Preliminary Results - Part 2

WPP Group PLC 21 February 2001 Part 2 WPP GROUP PLC Notes to the unaudited preliminary consolidated financial statements 1. Basis of accounting The unaudited preliminary consolidated financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention. 2. Accounting policies The unaudited preliminary consolidated financial statements comply with relevant accounting standards (UK GAAP) and have been properly prepared using accounting policies set out on pages 56 and 57 of the Group's 1999 Annual Report and Accounts, apart from the adoption of FRS15 (Tangible fixed assets), FRS16 (Current tax) and FRS19 (Deferred tax). There has been no material impact on the financial statements as a result of the adoption of these new standards except in the case of FRS19 (Deferred tax). FR19 requires that deferred tax should be recognised as a liability or asset if the transactions or events that give the Group an obligation to pay more tax in the future or a right to pay less tax in future have occurred by the balance sheet date. The Standard is mandatory for all accounting periods ending on or after 23 January 2002 but, consistent with ASB's encouragement for companies to adopt early, the Group has decided to implement FRS19 in its 2000 financial statements. The effects of the early adoption of FRS19 and the resulting prior year adjustments are shown in notes 6 and 11. The directors have also reassessed their opinion that all the goodwill and intangible assets of the Group have an infinite life. For certain acquisitions, where the directors consider it more appropriate, goodwill is now amortised over its useful life up to a 20 year period, from the date of acquisition. The impact of this revision to the estimated life of goodwill is shown in note 10. 3. Currency conversion The 2000 unaudited preliminary consolidated profit and loss account is prepared using, among other currencies, an average exchange rate of US$1.5162 to the pound (1999: US$1.6178). The unaudited preliminary consolidated balance sheet as at 31 December 2000 has been prepared using the exchange rate on that day of US$1.4937 to the pound (1999: US$1.6182). The unaudited preliminary consolidated profit and loss account and balance sheet are presented in Euros in Appendix II for illustrative purposes. The unaudited preliminary consolidated profit and loss account has been prepared using an average exchange rate of Euro1.6428 to the pound (1999: Euro1.5202). The unaudited preliminary balance sheet at 31 December 2000 has been prepared using the exchange rate on that day of Euro1.5912 to the pound (1999: Euro 1.6056). The constant currency percentage changes shown on the face of the profit and loss account have been calculated by applying 2000 exchange rates to the results for 1999 and 2000 for both the Sterling and Euro financial statements. WPP GROUP PLC Notes to the unaudited preliminary consolidated financial statements (continued) 4. Acquisitions The total contributions of acquisitions completed in 2000 was follows: Young & Other Rubicam Acquisitions Total £m £m £m Revenue 359.4 79.5 438.9 Gross profit 359.4 79.5 438.9 Operating costs (311.8) (65.6) (377.4) Operating profit 47.6 13.9 61.5 Income from associates 2.6 2.3 4.9 Profit on ordinary activities before interest and 50.2 16.2 66.4 taxation Net interest payable and similar charges (2.5) (0.1) (2.6) Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 47.7 16.1 63.8 5. Segmental Information Reported contributions by geographical area were as follows: 2000 1999 £m £m Revenue United Kingdom 532.4 434.7 United States 1,273.6 915.2 Continental Europe 586.3 426.2 Canada, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Africa & Middle East 588.4 396.5 2,980.7 2,172.6 PBIT(1) United Kingdom 63.1 51.5 United States 191.4 139.0 Continental Europe 81.9 55.8 Canada, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Africa & Middle East 79.6 44.5 416.0 290.8 (1)PBIT: Profit on ordinary activities before interest and taxation WPP GROUP PLC Notes to the unaudited preliminary consolidated financial statements (continued) Reported contributions by operating sector were as follows: 2000 1999 £m £m Revenue Advertising and media investment management 1,399.0 1,013.1 Information and consultancy 512.1 419.7 Public relations and public affairs 330.1 178.9 Branding and Identity, Healthcare and Specialist Communications 739.5 560.9 2,980.7 2,172.6 PBIT(1) Advertising and media investment management 231.4 155.9 Information and consultancy 51.6 42.1 Public relations and public affairs 43.2 23.9 Branding and Identity, Healthcare and Specialist Communications 89.8 68.9 416.0 290.8 (1)PBIT: Profit on ordinary activities before interest and taxation 6. Taxation The Group tax rate on profit on ordinary activities before taxation is 30% (1999: 30%). The tax charge comprises: 2000 1999 £m £m Corporation Tax at 30% (1999 - 30.25%) 6.4 12.4 Deferred taxation (10.6) (0.7) Overseas taxation 100.3 56.5 Tax on profits of associate companies 13.6 8.1 ACT write-off - 0.3 109.7 76.6 7. Ordinary dividends The Board has recommended a final dividend of 2.55p (1999: 2.1p) per ordinary share. In addition to the interim dividend paid of 1.2p (1999: 1.0p net) per ordinary share, this makes a total for the year of 3.75p (1999: 3.1p) per ordinary share. The final dividend is expected to be paid on 9 July 2001 to share owners on the register at 8 June 2001. No advance corporation tax is paid or payable in respect of either the interim or final dividends owing to the abolition of ACT with effect from April 1999. WPP GROUP PLC Notes to the unaudited preliminary consolidated financial statements (continued) 8. Earnings per share Basic and fully diluted earnings per share have been calculated in accordance with FRS14 'Earnings per Share'. (a) Basic earnings per share have been calculated using earnings of £244.7 million (1999: £172.8 million) and weighted average shares in issue during the year of 834,280,801 shares (1998: 753,324,054 shares). (b) Fully diluted earnings per share have been calculated using earnings of £244.7 million (1999: £172.8 million), as adjusted for income arising on the convertible loan note of £0.9 million (1999: £nil). The weighted average shares used was 865,978,000 shares (1999: 768,691,993 shares). This takes into account the exercise of employee share options where these are expected to dilute earnings. (c) At 31 December 2000, there were 1,111,853,705 ordinary shares in issue. 9. Corporate Brands The Group has capitalised an additional £600 million for the Corporate brand names of Y&R Inc., which was acquired during the year. 10. Goodwill Total goodwill of £3,092.1 million arising during the year includes £3,087.0 million in respect of acquisitions of subsidiary undertakings. This amount includes £2,818.5 million arising from the acquisition of Y&R Inc, which was completed on 4th October 2000. In addition, investments include £5.1 million of goodwill in respect of associated undertakings acquired during the year. Cash paid in respect of these acquisitions was £206.5 million. Future anticipated payments to vendors total £302.3 million (1999 : £172.4 million), based on the directors' best estimates of future obligations, which are dependent on future performance of the interests acquired. £94.1 million of earnout payments are expected to be paid during 2001. During the year, the Group charged £8.5million (1999: £nil) to operating profit, arising from the impairment of goodwill during the year due to the adjustment of the carrying value of goodwill to its recoverable amount. Additionally, £6.6million (1999: £nil) was charged to operating profit for goodwill amortisation, as goodwill arising on certain acquisitions is now being amortised over periods up to 20 years as a result of the Group's reassessment of the useful economic life of goodwill. WPP GROUP PLC Notes to the unaudited preliminary consolidated financial statements (continued) 11. Debtors The following are included in debtors: 2000 1999 RESTATED* £m £m Trade debtors 1,699.4 770.0 Prepayments and accrued income 129.3 70.1 Deferred tax 57.4 28.0 Other debtors 294.9 200.3 2,181.0 1,068.4 The deferred tax asset is regarded as recoverable since, based on all available evidence, including forecasts of profit, it is more likely than not there will be suitable taxable profits from which the future reversal of the underlying timing differences can be deducted. The 31 December 1999 balance sheet has been restated to recognise a deferred tax asset of £28.0 million as a result of the implementation by the Group of FRS19 in its 2000 financial statements. 12. Creditors: amounts falling due within one year The following are included in creditors falling due within one year: 2000 1999 £m £m Bank loans and overdrafts 297.6 148.3 Trade creditors 2,574.9 1,315.0 Corporate income tax payable 42.4 34.6 Deferred income 267.6 125.8 Payments due to vendors (note 10) 94.1 41.2 Other creditors and accruals 975.8 483.1 4,252.4 2,148.0 Overdraft balances included within bank loans and overdrafts amount to £297.6 million (1999: £55.6 million). WPP GROUP PLC Notes to the unaudited preliminary consolidated financial statements (continued) 13. Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year The following are included in creditors falling due after more than one year: 2000 1999 £m £m Corporate bond, convertible loan note and bank loans 794.6 366.8 Corporate income taxes payable 212.5 122.9 Payments due to vendors (note 10) 208.2 131.2 Other creditors and accruals 64.3 31.6 1,279.6 652.5 The corporate bond, convertible loan note, bank loans and overdrafts included within short and long term creditors fall due for repayment as follows: 2000 1999 £m £m Within one year 297.6 148.3 Between 1 and 2 years - - Between 2 and 5 years 402.8 183.1 Over 5 years 391.8 183.7 1,092.2 515.1 14. Net (debt)/ funds 2000 1999 £m £m Cash at bank and in hand 1,067.6 607.0 Bank loans and overdrafts due Within one year (note 12) (297.6) (148.3) Corporate bond, convertible loan note and loans due After one year (note 13) (794.6) (366.8) Net (debt)/ funds (24.6) 91.9 15. Statutory information and audit review The results for the year to 31 December 2000 do not constitute statutory accounts and are unaudited. The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 1999 received an unqualified auditors' report and have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. WPP GROUP PLC Appendix II Preliminary results for the year ended 31 December, 2000 Unaudited preliminary consolidated profit & loss account for the year ended 31 December, 2000 Presented in Euros for illustrative purposes only Constant Currency 2000 (Note 3) Continuing Acquisitions 1999 Operations (Young & Total Total +/- Rubicam only) Eurom Eurom Eurom Eurom % Turnover (gross billings) 20,063.0 2,853.1 22,916.1 14,207.6 +61.3% Revenue 4,306.3 590.4 4,896.7 3,302.8 +48.3% Gross profit 3,904.5 590.4 4,494.9 2,820.4 +59.4% Operating costs (3,361.7) (512.2) (3,873.9) (2,419.8)-60.1% Operating profit 542.8 78.2 621.0 400.6 +55.0% Income from associates 58.1 4.3 62.4 41.5 +50.4% Profit on ordinary activities before interest and taxation 600.9 82.5 683.4 442.1 +54.6% Net interest payable and (78.5) (4.1) (82.6) (53.8) -53.5% similar charges Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 522.4 78.4 600.8 388.3 +54.7% Tax on profit on ordinary (180.2) (116.5) -54.7% activities Profit on ordinary activities 420.6 271.8 +54.7% after taxation Minority interests (18.6) (9.1) -104.4% Profit attributable to ordinary share owners 402.0 262.7 +53.0% Ordinary dividends (62.1) (36.5) +70.1% Retained profit for the year 339.9 226.2 +50.3% Earnings per share (net basis) Basic earnings per ordinary 48.1c 34.8c +38.2% share Fully diluted earnings per ordinary share 46.7c 34.2c +36.5% Ordinary dividend per share - interim 1.97c 1.52c +29.6% - final 4.19c 3.19c +31.3% WPP GROUP PLC Unaudited preliminary consolidated balance sheet as at 31 December, 2000 Presented in Euros for illustrative purposes only 2000 1999 RESTATED * Eurom Eurom Fixed assets Intangible assets: Corporate brands 1,511.6 561.9 Goodwill 5,565.0 658.8 Tangible assets 620.9 315.8 Investments 877.5 573.0 8,575.0 2,109.5 Current assets Stocks and work in progress 383.6 182.2 Debtors 3,470.4 1,715.4 Debtors within working capital facility: Gross debts 739.7 555.1 Non-returnable proceeds (368.5) (343.8) 371.2 211.3 Cash at bank and in hand 1,698.8 974.6 5,924.0 3,083.5 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (6,766.4) (3,448.8) Net current liabilities (842.4) (365.3) Total assets less current liabilities 7,732.6 1,744.2 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year (2,036.1) (1,047.7) Provisions for liabilities and charges (232.2) (127.2) Net assets 5,464.3 569.3 Capital and reserves Share capital 176.9 124.4 Reserves 5,248.9 431.3 Share owners' funds 5,425.8 555.7 Minority interests 38.5 13.6 Total capital employed 5,464.3 569.3 * The 1999 balance sheet has been restated as a result of the implementation of FRS19 in the Group's 2000 financial statements. The resulting prior year adjustment is shown in note 11.


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