Interest Payment

Guinness Peat Group PLC 6 June 2001 GUINNESS PEAT GROUP plc ('GPG' or 'the Company') Guinness Peat Group plc advises that the next interest payment of 2p per 8% Convertible Loan Note (2005) ('CLNs') (being the interest payment for the first half of 2001) falls due for payment on Monday, 2 July 2001. The consequent time-table is as follows, in accordance with the Trust Deed. Record date Friday, 15 June 2001 Exchange rate date* Monday, 25 June 2001 Payment date Monday, 2 July 2001 * The interest is payable in £ sterling, converted into NZ or Australian dollars as appropriate for CLN holders on the NZ or Australian registers at exchange rate ruling on 25 June 2001. As was the case with the December 2000 payment, CLN holders on the UK, Australian and NZ register may elect to receive their interest in the currencies of one of the other two registers. Currency Election Forms will be posted out shortly for return by close of business on 25 June 2001. Elections must be made in respect of complete holdings only; no partial elections can be accepted. Currency Election Forms will be posted out shortly for return by close of business on 25 June 2001. Note that the payment of interest on the CLNs should not be confused with the first redemption and conversion election in respect of the first tranche of CLNs which takes place also as at 2 July 2001.


Coats Group (COA)
UK 100