Final Results

Reliance Security Group PLC 28 June 2000 Reliance Security Group plc Preliminary announcement of Results for the year ended 30 April 2000 Turnover up 17% to £153m (1999 : £131m) Profit before tax up 20% to £8.5m (1999 : £7.1m) Earnings per share up 22% to 25.08p (1999: 20.59p) Proposed final dividend of 8p, giving full year 10.5p (1999 : 9.0p) Cash balances at the year end of £6.6m Commenting on the results Brian Kingham, Chairman, said Record results made possible by sustained investment and the steady building of infrastructure and skills which have enabled us to develop new businesses and income streams. Our markets - security, support services and facilities management - are growing at a healthy level. We continue to invest in new markets and the development of innovative, high quality services and products. The Future We occupy a leading position in three growing and complementary markets which are estimated to be worth more than £5 billion per annum. We have shown strong capacities over the long term in developing high performance management teams and in providing innovative, quality product offerings in specialist market segments. We continue to invest in building market share and in the quality of earnings and diversity of our businesses. Cash generation, in spite of continued investment, remains strong. We enjoy a wide range of development options which we are continuing to pursue. The year has started well and the board expect to see satisfactory growth in the year ahead. For further information contact: Brian Kingham, Chairman 020 7730 9716 Geoff Haslehurst, Finance Director 01895 205 000 Notes to Editors: Reliance is an established market leader in the provision of contract security, facilities management and support services. Reliance employs over 8,000 people from a network of offices throughout the U.K. RELIANCE SECURITY GROUP PLC CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT 1999/2000 RESULTS Turnover for the year to 30 April 2000 increased by 17% to £153m (1998/99 £131m). Profit before tax for the year rose by 20% to £8.5m (1998/99 £7.1m) and earnings per share rose by 22% to 25.08p (1999 20.59p). Net cash balances at the year end were £6.6m. REVIEW OF THE YEAR I am delighted once again to report record results made possible by sustained investment over the last few years and the steady building of infra-structure and skills which have enabled us to develop new businesses and income streams. Our markets, security, support services and facilities management, are growing at a healthy level. Competition is highly fragmented and we have strengthened our position and market share in each segment. We have broadened our appeal through providing business solutions dependant on specialist skills and technology and giving value added services which are highly customer specific. Security Services Our security businesses enjoyed an eventful year though I take comfort that none of the more colourful media fears of millennium IT failure materialised. Further regulation of employment conditions came into effect which will undoubtedly help in moderating the excessively low wage competition we have fought for so long. We expect material changes in the security market over the next decade, driven by rising cost and customer desire for greater scope and effectiveness. We are in no doubt that the challenge for us is in enabling our people to be more valuable through better systems, through training, higher levels of skill and greater specialism and knowledge - all key to the 'Reliance Difference'. Our investment, now over £2m, in re-engineering our IT capabilities will greatly improve work processes minimising administrative and clerical effort and increasing that which adds most value. With extended use of CCTV, electronic and electro mechanical access control and remote surveillance, we will extend our reach and effectiveness and thus the value of our people. We continue to place our major emphasis and management resource at the point of delivery of services to customers, strengthening and extending our local management teams and facilities. Complementing the growth in our office network and the steady progress of offices opened last year at Edinburgh, Norwich and Exeter, we opened an office at Preston. Our current new business development programmes, which have successfully delivered long term growth, have operated for more than a decade. This year we have re-organised and strengthened these programmes; new processes, better IT applications and the formation of a new team of our well experienced customer service people have renewed our competitive edge. Focusing our depth of knowledge and experience of particular industry sectors into specialist management teams has enabled us to offer more benefits to our customers. Our retail team won important new contracts with Tesco, Somerfield and the Co-op and mobilised in record time the security for 130 Iceland stores. We believe we are the largest UK provider of shopping centre security, again this year extending our depth of involvement by winning high quality contracts at the Arndale Centre Manchester; Shopping City, Salford; Priory Meadows, Hastings and Guildhall, Exeter. In addition, we expanded our business in the financial services, pharmaceuticals and distribution sectors. We were delighted to win contracts in the new technology sector with, Planet Online, Computershare and GlobalCenter Inc. The scale and use of private property with open public access and the role of the Police has changed, generating new and different demands for safety, security and related services to the public. Representative of these special needs, we welcomed Canary Wharf, London, as a new customer. With more than 4.5 million sq. ft. of offices and retail space and 23,000 people at work and leisure, this is an exciting environment in which to innovate and develop services and facilities which add a new dimension of care for the owners, tenants and the public. PatrolNet, our national network of rapid response vehicles has made strong progress growing by 40% this year. The partnership provisions of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 opens a broad range of new tasks and markets for this service. The success of PatrolNet in Business Watch schemes like Trafford Park, Manchester, where crime has been reduced is compelling. School Watch and Campus Watch offer further opportunities for a highly flexible means of meeting a wide range of security and estate management needs. Reliance Custodial Services Limited, established in 1996 to provide prisoner custody, offender electronic tagging and other services to the criminal justice system, has made excellent progress winning new customers for the advanced secure task management capacities we have developed over the last 4 years. In partnership with Charterhouse Projects Investments Ltd. and the construction company Ballast Wiltshier PLC, we are bidding for new PFI design, build and operate projects for the Police service. I regret to report that our partnership with GSSC of Minneapolis, USA to provide electronic offender tagging for the Home Office in the South of England has been terminated. Notably high standards were provided in this pioneering contract which gave a new magnitude of flexibility, dedicated care and economy to the criminal justice system. The circumstances of the breakdown of this partnership are unacceptable to us and we have instructed our Solicitors to take the appropriate legal action against GSSC. The government's 'best value' initiative for the public sector creates new opportunities for working in genuine partnership with many more local and national government departments and agencies. Renewed interest in the most cost effective allocation of resources and buying in from the private sector new ideas, greater flexibility and focused expertise provides a significant growth opportunity for the group. Regulation of Private Security Our current information is that the government may introduce a draft bill to regulate the private security industry this summer. We support regulation and are working with the British Security Industry Association to help ensure the flexibility which the government's better regulation task force called for in response to the White Paper. We believe regulation could help create a greater emphasis on quality of service and restrain irresponsible operators who depend on reduced wages and little training to provide excessively low price competition. Licensing would provide a helpful measure of transparency, improve public confidence and promote wider private security participation in the nature of partnerships envisaged in the Crime and Disorder Act, 1998. We voluntarily submit our operations at every level to frequent inspection by the independent Inspectorate of the Security Industry. We are also subject to regular operational audits under our ISO 9000 quality certification. We welcomed this year the additional commitments in relation to training, active consultation and sharing of business objectives with our employees which we have entered into under our Investors In People accreditation. Our electronic installations are inspected by the National Approval Council for Security Systems. Electronic Surveillance It is a year since the merger to create Reliance High Tech. Ltd and it has been a demanding and eventful time for everyone in the new company. We have rationalised the two businesses whilst driving forward product development and sales. As expected, we have advanced our product and technical capabilities gaining a new dimension in value to customers. Working with English Heritage, we installed new surveillance for Hampton Court Palace meeting the unique design needs of this ancient monument. The biometric finger print access readers installed in a high security global communications switching centre and the intrinsically safe intruder system (BASEEFA approved) for a British Aerospace explosive production facility are examples of higher value and more complex electronic systems which differentiate Reliance in what is a highly competitive market. We have seen a growing awareness of the need for imaginative security packages of electronic and manpower components providing total security solutions. FM and Integrated Support Services Reliance Integrated Services Limited, our facilities management and wider support services company, has seen strong growth, with potential new business this year with leading private sector companies with a projected annual turnover value in excess of £40m. We announced in the final quarter the success of our joint venture with Carillion plc and Haden Building Management in achieving preferred supplier status for the delivery of facilities management services to British Telecom's estate of 8500 buildings. This is probably the largest private sector total facilities management contract yet awarded. It breaks new ground in its imaginative partnership approach to the management and delivery of services and may prove to be the model for the FM industry long into the future. The growth in demand for facilities management, support services and outsourced business processes is estimated to be more than 20% p.a. We plan to increase our investment in this business including creating capacity to offer customers a new dimension in IT and IS support. Our approach to this market will be one of constant development of features which move our product offering up the value added chain. People It is our people who make the 'Reliance Difference' and I take this opportunity to thank warmly everyone at Reliance for their enthusiasm, outstanding commitment and hard work. The fiercely competitive environment in which our businesses operate calls for professionalism, unremitting effort and a high degree of care and dedication. The work demands an uncommon degree of tact and patience and, on occasions, considerable courage. It is greatly heartening when this is publicly recognised as with the Royal Humane Society award this year to security officer Hughie Corr for saving the life of a member of the public. Echoing this dedication, I felt privileged in the presence of the management team to make a presentation to security officer George Kamara to mark his 25 years of service with Reliance. After independent assessment, winning Investors in People accreditation this year was a proud moment for everyone in Reliance and the culmination of years of work. The IIP Standard powerfully affirms our belief in enabling our people to improve their knowledge and skills. The standard provides a framework for improving business performance and competitiveness through a planned approach to setting and communicating business objectives and developing our people to meet these objectives. The result is that what our people can do, and are motivated to do, matches our customers' needs. Our value to customers is a direct and constant reflection of our ability to learn, to change and to continuously improve work practices and efficiency. We increased the number of employees by 15% in spite of the record low level of unemployment and difficult recruitment conditions. I am pleased to report that, contrary to the usual trend at times of full employment, our employee turnover fell slightly in the year. Our success in recruiting and retaining high calibre people is never taken for granted. In-house training provision was increased by more than 50% for the second year. In addition to basic job training, more than 250 skills' advancement courses were carried out involving almost a quarter of our employees. All managers received special training in our 'Reliance Difference' continuous improvement techniques and all contract managers participated in our new 'Passion for Customers' initiative. More than 30% of management vacancies were filled by internal promotions Dividend The directors are proposing a final dividend of 8.0p making a total of 10.5p (1998/99 final dividend of 6.8p, total 9.0p) subject to approval at the AGM on 13 September 2000 and will be payable on 18 September 2000 to those shareholders on the register of members on 18 August 2000. The Future We occupy a leading position in three growing and complementary markets which are estimated to be worth more than £5 billion per annum. We have shown strong capacities over the long term in developing high performance management teams and in providing innovative, quality product offerings in specialist market segments. We continue to invest in building market share and in the quality of earnings and diversity of our businesses. Cash generation, in spite of continued investment, remains strong. We enjoy a wide range of development options which we are continuing to peruse. The year has started well and the board expect to see satisfactory growth in the year ahead. BRIAN KINGHAM Chairman June 2000 Reliance Security Group plc Preliminary announcement of Group profit and loss account (Unaudited) for the financial year ended 28 April 2000 2000 1999 £'000 £'000 Turnover 152,888 130,969 Cost of sales (123,498) (105,769) Gross profit 29,390 25,200 Administrative expenses (21,276) (18,589) Operating profit 8,114 6,611 Interest receivable 458 548 Interest payable (67) (90) Profit on ordinary activities before 8,505 7,069 taxation Tax on profit on ordinary activities (2,840) (2,403) Profit for the financial year 5,665 4,666 Dividends (2,378) (2,041) Retained profit for the financial year transferred to reserves 3,287 2,625 Earnings per share Basic 25.08p 20.59p Diluted 24.81p 20.53p All material operations in the group continued throughout both financial years and no material operations were acquired or discontinued. There were no recognised gains or losses other than those recognised in the profit and loss account. Reliance Security Group plc Preliminary announcement of Group balance sheet (Unaudited) for the financial year ended 28 April 2000 2000 1999 £'000 £'000 Fixed Assets Intangible assets - Goodwill 1,348 - Tangible assets 5,920 4,823 Investments 925 527 8,193 5,350 Current assets Stocks 523 198 Debtors 21,597 16,606 Cash at bank and in hand 8,172 9,729 30,292 26,533 Creditors: amounts falling due within one (21,350) (18,029) year Net current assets 8,942 8,504 Total assets less current liabilities 17,135 13,854 Creditors: amounts falling due after more (272) (373) than one year Net assets 16,863 13,481 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 1,153 1,149 Share premium account 1,844 1,753 Revaluation reserve 152 152 Profit and loss account 13,714 10,427 Equity shareholders' funds 16,863 13,481 Reliance Security Group plc Preliminary announcement of Group cash flow statement (Unaudited) for the financial year ended 28 April 2000 2000 1999 £'000 £'000 Net cash inflow from operating activities 5,588 9,745 Returns on investment and servicing of finance Interest received 433 552 Interest paid (12) (16) Interest element of finance lease repayments (30) (66) Net cash inflow from returns on investment and 391 470 servicing of finance Taxation UK corporation tax paid (3,193) (2,134) Capital expenditure and financial investment Purchase of tangible fixed assets (2,700) (2,024) (Purchase)/sale of own shares by ESOP (398) 23 Sale of tangible fixed assets 970 143 Net cash outflow from capital expenditure and financial investment (2,128) (1,858) Acquisitions and disposals Purchase of subsidiary undertaking (550) - Equity dividends paid (2,097) (1,773) Net cash (outflow)/inflow before financing (1,989) 4,450 Financing Issue of ordinary share capital 95 57 Increase in short term borrowings 417 - Capital element of finance leases (59) (298) Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing 453 (241) (Decrease)/Increase in cash in the financial (1,536) 4,209 year Reliance Security Group plc Preliminary announcement of Notes to the accounts (Unaudited) for the financial year ended 28 April 2000 The figures for the year ended 28 April 2000 are unaudited and do not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The results for the year to 30 April 1999 have been extracted from the full accounts for that year which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and on which the auditors gave an unqualified report. Basis of preparation of the accounts The group accounts, which have been prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards and under the historical cost convention, as modified by the revaluation of land and buildings, incorporate the accounts of the company and its subsidiaries. The financial years of all group companies are the 52 or 53 weeks up to the Friday nearest the accounting reference date of 30 April. The accounting policies used in the presentation of the group's financial statements are consistent with those applied in prior years. Dividends In addition to the interim dividend of 2.5p (1999: 2.2p), the directors recommend a final dividend of 8.0p (1999: 6.8p) which, subject to approval at the Annual General Meeting on 13 September 2000, will be payable on 18th September 2000 to those shareholders on the register of members on 18th August 2000. Earnings per Share Earnings per share have been calculated on the profit attributable to shareholders on ordinary activities after taxation of £5,665,000 (1999:£4,666,000). The basic and diluted earnings per share have been calculated in accordance with FRS14 using the profit after tax and on the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year less shares held by the ESOP trust. Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating activities 2000 1999 £'000 £'000 Operating profit 8,114 6,611 Depreciation charges 1,101 1,707 Amortisation of goodwill 60 - Profit on sale of fixed assets (213) (45) (Increase) in stocks (264) (25) (Increase) in debtors (4,422) (1,194) Increase in creditors 1,212 2,691 5,588 9,745 Analysis and reconciliation of net debt 1 May 1999 Cash flow 28 April £'000 £'000 2000 £'000 Cash at bank and in 9,729 (1,557) 8,172 hand Overdrafts (21) 21 - 9,708 (1,536) 8,172 Debt due within one (550) (417) (967) year Finance leases (647) 59 (588) (1,197) (358) (1,555) Net funds 8,511 (1,894) 6,617
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