Preliminary Results

Volex Group PLC 6 June 2001 VOLEX GROUP p.l.c. Preliminary Announcement of Group Results for the Year to 31 March 2001 - Sales up to 31% to £418m - Operating Profits* up 33% to £35.2m - Pre-tax Profits* up 31% to £30.8m - Earnings Per Share* up 47% - Dividends up 9% to 28p * before exceptional item and goodwill amortisation Volex Group p.l.c., the international electrical and electronic cable assemblies group, today announces a 31% increase in turnover to £418m for the year ended 31 March 2001. Pre-tax profit before goodwill and exceptional items also increased by 31% to £30.8m The exceptional item in the year related to a charge of £3.3m in respect of the final phase of the fundamental restructuring of the Group's European power cord operations: the cash element of this charge was £1.1m. Headline earnings per share is up by 47% to 79.9p. The full year dividend is recommended at 28.0p, an increase of 9% over last year, leaving the dividend 2.3 times covered. The Chairman of Volex, Bill Goodall, commented: 'I am pleased to report that the year to 31 March 2001 was outstanding, with the Company achieving its ninth successive year of record sales and profits. These results would have been even better but for the downturn in the final quarter in the Group's major market of telecommunication, networking and data.' 'We are all aware of the current uncertainties within the global infocom market and in the economies of the major regions we serve. It is against this background that we, like many of our customers, feel unable to give a clear picture for the immediate future. Having said that, the Group will continue to be very well managed and is ready to take full advantage of the return to 'normal' market and economic conditions. Once these prevail, we feel confident that Volex will be able to achieve continuing growth and satisfactory results.' Dom Molloy, Volex Chief Executive, concluding his review of the year, commented: 'The fundamentals of our business have not changed. The internet broadband and the global explosion in telecommunications will undeniably require further bandwidth and Volex is well positioned to be able to support the major providers of fixed and mobile telecommunications infrastructure. Following on from a year which saw a step change in our activity levels, I am confident that, once we are through the current period of downturn, we can return to future minimum annual growth in sales and operating profits of 15% over a period of time.' For further information, please contact: Volex Group p.l.c. Today: 020 7601 1000 Thereafter: 01925 830101 Bill Goodall, Chairman Dom Molloy, Group Chief Executive Ken Hooper, Group Finance Director Square Mile BSMG Worldwide 020 7601 1000 Chris Lynch / Graham Herring VOLEX GROUP p.l.c. Preliminary Announcement of Group Results for the Year to 31 March 2001 CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S REVIEW The year to March 2001 proved to be very successful for the Volex Group. This was the ninth successive year of record sales and profits which reflected the success of the strategy which we have had in place for some time. Our customers are, in the main, major global manufacturers of telecommunications, networking equipment, computers, storage devices, consumer appliances (both domestic and DIY) and transportation products. Accordingly, Volex's worldwide operations are strategically located to fully serve these global customers. The Group's growth is fuelled by its participation in expanding markets, the continuing consolidation of the supply base and its ability to attract new customers. We offer an ever-increasing breadth of solutions and services, from design, through manufacturing, to logistics capabilities. The key to our success is that we are highly flexible and responsive to customer requirements, so differentiating ourselves from our competitors. Each of the Group's targeted markets is typified by the increasing pace of structural and technological change. Outsourcing, consolidation, just-in-time delivery and ever quicker new product introductions are now a part of every day life in our chosen areas of business. This translates into demands for new standards of flexibility and responsiveness in all our dealings with the customer. Our strategy of having a truly global reach combined with local management strength is ideally suited to satisfy these market demands. We have built on this market advantage during the year by further developing our speed to market and speed to customer, strengthening our engineering resources and significantly broadening our technological competencies, most notably in the areas of radio frequency, fibre optic, miniaturised and higher amperage products. As reported in February this year, the Group experienced a sudden downturn in the final quarter of the year which affected just over half its business and was mainly in those areas supporting the global telecommunications and networking sectors. Here we saw a rapid drop in our customers' requirements, originating from the funding pressures on the telecommunications operators and some uncertainty with the timing of the introduction of the new technologies for 3G products. We reacted promptly to this change in activity levels, with expenses in all areas having been reduced whilst maintaining capacity for future growth. Sales & Marketing Sales grew overall by 31%, far exceeding the minimum annual target growth rate we had set ourselves. The strongest growth was achieved in Asia - 50% - with Europe and the Americas recording growth rates of 29% and 27% respectively. In recent years the Group has strengthened its position in the information communications ('infocom') market, with the global reach of its operations having positioned Volex ideally to cater for the demands of the customer base. Activity in this market was buoyant in all regions during the first three quarters of the year, falling away in the final quarter. Performance in the computer and storage device markets also started the year very strongly, particularly in the server segment. Customer spending slowed in the second half of the year with the deferment of capital spending as first the US and then the wider global economic slowdown developed. Good progress was made in Asia with a number of multinational companies in the personal computer and office equipment market, where we supported the customers in their consolidation and outsourcing to lower cost operations in the region. While there was some slowdown in this market during the second half of the year, particularly in the USA, this was not significant overall. The consumer appliance market for power cord products remains a major area of activity for the Group across the globe. Demand has continued the trend of steady growth of recent years and we have maintained both market share and our No.1 position in the market worldwide. We have also seen increasing demand for shielded and suppression device products in this market. Our wiring harness businesses have achieved satisfactory growth within their niche markets. The Group offers the market place local service and cost effective capabilities. In each of the Group's operational regions the customer benefits from local facilities which are flexible and responsive and which have the ability to source product from low cost countries, either within their own region or from Asia. In addition, Volex works closely with its principal suppliers throughout the world to reduce purchase prices by design changes or the use of alternative materials. This year has seen the introduction of three new accounts in the Group's top ten customer list. This speaks to the dynamics of the market place and to our ongoing record of identifying and developing major new accounts on a Group-wide basis. In communicating with our markets and customers, the internet has played an increasingly important role this year. The Volex web site is now regularly the first source of information for our existing and prospective customers, providing them with the latest news on the Group, its product capabilities and its financial results. Our web site will continue to be enhanced to ensure the Group maintains its competitive advantage. Operations With all operations trading profitably, we have again expanded our facilities in each geographical region and now have more than 2 million square feet of manufacturing capacity across the world spread over 27 sites. This positions Volex as the only truly global cable assembly manufacturing house. The Americas During the year our operations in the Americas, which account for 46% of Group manufacturing output, have broadened their radio frequency and fibre optic product capabilities and have significantly strengthened their engineering resources, particularly in these technology areas. The year has also seen increasing customer demands for just in time delivery and local stocking of inventory. Capacity has been added in Aguascalientes, Mexico, for both power cord and higher volume infocom products, to give improved levels of support for the North American market. In Kanata, near Ottawa, Canada we are currently more than doubling the size of our facility, as this area is developing into one of the key North American locations for the opto- electronics industry. Half way through the year the Group opened its centre of excellence for radio frequency technology in Wilmington, Massachusetts. This will be the region's hub for this area of technology, assisting the Group's worldwide facilities with the development of state of the art process controls and with radio frequency product developments and providing technical support for global customers. Our Brazilian operation benefited from a significant increase in volumes from its existing customer base and was successful in winning a number of new accounts in the local telecommunications market. An additional facility has been constructed in Jacarei, Sao Paulo, to support this growth and the management team has been strengthened. Europe The European infocom business based in Castlebar, Ireland has experienced exceptional growth this year in its traditional products. It has also expanded its range of radio frequency products and considerably increased its fibre optic capabilities. To support this growth, capacity has been increased in Croatia, a new manufacturing facility has been opened in Estonia together with a new logistics centre in Sweden and our European infocom regional centre in Ireland has been expanded by approximately a third. The European power cord operations are being consolidated into Leigh, England which will become primarily a European logistics centre. Volume products will be sourced from our factories in Asia. This final stage of the fundamental restructuring of this business will be completed in our 2001/02 financial year and has resulted in a charge of £3.3 million as an exceptional item in the accounts for the current year. The wiring harness businesses continue to successfully utilise the Group's traditional technologies to develop niche opportunities in a broad spread of markets and have made a worthwhile contribution to the performance of the Group during this year. Off-shore sub-contracting has been developed to take advantage of lower costs. Asia This region has strategic importance for the Group in two prime respects. It has its own large and rapidly expanding indigenous markets and it is a low-cost manufacturing base for both Europe and North America. Significant progress has been made in the standardisation of processes across the region which is spearheading our continuing drive to optimise efficiencies. We have continued to develop our strategy of taking a regional approach to manufacturing in support of our multinational customer base in this area. New facilities have been established in China, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Thailand. We have concentrated our infocom operations in Suzhou and Zhongshan, China and in Malaysia and have successfully introduced both radio frequency and fibre optic products to the existing telecommunications product range. Our power cord operations continued to expand, with particular success with Japanese office equipment manufacturers as they relocated their operations within the region. We have also expanded management capabilities across the region to support growth and the increasing complexity of the business. Strategy The Group's strategy is to remain focussed on its core competency of cable assemblies. This extends across power, copper, fibre optic and radio frequency technologies, making Volex unmatched in its capabilities and in the breadth of its product range. We also seek value-added opportunities which are aligned with our core activities. The Group continues to increase its global presence to support its existing and targeted customers. With a total of 34 manufacturing and sales/logistics facilities in the Americas, Europe and Asia, Volex will continue to expand its technological offerings and provide an ever increasing breadth of services to multinational OEM's (original equipment manufacturers) and CEM's (contract electronics manufacturers). Our strategy is to be both flexible and responsive to changing customer needs, effectively becoming an integral part of our customer's operations. To do this we anticipate industry technology trends and market demand drivers. Volex also offers cost effective solutions to its customers' needs. By working closely with customers, from product design through new product introduction and the delivery of a first class product on time every time, the Group sets out to embed itself on a global basis into its customers' supply chain. This generates the best opportunities to optimise the Group's market presence and continually expand its customer profile. The Group is investing in the appropriate IT hardware, software and personnel to ensure that its logistical and eBusiness capabilities complement and enhance its engineering and manufacturing strengths. Future The Group's markets continue to offer opportunities for long- term growth. Volex believes further expansion will result from supplier rationalisation on a global scale. It has to be recognised that there are currently difficulties in the telecommunication and networking sectors and uncertainties in some of the world's major economies, particularly the USA. Consequently, in common with many of our major multinational customers, we are unable to give clear indications of likely trading activities for the 2002 financial year at this time. Nevertheless, we are prepared for a return to more normal trading conditions, particularly in the telecommunication and networking areas, whilst at the same time wherever possible we are currently operating with capacities, and thereby cost structures, broadly in line with levels of market demand experienced in the final quarter of the year to March 2001. The fundamentals of our business have not changed. The internet broadband and the global explosion in telecommunications will undeniably require further bandwidth and Volex is well positioned to be able to support the major providers of fixed and mobile telecommunications infrastructure. Following on from a year which saw a step change in our activity levels, I am confident that, once we are through the current period of downturn, we can return to future minimum annual growth in sales and operating profits of 15% over a period of time. FINANCIAL REVIEW Results Turnover for the year at £418.3m showed an increase over last year of 30.8%. An analysis of sales by market sector showed sales into the Group's major markets of telecommunications, networking and data, (including industrial and medical segments) growing by 43% and accounting for 75% of sales (2000 - 68%). Sales into the appliance markets grew by 3% and accounted for 18% of sales (2000 - 24%), whilst sales into the vehicle and aerospace markets increased by 10% although as a percentage of total Group sales this sector fell by 1% to 7%. A review of sales by product category showed that telecommunication/networking/data products accounted for 60% (2000 - 52%) with power cords falling to 33% as against 40% last year. Harness products accounted for 7% of sales (2000 - 8%). A geographical review of sales by destination showed sales in the Americas at 45% of Group sales (2000 - 47%), sales to Asia increasing by two percentage points to 15%, and sales to Europe as a whole holding at 40% of Group sales despite UK sales decreasing to 16% (2000 - 19%). Intra Group sales, largely manufactured in Asia for ultimate sale into Europe and the Americas, increased by 64% over last year. A comparison of Group sales by origin, or manufacturing location, based on total sales including intra-Group trading (i.e. output at selling prices), showed a further decline in the UK percentage from 17% to 12% and, despite sales produced in Ireland, together with its European satellites in Croatia, Sweden and Estonia, increasing year on year by 60%, the percentage of Group sales manufactured in Europe fell from 33% to 31%. With Asia's total sales (i.e. to the external customers and intra Group) growing year on year by 45%, this region's percentage of Group sales by manufacture increased by a further two percentage point to 23% of Group sales. Sales produced in the Americas remained steady at 46% of Group sales. The Group recorded an operating profit (pre goodwill amortisation and exceptional item) for the year of £35.2m, an increase of 33% over the previous year. Whilst the Group's gross profit margin fell by 0.2% to 17.2%, the operating margin increased by 0.1% to 8.4%. The exceptional item of £3.3m relates to the final phase of the fundamental restructuring of the UK power cord division, the cash element of which is £1.1m. Within the last two years the Company has reduced manufacturing in this division by the closure of a factory in Wales, the transfer of all manufacturing from its Scottish factory to its main plant in Leigh, England and by reducing overall manufacturing capacity in its main plant. At the same time the division has out- sourced to its sister operations in Asia in order to benefit from the lower production costs in that region. By March 2001 the UK manufacturing capacity consisted solely of automatic and semi automatic production lines. This final restructuring phase consists of closing the warehousing facility in Scotland (announced May 2001), the writing-off and disposal of all surplus plant and equipment and further redundancies in its main plant. This final phase will be completed during the financial year to March 2002. Interest charges incurred in the first half of the year of £2.0m continued throughout the remainder of the year, albeit at a slightly higher level, with the full year's net interest payable rising to £4.4m (2000 - £2.9m). This level of financing cost was due to increases in net borrowings (referred to later), partly to fund increased spend on plant for additional capacity and new technologies and partly for working capital increases for the higher business activity levels. Excluding the exceptional item, pre-tax profit for the year of £29.9m showed an increase of 29.3% over last year: after the exceptional item the pre-tax profit was £26.5m, an increase of 14.7%. The translation of foreign currency turnover and operating profits into sterling compared with last year's average rates resulted in a turnover gain of £13.9m (or 4.3%) and a profits gain of £1.3m (or 4.8%). The return during 2000/2001 on average shareholders' funds of £65.5m was 29% whilst the operating profit return on average net assets was 47% - these percentages compare with last year's returns of 27% and 47% respectively. Earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders increased by 23% to £18.8m. Earnings per share this year of 66.1p compared with 54.0p last year, an increase of 22%. Headline earnings per share (i.e. before goodwill amortisation and exceptional item net of tax) of 79.9p showed an increase of 47% over last year's restated earnings per share of 54.4p (see Note 7). The proposed ordinary dividend of 28.0p for the full year represents an increase over last year of 9%, and leaves the ordinary dividend 2.3 times covered. The Group's profit retention for the year of £10.8m and the increase in share capital of £0.8m were supplemented by a £0.7m beneficial impact of currency translation on the balance sheet. Shareholders' funds consequently ended the year up £12.3m at £71.6m. Taxation The tax charge for the year resulted in an effective composite rate of 29.0% (2000 - 30.3%): excluding the exceptional item the underlying rate was 26.8% (2000 - 31.6%). Different tax rates apply to the Group's worldwide operations, the highest rate relating to the North American operations, with lower than average tax rates currently applying in Asia and Ireland. The decrease in the overall tax rate reflects a greater proportion of the Group's profits being earned this year in Asia and Ireland. It is anticipated that this trend will continue for the foreseeable future. Following a re-assessment of fair values of the net tangible assets acquired with a previous acquisition, a deferred tax asset previously established has now been reversed. Funds Flow During the year there was a net outflow of funds of £14.6m, comprising inflows of £24.5m from operations and £0.8m from the issue of share capital, more than offset by outgoings of £14.4m on capital expenditure, £6.5m on tax, £2.2m on deferred payments for previous acquisitions, £4.0m on interest/financing costs and £7.5m on dividends. In addition, adverse currency translation impacts caused borrowings to increase by £6.2m. Capital Expenditure Fixed asset additions during the year totalled £14.2m (2000 - £10.6m), the major projects relating to capacity increases and investment in radio frequency and fibre optic production and test equipment. Borrowings The Group's net borrowings at the end of the year were £58.4m (2000 - £43.8m). These borrowings resulted in a year-end gearing ratio of net borrowings to shareholders' funds of 81.6 % (2000 - 73.9%): excluding the exceptional item the gearing ratio would have been 78.3 %. In addition, deferred consideration of £4.0m is payable in respect of prior years' acquisitions. The increased borrowings during the year gave an interest cover of 7.0 times (2000 - 9.1 times) or 7.7 times excluding the exceptional item. The Group has multi-currency medium term facilities with three banks in the UK and USA. These facilities are for terms of up to five years and have been drawn down at fixed rates for either 6 or 12 month periods. All other bank borrowings are for terms of less than one year and are at varying interest rates. The Group has adequate finance resources available to fund its continuing expansion programme. All the Group's facilities are unsecured. Employees The number of Volex employees worldwide at the year-end was 11,445 (2000 - 11,300): prior to the downturn in business in the final quarter the number of employees had increased by 19% to almost 13,500. At the year-end 46% of our employees were in Asia, 33% in the Americas and 21% in Europe. The average cost per employee increased during the year by 1.8%. Volex Group p.l.c. Preliminary Announcement of Group Results for the year to 31 March 2001 A. RESULTS ------------- 2001 2000 Notes £'000 £'000 ______________________________________________________________________________ Turnover Continuing operations 1 418,299 319,807 Cost of Sales (346,273) (264,179) ----------- ---------- Gross profit 72,026 55,628 Other operating expenses (net) 2 (37,706) (29,652) ---------- ---------- Operating Profit Continuing operations 34,320 25,976 Costs of fundamental restructuring of continuing operations 3 (3,344) (1,900) Profit on sale of a tangible fixed asset of continuing operations 3 - 1,920 --------- --------- Profit on ordinary activities before finance charges 30,976 25,996 Investment income 834 538 Interest payable and similar charges (5,282) (3,410) --------- --------- Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 26,528 23,124 Tax on profit on ordinary activities 5 (7,690) (7,010) --------- --------- Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 18,838 16,114 Minority interests - (819) ---------- ---------- Profit for the financial year 18,838 15,295 Dividends paid and proposed on equity and non-equity shares 6 (8,028) (7,299) ______________________________________________________________________________ Retained profit for the year 10,810 7,996 ______________________________________________________________________________ Headline earnings per ordinary share 7 79.9p 54.4p Basic earnings per ordinary share 7 66.1p 54.0p Diluted earnings per ordinary share 7 65.4p 53.5p B. GROUP BALANCE SHEET ___________________________ At 31 March 2001 2001 2000 Notes £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Intangible 9 14,844 14,817 Tangible assets 49,335 42,731 --------- --------- 64,179 57,548 --------- --------- Current assets Stocks 58,982 48,201 Debtors 70,704 67,645 Current asset investments - 445 Cash at bank and in hand 18,632 12,691 ---------- ---------- 148,318 128,982 ---------- ---------- Creditors: amounts falling due within one year Borrowings (15,454) (15,310) Trade creditors & provisions (63,814) (68,523) ---------- ---------- (79,268) (83,833) ---------- ---------- Net current assets 69,050 45,149 ---------- ---------- Total assets less current liabilities 133,229 102,697 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year Borrowings (61,591) (41,185) Other liabilities (21) (2,238) ______________________________________________________________________________ Net assets 71,617 59,274 ______________________________________________________________________________ Capital and reserves Called-up share capital (incl. Non-equity) 7,223 7,170 Reserves 64,394 52,104 ______________________________________________________________________________ Total capital employed 71,617 59,274 ______________________________________________________________________________ Gearing 81.6% 73.9% C. CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT ______________________________________ For the year ended 31 March 2001 2001 2000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 ______________________________________________________________________________ Net cash inflow from operating activities Operating profit 34,320 25,976 Depreciation 7,883 7,102 Goodwill amortised 899 419 Other items - working capital and movements in provisions (18,596) (18,058) ---------- ---------- 24,506 15,439 ===== ===== Return on investments and servicing of finance Interest received 898 531 Interest paid (4,847) (2,711) Preference dividends paid (3) (6) Net cash outflow from returns on investments and servicing of finance (3,952) (2,186) Taxation UK corporation tax paid (626) (1,681) Overseas tax paid (5,894) (4,544) Tax paid (6,520) (6,225) Capital expenditure Purchase of tangible fixed assets (14,419) (10,467) Sale of tangible fixed assets and current asset investments 870 7,210 Net cash outflow from capital expenditure (13,549) (3,257) Acquisitions and disposals Purchase of subsidiary undertakings (2,155) (23,820) Net cash acquired with subsidiary undertaking - 1,095 Net cash outflow from acquisitions (2,155) (22,725) Equity dividends paid (7,529) (9,253) ______________________________________________________________________________ Cash outflow before management of liquid resources and financing (9,199) (28,207) Net cash inflow from management of liquid resources - 2,000 Financing Issue of ordinary share capital 801 516 Increase in short term borrowings 15,381 14,936 Net cash inflow from financing 16,182 15,452 ______________________________________________________________________________ Increase/(Decrease) in cash in year 6,983 (10,755) ______________________________________________________________________________ Note 1 Segment Information External Sales Total sales Turnover by geographical area by destination by source 2001 2000 2001 2000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 ______________________________________________________________________________ United Kingdom 65,500 60,405 74,241 73,383 Republic of Ireland 5,140 3,783 83,977 57,614 Other Europe 95,193 64,782 22,090 4,644 --------- --------- -------- -------- Total Europe 165,833 128,970 180,308 135,641 The Americas 188,436 148,183 194,579 150,037 Asia 64,030 42,654 94,884 65,485 Less: Inter-divisional (51,472) (31,356) ______________________________________________________________________________ 418,299 319,807 418,299 319,807 ______________________________________________________________________________ Operating profit, profit before tax and net assets by geographical area and by type of business and turnover by class of business are not given as such disclosure is considered seriously prejudicial to the interests of the Group. Note 2 Other operating expenses (net) 2001 2000 Other operating expenses comprise: £'000 £'000 ______________________________________________________________________________ Selling and distribution expenses 17,959 13,847 Administrative expenses 19,295 15,964 Other operating income (447) (578) Goodwill amortisation 899 419 ______________________________________________________________________________ Other operating expenses (net) 37,706 29,652 ______________________________________________________________________________ Note 3a. Costs of a fundamental restructuring of continuing operations 2001 2000 £'000 £'000 ______________________________________________________________________________ Restructuring costs of UK power cord operations 3,344 1,900 ______________________________________________________________________________ This year's cost represents the third and final phase of a fundamental restructuring of the Group's European power cord operations involving the reduction of the UK power cord manufacturing capacity and sourcing lower cost product from the Group's plants in Asia. This has had a material effect on the nature and focus of the Group's operations. The tax effect of this exceptional item was a reduction of £319,000 (2000 - £511,000). b. Profit on sale of a tangible fixed asset of continuing operations 2001 2000 £'000 £'000 ______________________________________________________________________________ Profit on the sale of manufacturing premises - 1,920 ______________________________________________________________________________ The tax effect of this exceptional item in the previous year was an increased charge of £220,000. Note 4 Exchange rates The principal exchange rates used in the preparation of the accounts are: Average % Year End % 2001 2000 Change 2001 2000 Change ______________________________________________________________________________ United States 1.48 1.61 (8.1%) 1.42 1.59 (10.7%) Singapore 2.58 2.73 (5.5%) 2.57 2.73 (5.9%) Ireland 1.28 1.24 3.2% 1.27 1.31 (3.0%) Canada 2.22 2.37 (6.3%) 2.24 2.32 (3.4%) Brazil 2.81 2.95 (4.8%) 3.08 2.78 10.8% Sweden 13.80 n/a n/a 14.7 13.8 6.5% ______________________________________________________________________________ Note 5 Tax on profit on ordinary activities 2001 2000 The tax charge is based on the profit for the year and comprises: £'000 £'000 ______________________________________________________________________________ UK corporation tax: - current 1,640 576 - deferred (281) 405 ______________________________________________________________________________ 1,359 981 ______________________________________________________________________________ Overseas tax: - current 7,004 6,141 - deferred (673) (112) ______________________________________________________________________________ 7,690 7,010 ______________________________________________________________________________ UK and overseas taxation is based on profits for the year and the Group tax charge has been influenced by the differing tax rates in overseas countries. Note 6 Dividends paid and proposed on equity and non-equity shares 2001 2001 £'000 £'000 ______________________________________________________________________________ Equity shares: Ordinary dividends - prior year final dividend on shares issued after 31 March 2000 under share option schemes 26 6 - interim payable of 9.4p per share (2000 - 8.7p per share) 2,682 2,466 - final proposed of 18.6p per share (2000 - 17.0p per share) 5,314 4,821 Non-equity shares: Cumulative preference dividends - interim paid 3 3 - final payable 3 3 ______________________________________________________________________________ 8,028 7,299 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ If approved by shareholders, the final ordinary dividend will be paid on 1 October 2001 to those shareholders on the register at 7 September 2001 and will absorb £5,314,402. Note 7 Earnings per ordinary share The calculations of earnings per share are based on the following profits and numbers of shares: 2001 2000 £'000 £'000 ______________________________________________________________________________ Profit for the financial year 18,838 15,295 Preference dividends (6) (6) ______________________________________________________________________________ Basic earnings 18,832 15,289 Goodwill amortisation 899 419 Exceptional net restructuring costs/(profits) 3,344 (20) Tax on exceptional items (319) (291) ______________________________________________________________________________ Headline earnings 22,756 15,397 ______________________________________________________________________________ Weighted average number of shares: No. of shares No. of Shares For basic earnings per share 28,487,198 28,307,204 Exercise of share options 303,928 288,640 ______________________________________________________________________________ For diluted earnings per share 28,791,126 28,595,844 Headline earnings per share (full) 79.9p 54.4p* Basic earnings per share (full) 66.1p 54.0p Diluted earnings per share (full) 65.4p 53.5p *Recalculated to adopt the Institute of Investment Management Research definition of headline earnings i.e. excluding exceptional items net of tax. Headline earnings per share has been calculated on the basis of continuing activities before goodwill amortisation and before exceptional items net of tax. The directors consider that this gives a better understanding of the Group's earnings following the change in the accounting treatment of goodwill. Note 8 Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds 2001 2000 £'000 £'000 ______________________________________________________________________________ Profit for the financial year 18,838 15,295 Dividends paid and proposed - note 6 (8,028) (7,299) --------- --------- Retained profit for the year 10,810 7,996 Currency variations 732 (1,590) New share capital subscribed 801 516 --------- -------- Net increase in shareholders' funds 12,343 6,922 Opening shareholders' funds 59,274 52,352 ______________________________________________________________________________ Closing shareholders' funds 71,617 59,274 ______________________________________________________________________________ Note 9 Intangible assets - Goodwill £'000 ______________________________________________________________________________ Cost Beginning of year 15,349 Re-assessment of fair values* 740 Exchange adjustment 205 ______________________________________________________________________________ End of year 16,294 ______________________________________________________________________________ Amortisation Beginning of year 532 Charge for the year 899 Exchange adjustment 19 ______________________________________________________________________________ End of year 1,450 ______________________________________________________________________________ Net book value - end of year 14,844 Net book value - beginning of year 14,817 ______________________________________________________________________________ * Following a re-assessment of fair values of the net tangible assets acquired with Belden, a deferred tax asset previously established has now been reversed. ______________________________________________________________________________ Note 10 Cash Flow (i) Analysis of net debt: As 1 April Exchange 31 March 2000 Cash Flow Movement 2001 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 ______________________________________________________________________________ ------- Cash at bank and in hand 12,691 5,565 376 18,632 Overdraft (15,310) 1,418 (1,562) (15,454) ------- 6,983 Loans (41,185) (15,381) (5,025) (61,591) ______________________________________________________________________________ Net debt (43,804) (8,398) (6,211) (58,413) ______________________________________________________________________________ 2001 2000 (ii)Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt: £'000 £'000 ______________________________________________________________________________ Increase/(Decrease) in cash in the year 6,983 (10,755) Cash inflow from increase in debt & lease financing (15,381) (14,936) Cash inflow from decrease in liquid resources - (2,000) ______________________________________________________________________________ Change in net debt resulting from cash flows (8,398) (27,691) Translation difference (6,211) 239 ______________________________________________________________________________ Movement in net debt in the year (14,609) (27,452) Net debt at 1 April 2000 (43,804) (16,352) ______________________________________________________________________________ Net debt at 31 March 2001 (58,413) (43,804) ______________________________________________________________________________ Note 11 Miscellaneous (I) The current and prior year results set out in this announcement are non-statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. (ii) The results for the year ended 31 March 2001 are extracts from the 2001 Group accounts which, if adopted by members in General Meeting on 19 July 2001 will be filed with the Registrar of Companies. These have been audited and reported upon without qualification. (iii)The results for the year ended 31 March 2000 are extracts from the 2000 Group statutory accounts, which have been reported upon without qualification by the auditors and have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.


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