Interim Results for the six months ended 30 Jun...

PRESS RELEASE - 22nd September 2009 SERABI MINING plc ("Serabi" or "the Company") Announcement of Interim Financial Results for the 6 months to 30 June 2009 Highlights * Production for the first six months of the year was 3,775 ounces * Operating profit of US$539,000 * Results impacted by strong gold price and relative weakness of the Brazilian Real * Drill programme underway to identify additional oxide ore sources The continuing modest success of the oxide mining operations at Palito has made a valuable contribution to the Company's cash flow this year, potentially allowing us the opportunity to benefit from the improved markets and investor sentiment, compared with those prevailing in the earlier part of this year. The oxide ores had not previously formed a significant part of our production strategy for Palito because of processing issues when being treated together with the sulphide ore. For this reason we had never focused before on establishing significant oxide resources; what resources had been identified were an incidental consequence of exploration targeted towards the underlying sulphide mineral deposits. Production for the first six months of the year was 3,775 ounces with an average head grade of 3.42 g/t gold. Whilst this represents a high grade for an open pit operation, the nature of the ore bodies means that ore volumes are limited and thus by necessity each pit is fairly small. From this production we have recorded a small operating profit for the six months ended 30 June 2009 of $539,000, although after taking account of administration costs and depreciation charges the Group recorded an overall loss of $2.02 million (before impairment charges), compared with $3.33 million for the corresponding period of 2008. We have benefited during the period from a strong gold price and the relative weakness of the Brazilian Real. The gold price for the first six months averaged US$915 per ounce and traded in a range of US$813 to US$990, whilst the average exchange rate of the Brazilian Real to the US Dollar was 2.208. However, the Brazilian Real has been strengthening throughout this year as inward flows of foreign money have helped rebuild the country's currency reserves. These inward flows are a mixture of direct infrastructure and manufacturing investments driven by a renewed confidence in the long-term global economic recovery, the expectation that the stronger emerging market economies will again drive demand, institutional investment into the recovering stock market, equity issues by the largest Brazilian corporations and finally the restoration of the "carry trade" attracted by the high prevailing interest rates available in Brazil. At the end of June 2009 the exchange rate stood at 1.95 and has appreciated further over the last two months, at times appearing to test but not break the 1.80 barrier. The gold price has meanwhile showed signs of further strengthening and has traded in a range between US$908 and US$1004 per ounce. These conditions clearly have an effect on the on-going profitability of the operation and we continue to seek ways of reducing the cost base to mitigate any potential adverse effects of currency fluctuations. Administration charges for the period include a one-off charge for employment terminations of personnel in Brazil amounting of $189,000. Combined with cost reduction initiatives that are already in hand, we would expect to see a reduction in administration costs for the remainder of the year. Additionally the Directors have agreed to defer a proportion of salary payments in order to conserve cash. Administration costs include an amount of $126,000 that has been accrued but not paid in respect of remuneration of the Directors. The half year depreciation expense on plant and equipment includes some one-off charges totaling $215,000; we would also therefore expect charges for the remainder of the year to be reduced accordingly. No amortisation expense has been made in respect of the carrying cost of the Palito underground mine itself on the basis that during the period there has been no exploitation of the underground reserves and resources which underpin this asset value. When production is recommenced from underground operations the Group will again amortise this cost over the remaining anticipated useful life. An effect of the appreciation of the Brazilian Real has been to increase the carrying value of all assets that are owned by our 100% owned Brazilian subsidiary company, Serabi Mineracao Ltda, which maintains its accounting records in Real. This has resulted in an increase in the carrying value of Property Plant and Equipment of US$5.4 million compared with the value as at 31 December 2008. This increase in carrying value has impacted on the impairment review that the Directors are required to undertake. The uplift in value has resulted in the carrying value of the Palito mine and its related infrastructure, being greater than the estimated net present value of the projected cash flows that could be derived. Further information regarding the impairment review is set out in the notes to the Interim financial statements, but it has necessitated that the Group record an impairment provision of US$2.4 million for the six months ended 30 June 2009, in order to reduce the carrying value to the Director's estimate of the value in use of Palito which at 30 June 2009 was estimated as $34.4 million. As was noted at the time of this year's Annual General Meeting on 18 August and in our June 2009 Investor Update, heavy seasonal rains earlier this year precluded us from undertaking any systematic exploration of the oxide potential and, for this reason, production has so far only been derived from the limited number of known occurrences previously outlined. However, a drill programme is now underway that we hope will lead to the identification of additional oxide ore feed and thus establish a longer term source of gold production. Test work is also underway to assess the viability of reprocessing Palito's tailings as a further source of gold production. We consider there are now two paths that can be pursued in order to generate returns for shareholders. Either a transaction could be undertaken that would result in value being generated through the disposal of the projects in Brazil or we attract new funding either directly or through the introduction of a joint venture partner in order to advance identified projects and thus enhance the underlying value of those assets. As noted in our investor newsletters, the production level that we are likely to be able to sustain from the oxide gold sources and the resulting cash flow this will generate, is unlikely to be adequate to allow the Company to grow and so new capital is needed for this purpose. Since the AGM on, when we detailed the strategic options that were being pursued, we have continued to progress all avenues but at this stage are not in a position to provide any further updates to shareholders. The month of August is traditionally a quiet month for any corporate activity and this year the holiday effect would appear to have been exaggerated by the general malaise of the markets. However, we would hope that before the next Quarterly Investor Update (due for release at the end of October) we might be in a position to provide some positive news on the corporate front, in addition to some initial results from the oxide exploration drilling that is now underway. Our operational focus for the rest of the year will be to continue to optimise the current oxide mining operations, adding additional oxide resources and in so doing extending the life of this activity and giving the Group the opportunity to asses the potential for sustainable increases in production. Meanwhile, if successful in identifying a joint venture partner or raising capital as outlined above, the resulting funds would be directed towards further detailed evaluation of the 18 priority targets that have been identified in close proximity to Palito, with the objective of establishing a larger reserve and resource base that could support an expanded underground mining operation in the future. The first six months of 2009 have been difficult but as the results demonstrate, one that has been better than might have been expected at the start of the year. The remaining six months of the year will continue to be challenging but we have entered the period with an improved level of optimism and a wider range of options than existed in January. There remains considerable work to be done in re-building value for shareholders and the Group is reliant on a small group of individuals who have demonstrated their continuing belief in the long-term potential of the Group's assets and have already shown a substantial commitment to the Company. Whilst Serabi's future and growth is dependent on a number of factors, their continuing involvement will be a significant factor in the Group's on-going development and we hope that their dedication and belief will ultimately be realised, concurrent with the generation of significant improvements in shareholder value. Palito - operating results(1) 2009 2009 2009 2008 UNIT Q1 Q2 YTD YTD Milled - total tonnes 17,580 19,151 36,731 66,506 - daily average 197 210 203 365 Head-grade(2) grammes/ tonne 3.78 3.09 3.42 4.82 Recovery % 92.3 94.7 93.6 89.0 Gold(3) ounces 1,973 1,802 3,775 10,738 (1) Provisional. (2) Ore feed to the process plant. (3) For 2008 includes copper and silver credits. Graham Roberts Mike Hodgson Chairman Chief Executive 21 September 2009 Enquiries Serabi Mining plc Graham Roberts Tel: 01737 773691 Chairman Mobile: 07768 902475 Clive Line Tel: 020 7246 6830 Finance Director Mobile: 07710 151 692 Email: Website: Beaumont Cornish Limited Nominated Adviser and Broker Roland Cornish Tel: 020 7628 3396 Michael Cornish Tel: 020 7628 3396 STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Group For the For the For the six months six months year ended ended ended 30 June 30 June 31 December 2009 2008 2008 (expressed in US$) Notes (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) CONTINUING OPERATIONS Revenue 3,601,349 9,887,239 16,523,577 Operating expenses (3,061,975) (9,499,132) (16,964,067) Gross profit/(loss) 539,375 388,107 (440,490) Administration expenses (1,178,935) (1,635,070) (3,740,134) Share-based payments (40,161) (89,926) (123,498) Write-off of past - (502,591) (1,174,269) exploration costs Loss on sale of fixed (209,661) - - assets Depreciation of plant and (1,126,106) (983,785) (2,132,633) equipment Depreciation of mine asset - (502,069) (997,473) Provision for impairment 8 (2,422,737) - - Operating loss (4,438,226) (3,325,334) (8,596,693) Foreign exchange gain 93,755 1,732,583 (1,629,138) Finance costs (158,936) (385,365) (1,219,107) Investment income 1,481 366,874 471,283 Loss before taxation (4,501,926) (1,611,242) (10,973,655) Income tax expense - - - Loss for the period from (4,501,926) (1,611,242) (10,973,655) continuing operations (1) (2) Other comprehensive income (net of tax) Exchange differences on 6,119,656 2,033,961 (11,303,603) translating foreign operations Total comprehensive 1,617,730 422,719 (22,277,258) income/(loss) for the period (2) Loss per ordinary share (3.21c) (1.29c) (7.83c) (basic and diluted) (1) (1) All revenue and expenses arise from continuing operations. (2) The Group has no minority interests and all income/(losses) are attributable to the equity holders of the Parent Company. CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET Group As at As at As at 30 June 30 June 31 December 2009 2008 2008 (expressed in US$) Notes (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) Non-current assets Goodwill - 1,752,516 1,752,516 Development and deferred 3 6,225,795 6,461,865 5,351,921 exploration costs Property, plant and 4 34,445,949 43,348,962 31,620,364 equipment Total non-current assets 40.671,744 51,563,343 38,724,801 Current assets Inventories 5 1,005,956 3,844,888 931,413 Trade and other 264,388 1,169,402 992,698 receivables Prepayments and accrued 1,089,099 3,229,146 1,401,627 income Cash at bank and in hand 6 1,370,442 9,681,080 1,538,956 Total current assets 3,729,885 17,924,516 4,864,694 Current liabilities Trade and other payables 3,254,544 5,427,102 3,197,543 Accruals 205,627 18,789 136,762 Interest bearing 150,200 1,493,372 1,046,936 liabilities Total current liabilities 3,610,371 6,939,263 4,381,241 Net current assets 119,514 10,985,253 483,453 Total assets less current 40,791,258 62,548,596 39,208,254 liabilities Non-current liabilities Trade and other payables 84,037 4,733 25,467 Provisions 784,788 845,427 735,905 Interest bearing - 771,859 182,340 liabilities Total non-current 868,825 1,622,019 943,712 liabilities Net assets 39,922,433 60,926,577 38,264,542 Equity Called up share capital 7 25,285,679 25,285,679 25,285,679 Share premium reserve 33,402,649 33,402,649 33,402,649 Option reserve 3,101,256 3,023,153 3,061,095 Translation reserve (1,684,082) 5,533,826 (7,803,738) Profit and loss account (20,183,069) (6,318,730) (15,681,143) Equity shareholders' 39,922,433 60,926,577 38,264,542 funds The interim financial information has not been audited and does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 435 of the Companies Act 2006. The Group statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2008, prepared under IFRS as adopted in the EU, have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report on these accounts was unqualified but did contain an Emphasis of Matter with respect the ability of the Company and the Group to continue as a going concern. The auditors' report did not contain a statement under Section 498 (2) or 498 (3) of the Companies Act 2006 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY (expressed in Share Share Share Translation Profit and US$) option (unaudited) capital premium reserve Reserve loss account Total equity Equity 25,285,679 33,402,649 2,923,543 3,499,865 (4,707,488) 60,404,248 shareholders' funds at 31 December 2007 Foreign - - - 2,033,961 - 2,033,961 currency adjustments Loss for the - - - - (1,611,242) (1,611,242) period Total - - - 2,033,961 (1,611,242) 422,719 comprehensive income for the period Share option - - 99,610 - - 99,610 expense Equity 25,285,679 33,402,649 3,023,153 5,533,826 (6,318,730) 60,926,577 shareholders' funds at 30 June 2008 Foreign - - - (13,337,564) - (13,337,564) currency adjustments Loss for the - - - - (9,362,413) (9,326,413) period Total - - - (13,337,564) (9,362,413) (22,699,977) comprehensive income for the period Share option - - 37,942 - - 37,942 expense Equity 25,285,679 33,402,649 3,061,095 (7,803,738) (15,681,143) 38,264,542 shareholders' funds at 31 December 2008 Foreign - - - 6,119,656 - 6,119,656 currency adjustments Loss for the - - - - (4,501,926) (4,501,926) period Total - - - 6,119,656 (4,501,926) 1,617,730 comprehensive income for the period Share option - - 40,161 - - 40,161 expense Equity 25,285,679 33,402,649 3,101,256 (1,684,082) (20,183,069) 39,922,433 shareholders' funds at 30 June 2009 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS Group For the For the For the six months six months Year ended ended Ended 30 June 30 June 31 December 2009 2008 2008 (expressed in US$) (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) Operating activities Operating loss (4,438,226) (3,325,334) (8,596,693) Depreciation - plant, equipment 1,126,106 1,485,854 3,130,106 and mining properties Impairment provision 2,422,737 - - Loss on sale of plant and 209,661 - - equipment Option costs 40,161 89,926 123,498 Write-off of past exploration - 502,591 1,174,269 costs Interest paid (158,936) (385,365) (1,219,107) Foreign exchange (90,224) 366,215 (1,496,018) Changes in working capital Decrease/(increase) in 104,715 (151,299) 2,024,099 inventories Decrease/(increase) in 1,290,312 (32,621) 1,049,230 receivables, prepayments and accrued income (Decrease)/increase in (394,453) 597,677 3,019 payables, accruals and provisions Net cash inflow/(outflow) from 111,853 (852,366) (3,807,597) operating activities Investing activities Proceeds of sale of fixed assets 903,017 - 23,393 Purchase of property, plant and (59,780) (3,669,452) (5,608,449) equipment Exploration and development (139,037) (3,875,826) (5,248,892) expenditure Interest received 1,481 366,874 471,283 Net cash inflow/(outflow) from 705,681 (7,178,404) (10,362,665) investing activities Financing activities Capital element of finance lease (1,057,638) (725,808) (1,402,482) payments Net cash outflow from financing (1,057,638) (725,808) (1,402,482) activities Net decrease in cash and cash (240,104) (8,756,578) (15,572,744) equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at 1,538,956 18,529,795 18,529,795 beginning of period Exchange difference on cash 71,590 (92,137) (1,418,095) Cash and cash equivalents at end 1,370,442 9,681,080 1,538,956 of period Notes to the Interim Financial Statements 1. Basis of preparation These interim accounts are for the six month period ended 30 June 2009. Comparative information has been provided for the unaudited six month period ended 30 June 2008 and the audited twelve month period from 1 January to 31 December 2008. The accounts for the period have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 "Interim Financial Reporting" and with the policies which the Group will adopt for its annual accounts notably: * The financial statements are presented in US Dollars. They are prepared on the historical cost basis or the fair value basis where the fair valuing of relevant assets and liabilities has been applied. * The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards in force at the reporting date and their interpretations issued by the International Accounting Standards Board and adopted for use within the European Union (IFRS), and those parts of the Companies Act 1985 applicable to companies reporting under IFRS. * The adoption of new accounting standards that are in effect for the calendar year ending 31 December 2009 notably , IAS1 (revised) "Presentation of financial statements". IFRS8 "Operating Segments" and IAS23 "Borrowing costs" (i) Going Concern In respect of the financial statements of the Company and the Group for the year ended 31 December 2008 and which were approved by the Board on 25 June 2009, the Directors, following a review of the Company's financial position and its budgets and plans, concluded that sufficient financial resources would be available to meet the Company's current and foreseeable working capital requirements, this being a period of not less than twelve months from the date of approval of those financial statements. On this basis, they considered it appropriate to prepare those financial statements on the going concern basis. The Directors consider that it remains appropriate to prepare the financial statements for the period ended 30 June 2009 on the same going concern basis. However, they would anticipate that the Company will, prior to the end of a twelve month period ending in September 2010, need to receive additional funds to supplement its current cash holdings. The level of such fund raising, if any, will also be dependent of the on-going results of the current gold mining operations in Brazil and the potential for these to generate any cash surpluses that can be remitted to the Company to meet its on-going working capital requirements. The Company has received expressions of interest regarding the exploration and mining assets of the Group and in the event that the Company undertakes a sale of whole or part of the interests of its operating subsidiary this may result in an injection of liquid or tradeable assets which may significantly enhance the liquidity of the Company. Otherwise additional funding is likely to be achieved through the issue of new equity. The Group as a whole has limited cash resources and, whilst its gold mining operations in Brazil have been cash generative during 2009, any disruption or significant decline in the current levels of operation could have a significant effect on the Group's liquidity. The viability of the Group's operations in Brazil is dependent upon the ability to continue to manage the accrued liabilities of the subsidiary entity, to identify additional sources of ore to maintain production and any operational difficulties not adversely affecting short-term cash flow or requiring an injection of capital that is beyond the limited capability of the Company to provide. The Directors are currently seeking and have held discussions regarding terms relating to new sources of finance that would provide the Group with a stronger financial base but there can be no guarantee that such funding will be forthcoming. The use of any funds raised will be dependent on the levels of funding that are available and the Directors will determine the strategy of the Group accordingly. In the meantime the Group will continue to seek to conduct its operations in a manner that will allow it to continue to at least cover the cost base of its operating subsidiary, will dispose of assets if such action is necessary and continue to exercise tight control over its available working capital. In the event that it is necessary to dispose of assets to support the activities of the Group it is possible that such disposals may be undertaken at values below current carrying values. Ultimately if it is not possible to raise additional funds from any source and the Company cannot afford to provide funds to its operating subsidiary, it may become necessary to place the Group's Brazilian subsidiary into administration, in order that the Company can continue as a going concern. (ii) Impairment The Directors have undertaken a review of the carrying value of the mining and exploration assets of the Group and considered the implications of the operational difficulties experienced and the current operational status of Palito. Following this review they have assessed the value of the existing assets on the basis of value in use involving a future recommencement of underground mining operations which is dependent on the ability of the Group to raise future finance and to operate the mine in line with the mine plan that forms the basis of the value in use calculation. The carrying values of assets have not been adjusted to reflect a failure to raise sufficient funds, only maintaining the current levels of operation or that if a sale transaction were undertaken the proceeds may not realise the value as stated in the accounts. (iii) Inventories Inventories - are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value. (iv) Property, plant and equipment Property, plant and equipment is depreciated over its useful life. (v) Mining property The Group commenced commercial production at the Palito mine effective 1 October 2006. Prior to this date all revenues and operating costs were capitalised as part of the development costs of the mine. Effective from 1 October 2006 the accumulated development costs of the mine were re-classified as Mining Property costs and such cost is being amortised over the anticipated life of the mine on a unit of production basis. (vi) Revenue Revenues are recognised only at the time of sale. Any unsold production and in particular concentrate is held as inventory and valued at production cost until sold. 2. Taxation Taxation represents a provision for corporate taxes due on taxable profits arising in Brazil. No deferred tax asset arising from carried forward losses incurred outside of Brazil has been recognised in the financial statements because of uncertainty as to the time period over which this asset may be recovered. 3. Exploration and development costs 30 June 31 December 2009 2008 (unaudited) (audited) Cost Opening balance 5,351,921 13,254,658 Exploration and development expenditure 139,037 5,248,892 Write-off of past exploration costs - (1,174,269) Exchange 923,185 (1,617,946) Transfer to tangible assets (188,348) (10,359,414) Balance at end of period 6,225,795 5,351,921 4. Property, plant and equipment 30 June 31 December 2009 2008 (unaudited) (audited) Cost Balance at beginning of period 38,295,092 31.325,246 Additions 59,780 7,063,637 Transfer from intangible assets 188,348 10,359,414 Exchange 6,749,819 (10,341,944) Disposals (1,524,285) 111,261 Balance at end of period 43,768,754 38,295,092 Depreciation Balance at beginning of period 6,674,728 5,494,240 Charge for period 1,157,265 3,130,106 Provision for impairment 670,221 - Exchange 1,339,822 (1,869,192) Eliminated on sale of asset (519,231) (80,426) Balance at end of period 9,322,805 6,674,728 Net book value at 30 June 2009 34,445,949 31,620,364 5. Inventories 30 June 30 June 31 December 2009 2008 2008 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) Bullion and work in progress - 1,464,835 100,821 Consumables 1,005,956 2,380,053 830,592 Inventories 1,005,956 3,844,888 931,413 6. Cash and cash equivalents 30 June 30 June 31 December 2009 2008 2008 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) Cash at bank and in hand 1,370,442 9,681,080 1,538,956 Bank overdraft - - - Cash and cash equivalents 1,370,442 9,681,080 1,538,956 7. Share capital 30 June 30 June 31 December 31 December 2009 2009 2008 2008 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) (audited) Called up capital Number $ Number $ Balance at beginning 140,139,065 25,285,679 140,139,065 25,285,679 of period Issue of shares for - - - - cash Exercise of options - - - - Balance at end of 140,139,065 25,285,679 140,139,065 25,285,679 period 8. Impairment Consistent with the review process performed as at 31 December 2008, the Directors have undertaken an impairment review of the Group's exploration, development and production assets. The Directors note that as a result of changing exchange rates between 31 December 2008 and 30 June 2009 the value of these assets in the accounts of the Group has increased. The majority of the assets are held by and recorded in the accounts of the Serabi Mineracao Limitada, the Group's 100% owned Brazilian subsidiary, the financial statements of which are denominated in Brazilian Real. Following this review and making estimates of the value in use, the Directors have concluded that as a result of the variation in exchange rates the carrying value of the Palito mine property and its associated infrastructure has increased to a level in excess of the valuation supported by the value in use calculation. As a result and in accordance with the provisions of IAS 36 - Impairment of Assets, the Directors have agreed to make an impairment charge of US$2,422,737 against the carrying value of the assets of the Group relating to the Palito mine. No impairment charge has been made in respect of any of the remainder of the Group's exploration and development projects. In deriving an estimate of the value in use in respect of the Palito mine the Directors' have calculated a Net Present Value of the projected cash flow to be derived from the exploitation of the known reserves of 187,538 gold equivalent ounces as estimated at the end of March 2008. The key assumptions underlying the Net Present Value are unchanged from those detailed in the Annual Report 2008 save that commencement of operations has been set as 1 July 2011 (six months later than previously), the exchange rate BrR$ to US$ has been set at 1.9516 (previously 2.356) and the long term gold price set at US$800 (previously $750). The value in use taking into account these parameters of Palito has been estimated at US$34.4 million (previously US$34.8 million) Qualified Persons Statement All technical information contained within this Interim Report has been reviewed by and verified by Michael Hodgson as required by the AIM Guidance Note on Mining, Oil and Gas Companies dated March 2006. Michael Hodgson is an Economic Geologist by training with 20 years experience in the mining industry. He holds a BSc (Hons) Geology, University of London, a MSc Mining Geology, University of Leicester and is a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining and a Chartered Engineer of the Engineering Council of the UK. ---END OF MESSAGE--- This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.


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