Final Results

Thor Mining PLC 12 September 2007 THOR MINING PLC Final Results for the period ended 30 June 2007 Dated: 12 September 2007 Thor Mining PLC ('the Company' or 'Thor'), AIM, ASX: 'THR' the specialist metals company focused on advancing tungsten-molybdenum and uranium projects in the Northern Territory of Australia, announces its final results for the period ended 30 June 2007. Executive Chairman's Operating and Financial Review OPERATING REVIEW Thor is a mineral exploration and development company focussed on advancing molybdenum, tungsten and uranium projects in the Northern Territory of Australia. The 2007 financial year has seen progress for Thor across a number of important activities. Highlights for the year included; Highlights • In July securing the services of John A Young, a geologist of some 20 years standing, in the role of Chief Executive Officer. John has quickly built up a professional team. • In September an A$10.0 million (£4.0 million) fund raising and dual listing on the Australian Stock Exchange. • As part of the fund raising and dual listing, Thor completed the purchase of Hale Energy Limited, thus securing over 3,000 sq kms of uranium exploration ground. • During the year in excess of £300,000 was spent on exploration of the uranium tenements. • In addition to the fund raising and dual listing, in excess of £200,000 was raised by placings and exercising of warrants during the year. • As a consequence at June Thor had in excess of £1,800,000 in cash, which was supplemented by the recent £748,000 post balance date placing. Molyhil Project Highlights • At the Molyhil Project in excess of £900,000 was spent on exploration, including drilling and associated work. • Thor also completed a Definitive Feasibility Study ('DFS') confirming that the project is technically and economically viable. • Since that time additional metallurgical studies have been completed, selected plant items have been secured and environmental and native title aspects of the project are near completion. • In excess of £680,000 was spent on development work during the year. • Since year end a new resource statement has been completed and Thor is now vigorously pursuing an off-take agreement and financing of the project. The team continues to focus on the twin strategies of developing the Molyhil Tungsten - Molybdenum Project, by securing an off-take agreement and financing for the project, and exploration of the extensive uranium tenements. John W Barr Executive Chairman THOR PROJECTS MOLYHIL TUNGSTEN - MOLYBDENUM PROJECT ('MOLYHIL') Molyhil is a proven resource where a proposed open cut mine and processing facility is planned. The main objective of the proposed development is to produce scheelite and molybdenite concentrate for sale. It comprises of an Exploration Licence; and Mining Lease Applications, and is situated east of Alice Springs in central Australia. A number of milestones have been achieved during this financial year, including: • Completion of the Definitive Feasibility Study; • Engineering work advanced; • Marketing of product progressing; • Upgrading of Metallurgical recovery results; • Purchase of selected plant; • Completion of Notice of Intent to Mine and Public Environmental Review; • Mining agreement with traditional owners ready to be signed; • Updated resource completed with 55% increase in overall tonnage to 3.73 million tonnes; and • Significant increase in Measured and Indicated categories to 530,000t at 0.42% WO3 and 0.27% MoS2 and 2,400,000t at 0.39% WO3 and 0.17% MoS2 respectively. Definitive Feasibility Study This DFS report was prepared by consultants and confirmed the technical and economic feasibility of developing Molyhil. The study included preliminary design, engineering and cost estimates for the mining, process plant and associated facilities based on a 300,000 tpa operation. The ore reserve estimate used in the study was completed in 2006 and was established through a series of mine optimisations and designs. The pit model used proved and probable reserves of 1.094Mt at 0.21% (Mo) and 0.62% (W). Recently it was decided to revise the pit model to take into account the updated 2007 resource. When this is completed revised feasibility numbers will be published . Engineering Detailed engineering work was awarded to contractors, but is currently suspended subject to financing of the project and the sale of product. The contractor has completed work on detailed layouts and requests for tenders for equipment and long lead items, particularly for the supply of the grinding mill. Recommendations on the grinding mills and wet screens have been received, along with an assessment of responses from reagent suppliers. Mill procurement is the primary item on the critical path for the project schedule. A master control schedule and project execution plan has been established. These systems will allow an efficient and orderly ramp up to full construction in due course. Marketing Consultants were retained to promote and market the products which lead to a Memorandum of Understanding ('MOU') being signed with a Chinese group. Unfortunately in April that group advised that they did not wish to proceed further. Several other parties have now expressed interested in the product, and as a result of the new resource, negotiations are proceeding. Thor expects to be able to complete off-take negotiations shortly. Purchase of selected plant During the year Thor secured key items of plant and equipment for the proposed development which, when incorporated into the design of the processing plant, should result in savings in construction time and cost. The revised feasibility numbers will take into account the savings. Metallurgical As part of the feasibility, metallurgical test work was undertaken and resultant process flow sheet was incorporated into the economic and technical assessment. The studies indicated that a saleable concentrate could be produced. Subsequently additional metallurgical tests to further optimise the flotation conditions and concentrate grade and recoveries has been completed by independent consultants. Primary Molybdenum Concentrate assayed 51.4% Mo with a recovery of 77.8% and Primary Tungsten Concentrate assayed 72.9% WO3 with a recovery of 65.4% and these have now been established as the base to produce a saleable concentrate. Notice of Intent The Notice of Intent has been submitted to the relevant authorities for review and comment. The subsequent Public Environmental Review ('PER') period has now concluded and a positive decision from the Northern Territories Minister for Mines is expected shortly. No environmental or heritage concerns have been identified that cannot be managed within an Environmental Management Plan. Negotiation of Mining Agreement A development review committee was formed for the negotiations with the Central Land Council ('CLC') with the aim to complete a mining agreement. A final meeting with the Traditional Owners was held on site during March, resulting in agreement on the proposed mining infrastructure. The Native Title Mining agreement has now been finalised. Resource Update Final results from the recently completed resource drilling program at Molyhil were received in July 2007 and incorporated into the new resource model, which was completed by independent geological consultants. The updated resource represents a 55% increase in overall tonnage to 3.73 million tonnes at 0.51% combined tungsten (WO3) and molybdenum (MoS2) with a substantial tonnage upgrade to the measured and indicated categories - increasing the overall level of confidence in the resource. The revised resource now comprises: • Measured resource of 530,000 tonnes at 0.42% WO3 and 0.27% MoS2, a 43% tonnage increase over the previous measured resource; • Indicated resource of 2.4 million tonnes at 0.39% WO3 and 0.17% MoS2, a 37% increase over the previous indicated resource; and • Inferred resource of 800,000 tonnes at 0.15% WO3 and 0.1% MoS2, more than three times higher than the previous resource. The resource model now contains 8.4 million pounds of molybdenum metal and 1.3 million mtu's of tungsten, representing a similar metal content to the previous resource but at a higher JORC resource category following the conversion of a significant tonnage from the indicated to measured category. This increases the overall confidence in the upper parts of the block model. This is a positive result which should translate to increased confidence in the mining reserve. During the year two programs of Reverse Circulation ('RC') drilling were successful in identifying extensions to the Southern and Yacht Club ore zones as well as increasing the overall confidence of the existing resource. Three extra holes were completed beneath the Yacht Club and Southern ore bodies as a result of encouraging geology. A total of 35 holes were completed for 4,624m. The first program also included geotechnical and hydro geological studies over areas designated for future mine development infrastructure. All of these results have now been incorporated into the revised resource model. HATCHES CREEK Hatches Creek Project is made up of three Exploration Licences one of which is granted and two still under application which are located in the central portion of the Northern Territory. The Exploration Licence Applications cover 63 km2 which fall within the Anurrete Aboriginal Land Trust under the provisions of the Aboriginal Land Right Act (NT) Act 1976. After lengthy negotiations an agreement was signed for Exploration Licence Applications with the traditional owners and Thor is now waiting on the grant of these tenements before initiating ground exploration. URANIUM EXPLORATION Uranium exploration has begun with reconnaissance work at Harts Range and a major Hoist EM survey at Hale River and Plenty Highway Projects completed. Reverse circulation drilling was also completed at Hale River. Initial reconnaissance work at Harts Range returned assays as high as 31% U, whilst interpretation of the survey is well advanced. Harts Range Reconnaissance The Harts Range Project is located about 150kms east-northeast of Alice Springs. Reconnaissance sampling of the Harts Range tenement area was completed during October and November 2006, with several areas traversed. The main objective of the sampling program was to identify known prospects and determine optimal access routes and logistics for follow-up exploration. The project includes six tenements. In the October program eleven rock chips were taken on two out of the six granted tenements. Analysis was completed for 39 elements. Five samples were taken at the Ryoma and Casper prospects, with results confirming the prospectivity of this area returning elevated uranium values ranging from 121ppm to 227ppm U. Results were also elevated in rare earth elements ('REE') such as Yittrium and Zirconium. Sample HR8 also returned up to 1.62% Pb. The results included a single sample result of 31.6% U. This hand-picked sample contained a significant portion of visible uraninite. Significantly, a number of large pegmatite bodies are located within the Harts Range project. Work to date in the Harts Range Project indicates that sporadic high uranium grades occur along NW trending structural corridors, suggesting a vein-type model for mineralisation such as that at Schwartzwalder in Colorado (USA). Mineralisation here occurs in numerous lenses associated with a major shear fault network and along contacts between mica schist and gneissic rocks Harts Range - Scintillometer Survey In late November, a scintillometer orientation survey and ground reconnaissance work was completed over three tenements, with scintillometer readings taken at various locations including several prospects with historic uranium exploration results. In total, fourteen samples were collected. A number of samples returned significant results of >0.10% U, all of which have a very strong REE association. One particular sample from an area near the Haddock Prospect was high in uranium (8.87% U), tantalum (19%) and niobium (18%), suggests that the sample contained coarse tantalite crystals. Two significant results of 0.17% U and 0.26% U were also returned from the Garnet prospect. Previous mapping in this area in 1993 determined that the strongest radioactivity occurs where the pegmatite has been more extensively altered to garnet. Historic PNC assays at this prospect ranged between 18-2,900ppm U, 100-4,000ppm Y and 100-2,600ppm Nb. Further reconnaissance rock chip sampling and mapping was completed on the Daicos, Haddock, Mount Mary (Snaf & Indiana) and Starlight prospects in early July. A total of 39 rock chip samples were collected, all assays are still outstanding. Approximately 12 km of prospective strike length has been identified representing potential host extensions or repetitions of epidosite-pegmatoid layers. Regional exploration resulted in the identification of a single pegmatite some 6.3km in length and 50m wide at Mt Mary. Two rock chips taken from 'hot spots' in this area returned elevated uranium values ranging from 107 to 246ppm. A second pegmatite, which also has an extensive strike of 2km and an average width of 63m has been identified to the north-east. This requires further investigation. Ongoing exploration will also cover the Snaf and Kelly Prospects, located to the north and south of Mt Mary. Historic rock chip sampling by PNC at these prospects returned very high-grade uranium assays ranging from 550-1,580 ppm U. Bundey River Project Three radiometric anomalies have been identified in the eastern part of the Bundey River Project area from airborne radiometric survey. Reconnaissance exploration was completed along the eastern portion of the Bundey River tenement; two samples were taken from this area with disappointing uranium results. While no calcrete samples were able to be taken, a consistently high scintillometer count was taken over the main drainage channel. Sampling returned an anomalous thorium value in exposed lateritic remnants, confirming the potential for tertiary basin and drainage hosted uranium. Hale River Project The first and second phases of a comprehensive uranium exploration program at Hale River have been completed. The first phase of the program comprised a helicopter borne Hoist EM survey covering the Company's Hale River and Plenty Highway tenements, which cover some 1,200 sq km of tertiary basin sediments. The Hale River data has indicated a complex south easterly striking channel structure. Zones of conductive and resistive sediments (indicating reducing and oxidizing environments) have been interpreted within the main and subsidiary palaeo-channels within the model. The revised modelling has also incorporated previous exploration drilling that has already identified anomalous areas of ' roll front style' uranium mineralisation. Reconnaissance aircore drilling at the Hale River Highway and BundeyaUranium Project has been completed with a total of 28 holes completed to date for 1,549m. The Hoist EM survey was a technical success and identified numerous potential ' trap sites' or conductive sediments within the Hale River palaeo drainage system. Drilling indicated that the modelled depth to basement was essentially correct and that the conductive horizons identified in the Hoist EM survey were associated with carbonaceous sediments, pyritic sands and lignite horizons and was not due to saline/hyper saline ground water. The drilling was difficult due to running sands and clay layers and high water flows. Five of the six priority anomalies identified were tested with at least one hole to check the ground conditions however the most prospective Hoist EM trap site with coincident surface radiometric anomaly on the eastern side of the tenement could not be drilled due to access restrictions imposed by the Central Land Council. Anomalous scintillometer readings several times background were associated with pyritic sands, carbonaceous clays and lignite. A number of samples returned assays between than 20 and 100ppm U, these are considered anomalous and correlated well when compared to results from similar lignite horizons identified in the Hale River Basin by Alcoa in the 1980's. Existing anomalies need further drill testing and work to date has confirmed the presence of suitable 'trap sites' for roll front style Uranium mineralization. Plenty Highway Project A final report and interpretation of the Hoist EM data has been provided by Thor's consultants. Two highly prospective areas have been identified at junctions within a large palaeo - channel drainage system containing abundant conductive sedimentary units. Drilling can begin pending CLC approvals. Approximately 5,000m of drilling will be required. Minimal previous exploration has been carried out on the tenement. CORPORATE Capital Raising and Listing on ASX In 2006 Thor received shareholder approval to proceed with the acquisition of Hale Energy Ltd. Shareholder approval was also received for a 1-for-3 capital consolidation and an issue to existing shareholders of one warrant for every two post-consolidation shares held ahead of the dual listing of Thor's shares on the Australian Stock Exchange ('ASX'). The consideration for the acquisition of Hale Energy was the issue of 16 million fully-paid shares and 8.5 million warrants. Thor closed its A$10.0 million fund raising fully subscribed ahead of the dual listing of its shares on the ASX in September 2006. The successful completion of the fund raising and dual listing marked an important milestone for Thor. During July 2007 a placement of 6,800,000 shares at 11 pence per share was completed on the AIM Market of the London Stock Exchange. The Company's total issued share capital is now 139,659,508 shares. The funds raised, approximating A$1.7m after costs, will be used to supplement short term working capital requirements and to provide additional finance for the development of Molyhil. Thor Mining PLC Executive Chairman's Operating and Financial Review Site Environmental Policy Occupational Health And Safety Policy Molyhil Mine Site is committed to protection and Thor Mining PLC is fully committed to the management of the environment in a responsible manner establishment and maintenance of a safe and healthy during the currency of its operation. The objective of work environment for all employees without management at the site is to minimise adverse impacts compromising employee job productivity. on the environment from planning through development, mining, production and to decommissioning. Thor Mining PLC recognises that the duty of care is the over arching principle for this Policy. To achieve this, Molyhil Mine will: Thor Mining PLC is committed to providing a safe • Comply with all Northern Territory laws, working environment for all employees. regulations and standards or other applicable Federal legislation; • Develop, implement and maintain a Company and Employee Commitment: comprehensive Environmental Management System; • Work environment and conditions for • Promote environmental awareness among the employees are above those proscribed by relevant laws workforce to increase understanding of environmental and statutory regulations. responsibilities and to develop a 'stakeholder' interest in the work force for improved environmental protection and management; • The Company will educate all employees in best and safe work practices in their working environment to ensure that they are not exposed to any • Utilise leading practice environmental unnecessary health and safety risk. management procedures in operating and rehabilitation programs; • All employees will support, implement and adhere to the Company Occupational, Health and Safety • Monitor performance of site discharges at a Programme. frequency higher than required by regulations and licences and provide safeguards and contingency plans to detect and prevent any potential adverse impacts; • Develop and train an environmental emergency response team for damage control and rehabilitation at sites where an inadvertent spillage of potentially polluting material has occurred • At the required frequency, report environmental performance to government • Regularly check environmental management performance of Company and contractor operations by internal and external auditing • Require the site employees, contractors and other third parties to exceed or as a minimum conform with the site standards and procedures for environmental management • Minimise waste and maximise the use of re-cycling programs to reduce exploitation of resources • Rehabilitate to current standards or exceed the standards required by government so that the site can be returned to rangelands grazing • At closure, leave the site in a clean, safe, stable and erosion-free condition. Thor Mining PLC Executive Chairman's Operating and Financial Review Corporate Environmental Policy Indigenous People's Policy Thor Mining PLC identifies environmental management Thor Mining PLC wishes to establish and maintain a good as essential to its own future. The company considers working relationship with Indigenous People who may be that sound environmental management benefits all affected by the Company's operations. To achieve this stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, it is Thor's policy to: nearby residents and the broader community. • Respect the culture and heritage of Thor Mining PLC regards environmental care as an Indigenous People affected by the Company's operations. integral part of its business, and is committed to excellence in the management of environmental matters. Thor Mining PLC aims to minimise environmental impacts at every stage of work, from • Undertake appropriate heritage surveys to planning through exploration, development, mining, ensure that sites of cultural heritage to Indigenous production and decommissioning. People are not inadvertently damaged by the Company's operations. The objectives of the company's commitment to environmental management are to: • Regularly consult with relevant Indigenous People to ensure that they are kept informed of the Company's activities and that their concerns are considered in the design and management of the • Comply with all environmental legislation, Company's activities. licences and regulations. • Promote cross-cultural awareness. • Develop, implement and maintain a comprehensive Environmental Management System. • Whenever feasible, provide employment and training for Indigenous People affected by the • Recognise conservation and heritage values. Company's operations. • Identify, manage and monitor potential • The Company can not guarantee a successful environmental impacts, striving to comply with exploration outcome that will benefit all stakeholders international leading practice. (Indigenous People, landowners, the Company and its shareholders and the community at large), but in the event of an economic discovery the Company will engage in open negotiations with Traditional Owners to • Rehabilitate disturbed land surfaces. complete an agreement on the development of the discovery to the satisfaction and benefit of all parties. • Review and evaluate environmental performance. • Seek continuous improvement in exploration, mining, waste management and the use of resources. • Promote cross-cultural awareness, and wherever possible, protect sites of cultural significance. • Have timely and effective communications with landowners, relevant indigenous people and others who may be directly affected by company operations. • Communicate regularly with employees, suppliers, contractors and customers about the aims of the Corporate Environmental Policy and the responsibilities implied. • Provide information to the community, share holders and government authorities about the company's environmental performance. Consolidated Income Statement for the year ended 30 June 2007 Consolidated Company Note 2007 2006 2007 2006 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Administrative expenses (323) (137) (84) (10) Corporate expenses (1,190) (568) (1,066) (432) Other expenses - (19) - - Operating loss 3 (1,513) (724) (1,150) (442) Interest receivable 4 126 33 - - Other income 4 - 7 - - Loss before tax (1,387) (684) (1,150) (442) Tax on loss on ordinary activities 6 - - - - Loss for the financial year (1,387) (684) (1,150) (442) Loss per share - basic 7 (1.27)p (1.13)p Continuing operations All items relate to continuing operations Balance Sheets At 30 June 2007 Note Consolidated Consolidated Company Company 2007 2006 2007 2006 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 ASSETS Non-current assets Intangible assets 8 4,191 1,445 - - Investments 9 - - 1,977 700 Loan to subsidiaries 10 - - 4,636 1,100 Exploration costs 11 726 - - - Plant and equipment 12 95 9 1 - Total non-current assets 5,012 1,454 6,614 1,800 Current assets Cash and cash equivalents 1,836 484 155 268 Trade & other receivables 13 96 32 8 12 Prepayments 10 19 9 19 Total current assets 1,942 535 172 299 Total assets 6,954 1,989 6,786 2,099 LIABILITIES Current liabilities Trade and other payables 14 (181) (88) (43) (13) Provisions 15 (9) - - - Interest bearing liabilities 16 (11) - - - Total current liabilities (201) (88) (43) (13) Non-current liabilities Interest bearing liabilities 16 (60) - - - Total non-current liabilities (60) - - - Total liabilities (261) (88) (43) (13) Net assets 6,693 1,901 6,743 2,086 EQUITY Issued share capital 17 399 192 399 192 Share premium 18 5,616 1,928 5,616 1,928 Foreign exchange reserve 19 431 59 - - Merger reserve 20 1,634 405 1,634 405 Option revaluation reserve 21 783 100 783 100 Retained losses 22 (2,170) (783) (1,689) (539) Total equity 6,693 1,901 6,743 2,086 These Financial Statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 21 August 2007 and were signed on its behalf by: John W Barr - Executive Chairman John A Young - Chief Executive Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 30 June 2007 2007 2006 £'000 £'000 Cash flows from operating activities Operating Loss (1,387) (684) (Increase)/decrease in trade and other receivables (56) 28 Increase in trade and other payables 22 81 Depreciation 29 3 Share options expensed 683 100 Unrealised exchange gain 372 36 Net cash outflow from operating activities (337) (436) Cash flows from investing activities Purchase of property, plant and equipment (38) (12) Payments for mine development expenditure (727) - Payments for exploration expenditure (1,389) (760) Net cash outflow from investing activities (2,154) (772) Cash flows from financing activities Repayment of borrowings (5) - Issue of ordinary share capital 4,209 300 Share issue costs (361) (112) Net cash inflow from financing activities 3,843 188 Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 1,352 (1,020) Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 484 1,504 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 1,836 484 Analysis of changes in net debt At 1 July 2006 Cash flows Non-cash changes 30 June 2007 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Cash at bank and in hand 484 1,352 - 1,836 Statements of Changes in Equity For the year ended 30 June 2007 Foreign Issued Share Share Retained Currency Merger Option Total Capital Premium Earnings Translation Reserve Reserve Reserves £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Consolidated At 1 July 2005 182 1,750 (99) 23 405 - 2,261 Loss for the period - - (684) - - - (684) Foreign currency translation reserve - - - 36 - - 36 Total recognised income and expense - - (684) 36 - - (648) Share based payments expense - - - - - 100 100 Share issued 10 178 - - - - 188 At 30 June 2006 192 1,928 (783) 59 405 100 1,901 At 1 July 2006 192 1,928 (783) 59 405 100 1,901 Loss for the period - - (1,387) - - - (1,387) Foreign currency translation reserve - - - 372 - - 372 Total recognised income and expense - - (1,387) 372 - - (956) Share based payments expense - - - - - 683 683 Shares issued 207 3,688 - - 1,229 - 5,124 At 30 June 2007 399 5,616 (2,170) 431 1,634 783 6,693 Company At 1 July 2005 182 1,750 (97) - 405 - 2,240 Loss for the period - - (442) - - - (442) Total recognised income - - (442) - - - (442) and expense Share based payments - - - - - 100 100 expense Share issued 10 178 - - - - 188 At 30 June 2006 192 1,928 (539) - 405 100 2,086 At 1 July 2006 192 1,928 (539) - 405 100 2,086 Loss for the period - - (1,150) - - - (1,150) Total recognised income - - (1,150) - - - (1,150) and expense Share based payments - - - - - 683 683 expense Share issued 207 3,688 - - 1,229 - 5,124 At 30 June 2007 399 5,616 (1,689) - 1,634 783 6,743 Notes to the Financial Statements for the period year to 30 June 2007 1. The Directors are not recommending the payment of an ordinary share dividend. 2. Loss per share on the net basis is calculated on a loss on ordinary activities after taxation of £1,387,000 (2006:£684,000) and on 114,014,198 (2006: 60,795,776) ordinary shares being the weighted average number of shares in issue and ranking for dividend during the period. No diluted loss per share is presented as the effect of exercise of outstanding options is to decrease the loss per share. Prior period comparatives have been restated to reflect the impact of the 1:3 share consolidation in September 2006. 3. The financial information set out in the final results does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. Results for the period ended 30 June 2007 are abridged from the 2007 Annual Report and Accounts, which received an unqualified auditor's report and will be filed with the Registrar of Companies following the Annual General Meeting on 20 November 2007. 4. The Annual Report will be posted to shareholders on 13 September 2007. Further copies will be available from the Company's registered office: 3rd Floor, 55 Gower Street, London WC1E 6HQ. 5. The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at the Wyndham London Hotel, Chelsea Harbour, London SW10 0XG England, on Tuesday 20 November 2007 at 11.00 a.m. Enquiries: John Young + 61 8 9327 0911 Thor Mining PLC Chief Executive Officer John Simpson 020 7512 0191 ARM Corporate Finance Ltd Nominated Adviser Leesa Peters 020 7429 6600 Conduit PR Limited Public Relations or Jos Simson 020 7429 6603 Nicholas Read + 61 (0) 8 9388 1474 Read Corporate Public Relations/ Australia Updates on the Company's activities are regularly posted on Thor's website, which includes a facility to register to receive these updates by email. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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