1st Quarter Results 2000

Unilever PLC Unilever N.V. 10 May 2000 UNILEVER FIRST QUARTER RESULTS 2000 Unilever today announces its unaudited results for the first quarter 2000. 'Our Path to Growth is on track. Our 400 leading brands have grown over 3% in the quarter and overall sales were marginally ahead. Our investment in restructuring is accelerating in line with plan,' the Chairmen commented. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS First Quarter 2000 euro Millions Constant % change Turnover 9,692 +1% Operating profit - before exceptional items and 1,088 +13% amortisation of goodwill and intangibles Pre-tax profit 956 (2)% Current % change Net profit 611 (3)% 643 +4% Net profit - before exceptional 681 +4% 716 +12% items Per NV share (Fl. 1.12), euro EPS 0.61 +8% 0.64 +16% EPS - before exceptional items* 0.68 +16% 0.71 +24% Per PLC share (1.40p), eurocent EPS 9.10 +8% 9.58 +16% EPS - before exceptional items* 10.16 +16% 10.69 +24% * See earnings per share in euro section KEY FEATURES * Sales of our 400 leading brands grow by more than 3%. * Good growth in home and personal care despite competitive pressures in laundry. * Sharply increased profits in Europe on weaker sales. * Excellent growth and profits from Asia and Pacific region. * Operating profit up 13% before exceptional items and amortisation of goodwill and intangibles. * Cashflow from operating activities up by over euro 400 million to nearly euro 1billion. CHAIRMEN'S COMMENT 'Our strategy of focusing resources on leading brands is on track. We are managing the migration to a faster growth portfolio without endangering our profitability. The acquisitions of Slim*Fast and Ben & Jerry's are directly in line with our strategy, and will further strengthen our performance. The pace of restructuring has been stepped up. 'We remain confident that the Path to Growth targets we have set ourselves will be achieved.' N W A FitzGerald A Burgmans Chairman, Unilever PLC Chairman, Unilever N.V. FIRST QUARTER FINANCIAL RESULTS Earnings Per Share Using constant exchange rates and taking account of the benefits of the 1999 share consolidation, earnings per share before exceptional items rose 16%. At current rates of exchange, earnings per share rose 24% before exceptional items and 16% after exceptional items. Results At constant exchange rates operating profit before exceptional items and amortisation of goodwill and intangibles increased by 13%. Net profit at constant exchange rates and before exceptional items increased by 4% because of a swing in interest in the quarter following the payment of the special dividend in June 1999. Exceptional items in the quarter are three times the prior year as implementation of the Path to Growth programme began. As a consequence net profit at constant exchange rates decreased by 3%. At current rates of exchange, net profit increased 4% in euro, but decreased 7% in sterling and 8% in US dollars, reflecting the relative strength of the latter currencies. FIRST QUARTER PERFORMANCE BY REGION The following commentary is based on operating profit before exceptional items and amortisation of goodwill and intangibles, at constant rates of exchange. EUROPE: Operating profits strongly ahead with continuing strength in home and personal care but a mixed picture in food. Leading brands within home and personal care continue to grow strongly, with further gains achieved in laundry tablets, household care and fabric conditioners. Dove sales rose an impressive 25% assisted by the introduction of Dove deodorant. Culinary made good progress in key markets with Sizzle & Stir variants leading the way. Innovation in distribution channels has driven the growth of Cup-a-Soup. In Tea, our Lipton ready-to-drink range did well, with sales growing double digit. Soft vegetable oil prices benefited margins in spreads and cooking products. Sales in this category, and in frozen foods, had a weak start to the year. Price competition in Turkey and Poland has significantly reduced laundry and margarine sales in Central and Eastern Europe. A further factor reducing sales in Turkey was trade destocking ahead of anticipated lower inflation. Sales of non-priority businesses were significantly down, in part influenced by the effect of the disposal of the Homann business in 1999. NORTH AMERICA: A return to growth in foods and continued progress in portfolio focus. Operating profits have moved ahead strongly, reflecting lower input costs in our spreads and ice cream businesses. The results also benefited from further restructuring, and an excellent performance in personal care. In foods, the innovation programme is driving sales growth, notably in our culinary businesses. Sizzle & Stir sauce, Just2Good dressings, Lipton Cold Brew tea, and Breyers Parlour ice cream all returned strong results. In spreads we gained share in a margarine market made more difficult by low butter prices. Strong growth in our mass personal care business came from initiatives in skincare with Dove Nutrium, Suave and Pond's. The new Dove anti-perspirant contributed to the 40% increase in deodorant sales. In hair, sales and share were up and the quarter saw the launch of innovative products including Thermasilk Frizz Fighter, Finesse Self Warming Conditioner and Finesse Styling Creme. In homecare price competition impacted revenues in laundry. Prestige began the year slowly but joint initiatives with new designer fragrances should contribute to growth later in the year. AFRICA AND MIDDLE EAST: Operating profit and margins impacted by lower vegetable oil prices. Sales improved slightly excluding the effect of the disposal of the liquor business and the sale of our coffee interests in Kenya. Laundry and skin showed good progress, but lower vegetable oil prices impacted revenues and profits from commodity oils and plantations. ASIA AND PACIFIC: Excellent progress continues with sales, profits and brand investment all up. Excellent progress was made in Asia and Pacific region as we continued to invest in the development of our business. Operating margins advanced strongly. Sales in South East Asia increased by 16%, with particularly good contributions from Indonesia and the Philippines. Sales also rose strongly in Japan. The most rapid growth was achieved in hair, skin, oral and laundry. In India, sales increased over 6%. Tea volumes increased to their highest level in two years, driven by innovation in both product and distribution. Laundry benefited from the introduction of premium products, and hair contributed to personal care share gains. The quarter saw good underlying volume growth in China, supported by increased levels of market investment. LATIN AMERICA: Competitive position maintained against a difficult background. Operating profits were down, reflecting the continuing high level of marketing support behind our leading laundry brands. In South Latin America, we maintained laundry market share. Our personal care business in Brazil made a major contribution to our topline. In Mexico both our ice cream and personal care businesses grew significantly. Additional contributions came from last year's home and personal care acquisitions of Sociedad Industrial Dominicana and Varela in Colombia. CASH FLOW Cash flow from operations of euro991 million was significantly above the corresponding period last year by euro408 million, mainly due to higher operating profits and lower working capital outflows. Returns from investments and servicing of finance were lower following payment of the special dividend in 1999. Acquisition outflows were higher due to the acquisition of Groupo Cressida on 30 March, 2000 which is reflected in the period-end Balance Sheet. During the first quarter three businesses were purchased for a consideration of euro348 million while proceeds from the disposal of two businesses realised euro4 million. BALANCE SHEET Net Funds, at closing rates of exchange, were euro660 million at the end of Q1 2000 compared to euro684 million at the end of 1999; net gearing remains zero. Capital and reserves increased by euro822 million to euro8.6 billion. This mainly reflects profits for the period and a favourable currency retranslation impact. EURO REPORTING Information in sterling and US dollars is available as a supplement to this Euro report. CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT - CONSTANT EXCHANGE RATES (unaudited) In the profit and loss account given below, the results in both years have been translated at constant exchange rates, being the annual average exchange rates for 1999. This reporting convention facilitates comparisons since the impact of exchange rate fluctuations is eliminated. euro Millions - constant First Quarter 2000 1999 % Incr./ (Decr.) TURNOVER 9,692 9,641 1 % OPERATING PROFIT 970 922 5 % Operating Profit BEIA * 1,088 959 13 % Exceptional items (109) (33) Amortisation of goodwill and (9) (4) intangibles Income from fixed investments 12 11 Interest (net) (26) 47 PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION 956 980 (2)% Taxation (305) (313) PROFIT AFTER TAXATION 651 667 (2)% Minority Interests (40) (37) NET PROFIT AT CONSTANT 1999 EXCHANGE 611 630 (3)% RATES Net Profit - before exceptional items 681 654 4 % (Constant rates) NET PROFIT AT EXCHANGE RATES CURRENT 643 616 4 % IN EACH PERIOD Net Profit - before exceptional items 716 640 12 % (Current rates) COMBINED EARNINGS PER SHARE ** (Current rates) - per Fl. 1.12 ordinary share (Euros) 0.64 0.55 16 % - per Fl. 1.12 ordinary share - 0.62 0.54 16 % diluted (Euros) - per 1.40p ordinary share (Euro cents) 9.58 8.27 16 % - per 1.40p ordinary share - diluted 9.34 8.06 16 % (Euro cents) * Operating profit before exceptional items and amortisation of goodwill and intangibles. See note on page 9 on 'Goodwill and intangibles'. ** See note on page 9 on 'Share consolidation'. STATEMENT OF TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES (unaudited) euro Millions First Quarter 2000 1999 Net profit 643 616 Currency retranslation 201 218 Total recognised gains / (losses) since last 844 834 annual accounts SUMMARY BALANCE SHEET (unaudited) euro Millions As at 1st April As at 31st December 2000 1999 Goodwill and intangibles 862 643 Fixed assets 9,310 8,963 Stocks 5,162 5,124 Debtors 7,924 7,685 Cash and current investments 5,720 5,473 Trade & other creditors (10,065) (10,177) 18,913 17,711 Borrowings 5,060 4,789 Provisions for liabilities and 4,617 4,582 charges Minority interests 653 579 Capital and reserves 8,583 7,761 18,913 17,711 CASH FLOW STATEMENT (unaudited) euro Millions First Quarter 2000 1999 Cash flow from operating activities 991 583 Dividends from joint ventures 3 9 Returns on investments and servicing of finance (60) 73 Taxation (222) (194) Capital expenditure and financial investment (283) (461) Acquisitions and disposals (337) (115) Dividends paid on ordinary share capital - - CASH INFLOW / (OUTFLOW) BEFORE MANAGEMENT OF LIQUID RESOURCES AND FINANCING 92 (105) Management of liquid resources (60) 453 Financing 159 581 INCREASE / (DECREASE) IN CASH IN THE PERIOD 191 929 RECONCILIATION OF CASH FLOW TO MOVEMENT IN NET FUNDS NET FUNDS AT 1 JANUARY 684 5,778 INCREASE / (DECREASE) IN CASH IN THE PERIOD 191 929 Cash flow from (increase)/decrease in borrowings (165) (585) Cash flow from increase/(decrease) in liquid resources 60 (453) Change in net funds resulting from cash flows 86 (109) Borrowings within group companies acquired - (1) Borrowings within group companies sold - 4 Liquid resources within group companies acquired - 2 Liquid resources within group companies sold - - Non cash movements 25 (2) Currency retranslation (135) 76 MOVEMENT IN NET FUNDS IN THE PERIOD (24) (30) NET FUNDS AT PERIOD END 660 5,748 GEOGRAPHICAL ANALYSIS euro Millions First Quarter % Incr./ (Decr.) 2000 1999 Turnover Europe 4,246 4,399 (3)% North America 2,138 2,085 3 % Africa and Middle East 531 535 (1)% Asia and Pacific 1,721 1,576 9 % Latin America 1,056 1,046 1 % TURNOVER 9,692 9,641 1 % Operating profit - before exceptional items and amortisation of goodwill and intangibles Europe 486 434 12 % North America 190 163 17 % Africa and Middle East 61 67 (10)% Asia and Pacific 239 169 41 % Latin America 112 126 (12)% OPERATING PROFIT BEIA 1,088 959 13 % Exceptional Items (109) (33) Amortisation of goodwill and (9) (4) intangibles OPERATING PROFIT 970 922 5 % Operating margin - before exceptional items and amortisation of goodwill and intangibles Europe 11.5% 9.9% North America 8.9% 7.8% Africa and Middle East 11.5% 12.6% Asia and Pacific 13.9% 10.7% Latin America 10.6% 12.0% OPERATING MARGIN BEIA 11.2% 10.0% OPERATING MARGIN 10.0% 9.6% OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS euro Millions First Quarter % Incr./ (Decr.) 2000 1999 TURNOVER Foods 4,648 4,808 (3)% Oil and dairy based foods and bakery 1,627 1,805 (10)% Ice cream and beverages 1,400 1,347 4 % Culinary and frozen products * 1,621 1,656 (2)% Home Care and Professional Cleaning 2,252 2,213 2 % Personal Care 2,610 2,438 7 % Other Operations * 182 182 - % TURNOVER 9,692 9,641 1 % OPERATING PROFIT - before exceptional items and amortisation of goodwill and intangibles Foods 403 339 19 % Oil and dairy based foods and bakery 202 179 13 % Ice cream and beverages 59 14 301 % Culinary and frozen products * 142 146 (2)% Home Care and Professional Cleaning 236 264 (11)% Personal Care 444 332 34 % Other Operations * 5 24 (79)% OPERATING PROFIT BEIA 1,088 959 13 % Exceptional items (109) (33) Amortisation of goodwill and intangibles (9) (4) OPERATING PROFIT 970 922 5 % OPERATING MARGIN - before exceptional items and amortisation of goodwill and intangibles Foods 8.7% 7.1% Oil and dairy based foods and bakery 12.4% 9.9% Ice cream and beverages 4.2% 1.1% Culinary and frozen products * 8.8% 8.8% Home Care and Professional Cleaning 10.5% 11.9% Personal Care 17.0% 13.6% Other Operations * 2.7% 13.2% OPERATING MARGIN BEIA 11.2% 10.0% OPERATING MARGIN 10.0% 9.6% * Includes a prior year restatement, euro46m of turnover and euro0m of operating profit relating to a reclassification of Indian food categories which have been transferred from Culinary and frozen products to Other Operations. NOTES Acquisitions In the first three months of 2000 the effect on turnover and operating profit was immaterial. Exchange Rates The results for 2000 and the comparative figures for 1999 have been translated at constant average rates of exchange, being the annual average rates for 1999. For our reporting currencies these were euro1 = £0.66 = US $1.07. In addition, the results, earnings per share and cash flow statement have been translated at rates current in each period. These are based on euro1 = £0.61 = US $0.98 for first quarter 2000 and euro1 = £0.69 = US $1.12 for first quarter 1999. The balance sheet figures have been translated at period-end rates of exchange. For our reporting currencies these were euro1 = £0.60 = US $0.95 (31 December 1999: euro1 = £0.62 = US $1.00). Share consolidation On 10th May 1999 the 1.25p ordinary shares of PLC and the Fl. 1 ordinary shares of NV were consolidated, so that every 112 ordinary shares were replaced by 100 1.40p PLC ordinary shares or 100 Fl. 1.12 NV ordinary shares. This consolidation was associated with the payment on 9th June 1999, of a special dividend of 66.13p per 1.25p share and Fl. 14.50 per Fl. 1 share, so that the economic impact was that of a share buy back at fair value at that date and therefore, in accordance with UK Accounting Standard FRS 14, earnings per share for prior periods have not been restated. Combined earnings per share The combined earnings per share calculations are based on the average number of share units representing the combined ordinary shares of NV and PLC in issue during the year, less the average number of shares held to meet options granted under various employee share plans. The number of combined share units is calculated from the underlying NV and PLC shares using the exchange rate of £1 = Fl. 12, in accordance with the Equalisation Agreement, taking into account the share consolidation. The diluted earnings per share are based on the average number of share units, plus all shares under option, together with certain PLC shares which may be issued in 2038 under the arrangements for the variation of the Leverhulme Trust. The number of shares is reduced, in accordance with FRS 14, by the number of shares that could be purchased at fair value with the expected proceeds from the exercise of options by employees. Goodwill and intangibles In accordance with FRS 10, goodwill and identifiable intangible assets purchased as from 1st January 1998 are capitalised and amortised in operating profit over the period of their expected useful life. To date the amortisation charge in operating profit has been immaterial. Owing to the significance of recent acquisitions the amortisation charge will become a significant element of our operating profit. For the sake of clarity we are now disclosing the charge on the face of the profit and loss account and also show operating profit before exceptional items and the amortisation of goodwill and intangibles. Earnings per share in euro Shares of Fl.1.12 Constant rates Current rates Thousands of units COMBINED EPS 2000 1999 2000 1999 Net profit 611 630 643 616 less:Preference dividends 9 2 9 2 Net profit attributable to ordinary capital 602 628 634 614 Average number of combined share units 991,634 1,114,489 991,634 1,114,489 Combined EPS euro 0.6 euro 0.56 euro 0.64 euro 0.55 COMBINED EPS-Before exceptional items Thousands of units 2000 1999 2000 1999 Net profit 611 630 643 616 Add back exceptional items net of tax 70 24 73 24 Net profit before exceptional items 681 654 716 640 less: Preference dividends 9 2 9 2 Net profit attributable before exceptional items 672 652 707 638 Average number of combined share units 991,634 1,114,489 991,634 1,114,489 Combined EPS before exceptional items euro 0.68 euro 0.59 euro 0.71 euro 0.57 COMBINED EPS - Diluted Thousands of units 2000 1999 2000 1999 Net profit attributable to ordinary capital 602 628 634 614 Adjusted average 1,016,773 1,142,643 1,016,773 1,142,643 combined share units Combined diluted EPS euro 0.59 euro 0.55 euro 0.62 euro 0.54 Shares of 1.40p Constant rates Current rates Thousands of units COMBINED EPS 2000 1999 2000 1999 Net profit 611 630 643 616 less:Preference dividends 9 2 9 2 Net profit attributable to ordinary capital 602 628 634 614 Average number of combined share units 6,610,896 7,429,929 6,610,896 7,429,929 Combined EPS Cents 9.10 Cents 8.45 Cents 9.58 Cents 8.27 COMBINED EPS - Before exceptional items Thousands of units 2000 1999 2000 1999 Net profit 611 630 643 616 Add back exceptional items net of tax 70 24 73 24 Net profit before exceptional items 681 654 716 640 less: Preference dividends 9 2 9 2 Net profit attributable before exceptional items 672 652 707 638 Average number of combined share units 6,610,896 7,429,929 6,610,896 7,429,929 Combined EPS before exceptional items Cents 10.16 Cents 8.78 Cents 10.69 Cents 8.59 COMBINED EPS - Diluted Thousands of units 2000 1999 2000 1999 Net profit attributable to ordinary capital 602 628 634 614 Adjusted average 6,778,489 7,617,621 6,778,489 7,617,621 combined share units Combined diluted EPS Cents 8.88 Cents 8.24 Cents 9.34 Cents 8.06 Dates The results for the second quarter and first half year of 2000 will be announced on Friday 4th August 2000. Salient figures for the above results will be published in the Financial Times and Daily Telegraph on Thursday 11 May 2000. ENQUIRIES: UNILEVER PRESS OFFICE 020 7822 6805 10th May, 2000 Internet: http://www.unilever.com E-mail: press-office.london@unilever.com Supplementary information in Sterling CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT - CONSTANT EXCHANGE RATES (unaudited) In the profit and loss account given below, the results in both years have been translated at constant exchange rates, being the annual average exchange rates for 1999. This reporting convention facilitates comparisons since the impact of exchange rate fluctuations is eliminated. £ Millions - constant First Quarter 2000 1999 % Incr./ (Decr.) TURNOVER 6,385 6,351 1 % OPERATING PROFIT 639 608 5 % Operating Profit BEIA * 717 633 13 % Exceptional items (72) (22) Amortisation of goodwill and (6) (3) intangibles Income from fixed investments 8 7 Interest (net) (17) 31 PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION 630 646 (2)% Taxation (201) (206) PROFIT AFTER TAXATION 429 440 (2)% Minority Interests (26) (25) NET PROFIT AT CONSTANT 1999 EXCHANGE 403 415 (3)% RATES Net Profit - before exceptional items 449 431 4 % (Constant rates) NET PROFIT AT EXCHANGE RATES CURRENT 394 422 (7)% IN EACH PERIOD Net Profit - before exceptional items 439 438 - % (Current rates) COMBINED EARNINGS PER SHARE ** (Current rates) - per 1.40p ordinary share 5.87p 5.66p 4 % - per 1.40p ordinary share - diluted 5.73p 5.52p 4 % * Operating profit before exceptional items and amortisation of goodwill and intangibles. See note on page 9 on 'Goodwill and intangibles'. ** See note on page 9 on share consolidation. STATEMENT OF TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES (unaudited) £ Millions First Quarter 2000 1999 Net profit 394 422 Currency retranslation (44) (2) Total recognised gains / (losses) since last 350 420 annual accounts SUMMARY BALANCE SHEET (unaudited) £ Millions As at 1st April As at 31st December 2000 1999 Goodwill and intangibles 515 400 Fixed assets 5,567 5,572 Stocks 3,087 3,185 Debtors 4,739 4,777 Cash and current investments 3,421 3,402 Trade & other creditors (6,019) (6,326) 11,310 11,010 Borrowings 3,026 2,977 Provisions for liabilities and 2,761 2,848 charges Minority interests 391 360 Capital and reserves 5,132 4,825 11,310 11,010 CASH FLOW STATEMENT (unaudited) £ Millions First Quarter 2000 1999 Cash flow from operating activities 609 399 Dividends from joint ventures 2 7 Returns on investments and servicing of finance (38) 49 Taxation (136) (133) Capital expenditure and financial investment (173) (315) Acquisitions and disposals (207) (78) Dividends paid on ordinary share capital - - CASH INFLOW / (OUTFLOW) BEFORE MANAGEMENT OF (71) LIQUID RESOURCES AND FINANCING 57 Management of liquid resources (36) 310 Financing 97 398 INCREASE / (DECREASE) IN CASH IN THE PERIOD 118 637 RECONCILIATION OF CASH FLOW TO MOVEMENT IN NET FUNDS NET FUNDS AT 1 JANUARY 425 4,079 INCREASE / (DECREASE) IN CASH IN THE PERIOD 118 637 Cash flow from (increase)/decrease in borrowings (101) (401) Cash flow from increase/(decrease) in liquid resources 36 (310) Change in net funds resulting from cash flows 53 (74) Borrowings within group companies acquired - (1) Borrowings within group companies sold - 3 Liquid resources within group companies acquired - 1 Liquid resources within group companies sold - - Non cash movements 15 (2) Currency retranslation (98) (134) MOVEMENT IN NET FUNDS IN THE PERIOD (30) (207) NET FUNDS AT PERIOD END 395 3,872 GEOGRAPHICAL ANALYSIS £ Millions First Quarter % Incr./ (Decr.) 2000 1999 Turnover Europe 2,797 2,898 (3)% North America 1,408 1,374 3 % Africa and Middle East 350 352 (1)% Asia and Pacific 1,134 1,038 9 % Latin America 696 689 1 % TURNOVER 6,385 6,351 1 % Operating profit - before exceptional items and amortisation of goodwill and intangibles Europe 321 286 12 % North America 125 107 17 % Africa and Middle East 40 45 (10)% Asia and Pacific 157 112 41 % Latin America 74 83 (12)% OPERATING PROFIT BEIA 717 633 13 % Exceptional Items (72) (22) Amortisation of goodwill and (6) (3) intangibles OPERATING PROFIT 639 608 5 % Operating margin - before exceptional items and amortisation of goodwill and intangibles Europe 11.5% 9.9% North America 8.9% 7.8% Africa and Middle East 11.5% 12.6% Asia and Pacific 13.9% 10.7% Latin America 10.6% 12.0% OPERATING MARGIN BEIA 11.2% 10.0% OPERATING MARGIN 10.0% 9.6% OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS £ Millions First Quarter % Incr./ (Decr.) 2000 1999 TURNOVER Foods 3,062 3,168 (3)% Oil and dairy based foods and bakery 1,072 1,189 (10)% Ice cream and beverages 922 887 4 % Culinary and frozen products * 1,068 1,092 (2)% Home Care and Professional Cleaning 1,484 1,458 2 % Personal Care 1,719 1,605 7 % Other Operations * 120 120 - % TURNOVER 6,385 6,351 1 % OPERATING PROFIT - before exceptional items and amortisation of goodwill and intangibles Foods 265 224 19 % Oil and dairy based foods and bakery 133 118 13 % Ice cream and beverages 39 10 301 % Culinary and frozen products * 93 96 (2)% Home Care and Professional Cleaning 156 174 (11)% Personal Care 293 219 34 % Other Operations * 3 16 (79)% OPERATING PROFIT BEIA 717 633 13 % Exceptional items (72) (22) Amortisation of goodwill and intangibles (6) (3) OPERATING PROFIT 639 608 5 % OPERATING MARGIN - before exceptional items and amortisation of goodwill and intangibles Foods 8.7% 7.1% Oil and dairy based foods and bakery 12.4% 9.9% Ice cream and beverages 4.2% 1.1% Culinary and frozen products 8.8% 8.8% Home Care and Professional Cleaning 10.5% 11.9% Personal Care 17.0% 13.6% Other Operations 2.7% 13.2% OPERATING MARGIN BEIA 11.2% 10.0% OPERATING MARGIN 10.0% 9.6% * Includes a prior year restatement, £30m of turnover and £0m of operating profit relating to a reclassification of Indian food categories which have been transferred from Culinary and frozen products to Other Operations. Earnings Per Share in sterling Shares of 1.40p Constant rates Current rates Thousands of units COMBINED EPS 2000 1999 2000 1999 Net profit 403 415 394 422 less:Preference dividends 6 1 6 1 Net profit attributable to ordinary capital 397 414 388 421 Average number of combined share units 6,610,896 7,429,929 6,610,896 7,429,929 Combined EPS 6.00p 5.57p 5.87p 5.66p COMBINED EPS - Before exceptional items Thousands of units 2000 1999 2000 1999 Net profit 403 415 394 422 Add back exceptional items net of tax 46 16 45 16 Net profit before exceptional items 449 431 439 438 less: Preference dividends 6 1 6 1 Net profit attributable before exceptional items 443 430 433 437 Average number of combined share units 6,610,896 7,429,929 6,610,896 7,429,929 Combined EPS before exceptional items 6.70p 5.79p 6.55p 5.87p COMBINED EPS - Diluted Thousands of units 2000 1999 2000 1999 Net profit attributable to ordinary capital 397 414 388 421 Adjusted average combined share units 6,778,489 7,617,620 6,778,489 7,617,620 Combined diluted EPS 5.85p 5.43p 5.73p 5.52p


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