21 July 2020
Minoan Group Plc
(or "the Company")
As stated in the Company's Notice of Annual General Meeting dated 8 April 2020, Resolution 1, to receive and consider the Company's accounts, was adjourned as a result of delays to the Company's audited Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 October 2019 caused by the Coronavirus situation.
Minoan Group Pl c announces that its Re-convened Annual General Meeting, at which the accounts for the year ended 31 October 2019 together with the reports of the directors and auditors thereon be received and considered, will be held at 10.00 a.m. on 6 August 2020 at St Dunstan's Church Hall, 80 London Road, Canterbury, CT2 8LS.
Please note that the evolving COVID-19 situation and the related Government guidelines have clearly impacted the ability of Shareholders to attend the Re-Convened Annual General Meeting. Therefore, the Company will hold the meeting with the minimum quorum of Shareholders present to conduct the business of the meeting (being the Chairman and one other Shareholder). Social distancing measures will be in place. Shareholders should not travel to the venue as no other Shareholders will be permitted to physically attend the meeting and any Shareholder who attempts to attend the meeting in person will be refused entry. As Shareholders will not be able to attend the meeting, the Company requests that Shareholders submit their votes by proxy if they have not already done so.
The Notice of the Re-convened Annual General Meeting will be available on the Company's website today and will be received today by those shareholders who have elected to continue to receive hard copy communication from the Company.
For further information visit www.minoangroup.com or contact:
Minoan Group Plc |
Christopher Egleton |
christopher.egleton@minoangroup.com |
Bill Cole |
william.cole@minoangroup.com |
WH Ireland Limited |
020 7220 1666 |
Adrian Hadden/Lydia Zychowska |
Pello Capital Limited |
020 7710 9610 |
Mark Traherne |
Sapience Communications Limited |
020 3195 3240 |
Richard Morgan Evans |