24 June 2021
This announcement contains inside information as defined in Article 7 of the Market Abuse Regulation 596/2014 and is disclosed in accordance with the Company's obligations under Article 17 of those Regulations.
Anemoi International Ltd
(Reuters: AMOI.L, Bloomberg: AMOI:LN)
("Anemoi" or the "Company")
Final Results for the period 6 May 2020 to 31 December 2020 and Notice of AGM
Further to the announcement released by the Company on 29 April 2021, the Board of Anemoi is pleased to announce that its final audited results for the period 6 May 2020 to 31 December 2020, Notice of Annual General Meeting and Form of Proxy have been published and are now available on the Company's website at www.anemoi-international.com .
The principal elements of the Final Results are reproduced below:
fortheperiodended31December2020 |
2020 GBP |
Continuing Operations |
Revenue |
- |
Costofsales |
- |
Grossprofit /(loss) |
- |
Administrativeexpensesexcludingexceptionalcosts |
(102,747) |
Exceptionaladministrationcosts |
(88,817) |
Totaladministrativeexpenses |
(191,564) |
Operating loss |
(191,564) |
Netfinancialincome/(expense) |
(3,733) |
Profit/(loss)beforetaxation |
(195,297) |
Taxation |
- |
Profit/(loss)fortheperiod |
(195,297) |
Earnings per share - GBP (using weighted average number of shares) |
BasicandDiluted-ContinuingOperations |
(0.01) |
Basic and Diluted |
(0.01) |
fortheperiodended31December2020 |
2020 GBP |
Profitforthefinancialyear |
(195,297) |
Other comprehensive income: |
Exchangedifferencesonre-translatingforeignoperations |
9,390 |
Total comprehensive income |
(185,907) |
Attributable to: |
Equityshareholdersoftheparent |
(185,907) |
Non-Controllinginterest |
- |
Total Comprehensive income |
(185,907) |
Assets |
2020 GBP |
Currentassets |
Cashandcashequivalents |
878,642 |
Totalcurrentassets |
878,642 |
LiabilitiesCurrentliabilities |
Tradeandotherpayables |
21,101 |
Total current liabilities |
21,101 |
Netcurrentassets |
857,541 |
Non-currentliabilities |
Longtermdebt |
164,263 |
Totalnon-currentliabilities |
164,263 |
Netassets |
693,278 |
Shareholders'Equity |
Sharecapital |
804,855 |
Otherreserves-warrantoptions |
74,330 |
Foreignexchangereserve |
9,390 |
Retainedearnings |
(195,297) |
Totalshareholders'equity |
693,278 |
Totalequity |
693,278 |
fortheperiodended31December2020 |
2020 GBP |
Cash flowsfromoperatingactivities |
Profit/(Loss) fortheperiod beforetaxation |
(191,564) |
Increaseintradeandotherpayables |
21,101 |
Cash generated by operations |
(170,463) |
Cashflowsfromfinancingactivities |
InterestPaid |
(2,357) |
Issueofordinarysharecapital |
879,185 |
Parentcompanyloanissuance/(repayment) |
164,263 |
Net cashflowfromfinancingactivities-continuingoperations |
1,041,091 |
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents |
870,628 |
Cashandcashequivalentsatthestartoftheperiod |
- |
Effectsofforeignexchangeratechanges |
8,014 |
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period |
878,642 |
Attributable to owners of the Company
Foreign |
Total |
Share |
Other |
Exchange |
Retained |
Shareholders |
Capital |
Reserves |
Reserves |
Earnings |
Equity |
Opening Balance |
£ - |
£ - |
£ - |
£ - |
£ - |
IssuanceofShareCapital |
879,185 |
- |
- |
- |
879,185 |
OtherReserves-WarrantOptions |
(74,330) |
74,330 |
- |
- |
- |
Totalcomprehensiveincomefortheperiod |
- |
- |
9,390 |
(195,297) |
(185,907) |
Balance as at 31 December 2020 |
804,855 |
74,330 |
9,390 |
(195,297) |
693,278 |
The Company prepares its accounts in accordance with applicable International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") as adopted by the European Union.
For further information, please contact:
Enquiries: |
Anemoi International Ltd |
Duncan Soukup (Chairman) |
+33 (0)6 78 63 26 89 |