Interim Results - Part 2

Reed International PLC 9 August 2001 PART 2 COMBINED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2001 Year ended 31 Six months Six months ended December ended 30 June 30 June 2000 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 £m Eurom £m £m Eurom Eurom Turnover 3,836 6,291 Including 2,067 1,824 3,308 2,973 share of turnover of joint ventures (68) (111) Less: share (31) (29) (50) (47) of turnover of joint ventures 3,768 6,180 2,036 1,795 3,258 2,926 3,768 6,180 Continuing 2,017 1,795 3,228 2,926 operations before acquisitions - - Acquisitions 19 - 30 - (1,332) (2,185) Cost of (735) (654) (1,176) (1,066) sales 2,436 3,995 Gross profit 1,301 1,141 2,082 1,860 (2,239) (3,672) Operating (1,115) (980) (1,784) (1,597) expenses (1,659) (2,721) Before (874) (756) (1,398) (1,232) amortisation and exceptional items (465) (762) Amortisation (227) (191) (364) (311) of goodwill and intangible assets (115) (189) Exceptional (14) (33) (22) (54) items 197 323 Operating 186 161 298 263 profit (before joint ventures) 197 323 Continuing 188 161 301 263 operations before acquisitions - - Acquisitions (2) - (3) - 13 21 Share of 9 8 14 12 operating profit of joint ventures 210 344 Operating 195 169 312 275 profit including joint ventures Non operating exceptional items 85 140 Net profit 15 66 24 108 on sale of fixed asset investments and businesses 295 484 Profit on 210 235 336 383 ordinary activities before interest (103) (169) Net interest (28) (43) (45) (70) expense 192 315 Profit on 182 192 291 313 ordinary activities before taxation (159) (261) Tax on (111) (90) (177) (146) profit on ordinary activities 33 54 Profit 71 102 114 167 attributable to parent companies' shareholders (245) (402) Ordinary (78) (68) (125) (111) dividends paid and proposed (212) (348) Retained (7) 34 (11) 56 (loss)/profit taken to combined reserves ADJUSTED FIGURES Year ended 31 Six months Six months December ended 30 June ended 30 June 2000 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 £m Eurom £m £m Eurom Eurom 793 1 301 Adjusted 438 394 701 642 operating profit 690 1 132 Adjusted 410 351 656 572 profit before tax 511 838 Adjusted 303 260 485 424 profit attributable to parent companies' shareholders Adjusted figures, which exclude the amortisation of goodwill and intangible assets, exceptional items and related tax effects, are presented as additional performance measures. COMBINED CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2001 Year ended 31 December Six months ended 30 Six months ended 30 June June 2000 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 £m Eurom £m £m Eurom Eurom 907 1,487 Net cash inflow 357 347 571 566 from operating activities before exceptional items (94) (154) Payments relating (43) (53) (69) (87) to exceptional items charged to operating profit 813 1,333 Net cash inflow 314 294 502 479 from operating activities 6 10 Dividends received 6 5 10 8 from joint ventures 20 33 Interest received 45 13 72 21 (124) (204) Interest paid (75) (62) (120) (101) (104) (171) Returns on (30) (49) (48) (80) investments and servicing of finance (141) (231) Taxation before (54) (45) (87) (73) exceptional items 31 51 Exceptional items 1 5 2 8 (110) (180) Taxation (53) (40) (85) (65) (141) (231) Purchase of (86) (52) (138) (85) tangible fixed assets 3 5 Proceeds from sale 1 6 2 10 of fixed assets (138) (226) Capital expenditure (85) (46) (136) (75) (914) (1,499) Acquisitions (60) (462) (96) (753) 153 251 Exceptional net 78 116 125 189 proceeds from sale of fixed asset investments and businesses (761) (1,248) Acquisitions and 18 (346) 29 (564) disposals (196) (321) Ordinary dividends (175) (123) (280) (200) paid to shareholders of the parent companies (490) (803) Cash outflow before (5) (305) (8) (497) changes in short term investments and financing (1,137) (1,865) Decrease/(increase) 236 180 378 293 in short term investments 1,634 2,679 Financing (201) 138 (322) 225 7 11 Increase in cash 30 13 48 21 Short term investments include deposits of under one year if the maturity or notice period exceeds 24 hours, commercial paper investments and interest bearing securities that can be realised without significant loss at short notice. ADJUSTED FIGURES Year ended 31 Six months ended Six months ended December 30 June 30 June 2000 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 £m Eurom £m £m Eurom Eurom 775 1,271 Adjusted 278 306 445 499 operating cash flow 98% 98% Adjusted 63% 78% 63% 78% operating cash flow conversion Reed Elsevier businesses focus on adjusted operating cash flow as the key cash flow measure. Adjusted operating cash flow is measured after dividends from joint ventures, tangible fixed asset spend and proceeds from the sale of fixed assets but before exceptional payments and proceeds. Adjusted operating cash flow conversion expresses adjusted operating cash flow as a percentage of adjusted operating profit. COMBINED STATEMENT OF TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2001 Year ended Six months ended Six months ended 31 December 30 June 30 June 2000 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 £m Eurom £m £m Eurom Eurom 33 54 Profit 71 102 114 167 attributable to parent companies' shareholders 113 150 Exchange 37 77 213 64 translation differences 146 204 Total 108 179 327 231 recognised gains and losses for the period COMBINED SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS RECONCILIATION FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2001 Year ended Six months ended Six months ended 31 December 30 June 30 June 2000 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 £m Eurom £m £m Eurom Eurom 33 54 Profit 71 102 114 167 attributable to parent companies' shareholders (245) (402) Ordinary (78) (68) (125) (111) dividends paid and proposed 1,285 2,107 Issue of 10 4 16 6 ordinary shares, net of expenses 113 150 Exchange 37 77 213 64 translation differences 1,186 1,909 Net increase in 40 115 218 126 combined shareholders' funds 1,855 2,987 Combined 3,041 1,855 4,896 2,987 shareholders' funds at the beginning of the period 3,041 4,896 Combined 3,081 1,970 5,114 3,113 shareholders' funds at the end of the period COMBINED BALANCE SHEET AS AT 30 JUNE 2001 As at 31 December As at 30 June As at 30 June 2000 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 £m Eurom £m £m Eurom Eurom 4,127 6,644 Goodwill 4,059 3,873 6,738 6,119 and intangible assets 569 917 Tangible 605 497 1,004 786 fixed assets and investments 4,696 7,561 Fixed 4,664 4,370 7,742 6,905 assets 114 184 Stocks 148 120 246 190 860 1,385 Debtors - 818 713 1,357 1,126 amounts falling due within one year 164 264 Debtors - 169 171 281 270 amounts falling due after more than one year 1,594 2,566 Cash and 1,369 278 2,273 440 short term investments 2,732 4,399 Current 2,504 1,282 4,157 2,026 assets (3,379) (5,441) Creditors: (3,021) (2,700) (5,015) (4,266) amounts falling due within one year (647) (1,042) Net current (517) (1,418) (858) (2,240) liabilities 4,049 6,519 Total 4,147 2,952 6,884 4,665 assets less current liabilities (873) (1,406) Creditors: (899) (867) (1,492) (1,370) amounts falling due after more than one year (128) (206) Provisions (160) (105) (266) (166) for liabilities and charges (7) (11) Minority (7) (10) (12) (16) interests 3,041 4,896 Net assets 3,081 1,970 5,114 3,113 433 697 Net 530 1,481 880 2,340 borrowings Approved by the Boards of Reed International P.L.C. and Elsevier NV, 8 August 2001. NOTES TO THE COMBINED FINANCIAL INFORMATION 1 Basis of preparation The Reed Elsevier combined financial information ('the combined financial information') represents the combined interests of the Reed International and Elsevier shareholders and encompasses the businesses of Reed Elsevier plc and Elsevier Reed Finance BV and their respective subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, together with the two parent companies, Reed International and Elsevier ('the combined businesses'). The combined financial information has been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the Reed Elsevier Annual Reports & Financial Statements 2000, with the exception that the new UK financial reporting standard, FRS19: Deferred Tax, has been adopted with effect from 1 January 2001. The effect of adopting FRS19 is not material to the Reed Elsevier combined financial information. The combined financial information is unaudited but has been reviewed by the auditors and their report to the Boards of Reed International and Elsevier is set out on page 17. 2 Exchange translation rates In preparing the combined financial information the following exchange rates have been applied: 30 June 30 June Year ended Profit and Balance sheet 31 December loss P&L B/S 2001 2000 2001 2000 1.64 1.61 Euro to 1.60 1.63 1.66 1.58 Sterling 1.51 1.49 US dollars to 1.44 1.57 1.41 1.52 Sterling 0.92 0.93 US dollars to 0.90 0.96 0.85 0.96 euro 3 Segment analysis Turnover Year ended Six months ended Six months ended 31 December 30 June 30 June 2000 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 £m Eurom £m £m Eurom Eurom Business segment 693 1,137 Science & 380 345 608 562 Medical 1,201 1,970 Legal 642 557 1,027 908 202 331 Education 106 90 170 147 1,672 2,742 Business 908 803 1,453 1,309 3,768 6,180 Total 2,036 1,795 3,258 2,926 Geographical origin 2,098 3,441 North America 1,113 995 1,781 1,622 734 1,204 United Kingdom 388 359 621 585 399 654 The 218 196 349 319 Netherlands 356 584 Rest of Europe 217 162 347 264 181 297 Rest of World 100 83 160 136 3,768 6,180 Total 2,036 1,795 3,258 2,926 Geographical market 2,152 3,529 North America 1,165 1,021 1,864 1,664 521 855 United Kingdom 285 268 456 437 234 384 The 113 114 181 186 Netherlands 478 784 Rest of Europe 269 209 430 341 383 628 Rest of World 204 183 327 298 3,768 6,180 Total 2,036 1,795 3,258 2,926 Adjusted operating profit -(excluding exceptional items and amortisation) Year ended Six months ended Six months ended 31 December 30 June 30 June 2000 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 £m Eurom £m £m Eurom Eurom Business segment 252 413 Science & 142 124 227 202 Medical 237 389 Legal 117 105 187 172 40 66 Education 18 15 29 24 264 433 Business 161 150 258 244 793 1,301 Total 438 394 701 642 Geographical origin 335 549 North America 188 165 301 269 191 313 United Kingdom 99 94 158 153 136 223 The 81 66 130 108 Netherlands 102 167 Rest of Europe 59 53 94 86 29 49 Rest of World 11 16 18 26 793 1,301 Total 438 394 701 642 Operating profit (including exceptional items and amortisation) Year ended Six months ended Six months ended 31 December 30 June 30 June 2000 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 £m Eurom £m £m Eurom Eurom Business segment 140 230 Science & 86 78 138 127 Medical (8) (13) Legal 27 8 43 13 19 31 Education 7 7 11 11 59 96 Business 75 76 120 124 210 344 Total 195 169 312 275 Geographical origin (89) (146) North America 6 (2) 10 (3) 109 179 United Kingdom 71 57 114 93 127 208 The 76 64 121 104 Netherlands 57 93 Rest of Europe 36 39 57 64 6 10 Rest of World 6 11 10 17 210 344 Total 195 169 312 275 4 Exceptional items Year ended Six months Six months ended 31 December ended 30 June 30 June 2000 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 £m Eurom £m £m Eurom Eurom (77) (126) Reorganisation - (27) - (44) costs (38) (63) Acquisition (14) (6) (22) (10) related costs (115) (189) Charged to (14) (33) (22) (54) operating profit 85 140 Net profit on 15 66 24 108 sale of fixed asset investments and businesses (30) (49) Total exceptional 1 33 2 54 credit/(charge) 20 33 Net tax (4) 1 (6) 2 (charge)/credit 5 Combined cash flow statement Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating activities Year ended Six months ended Six months ended 31 December 30 June 30 June 2000 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 £m Eurom £m £m Eurom Eurom 197 323 Operating 186 161 298 263 profit (before joint ventures) 115 189 Exceptional 14 33 22 54 charges to operating profit 312 512 Operating 200 194 320 317 profit before exceptional items 465 762 Amortisation of 227 191 364 311 goodwill and intangible assets 118 194 Depreciation 62 55 98 90 (1) (2) Net SSAP24 - - - - pension credit 582 954 Total non cash 289 246 462 401 items 13 21 Movement in (132) (93) (211) (152) working capital 907 1 487 Net cash inflow 357 347 571 566 from operating activities before exceptional items (94) (154) Payments (43) (53) (69) (87) relating to exceptional items charged to operating profit 813 1,333 Net cash inflow 314 294 502 479 from operating activities Reconciliation of net borrowings Year ended 31 December Six months ended 30 June 2000 Cash Short term Borrow 2001 2000 £m investments ings £m £m £m £m £m (1,066) Net borrowings at the 85 1,509 (2,027) (433) (1,066) beginning of the period 7 Increase in cash 30 - - 30 13 1,137 (Decrease)/increase - (236) - (236) (180) in short term investments (347) Decrease/(increase) - - 211 211 (134) in borrowings 797 Change in net 30 (236) 211 5 (301) borrowings resulting from cash flows (48) Loans in acquired - - - - - businesses (3) Inception of finance - - (2) (2) - leases (113) Exchange translation (1) (18) (81) (100) (114) differences (433) Net borrowings at the 114 1,255 (1,899) (530) (1,481) end of the period Year ended 31 Decem Six months ber ended 30 June 2000 Cash Short term Borrow 2001 2000 Eurom Eurom investments ings Eurom Eurom Eurom £m (1,717) Net borrowings at 137 2,429 (3,263) (697) (1,717) the beginning of the period 11 Increase in cash 48 - - 48 21 1,865 (Decrease)/increase - (378) - (378) (293) in short term investments (569) Decrease/(increase) - - 338 338 (219) in borrowings 1,307 Change in net 48 (378) 338 8 (491) borrowings resulting from cash flows (79) Loans in acquired - - - - - businesses (5) Inception of - - (3) (3) - finance leases (203) Exchange 4 33 (225) (188) (132) translation differences (697) Net borrowings at 189 2,084 (3,153) (880) (2,340) the end of the period 6 Adjusted figures Adjusted profit and cash flow figures are used by the Reed Elsevier businesses as additional performance measures. The adjusted figures are derived as follows: Year ended 31 Six months Six months ended December ended 30 June 30 June 2000 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 £m Eurom £m £m Eurom Eurom 210 344 Operating profit 195 169 312 275 including joint ventures Adjustments: 468 768 Amortisation of 229 192 367 313 goodwill and intangible assets 77 126 Reorganisation - 27 - 44 costs 38 63 Acquisition 14 6 22 10 related costs 793 1,301 Adjusted 438 394 701 642 operating profit 192 315 Profit before 182 192 291 313 tax Adjustments: 468 768 Amortisation of 229 192 367 313 goodwill and intangible assets 77 126 Reorganisation - 27 - 44 costs 38 63 Acquisition 14 6 22 10 related costs (85) (140) Net profit on (15) (66) (24) (108) sale of fixed asset investments and businesses 690 1,132 Adjusted profit 410 351 656 572 before tax 33 54 Profit 71 102 114 167 attributable to parent companies' shareholders Adjustments: 468 768 Amortisation of 229 192 367 313 goodwill and intangible assets 53 86 Reorganisation - 25 - 41 costs 33 55 Acquisition 13 4 20 7 related costs (76) (125) Net profit on (10) (63) (16) (104) sale of fixed asset investments and businesses 511 838 Adjusted profit 303 260 485 424 attributable to parent companies' shareholders 813 1 333 Net cash inflow 314 294 502 479 from operating activities 6 10 Dividend 6 5 10 8 received from joint ventures (141) (231) Purchase of (86) (52) (138) (85) tangible assets 3 5 Proceeds from 1 6 2 10 sale of fixed assets 94 154 Payments in 43 53 69 87 relation to exceptional items charged to operating profit 775 1,271 Adjusted 278 306 445 499 operating cash flow 7 Post balance sheet events On 12 July 2001, Reed Elsevier plc acquired, through a US subsidiary, Reed Elsevier Inc., the whole of the common stock and Series A cumulative convertible stock of Harcourt General, Inc ('Harcourt') for US$4.45 billion. On 13 July 2001, Reed Elsevier Inc. sold the Harcourt Higher Education business and the Corporate and Professional Services businesses (other than educational and clinical testing) to The Thomson Corporation for pre-tax proceeds of US$2.06 billion. Following the on-sale, Reed Elsevier Inc. has acquired Harcourt's Scientific, Technical and Medical business and its Schools Education and Testing businesses for a net cost of approximately US$4.5 billion after taking into account Harcourt's net debt of US$1.5 billion, taxes payable on the on-sale proceeds and the assumption of other corporate liabilities. The net tangible assets of the businesses acquired, excluding cash and debt, were approximately US$0.7 billion. In order to refinance the majority of the short term borrowings incurred to fund the Harcourt acquisition, on 31 July 2001 Reed Elsevier Capital Inc., a wholly owned US subsidiary of Reed Elsevier plc, issued US$1.5 billion equivalent of global notes, comprising US$550m 6.125% notes due in 2006, Euro500m 5.750% notes due in 2008, and US$550m 6.750% notes due in 2011. The notes have been jointly and severally guaranteed by Reed International P.L.C. and Elsevier NV. INDEPENDENT REVIEW REPORT TO THE DIRECTORS OF REED INTERNATIONAL P.L.C. AND TO THE MEMBERS OF THE SUPERVISORY AND EXECUTIVE BOARDS OF ELSEVIER NV Introduction On the instruction of the Boards of Reed International P.L.C. and Elsevier NV, we have reviewed the combined financial information of Reed International P.L.C., Elsevier NV, Reed Elsevier plc and Elsevier Reed Finance BV and their respective subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, (together 'the combined businesses') for the six months ended 30 June 2001 which comprises the profit and loss account, balance sheet, cash flow statement, statement of total recognised gains and losses, shareholders' funds reconciliation and the related notes 1 to 7. We have also reviewed the financial information of Reed International P.L.C. for the six months ended 30 June 2001 which comprises the consolidated profit and loss account, consolidated balance sheet, consolidated cash flow statement, consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses, reconciliation of shareholders' funds and the related notes, and the financial information of Elsevier NV for the six months ended 30 June 2001 which comprises the profit and loss account, balance sheet, cash flow statement, reconciliation of shareholders' funds and the related notes. We have read the other information contained in the Reed Elsevier Interim Statement and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatement or material inconsistencies with the financial information. Directors' responsibilities The Reed Elsevier Interim Statement, including the financial information contained therein, is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors of Reed International P.L.C. and Elsevier NV. The directors of Reed International P.L.C. and Elsevier NV are responsible for preparing the Reed Elsevier Interim Statement in accordance with the Listings Rules of the UK Financial Services Authority and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in the UK and the Netherlands which require that the accounting policies and presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent with those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where any changes, and the reasons for them, are disclosed. Review work performed We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999/4 issued by the UK Auditing Practices Board. A review consists principally of making enquiries of the managements of the Reed Elsevier combined businesses and applying analytical procedures to the financial information and underlying financial data and, based thereon, assessing whether accounting policies and presentation have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed. A review excludes audit procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets, liabilities and transactions. It is substantially less in scope than an audit performed in accordance with Auditing Standards and therefore provides a lower level of assurance than an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion on the financial information. Review conclusion On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months ended 30 June 2001. Deloitte & Touche Chartered Accountants London 8 August 2001 Deloitte & Touche Accountants Amsterdam 8 August 2001 MORE TO FOLLOW


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