair-ment |
Net |
Gross balance1 |
Total credit impair-ment |
Net |
As at 1 January 2023 |
135,362 |
(60) |
135,302 |
1,413 |
(17) |
1,396 |
1,028 |
(552) |
476 |
137,803 |
(629) |
137,174 |
Transfers to stage 1 |
3,311 |
(20) |
3,291 |
(3,302) |
20 |
(3,282) |
(9) |
- |
(9) |
- |
- |
- |
Transfers to stage 2 |
(5,340) |
11 |
(5,329) |
5,436 |
(9) |
5,427 |
(96) |
(2) |
(98) |
- |
- |
- |
Transfers to stage 3 |
(28) |
1 |
(27) |
(463) |
1 |
(462) |
491 |
(2) |
489 |
- |
- |
- |
Net change in exposures |
(3,138) |
(16) |
(3,154) |
(1,250) |
3 |
(1,247) |
(216) |
- |
(216) |
(4,604) |
(13) |
(4,617) |
Net remeasurement from stage changes |
- |
4 |
4 |
- |
(16) |
(16) |
- |
(3) |
(3) |
- |
(15) |
(15) |
Changes in risk parameters |
- |
22 |
22 |
- |
24 |
24 |
- |
(110) |
(110) |
- |
(64) |
(64) |
Write-offs |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(109) |
109 |
- |
(109) |
109 |
- |
Interest due but unpaid |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(3) |
3 |
- |
(3) |
3 |
- |
Discount unwind |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
12 |
12 |
- |
12 |
12 |
Exchange translation differences and |
(369) |
25 |
(344) |
(7) |
(22) |
(29) |
(24) |
20 |
(4) |
(400) |
23 |
(377) |
As at 31 December 2023 |
129,798 |
(33) |
129,765 |
1,827 |
(16) |
1,811 |
1,062 |
(525) |
537 |
132,687 |
(574) |
132,113 |
Income statement ECL (charge)/release |
10 |
11 |
(113) |
(92) |
Recoveries of amounts previously written off |
- |
- |
68 |
68 |
Total credit impairment (charge)/release |
10 |
11 |
(45) |
(24) |
As at 1 January 2024 |
129,798 |
(33) |
129,765 |
1,827 |
(16) |
1,811 |
1,062 |
(525) |
537 |
132,687 |
(574) |
132,113 |
Transfers to stage 1 |
2,353 |
(13) |
2,340 |
(2,342) |
13 |
(2,329) |
(11) |
- |
(11) |
- |
- |
- |
Transfers to stage 2 |
(2,542) |
3 |
(2,539) |
2,591 |
(3) |
2,588 |
(49) |
- |
(49) |
- |
- |
- |
Transfers to stage 3 |
(16) |
- |
(16) |
(234) |
2 |
(232) |
250 |
(2) |
248 |
- |
- |
- |
Net change in exposures |
(6,534) |
(4) |
(6,538) |
(431) |
2 |
(429) |
(113) |
- |
(113) |
(7,078) |
(2) |
(7,080) |
Net remeasurement from stage changes |
- |
4 |
4 |
- |
(10) |
(10) |
- |
(1) |
(1) |
- |
(7) |
(7) |
Changes in risk parameters |
- |
(9) |
(9) |
- |
17 |
17 |
- |
(62) |
(62) |
- |
(54) |
(54) |
Write-offs |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(63) |
63 |
- |
(63) |
63 |
- |
Interest due but unpaid |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
23 |
(23) |
- |
23 |
(23) |
- |
Discount unwind |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
8 |
8 |
- |
8 |
8 |
Exchange translation differences and |
(2,768) |
13 |
(2,755) |
(26) |
(17) |
(43) |
37 |
24 |
61 |
(2,757) |
20 |
(2,737) |
As at 30 June 2024 |
120,291 |
(39) |
120,252 |
1,385 |
(12) |
1,373 |
1,136 |
(518) |
618 |
122,812 |
(569) |
122,243 |
Income statement ECL (charge)/release |
(9) |
9 |
(63) |
(63) |
Recoveries of amounts previously written off |
- |
- |
43 |
43 |
Total credit impairment (charge)/release |
(9) |
9 |
(20) |
(20) |
1 The gross balance includes the notional amount of off balance sheet instruments
Page 23
Amortised cost and FVOCI |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Total |
Gross balance1 |
Total credit impair-ment |
Net |
Gross balance1 |
Total credit impair-ment |
Net |
Gross balance1 |
Total credit impair-ment |
Net |
Gross balance1 |
Total credit impair-ment |
Net |
As at 1 January 2023 |
57,877 |
(353) |
57,524 |
408 |
(101) |
307 |
426 |
(224) |
202 |
58,711 |
(678) |
58,033 |
Transfers to stage 1 |
954 |
(226) |
728 |
(952) |
226 |
(726) |
(2) |
- |
(2) |
- |
- |
- |
Transfers to stage 2 |
(2,204) |
62 |
(2,142) |
2,231 |
(64) |
2,167 |
(27) |
2 |
(25) |
- |
- |
- |
Transfers to stage 3 |
(36) |
- |
(36) |
(586) |
186 |
(400) |
622 |
(186) |
436 |
- |
- |
- |
Net change in exposures |
5,103 |
(62) |
5,041 |
(463) |
11 |
(452) |
(179) |
- |
(179) |
4,461 |
(51) |
4,410 |
Net remeasurement from stage changes |
- |
27 |
27 |
- |
(121) |
(121) |
- |
(35) |
(35) |
- |
(129) |
(129) |
Changes in risk parameters |
- |
88 |
88 |
- |
(93) |
(93) |
- |
(316) |
(316) |
- |
(321) |
(321) |
Write-offs |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(540) |
540 |
- |
(540) |
540 |
- |
Interest due but unpaid |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
40 |
(40) |
- |
40 |
(40) |
- |
Discount unwind |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
12 |
12 |
- |
12 |
12 |
Exchange translation differences and |
(493) |
172 |
(321) |
7 |
(168) |
(161) |
83 |
13 |
96 |
(403) |
17 |
(386) |
As at 31 December 2023 |
61,201 |
(292) |
60,909 |
645 |
(124) |
521 |
423 |
(234) |
189 |
62,269 |
(650) |
61,619 |
Income statement ECL (charge)/release |
53 |
(203) |
(351) |
(501) |
Recoveries of amounts previously written off |
- |
- |
171 |
171 |
Total credit impairment (charge)/release |
53 |
(203) |
(180) |
(330) |
As at 1 January 2024 |
61,201 |
(292) |
60,909 |
645 |
(124) |
521 |
423 |
(234) |
189 |
62,269 |
(650) |
61,619 |
Transfers to stage 1 |
610 |
(133) |
477 |
(606) |
133 |
(473) |
(4) |
- |
(4) |
- |
- |
- |
Transfers to stage 2 |
(1,142) |
33 |
(1,109) |
1,164 |
(33) |
1,131 |
(22) |
- |
(22) |
- |
- |
- |
Transfers to stage 3 |
(41) |
- |
(41) |
(334) |
110 |
(224) |
375 |
(110) |
265 |
- |
- |
- |
Net change in exposures |
(4,639) |
(23) |
(4,662) |
(237) |
(5) |
(242) |
(83) |
- |
(83) |
(4,959) |
(28) |
(4,987) |
Net remeasurement from stage changes |
- |
12 |
12 |
- |
(72) |
(72) |
- |
(25) |
(25) |
- |
(85) |
(85) |
Changes in risk parameters |
- |
24 |
24 |
- |
(71) |
(71) |
- |
(183) |
(183) |
- |
(230) |
(230) |
Write-offs |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(319) |
319 |
- |
(319) |
319 |
- |
Interest due but unpaid |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(26) |
26 |
- |
(26) |
26 |
- |
Discount unwind |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
7 |
7 |
- |
7 |
7 |
Exchange translation differences and |
(836) |
60 |
(776) |
(12) |
(64) |
(76) |
42 |
20 |
62 |
(806) |
16 |
(790) |
As at 30 June 2024 |
55,153 |
(319) |
54,834 |
620 |
(126) |
494 |
386 |
(180) |
206 |
56,159 |
(625) |
55,534 |
Income statement ECL (charge)/release |
13 |
(148) |
(208) |
(343) |
Recoveries of amounts previously written off |
- |
- |
81 |
81 |
Total credit impairment (charge)/release |
13 |
(148) |
(127) |
(262) |
1 The gross balance includes the notional amount of off balance sheet instruments
Page 24
Analysis of stage 2 balances
The table below analyses total stage 2 gross on-and off-balance sheet exposures and associated expected credit provisions by the key SICR driver that caused the exposures to be classified as stage 2 as at 30 June 2024 and 31 December 2023 for each segment.
Where multiple drivers apply, the exposure is allocated based on the table order. For example, a loan may have breached the PD thresholds and could also be on non-purely precautionary early alert; in this instance, the exposure is reported under 'Increase in PD'.
Further details can be found in the 'Summary of Credit Risk performance' section.
30.06.24 |
Corporate & |
Wealth & Retail Banking |
Ventures |
Central & other items1 |
Total |
Gross |
Cove-rage |
Gross |
Cove-rage |
Gross |
Cove-rage |
Gross |
Cove-rage |
Gross |
Cove-rage |
Increase in PD |
7,885 |
115 |
1.5% |
1,626 |
125 |
7.7% |
51 |
25 |
49.0% |
452 |
4 |
0.9% |
10,014 |
269 |
2.7% |
Non-purely precautionary |
4,019 |
35 |
0.9% |
30 |
- |
0.0% |
- |
- |
0.0% |
- |
- |
0.0% |
4,049 |
35 |
0.9% |
Higher risk (CG12) |
674 |
22 |
3.3% |
17 |
- |
0.0% |
- |
- |
0.0% |
1,427 |
3 |
0.2% |
2,118 |
25 |
1.2% |
Sub-investment grade |
- |
- |
0.0% |
- |
- |
0.0% |
- |
- |
0.0% |
- |
- |
0.0% |
- |
- |
0.0% |
Top up/Sell down (Private Banking) |
- |
- |
0.0% |
39 |
- |
0.0% |
- |
- |
0.0% |
- |
- |
0.0% |
39 |
- |
0.0% |
Others |
1,987 |
1 |
0.1% |
147 |
4 |
2.7% |
- |
- |
0.0% |
426 |
- |
0.0% |
2,560 |
5 |
0.2% |
30 days past due |
- |
- |
0.0% |
146 |
9 |
6.2% |
5 |
- |
0.0% |
- |
- |
0.0% |
151 |
9 |
6.0% |
Management overlay |
- |
86 |
0.0% |
- |
- |
0.0% |
- |
- |
0.0% |
- |
- |
0.0% |
- |
86 |
0.0% |
Total stage 2 |
14,565 |
259 |
1.8% |
2,005 |
138 |
6.9% |
56 |
25 |
44.6% |
2,305 |
7 |
0.3% |
18,931 |
429 |
2.3% |
31.12.23 |
Corporate & |
Wealth & Retail Banking |
Ventures |
Central & other items1 |
Total |
Gross |
Cove-rage |
Gross |
Cove-rage |
Gross |
Cove-rage |
Gross |
Cove-rage |
Gross |
Cove-rage |
Increase in PD |
8,262 |
75 |
0.9% |
1,962 |
109 |
5.6% |
96 |
23 |
24.0% |
599 |
13 |
2.2% |
10,919 |
220 |
2.0% |
Non-purely precautionary |
5,136 |
26 |
0.5% |
37 |
- |
0.0% |
- |
- |
0.0% |
- |
- |
0.0% |
5,173 |
26 |
0.5% |
Higher risk (CG12) |
1,008 |
56 |
5.6% |
26 |
1 |
3.8% |
- |
- |
0.0% |
2,020 |
17 |
0.8% |
3,054 |
74 |
2.4% |
Sub-investment grade |
- |
- |
0.0% |
- |
- |
0.0% |
- |
- |
0.0% |
- |
- |
0.0% |
- |
- |
0.0% |
Top up/Sell down (Private Banking) |
- |
- |
0.0% |
148 |
2 |
1.4% |
- |
- |
0.0% |
- |
- |
0.0% |
148 |
2 |
1.4% |
Others |
2,467 |
37 |
1.5% |
151 |
16 |
10.6% |
- |
- |
0.0% |
489 |
- |
0.0% |
3,107 |
53 |
1.7% |
30 days past due |
- |
- |
0.0% |
148 |
12 |
8.1% |
2 |
- |
0.0% |
- |
- |
0.0% |
150 |
12 |
8.0% |
Management overlay |
- |
124 |
0.0% |
- |
- |
0.0% |
- |
- |
0.0% |
- |
17 |
0.0% |
- |
141 |
0.0% |
Total stage 2 |
16,873 |
318 |
1.9% |
2,472 |
140 |
5.7% |
98 |
23 |
23.5% |
3,108 |
47 |
1.5% |
22,551 |
528 |
2.3% |
1 Includes Gross and ECL for Cash and balances at central banks and Assets held for sale
Page 25
The table below analyses credit impairment charges or releases of the ongoing business portfolio and restructuring business portfolio for the half year ended 30 June 2024.
Further details can be found in the 'Summary of Credit Risk performance' section.
30.06.24 |
30.06.23 |
Stage 1 & 2 |
Stage 3 |
Total |
Stage 1 & 2 |
Stage 3 |
Total |
Ongoing business portfolio |
Corporate & Investment Banking |
(38) |
3 |
(35) |
33 |
36 |
69 |
Wealth & Retail Banking |
135 |
147 |
282 |
15 |
93 |
108 |
Ventures |
7 |
36 |
43 |
12 |
11 |
23 |
Central & other items |
(31) |
(10) |
(41) |
(27) |
(1) |
(28) |
Credit impairment charge/(release) |
73 |
176 |
249 |
33 |
139 |
172 |
Restructuring business portfolio |
Others |
2 |
(11) |
(9) |
(2) |
(9) |
(11) |
Credit impairment charge/(release) |
2 |
(11) |
(9) |
(2) |
(9) |
(11) |
Total credit impairment charge/ (release) |
75 |
165 |
240 |
31 |
130 |
161 |
Problem credit management and provisioning
A forborne loan arises when a concession has been made to the contractual terms of a loan in response to a customer's financial difficulties.
Net forborne loans decreased by $139 million to $866 million (31 December 2023: $1,005 million), largely on the non-performing forborne loans stock. The net non-performing forborne loans decreased by $136 million to $831 million (31 December 2023: $967 million) largely due to write-offs and repayments.
Amortised cost |
30.06.24 |
31.12.23 |
Corporate & Investment Banking |
Wealth & Retail Banking |
Ventures |
Total |
Corporate & Investment Banking |
Wealth & Retail Banking |
Ventures |
Total |
All loans with forbearance measures |
2,139 |
299 |
- |
2,438 |
2,340 |
314 |
- |
2,654 |
Credit impairment (stage 1 and 2) |
- |
(2) |
- |
(2) |
- |
(2) |
- |
(2) |
Credit impairment (stage 3) |
(1,450) |
(120) |
- |
(1,570) |
(1,529) |
(118) |
- |
(1,647) |
Net carrying value |
689 |
177 |
- |
866 |
811 |
194 |
- |
1,005 |
Included within the above table |
Gross performing forborne loans |
4 |
33 |
- |
37 |
- |
40 |
- |
40 |
Modification of terms and conditions1 |
4 |
33 |
- |
37 |
- |
40 |
- |
40 |
Refinancing2 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Impairment provisions |
- |
(2) |
- |
(2) |
- |
(2) |
- |
(2) |
Modification of terms and conditions1 |
- |
(2) |
- |
(2) |
- |
(2) |
- |
(2) |
Refinancing2 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Net performing forborne loans |
4 |
31 |
- |
35 |
- |
38 |
- |
38 |
Collateral |
- |
22 |
- |
22 |
- |
31 |
- |
31 |
Gross non-performing forborne loans |
2,135 |
266 |
- |
2,401 |
2,340 |
274 |
- |
2,614 |
Modification of terms and conditions1 |
1,906 |
266 |
- |
2,172 |
2,113 |
274 |
- |
2,387 |
Refinancing2 |
229 |
- |
- |
229 |
227 |
- |
- |
227 |
Impairment provisions |
(1,450) |
(120) |
- |
(1,570) |
(1,529) |
(118) |
- |
(1,647) |
Modification of terms and conditions1 |
(1,240) |
(120) |
- |
(1,360) |
(1,337) |
(118) |
- |
(1,455) |
Refinancing2 |
(210) |
- |
- |
(210) |
(192) |
- |
- |
(192) |
Net non-performing forborne loans |
685 |
146 |
- |
831 |
811 |
156 |
- |
967 |
Collateral |
296 |
49 |
- |
345 |
341 |
49 |
- |
390 |
1 Modification of terms is any contractual change apart from refinancing, as a result of credit stress of the counterparty, i.e. interest reductions, loan covenant waivers
2 Refinancing is a new contract to a borrower in credit stress, such that they are refinanced and can pay other debt contracts that they were unable to honour
Page 26
Net forborne loans decreased by $139 million to $866 million (31 December 2023: $1,005 million), mainly on the non-performing forborne loans stock. Stage 3 forborne loans reductions in the 'Other' category, were largely in CIB and driven by UAE ($53 million) and Bahrain ($30 million).
Amortised cost |
30.06.24 |
31.12.23 |
Hong Kong |
Korea |
China |
Singa-pore |
UK |
US |
Other |
Total |
Hong Kong |
Korea |
China |
Singa-pore |
UK |
US |
Other |
Total |
Performing forborne loans |
2 |
6 |
- |
3 |
- |
- |
24 |
35 |
- |
6 |
- |
3 |
- |
- |
29 |
38 |
Stage 3 forborne loans |
135 |
20 |
91 |
34 |
49 |
1 |
501 |
831 |
104 |
22 |
114 |
37 |
46 |
1 |
643 |
967 |
Net forborne loans |
137 |
26 |
91 |
37 |
49 |
1 |
525 |
866 |
104 |
28 |
114 |
40 |
46 |
1 |
672 |
1,005 |
Credit Risk mitigation
Potential credit losses from any given account, customer or portfolio are mitigated using a range of tools such as collateral, netting arrangements, credit insurance and credit derivatives, taking into account expected volatility and guarantees.
The reliance that can be placed on these mitigants is carefully assessed in light of issues such as legal certainty and enforceability, market valuation correlation and counterparty risk of the guarantor.
The unadjusted market value of collateral across all asset types, in respect of CIB, without adjusting for over-collateralisation, increased to $343 billion (31 December 2023: $290 billion) predominantly due to an increase in reverse repos.
The table below details collateral held against exposures, separately disclosing stage 2 and stage 3 exposure and corresponding collateral.
Amortised cost |
30.06.24 |
Net amount outstanding |
Collateral |
Net exposure |
Total |
Stage 2 financial |
Credit-impaired financial |
Total2 |
Stage 2 financial |
Credit-impaired financial |
Total |
Stage 2 financial |
Credit-impaired financial |
Corporate & Investment Banking1 |
175,766 |
8,163 |
1,652 |
32,993 |
2,797 |
638 |
142,773 |
5,366 |
1,014 |
Wealth & Retail Banking |
120,249 |
1,714 |
821 |
85,192 |
810 |
664 |
35,057 |
904 |
157 |
Ventures |
1,109 |
26 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1,109 |
26 |
- |
Central & other items |
24,003 |
129 |
64 |
1,678 |
128 |
- |
22,325 |
1 |
64 |
Total |
321,127 |
10,032 |
2,537 |
119,863 |
3,735 |
1,302 |
201,264 |
6,297 |
1,235 |
Amortised cost |
31.12.23 |
Net amount outstanding |
Collateral |
Net exposure |
Total |
Stage 2 financial |
Credit-impaired financial |
Total2 |
Stage 2 financial |
Credit-impaired financial |
Total |
Stage 2 financial |
Credit-impaired financial |
Corporate & Investment Banking1 |
175,382 |
8,175 |
2,046 |
36,458 |
2,972 |
623 |
138,924 |
5,203 |
1,423 |
Wealth & Retail Banking |
126,059 |
2,163 |
724 |
86,827 |
1,136 |
554 |
39,232 |
1,027 |
170 |
Ventures |
1,033 |
33 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1,033 |
33 |
- |
Central & other items |
29,478 |
964 |
209 |
2,475 |
964 |
- |
27,003 |
- |
209 |
Total |
331,952 |
11,335 |
2,979 |
125,760 |
5,072 |
1,177 |
206,192 |
6,263 |
1,802 |
1 Includes loans and advances to banks
2 Adjusted for over-collateralisation based on the drawn and undrawn components of exposures
Page 27
Collateral taken for longer-term and sub-investment grade corporate loans was stable at 40 per cent (31 December 2023: 41 per cent).
Our underwriting standards encourage taking specific charges on assets and we consistently seek high-quality, investment-grade collateral.
84 per cent (31 December 2023: 83 per cent) of tangible collateral excluding reverse repurchase agreements and financial guarantees held comprises physical assets or is property based, with the remainder held in cash. Overall collateral decreased by $3.5 billion to $33 billion (31 December 2023: $36 billion) mainly due to a decrease in reverse repos.
Non-tangible collateral, such as guarantees and standby letters of credit, is also held against corporate exposures,
although the financial effect of this type of collateral is less significant in terms of recoveries. However, this is considered when determining the loss given default and other credit-related factors. Collateral is also held against off balance sheet exposures, including undrawn commitments and trade-related instruments.
Amortised cost |
30.06.24 |
31.12.23 |
Maximum exposure |
175,766 |
175,382 |
Property |
8,634 |
9,339 |
Plant, machinery and other stock |
947 |
933 |
Cash |
2,782 |
2,985 |
Reverse repos |
10,303 |
13,826 |
616 |
- |
AA- to AA+ |
383 |
1,036 |
A- to A+ |
5,378 |
10,606 |
BBB- to BBB+ |
758 |
855 |
Lower than BBB- |
35 |
169 |
Unrated |
3,133 |
1,160 |
Financial guarantees and insurance |
5,274 |
5,057 |
Commodities |
14 |
5 |
Ships and aircraft |
5,039 |
4,313 |
Total value of collateral1 |
32,993 |
36,458 |
Net exposure |
142,773 |
138,924 |
1 Adjusted for over-collateralisation based on the drawn and undrawn components of exposures
Collateral - Wealth & Retail Banking (reviewed)
In WRB, fully secured products remain stable at 85 per cent of the total portfolio (31 December 2023: 85 per cent).
The following table presents an analysis of loans to individuals by product; split between fully secured, partially secured and unsecured.
Amortised cost |
30.06.24 |
31.12.23 |
Fully secured |
Partially secured |
Unsecured |
Total |
Fully secured |
Partially secured |
Unsecured |
Total |
Maximum exposure |
101,615 |
522 |
18,112 |
120,249 |
106,914 |
505 |
18,640 |
126,059 |
Loans to individuals |
Mortgages |
77,535 |
- |
- |
77,535 |
82,943 |
- |
- |
82,943 |
Credit Cards & Personal Loans |
423 |
- |
16,850 |
17,273 |
375 |
- |
17,395 |
17,770 |
Auto |
224 |
- |
- |
224 |
312 |
- |
- |
312 |
Secured wealth products |
21,197 |
- |
- |
21,197 |
20,303 |
- |
- |
20,303 |
Other |
2,236 |
522 |
1,262 |
4,020 |
2,981 |
505 |
1,245 |
4,731 |
Total collateral1 |
85,192 |
86,827 |
Net exposure2 |
35,057 |
39,232 |
Percentage of total loans |
85% |
0% |
15% |
85% |
0% |
15% |
1 Collateral values are adjusted where appropriate in accordance with our risk mitigation policy and for the effect of over-collateralisation
2 Amounts net of ECL
Page 28
Loan-to-value (LTV) ratios measure the ratio of the current mortgage outstanding to the current fair value of the properties on which they are secured.
In a majority of mortgages, the value of property held as security significantly exceeds principal outstanding of the mortgage loans. The average LTV of the overall mortgage portfolio remains broadly stable at 47.9 per cent (31 December 2023: 47.1 per cent). The top three markets (Hong Kong, Singapore and Korea) which represents 79 per cent of the mortgage portfolio continue to have low portfolio LTVs (Hong Kong, Singapore and Korea at 56.8 per cent, 43.0 per cent and 40.6 per cent respectively).
An analysis of LTV ratios by geography for the mortgage portfolio is presented in the table below.
For the Hong Kong residential mortgage portfolio, 8.1 per cent of the portfolio was in negative equity, representing approximately 4,000 accounts that exceeded their property values by a total of $196 million. Of these, 13 accounts with a total loan balance of $9.4 million were more than 90 days past due. Under local regulations, mortgages with LTV exceeding 70 per cent (including those in negative equity) are generally required to be insured by the Mortgage Insurance Program (MIP).
Amortised cost |
30.06.24 |
Hong Kong |
Singapore |
Korea |
Other |
Total |
Less than 50 per cent |
43.3 |
53.5 |
68.2 |
51.7 |
53.8 |
50 per cent to 59 per cent |
18.8 |
23.5 |
11.6 |
15.7 |
16.9 |
60 per cent to 69 per cent |
10.6 |
14.4 |
10.9 |
16.6 |
12.6 |
70 per cent to 79 per cent |
4.8 |
8.2 |
8.4 |
11.3 |
7.7 |
80 per cent to 89 per cent |
6.3 |
0.3 |
0.7 |
4.1 |
3.3 |
90 per cent to 99 per cent |
8.1 |
0.0 |
0.1 |
0.4 |
2.9 |
100 per cent and greater |
8.1 |
0.0 |
0.1 |
0.2 |
2.8 |
Average portfolio loan-to-value |
56.8 |
43.0 |
40.6 |
47.6 |
47.9 |
Loans to individuals - mortgages ($million) |
31,821 |
14,531 |
13,724 |
17,458 |
77,534 |
Amortised cost |
31.12.23 |
Hong Kong |
Singapore |
Korea |
Other |
Total |
Less than 50 per cent |
44.9 |
50.9 |
69.5 |
51.0 |
54.9 |
50 per cent to 59 per cent |
19.5 |
24.7 |
11.0 |
16.7 |
17.1 |
60 per cent to 69 per cent |
9.7 |
15.2 |
9.7 |
16.3 |
11.9 |
70 per cent to 79 per cent |
4.3 |
8.7 |
8.9 |
11.6 |
7.9 |
80 per cent to 89 per cent |
7.3 |
0.5 |
0.6 |
3.6 |
3.3 |
90 per cent to 99 per cent |
7.4 |
- |
0.1 |
0.4 |
2.5 |
100 per cent and greater |
7.0 |
- |
0.1 |
0.4 |
2.4 |
Average portfolio loan-to-value |
55.7 |
43.4 |
40.4 |
47.8 |
47.1 |
Loans to individuals - mortgages ($million) |
32,935 |
15,292 |
17,157 |
17,559 |
82,943 |
Page 29
Collateral and other credit enhancements possessed or called upon (reviewed)
The Group obtains assets by taking possession of collateral or calling upon other credit enhancements (such as guarantees). Repossessed properties are sold in an orderly fashion. Where the proceeds are in excess of the outstanding loan balance the excess is returned to the borrower.
Certain equity securities acquired may be held by the Group for investment purposes and are classified as fair value through profit or loss, and the related loan written off. The carrying value of collateral possessed and held by the Group is $11.9 million (31 December 2023: $16.5 million).
30.06.24 |
31.12.23 |
Property, plant and equipment |
9.0 |
10.5 |
Guarantees |
2.9 |
6.0 |
Total |
11.9 |
16.5 |
Other Credit risk mitigation (reviewed)
Other forms of credit risk mitigation are set out below.
Credit default swaps
The Group has entered into credit default swaps for portfolio management purposes, referencing loan assets with a notional value of $3.5 billion (31 December 2023: $3.5 billion). These credit default swaps are accounted for as financial guarantees as per IFRS 9 as they will only reimburse the holder for an incurred loss on an underlying debt instrument.
The Group continues to hold the underlying assets referenced in the credit default swaps and it continues to be exposed to related Credit Risk and Foreign Exchange Rate Risk on these assets.
Credit linked notes
The Group has issued credit linked notes for portfolio management purposes, referencing loan assets with a notional value of $29.0 billion (31 December 2023: $22.5 billion). The Group continues to hold the underlying assets for which the credit linked notes provide mitigation. The credit linked notes are recognised as a financial liability at amortised cost on the balance sheet.
Derivative financial instruments
The Group enters into master netting agreements which, in the event of default, result in a single amount owed by or to the counterparty through netting the sum of the positive and negative mark-to-market values of applicable derivative transactions. Credit Risk mitigation for derivative financial instruments is set out below.
Off-balance sheet exposures
For certain types of exposures, such as letters of credit and guarantees, the Group obtains collateral such as cash depending on internal Credit Risk assessments, as well as in the case of letters of credit holding legal title to the underlying assets should a default take place.
Other portfolio analysis
This section provides analysis of Credit quality by industry and Industry analysis of loans and advances by key geography.
Page 30
Loans and advances
This section provides an analysis of the Group's amortised cost portfolio by industry on a gross, total credit impairment and net basis.
Further details can be found in the 'Summary of Credit Risk performance' section.
Amortised cost |
30.06.24 |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Total |
Gross balance |
Total credit impair-ment |
Net carrying amount |
Gross balance |
Total credit impair-ment |
Net carrying amount |
Gross balance |
Total credit impair-ment |
Net carrying amount |
Gross balance |
Total credit impair-ment |
Net carrying amount |
Industry: |
Energy |
11,879 |
(15) |
11,864 |
554 |
(19) |
535 |
894 |
(570) |
324 |
13,327 |
(604) |
12,723 |
Manufacturing |
19,050 |
(9) |
19,041 |
712 |
(14) |
698 |
500 |
(383) |
117 |
20,262 |
(406) |
19,856 |
Financing, insurance |
30,566 |
(9) |
30,557 |
666 |
(5) |
661 |
107 |
(103) |
4 |
31,339 |
(117) |
31,222 |
Transport, telecom |
15,188 |
(10) |
15,178 |
2,178 |
(48) |
2,130 |
431 |
(152) |
279 |
17,797 |
(210) |
17,587 |
Food and household products |
8,335 |
(6) |
8,329 |
356 |
(8) |
348 |
290 |
(226) |
64 |
8,981 |
(240) |
8,741 |
Commercial real estate |
12,650 |
(45) |
12,605 |
1,769 |
(73) |
1,696 |
1,606 |
(1,194) |
412 |
16,025 |
(1,312) |
14,713 |
Mining and quarrying |
5,622 |
(2) |
5,620 |
219 |
(9) |
210 |
101 |
(59) |
42 |
5,942 |
(70) |
5,872 |
Consumer durables |
6,166 |
(3) |
6,163 |
249 |
(18) |
231 |
311 |
(277) |
34 |
6,726 |
(298) |
6,428 |
Construction |
2,415 |
(2) |
2,413 |
466 |
(3) |
463 |
368 |
(325) |
43 |
3,249 |
(330) |
2,919 |
Trading companies & distributors |
623 |
- |
623 |
36 |
- |
36 |
86 |
(53) |
33 |
745 |
(53) |
692 |
Government |
27,566 |
(4) |
27,562 |
771 |
(3) |
768 |
197 |
(19) |
178 |
28,534 |
(26) |
28,508 |
Other |
5,022 |
(5) |
5,017 |
133 |
(6) |
127 |
221 |
(88) |
133 |
5,376 |
(99) |
5,277 |
Total |
145,082 |
(110) |
144,972 |
8,109 |
(206) |
7,903 |
5,112 |
(3,449) |
1,663 |
158,303 |
(3,765) |
154,538 |
Retail Products: |
Mortgage |
76,084 |
(8) |
76,076 |
1,008 |
(4) |
1,004 |
586 |
(132) |
454 |
77,678 |
(144) |
77,534 |
Credit Cards |
7,628 |
(112) |
7,516 |
240 |
(67) |
173 |
74 |
(53) |
21 |
7,942 |
(232) |
7,710 |
Personal loans and other unsecured lending |
10,488 |
(215) |
10,273 |
331 |
(75) |
256 |
243 |
(100) |
143 |
11,062 |
(390) |
10,672 |
Auto |
223 |
- |
223 |
1 |
- |
1 |
- |
- |
- |
224 |
- |
224 |
Secured wealth products |
20,888 |
(28) |
20,860 |
183 |
(8) |
175 |
488 |
(328) |
160 |
21,559 |
(364) |
21,195 |
Other |
3,856 |
(7) |
3,849 |
133 |
(2) |
131 |
136 |
(93) |
43 |
4,125 |
(102) |
4,023 |
Total |
119,167 |
(370) |
118,797 |
1,896 |
(156) |
1,740 |
1,527 |
(706) |
821 |
122,590 |
(1,232) |
121,358 |
Net carrying value (customers)¹ |
264,249 |
(480) |
263,769 |
10,005 |
(362) |
9,643 |
6,639 |
(4,155) |
2,484 |
280,893 |
(4,997) |
275,896 |
Net carrying value (Banks)¹ |
44,793 |
(4) |
44,789 |
392 |
(3) |
389 |
57 |
(4) |
53 |
45,242 |
(11) |
45,231 |
1 Includes reverse repurchase agreements and other similar secured lending held at amortised cost of $3,991 million (Loans to Banks) and $7,788 million
(Loans to customers)
Page 31
Amortised cost |
31.12.23 |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Total |
Gross balance |
Total credit impair-ment |
Net carrying amount |
Gross balance |
Total credit impair-ment |
Net carrying amount |
Gross balance |
Total credit impair-ment |
Net carrying amount |
Gross balance |
Total credit impair-ment |
Net carrying amount |
Industry: |
Energy |
9,397 |
(8) |
9,389 |
672 |
(22) |
650 |
949 |
(535) |
414 |
11,018 |
(565) |
10,453 |
Manufacturing |
21,239 |
(8) |
21,231 |
708 |
(16) |
692 |
656 |
(436) |
220 |
22,603 |
(460) |
22,143 |
Financing, insurance |
31,633 |
(13) |
31,620 |
571 |
(1) |
570 |
80 |
(77) |
3 |
32,284 |
(91) |
32,193 |
Transport, telecom |
14,710 |
(8) |
14,702 |
1,722 |
(36) |
1,686 |
481 |
(178) |
303 |
16,913 |
(222) |
16,691 |
Food and household products |
7,668 |
(15) |
7,653 |
323 |
(7) |
316 |
355 |
(262) |
93 |
8,346 |
(284) |
8,062 |
Commercial real estate |
12,261 |
(30) |
12,231 |
1,848 |
(129) |
1,719 |
1,712 |
(1,191) |
521 |
15,821 |
(1,350) |
14,471 |
Mining and quarrying |
5,995 |
(4) |
5,991 |
220 |
(10) |
210 |
151 |
(84) |
67 |
6,366 |
(98) |
6,268 |
Consumer durables |
5,815 |
(3) |
5,812 |
300 |
(21) |
279 |
329 |
(298) |
31 |
6,444 |
(322) |
6,122 |
Construction |
2,230 |
(2) |
2,228 |
502 |
(8) |
494 |
358 |
(326) |
32 |
3,090 |
(336) |
2,754 |
Trading companies & distributors |
581 |
- |
581 |
57 |
- |
57 |
107 |
(58) |
49 |
745 |
(58) |
687 |
Government |
33,400 |
(6) |
33,394 |
1,783 |
(5) |
1,778 |
367 |
(33) |
334 |
35,550 |
(44) |
35,506 |
Other |
4,262 |
(4) |
4,258 |
161 |
(3) |
158 |
187 |
(70) |
117 |
4,610 |
(77) |
4,533 |
Total |
149,191 |
(101) |
149,090 |
8,867 |
(258) |
8,609 |
5,732 |
(3,548) |
2,184 |
163,790 |
(3,907) |
159,883 |
Retail Products: |
Mortgage |
81,210 |
(8) |
81,202 |
1,350 |
(5) |
1,345 |
519 |
(123) |
396 |
83,079 |
(136) |
82,943 |
Credit Cards |
7,633 |
(104) |
7,529 |
244 |
(65) |
179 |
69 |
(50) |
19 |
7,946 |
(219) |
7,727 |
Personal loans and other unsecured lending |
10,867 |
(188) |
10,679 |
324 |
(77) |
247 |
315 |
(165) |
150 |
11,506 |
(430) |
11,076 |
Auto |
310 |
- |
310 |
1 |
- |
1 |
1 |
- |
1 |
312 |
- |
312 |
Secured wealth products |
19,923 |
(22) |
19,901 |
278 |
(10) |
268 |
474 |
(340) |
134 |
20,675 |
(372) |
20,303 |
Other |
4,558 |
(7) |
4,551 |
161 |
(5) |
156 |
118 |
(94) |
24 |
4,837 |
(106) |
4,731 |
Total |
124,501 |
(329) |
124,172 |
2,358 |
(162) |
2,196 |
1,496 |
(772) |
724 |
128,355 |
(1,263) |
127,092 |
Net carrying value (customers)¹ |
273,692 |
(430) |
273,262 |
11,225 |
(420) |
10,805 |
7,228 |
(4,320) |
2,908 |
292,145 |
(5,170) |
286,975 |
Net carrying value (Banks)¹ |
44,384 |
(8) |
44,376 |
540 |
(10) |
530 |
77 |
(6) |
71 |
45,001 |
(24) |
44,977 |
1 Includes reverse repurchase agreements and other similar secured lending held at amortised cost of $1,738 million (Loans to Banks) and $13,996 million (Loans to customers)
Industry analysis of loans and advances by key geography
This section provides an analysis of the Group's amortised cost loan portfolio, net of provisions, by industry and geography.
The Manufacturing sector group is spread across a diverse range of industries, including automobiles and components, capital goods, pharmaceuticals, biotech and life sciences, technology hardware and equipment, chemicals, paper products and packaging, with lending spread over 3269 clients.
Page 32
Amortised cost |
30.06.24 |
31.12.23 |
Hong Kong |
China |
Singa-pore |
UK |
US |
Other |
Total |
Hong Kong |
China |
Singa-pore |
UK |
US |
Other |
Total |
Industry: |
Energy |
2,840 |
56 |
3,014 |
3,646 |
1,594 |
1,560 |
12,710 |
3,118 |
42 |
1,162 |
1,341 |
3,638 |
1,130 |
10,431 |
Manufacturing |
3,299 |
4,353 |
1,302 |
436 |
2,111 |
8,333 |
19,834 |
3,570 |
4,309 |
1,666 |
694 |
2,921 |
8,982 |
22,142 |
Financing, insurance |
3,505 |
3,823 |
2,031 |
8,535 |
8,098 |
3,943 |
29,935 |
3,700 |
3,570 |
1,708 |
1,724 |
6,627 |
14,864 |
32,193 |
Transport, telecom |
5,140 |
410 |
3,022 |
1,336 |
595 |
7,078 |
17,581 |
4,634 |
429 |
2,499 |
1,030 |
630 |
7,470 |
16,692 |
Food and household products |
359 |
467 |
1,746 |
1,004 |
626 |
4,539 |
8,741 |
541 |
519 |
911 |
816 |
664 |
4,611 |
8,062 |
Commercial real estate |
4,030 |
411 |
1,549 |
1,100 |
1,823 |
5,800 |
14,713 |
3,895 |
588 |
1,125 |
1,436 |
1,236 |
6,192 |
14,472 |
Mining and quarrying |
955 |
691 |
506 |
1,520 |
195 |
2,005 |
5,872 |
1,028 |
735 |
427 |
1,729 |
279 |
2,071 |
6,269 |
Consumer durables |
3,028 |
310 |
282 |
114 |
487 |
2,207 |
6,428 |
3,030 |
244 |
180 |
177 |
483 |
2,008 |
6,122 |
Construction |
233 |
146 |
525 |
119 |
385 |
1,511 |
2,919 |
176 |
163 |
319 |
137 |
389 |
1,569 |
2,753 |
Trading companies |
119 |
185 |
125 |
31 |
37 |
195 |
692 |
119 |
75 |
121 |
31 |
20 |
321 |
687 |
Government |
1,248 |
- |
103 |
145 |
5 |
4,332 |
5,833 |
1,445 |
1 |
547 |
236 |
6 |
3,814 |
6,049 |
Other |
2,247 |
321 |
661 |
349 |
167 |
1,532 |
5,277 |
1,676 |
265 |
646 |
257 |
264 |
1,425 |
4,533 |
Net loans and advances |
27,003 |
11,173 |
14,866 |
18,335 |
16,123 |
43,035 |
130,535 |
26,932 |
10,940 |
11,311 |
9,608 |
17,157 |
54,457 |
130,405 |
Net loans and advances |
16,258 |
2,779 |
9,263 |
3,843 |
2,774 |
10,314 |
45,231 |
17,457 |
1,996 |
8,994 |
3,868 |
2,544 |
10,119 |
44,978 |
Wealth & Retail Banking
Amortised cost |
30.06.24 |
31.12.23 |
Hong Kong |
Korea |
Singapore |
Other |
Total |
Hong Kong |
Korea |
Singapore |
Other |
Total |
Retail Products: |
Mortgages |
31,821 |
13,724 |
14,531 |
17,458 |
77,534 |
32,935 |
17,157 |
15,292 |
17,559 |
82,943 |
Credit Cards |
3,335 |
65 |
1,643 |
1,558 |
6,601 |
3,325 |
114 |
1,705 |
1,549 |
6,693 |
Personal Loans and other unsecured lending |
1,015 |
2,907 |
255 |
6,495 |
10,672 |
950 |
3,230 |
220 |
6,676 |
11,076 |
Auto |
- |
- |
171 |
53 |
224 |
- |
- |
240 |
72 |
312 |
Secured wealth products |
5,199 |
25 |
10,229 |
5,742 |
21,195 |
5,164 |
33 |
9,388 |
5,718 |
20,303 |
Other |
592 |
2,423 |
90 |
918 |
4,023 |
644 |
3,149 |
82 |
856 |
4,731 |
Net loans and advances to customers - WRB |
41,962 |
19,144 |
26,919 |
32,224 |
120,249 |
43,018 |
23,683 |
26,927 |
32,430 |
126,058 |
Vulnerable, cyclical and high carbon sectors
Vulnerable and cyclical sectors are those that the Group considers to be most at risk from current economic stresses, including volatile energy and commodity prices, and we continue to monitor exposures to these sectors particularly carefully.
Sectors are identified and grouped as per the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) system and exposure numbers have been updated to include all in-scope ISIC codes used for target setting among the high carbon sectors.
The maximum exposures shown in the table include Loans and Advances to Customers at Amortised cost, Fair Value through profit or loss, and committed facilities available as per IFRS 9 - Financial Instruments in $million.
Further details can be found in the 'Summary of Credit Risk performance' section.
Page 33
30.06.24 |
Maximum on Balance Sheet Exposure |
Collateral |
Net On Balance Sheet Exposure |
Undrawn Commitments (net of credit impairment) |
Financial Guarantees |
Net Off Balance Sheet Exposure |
Total On & Off Balance Sheet |
Industry: |
Automotive manufacturers1 |
3,120 |
61 |
3,059 |
3,350 |
290 |
3,640 |
6,699 |
Aviation1,2 |
1,751 |
935 |
816 |
1,964 |
676 |
2,640 |
3,456 |
Of which: High Carbon Sector |
1,395 |
970 |
425 |
1,202 |
632 |
1,834 |
2,259 |
Commodity Traders2 |
8,429 |
324 |
8,105 |
2,213 |
6,539 |
8,752 |
16,857 |
Metals & Mining1,2 |
4,651 |
325 |
4,326 |
3,653 |
1,632 |
5,285 |
9,611 |
Of which: Steel1 |
2,068 |
216 |
1,852 |
692 |
376 |
1,068 |
2,920 |
Of which: Coal Mining1 |
13 |
5 |
8 |
50 |
101 |
151 |
159 |
Of which: Aluminium1 |
535 |
33 |
502 |
388 |
118 |
506 |
1,008 |
Shipping1 |
7,285 |
4,621 |
2,664 |
2,851 |
433 |
3,284 |
5,948 |
Construction2 |
3,013 |
351 |
2,662 |
2,577 |
5,910 |
8,487 |
11,149 |
Of which: Cement1 |
949 |
55 |
894 |
621 |
277 |
898 |
1,792 |
Commercial Real Estate2 |
15,127 |
5,964 |
9,163 |
5,042 |
802 |
5,844 |
15,007 |
Of which: High Carbon Sector |
8,511 |
3,460 |
5,051 |
2,421 |
659 |
3,080 |
8,131 |
Hotels & Tourism2 |
1,950 |
689 |
1,261 |
1,290 |
360 |
1,650 |
2,911 |
Oil & Gas1,2 |
8,100 |
1,026 |
7,074 |
8,543 |
7,070 |
15,613 |
22,687 |
Power1 |
5,356 |
1,103 |
4,253 |
3,516 |
918 |
4,434 |
8,687 |
Total3 |
58,782 |
15,399 |
43,383 |
34,999 |
24,630 |
59,629 |
103,012 |
Of which: Vulnerable and cyclical sectors |
43,021 |
9,614 |
33,407 |
25,282 |
22,989 |
48,271 |
81,678 |
Of which: High carbon sectors |
37,332 |
11,550 |
25,782 |
23,634 |
10,874 |
34,508 |
60,290 |
Total Corporate & Investment Banking4 |
190,337 |
27,434 |
162,903 |
110,067 |
74,551 |
184,618 |
347,521 |
Total Group5 |
423,399 |
119,863 |
303,536 |
178,475 |
85,934 |
264,409 |
567,945 |
1 High-carbon sectors
2 Vulnerable and cyclical sectors
3 Maximum On Balance sheet exposure include FVTPL portion of $2,254 million, of which Vulnerable sector is $1,650 million and High Carbon sector is $1,186 million
4 Include On Balance sheet FVTPL amount of $59,802 million for Corporate & Investment Banking loans to customers
5 Total Group includes net loans and advances to banks and net loans and advances to customers held at amortised cost of $45,231 million and $275,896 million
respectively and loans to banks and loans and advances to customers held at FVTPL of $42,461 million and $59,811 million respectively. Refer to credit quality table
Page 34
31.12.23 |
Maximum On Balance Sheet Exposure |
Collateral |
Net On Balance Sheet Exposure |
Undrawn Commitments (net of credit impairment) |
Financial Guarantees |
Net Off Balance Sheet Exposure |
Total On & Off Balance Sheet |
Industry: |
Automotive manufacturers1 |
3,564 |
65 |
3,499 |
3,791 |
538 |
4,329 |
7,828 |
Aviation1,2 |
1,775 |
974 |
801 |
1,794 |
668 |
2,462 |
3,263 |
Of which: High Carbon Sector |
1,330 |
974 |
356 |
944 |
615 |
1,559 |
1,915 |
Commodity Traders2 |
7,406 |
303 |
7,103 |
2,591 |
6,281 |
8,872 |
15,975 |
Metals & Mining1,2,4 |
4,136 |
354 |
3,782 |
3,862 |
1,153 |
5,015 |
8,797 |
Of which: Steel1 |
1,596 |
193 |
1,403 |
601 |
358 |
959 |
2,362 |
Of which: Coal Mining1 |
29 |
9 |
20 |
51 |
99 |
150 |
170 |
Of which: Aluminium1 |
526 |
9 |
517 |
338 |
188 |
526 |
1,043 |
Shipping1 |
5,964 |
3,557 |
2,407 |
2,261 |
291 |
2,552 |
4,959 |
Construction2 |
2,853 |
448 |
2,405 |
2,753 |
5,927 |
8,680 |
11,085 |
Of which: Cement1,4 |
671 |
47 |
624 |
769 |
259 |
1,028 |
1,652 |
Commercial Real Estate2 |
14,533 |
6,363 |
8,170 |
4,658 |
311 |
4,969 |
13,139 |
Of which: High Carbon Sector |
7,498 |
3,383 |
4,115 |
1,587 |
112 |
1,699 |
5,814 |
Hotels & Tourism2 |
1,680 |
715 |
965 |
1,339 |
227 |
1,566 |
2,531 |
Oil & Gas1,2 |
6,278 |
894 |
5,384 |
7,845 |
6,944 |
14,789 |
20,173 |
Power1 |
5,411 |
1,231 |
4,180 |
3,982 |
732 |
4,714 |
8,894 |
Total3 |
53,600 |
14,904 |
38,696 |
34,876 |
23,072 |
57,948 |
96,644 |
Of which: Vulnerable and cyclical sectors |
38,661 |
10,051 |
28,610 |
24,842 |
21,511 |
46,353 |
74,963 |
Of which: High carbon sectors |
32,867 |
10,362 |
22,505 |
22,169 |
10,136 |
32,305 |
54,810 |
Total Corporate & Investment Banking5 |
188,903 |
32,744 |
156,159 |
104,437 |
63,183 |
167,620 |
323,779 |
Total Group6 |
423,276 |
125,760 |
297,516 |
182,299 |
74,278 |
256,577 |
554,093 |
1 High-carbon sectors
2 Vulnerable and cyclical sectors
3 Maximum On Balance sheet exposure include FVTPL portion of $640 million, of which Vulnerable sector is $602 million and High Carbon sector is $125 million
4 Restated Metals & Mining to align the vulnerable and cyclical sector definition to that used for climate reporting. Other Metals and Mining has been removed from
high carbon sectors and Cement added to provide consistency with climate reporting and individual high carbon sectors
5 Represented to include On Balance sheet FVTPL amount of $58,498 million for Corporate & Investment Banking loans to customers
6 Represented to include On Balance sheet FVTPL amount. In 2023, total Group includes net loans and advances to banks and net loans and advances to customers
held at amortised cost of $44,977 million and $286,975 million respectively and loans to banks and loans and advances to customers held at FVTPL of $32,813 million
and $58,511 million respectively. Refer to credit quality table
Page 35
Loans and advances by stage
Amortised Cost |
30.06.24 |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Total |
Gross Balance |
Total Credit Impair-ment |
Net Carrying Amount |
Gross Balance |
Total Credit Impair-ment |
Net Carrying Amount |
Gross Balance |
Total Credit Impair-ment |
Net Carrying Amount |
Gross Balance |
Total Credit Impair-ment |
Net Carrying Amount |
Industry: |
Aviation |
1,605 |
(1) |
1,604 |
77 |
- |
77 |
63 |
(12) |
51 |
1,745 |
(13) |
1,732 |
Commodity Traders |
7,838 |
(2) |
7,836 |
31 |
(1) |
30 |
503 |
(491) |
12 |
8,372 |
(494) |
7,878 |
Metals & Mining |
3,889 |
(2) |
3,887 |
188 |
(8) |
180 |
110 |
(66) |
44 |
4,187 |
(76) |
4,111 |
Construction |
2,415 |
(2) |
2,413 |
466 |
(3) |
463 |
368 |
(325) |
43 |
3,249 |
(330) |
2,919 |
Commercial Real Estate |
12,650 |
(45) |
12,605 |
1,769 |
(73) |
1,696 |
1,606 |
(1,194) |
412 |
16,025 |
(1,312) |
14,713 |
Hotels & Tourism |
1,789 |
(2) |
1,787 |
35 |
- |
35 |
125 |
(28) |
97 |
1,949 |
(30) |
1,919 |
Oil & Gas |
7,211 |
(6) |
7,205 |
530 |
(11) |
519 |
524 |
(149) |
375 |
8,265 |
(166) |
8,099 |
Total |
37,397 |
(60) |
37,337 |
3,096 |
(96) |
3,000 |
3,299 |
(2,265) |
1,034 |
43,792 |
(2,421) |
41,371 |
Total CIB |
121,272 |
(110) |
121,162 |
7,980 |
(206) |
7,774 |
5,048 |
(3,449) |
1,599 |
134,300 |
(3,765) |
130,535 |
Total Group |
309,042 |
(482) |
308,560 |
10,397 |
(367) |
10,030 |
6,696 |