Preliminary Results

Solid State Supplies PLC 13 June 2000 Preliminary announcement of results for the year ended 31st March 2000 Chairman's Statement Results The audited profit before tax of the Company was £430,000 (1999: £303,000) on a turnover of £6,327,000 (1999: £6,100,000). Trading Review In this, my last Chairman's statement, I am pleased to report that notwithstanding the well documented difficult market conditions, the Company performed extremely well during the year under review. The turnover was increased by 3.7% in spite of the substantial revenue deficit due to the loss of the Arizona Microchip franchise. As I stated in the interim report, steps were taken to protect the profitability of the Company and I am delighted to announce a 42% increase in the net profit before taxation. It is also very pleasing to report that the founder of the Company, Gordon Comben, having resigned as Chairman in 1999 for health reasons is now able to resume his role and I will revert to my previous position of Deputy Chairman. After considerable period of market contraction, the improvements noted in my interim report continued through the second half of the year. The major erosion caused by the imbalance between supply and demand appears at least to have slowed down and in certain areas where manufacturers have reduced capacity long lead times are now being experienced with even some product on allocation. Evidence of customers recognising this situation can be seen in increases in scheduled orders being placed. This has resulted in the book to bill ratio of the Company changing from 0.93 in the first six months to 1.14 in the second half of the year. During this period great attention has been placed on stock control and this will continue to be monitored very closely. As a specialist distributor we will continue to work very closely with our customers and suppliers in order to cover the transitional phase from over supply to allocation whilst maintaining a high service level. This year has also seen changes in the supply chain brought about to a large extent by acquisitions and mergers. This had led to changes in franchise arrangements which have been to both the detriment and advantage of the Company. The debit side has been the previously reported loss of the Unitrode franchise because this company was bought by Texas Instruments. The credit side has been the acquisition of the Synergy franchise because this company has been purchased by Micrel and we will now handle both lines as is the case with the announcement of the Linfinity franchise due to its acquisition by Microsemi. We are fortunate also that there is a considerable overlap in the Unitrode and Linfinity product range which means that given time, we should be able to replace a portion of that lost business. The Company has been active in looking at both new franchises and acquisitions. On the franchise front, we are continuing with our focus on a specialist role and therefore avoiding major overlaps of products. We are please to announce that we have concluded agreement for a franchise with Mitsubishi on their microcontrollers and memory products. In addition we have agreements with two niche manufacturers that should provide the opportunity of expanding our distribution and agency business. In spite of a number of negotiations entered into over the past year, the Directors have not found an acquisition that we felt should be undertaken. However, this will continue to be an area which will be kept under consideration. Dividends The Directors are recommending a final dividend of 2p per share which, together with the interim dividend makes a total for the year of 3p per share. This compares with 2p per share last year. The final dividend will be paid on 13th July 2000 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 23rd June 2000. Conclusions There are signs that the market is recovering, that some stabilising of prices combined with continued volume requirements bode well for the coming year. It is now looking likely that some economic growth in the market will create opportunities from which the Company is well placed to benefit. Finally, I would like to take this opportunity of thanking my co-Directors and all the staff for the total co-operation and effort they have put in to achieve the results on which I have reported. The Company enters into the new fiscal year with the confidence and expectations that continued growth will be achieved. William G Marsh Chairman 13th June 2000 Profit and Loss Account For the year ended 31st March 2000 2000 1999 £ £ £ £ Turnover 6,327,010 6,099,790 Cost of sales (4,446,012) (4,333,227) ---------- ---------- GROSS PROFIT 1,880,998 1,766,563 Selling expenses and distribution costs (960,070) (1,006,815) Administrative expenses (507,361) (451,789) ---------- ---------- (1,467,431) (1,458,604) ---------- ---------- OPERATING PROFIT 413,567 307,959 Other income 18,139 17,117 Interest payable (1,989) (21,707) ---------- ---------- PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION 429,717 303,369 Tax on profit on ordinary activities (111,348) (77,712) ---------- ---------- PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES AFTER TAXATION 318,369 225,657 Dividends - Equity (187,500) (125,000) ---------- ---------- RETAINED PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 130,869 100,657 ---------- ---------- EARNINGS PER SHARE Basic 5.1p 3.6p All amounts relate to continuing activities. There were no recognised gains or losses other than the profit for the year as stated above. Balance Sheet For the year ended 31st March 2000 FIXED ASSETS Tangible assets 299,108 273,561 Investments 76,694 76,694 ---------- ---------- 375,802 350,255 CURRENT ASSETS Stocks 1,323,310 1,300,241 Debtors 1,377,460 1,379,313 Cash at bank and in hand 389,857 111,258 ---------- ---------- 3,090,627 2,790,812 CREDITORS: amounts falling due within one year 1,384,732 1,190,239 ---------- ---------- NET CURRENT ASSETS 1,705,895 1,600,573 ---------- ---------- 2,081,697 1,950,828 ---------- ---------- CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called up share premium 312,500 312,500 Share premium account 756,980 756,980 Profit and loss account 1,012,217 881,348 ---------- ---------- SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS-EQUITY 2,081,697 1,950,828 ---------- ---------- The financial statements were approved by the Board on 13th June 2000. W G Marsh Director Notes 1. The financial information is derived from the Company's audited statutory accounts for the years ended 31st March 2000 and 31st March 1999. The auditors' reports were unqualified and did not contain a statement under Section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The statutory accounts for 1999 have been filed with the Registrar of Companies and the 2000 accounts will be filed following the Annual General Meeting. 2. Earnings per share for each year have been based on the profit on ordinary activities after taxation divided by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year of 6,250,000 (1999: 6,250,000). 3. The Report and Accounts for the year ended 31st March 2000 are being sent to shareholders shortly.


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