Annual Report and Accounts

ING UK Real Estate Income Trust Ltd 05 April 2007 ING UK Real Estate Income Trust Limited 5 April 2007 Preliminary Profits Announcement for the period ended 31 December 2006 ING UK Real Estate Income Trust Limited, a Guernsey registered closed-ended investment company, today announces preliminary results for the period since incorporation on 15 September 2005 to 31 December 2006. Chairman's Statement The Annual Report covers the period from the Group's incorporation on 15 September 2005 until 31 December 2006, during which time conditions within the UK commercial property market remained favourable. Returns from UK commercial property have now delivered in excess of 18% per annum over the last three years. As a result I am pleased to report a healthy position for the Group. The net asset value per share has increased by 26% during the period. In addition the Group has made dividend payments equivalent to 5.8475 pence per share in the period. The underlying property portfolio has risen from £491 million at launch to £702 million at 31 December 2006, remaining principally focussed towards the office sector, where performance is expected to be strongest in the short to medium term. In November 2006 the Group successfully placed a further 26.5 million shares, which facilitated the acquisition of eight new assets, the primary objective of which was to increase the Group's exposure to the office and industrial sectors in the South East. We are grateful to our shareholders for their support in this transaction. As part of this transaction the Group increased its level of gearing, which is now 44.6%, at a time when the Board believes it will remain accretive to performance. The additional facility is structured to allow flexibility to alter the level of debt in the future, as and when it may be prudent to optimise its impact on performance in the light of changing financial conditions. Following an initial period of stabilisation, the asset management initiatives put in place at launch have started to come to fruition and make a positive contribution to performance. The Group has also made a number of acquisitions alongside selective disposals, which are detailed within the Investment Manager's Report. My colleague David Blight has, with effect from today, stepped down from the Board and I would like to take this opportunity to thank David for his contribution since the Company's inception. I am pleased to welcome Tjeerd Borstlap to the Board, and appreciate the continuing support from ING in this regard. Tjeerd is currently Chief Financial Officer of ING Real Estate Investment Management globally, based in The Hague and I have no doubt that he will make a positive contribution. Increased demand for UK commercial property has led to falling yields and as such the income return for commercial property is now below the cost of debt. Purchasing remains very difficult, especially on an income only basis. The Group's portfolio remains constructed so as to maximise income, offering an initial property yield of 5.4% compared with a market average of 4.6% (Investment Property Databank ('IPD') Monthly Index January 2007). Whilst 2007 is not forecast to see returns reaching recent levels, the Board remains confident in the Investment Manager's ability to continue to enhance the income potential and drive performance. Nicholas Thompson Chairman of the Board 4 April 2007 Investment Manager's Report Economic Overview Following a housing market related slowdown in 2005, the UK economy rebounded strongly in 2006, up 3.0%. A significant driver of this was the financial and business services sector, in which output is now growing at a highly robust 5% per annum plus. Retail sales also picked up in 2006, with average growth of 4.0%. Unemployment in the UK remains at a historic low and is currently measured at just 3% (Claimant Count Measure) compared to its long term average of around 5.5%. While the number of unemployed workers increased during 2006, the total pool of labour also increased, mainly due to a growing number of migrant workers, resulting in a steady unemployment rate. At November 2006, there were a total of 30.7 million economically active people in the UK (source: Office of National Statistics), an increase of 400,000 since the previous year. Inflation, as measured by the Consumer Price Index, picked up during 2006, from 1.9% at the end of 2005 to 3.0% in December 2006. The Retail Price Index, excluding mortgage interest payments ('RPIX'), also trended upwards from 2.0% in 2005 to 3.8% in 2006. This was caused mainly by growing utility bills and food prices. Owing to rising rates of inflation and a faster than expected economic upturn, the Bank of England has raised interest rates and the UK base rate is now 5.25%. Our economic forecasts suggest that rates will peak at 5.5% and this will cause inflation to fall back to 2% by the end of this year. Property Market Overview UK commercial property achieved a total return of 18.1% in 2006 (IPD Annual Index). Equities also performed well with total returns registering 16.8% in 2006. Gilts saw poor performance throughout 2006, finishing the year with a return of just below zero. As the chart below shows, property is the best performing asset class over the last one, three, five, ten, fifteen and twenty year periods. Looking forward it is not expected that the level of returns seen over the past three years (in excess of 18% per annum each year over 2004-2006) will continue. These high returns were driven largely by a reduction in yields, which has driven up capital values. In our view, the process of falling yields is largely over and so capital values are expected to stabilise. Thus the driver of future performance will be rental value growth. December 2006 Total Returns - Property, Equities and Gilts Property Equities Gilts 1 year 18.1% 16.8% -0.1% 3 years 18.5% 17.2% 4.6% 5 years 15.1% 8.5% 5.1% 10 years 13.6% 7.9% 6.9% 15 years 11.9% 10.6% 8.4% 20 years 11.6% 11.0% 9.1% Within the commercial property market, returns differed from sector to sector. The office sector saw the strongest returns, which were measured at 23%, their highest rate since the late 1980s. The sector has been driven by central London, where the amount of vacant space has been contracting. This has spurred on rental growth to reach 12.2% in 2006. We expect the vacancy rate to continue to fall, as the amount of new space entering the market is historically low, and as a result rental growth will increase further. The industrial sector was the next best performing sector in 2006, which achieved a total return of 17.7%. Rental growth in the industrial market saw some improvement, increasing from 1.1% in 2005 to 1.3% in 2006. The increasing amount of available industrial space, up from 184 million sq ft in 2005 to 193 million sq ft in 2006 (King Sturge, Chartered Surveyors), is currently holding back the rate at which rents can grow. Nevertheless, this trend differs significantly from location to location, with London seeing the highest level of rental growth. The strong returns seen in 2006 were driven mainly by continued capital appreciation of 11.3%, of which over 10% was derived from falling yields alone. Returns were lowest in the retail sector, but were still measured above their long term average at 15.2% in 2006. The retail market was the only sector where rental growth actually declined in 2006 compared to 2005, falling from 3.9% to 3.2%. This was driven mainly by the slowdown in the out-of-town retail market for household goods, such as furniture, carpets and DIY. Many retailers in this sector suffered from the slowdown in retail sales growth in 2005, as well as rising costs from energy bills, staffing and business rates. This has impeded their ability to pay significantly higher rents. Capital growth remained buoyant in the retail sector, however, growing at over 10% in 2006. The chart below shows the total return achieved in 2006 for the main sub-sectors of the UK commercial property market. We expect the outperformance of the London office market to continue. 2006 Total Returns by Market Segment All Property 18.1% Distribution Warehouses 17.8% Standard Industrials 17.6% Rest of UK Offices 18.2% Rest of South East Offices 19.1% West End & Mid Town Offices 30.8% City Offices 24.7% Retail Warehouses 15.3% Shopping Centres 15.6% Standard Shops 13.8% Group Portfolio Performance For 2006, at an underlying ungeared level, the Group's direct property portfolio produced a total return of 17.3%. This compares with the IPD Annual Index of 18.1%. However, as expected the portfolio continued to outperform on an income return basis, with the high initial yield and active management initiatives. The income return from the portfolio was 6.5% for 2006, significantly ahead of the IPD Annual Index (4.9%). Capital growth lagged the Index at 10.2% (IPD 12.6%). The best performing sector was the retail sector, with a significant contribution from a very satisfactory settlement on the rent review at a property in Chester. In the industrial sector, the Magna Park property performed strongly, principally as a result of the profit share agreement which was entered into on an adjacent plot. This is detailed below. The retail, industrial and leisure elements of the portfolio all outperformed their benchmarks, however the office assets underperformed their benchmark in 2006. The underperformance of the office assets in 2006 was due to a combination of factors. The portfolio initially had a relatively low weighting towards central London and this, combined with five office acquisitions in 2006, in part to improve the exposure to the central London market, has led to the underperformance in the sector. In addition, whilst a number of active management opportunities were identified in the office sector, these have taken slightly longer than envisaged to realise. As such they provide opportunities for future performance but did not contribute in 2006. Asset Management Highlights In terms of active management, opportunities have been identified in all sectors and implemented where appropriate. There have been a number of highlights since launch which have contributed positively toward performance. Over the period, office and industrial weightings were increased to 41.7% and 27% respectively. 45 rent reviews were documented and over 20 lettings were completed. The void rate on the portfolio (excluding rental guarantees) reduced from 4.5% at 31 December 2005 to 2.6% at 31 December 2006, and the average lease length stands at 8.74 years as at 31 December 2006. In Lutterworth, at Unit 5320 Magna Park, which was successfully rebuilt following a fire in late 2005, the Group granted consent for a link building between the property and a newly constructed adjacent unit which was to be occupied by the Group's tenant. In order to grant this consent, the Group negotiated a premium payment from the adjoining owner and entered into a profit share agreement in respect of the sale of the building on the adjacent site. In total the transaction resulted in payments to the Group of over £1 million. At Molly Millars Lane, Wokingham, the Group took a surrender of the lease of one of the largest industrial units on this estate. The Group agreed to accept a premium payment of £950,000 for the surrender, which equated to a rental cover, based on estimated rental value, of 4.7 years. Following minor refurbishment works, the Group subsequently agreed terms to let this unit at £195,000 per annum on a new ten year lease, with a five year break option. In Welwyn Garden City, at Shire Park, the Group re-geared this multi-let office building which was let to two tenants on leases expiring in 2010 and 2012 respectively. One of the tenants was not in occupation and the Group negotiated a simultaneous surrender of this lease for a premium payment and subsequently re-let the entire building to the other occupier on a new 15 year lease. At St James Court in Bristol the Group surrendered the lease of the third floor in this modern three storey office building for a premium payment from the outgoing tenant. Similar to Molly Millars Lane above, the Group refurbished the floor and, following a marketing campaign, an occupier was secured, taking a new ten year lease with a five year break option. The letting was completed on 29 September 2006. Acquisitions and Disposals In the period from launch until 31 December 2006 the Group acquired 12 assets and disposed of three. The acquisitions were primarily in the office and industrial sectors, whilst the disposals came from the retail and leisure sectors. The principal transactions were as follows:- In May the Group acquired Boundary House, an office building on Jewry Street, within the City of London. It comprises over 45,000 square feet of office space with eight occupational tenants and an average rent of only £20 per sq ft, comfortably below the estimated rental value of £25 per sq ft. The purchase price of £16.1 million reflected an initial yield of 5.2%. In July the Group acquired Notcutt House, Southwark Bridge Road, SE1. The purchase price of £7 million reflects a net initial yield of 5.75%. The property comprises 12,653 sq ft of air conditioned office space refurbished in 2001 which is let at £427,000 per annum until September 2016 to Conchango (UK) plc. In September the Group purchased an industrial unit, Vigo 250, located at Birtley Road in Washington, Tyne & Wear for £12.85 million reflecting a net initial yield of 6.25%. The unit is a high specification production and warehouse building totalling 246,752 sq ft, built in 1995. The building is let to Tanfield Group Plc for a term of 25 years at an initial rent of £850,000 per annum with five yearly, upward only rent reviews, which benefit from minimum fixed rental uplifts after five and ten years. In December the Group completed the acquisition of a portfolio of eight properties for £125.5 million. The Group acquired three office investments in Bracknell, Fleet and Swindon, two industrial investments in Harlow and Lutterworth and three retail units in Bristol, Carlisle and Rugby. The acquisition was funded through a share placing of 26.5 million shares, raising £32.2 million of additional equity. An additional debt facility of £88.45 million was utilised increasing the overall gearing of the Group to 44.6%. This additional debt facility provided, in addition to the securitised debt, a flexible facility albeit at a higher margin, thus increasing the blended cost of debt across the Group to 5.5%. In line with its existing strategy the Group sold, immediately after purchasing the portfolio, one of the smaller retail assets located in Rugby, at a profit to the purchase price. In August, the Group disposed of another of its smaller assets, a supermarket at Gorgie Park Road, Edinburgh for £3.6 million which reflects a net initial yield of 4.14%. The disposal was in line with the income driven strategy of the Group and was over £1 million above the valuation at launch. In October the Group disposed of the Scorpio Inns Public House Portfolio to the occupying tenant, The Punch Pub Company (PTL) Limited. The disposal of the portfolio followed the tenant exercising one of its options to purchase. The proceeds from the disposal were £3 million ahead of the valuation at launch. Outlook Against the backdrop of an improving occupier market, at the All Property level, we expect rental growth to reach 4.0% in 2007. Combined with further yield compression, we expect capital growth of 5.7% to be achieved. This takes our total return estimate for UK commercial property to 10.6%, assuming an income return of 4.6%. This compares to the Investment Property Forum ('IPF') Consensus Forecast of 9.0% for 2007. Looking out on a longer term basis we expect total returns to moderate, as yields stabilise. While some commentators are projecting falls in capital values resulting from rising yields in the immediate or near term, we do not share this view. We expect yields to remain constant during 2007, 2008 and 2009, and returns to be driven by strong rates of rental growth. On a three year view, we forecast total returns to average 9.2% per annum. Our more buoyant view on capital growth puts our forecast ahead of the IPF Consensus Forecast of 6.3% per annum over the same period. At the sector level for 2007 offices are expected to see the strongest performance. This sector will be driven by the central London market, which we forecast to see rates of rental growth as high as 13% to 14%. The retail and industrial markets, which will both see slower rates of rental growth, are forecast to see lower returns. Nevertheless, we expect both retail and industrial assets to produce respectable returns against other asset classes. In terms of the Group's portfolio, the focus remains on maximising income and continuing with the successful tenant re-engineering that has taken place to date. The portfolio is well structured on a sector basis, but there are still opportunities to sell assets where performance is limited. In addition, the focus will be to sell a number of the smaller and lower yielding assets to reduce the overall number of assets within the portfolio and increase the income return. ING Real Estate Investment Management (UK) Limited 4 April 2007 Consolidated Income Statement for the period from 15 September 2005 to 31 December 2006 Income Capital Total £000 £000 £000 Income Rental income 39,329 - 39,329 Service charges recharged to tenants 6,074 - 6,074 Other operating income 4,661 - 4,661 Total operating income 50,064 - 50,064 Gains and losses on investments Realised gains arising on disposal of investment properties - 4,572 4,572 Unrealised gains on revaluation of investment properties - 70,421 70,421 Unrealised gain on interest rate swap - 8,727 8,727 Total gains on investments - 83,720 83,720 Expenses Property operating expenses (2,572) - (2,572) Service charge costs (6,074) - (6,074) Management expenses (5,977) - (5,977) Other operating expenses (1,607) - (1,607) Total operating expenses (16,230) - (16,230) Profit before finance costs and tax 33,834 83,720 117,554 Finance costs Interest receivable 1,617 - 1,617 Interest payable (12,549) - (12,549) Total finance costs (10,932) - (10,932) Profit before tax 22,902 83,720 106,622 Tax (460) - (460) Profit for the period 22,442 83,720 106,162 Dividends (17,835) - (17,835) Retained earnings 4,607 83,720 88,327 Earnings per share Basic 34.4p Diluted 34.4p The total column of this statement represents the Group's Income Statement, prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards. The supplementary income return and capital return columns are both prepared under guidance published by the Association of Investment Companies. All items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. All income is attributable to the equity holders of the parent company. There are no minority interests. Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity for the period from 15 September 2005 to 31 December 2006 Share Share Premium Distributable Retained Total Capital Account Reserve Earnings £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Balance as at 15 - - - - - September 2005 Net profit for the period - - - 106,162 106,162 ------- -------- ---------- -------- --------- Total recognised income and expenses for the period - - - 106,162 106,162 Dividends paid - - - (17,835) (17,835) Issue of ordinary shares - 337,198 - - 337,198 Issue costs - (7,199) - - (7,199) Transfer to distributable reserve - (298,610) 298,610 - - ------- -------- ---------- -------- --------- Balance as at 31 December 2006 - 31,389 298,610 88,327 418,326 ======= ======== ========== ======== ========= Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2006 2006 £000 Non-current assets Investment properties 702,167 -------------------- Total non-current assets 702,167 Current assets Accounts receivable 7,437 Cash and cash equivalents 37,873 -------------------- Total current assets 45,310 Total assets 747,477 Current liabilities Accounts payable and accruals (24,428) -------------------- Total current liabilities (24,428) Non-current liabilities Loans and borrowings (304,723) -------------------- Total non-current liabilities (304,723) Total liabilities (329,151) -------------------- Net assets 418,326 ==================== Equity Ordinary share capital - Share premium account 31,389 Distributable reserve 298,610 Retained earnings 88,327 -------------------- Total equity 418,326 ==================== Net asset value per share 1.26 ==================== Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the period from 15 September 2005 to 31 December 2006 £000 Profit before tax 106,622 Adjusted for Interest received (1,617) Interest paid 12,549 Realised and unrealised gains on investments (83,720) Amortisation of finance costs (331) ----------------- Operating profit before working capital changes 33,503 Increase in trade and other receivables (4,930) Increase in trade and other payables 23,968 ----------------- 19,038 Net cash inflows from operating activities 52,541 Cash flows from investing activities Purchase of investment properties (652,930) Disposal of investment properties 25,756 Interest received 1,617 ----------------- Net cash outflow from investing activities (625,557) Cash flows from financing activities Equity raised 337,198 Proceeds from long term borrowings 738,000 Repayment of long term borrowings (424,550) Issue costs of borrowing & equity raising (10,037) Interest paid on loans (12,549) Dividends paid (17,835) ----------------- Net cash inflows from financing activities 610,227 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 37,211 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period - ----------------- Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 37,873 ================= Notes to the Preliminary Announcement 1. Accounting policies - Basis of preparation This press release contains the financial information of ING UK Real Estate Income Trust Limited (the 'Company') and its subsidiaries (together referred to as the 'Group') for the period from 15 September 2005 to 31 December 2006. The financial information is prepared on the historical cost basis except for the revaluation of investment properties and is presented in pounds sterling rounded to the nearest thousand. The financial information set out above does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the period ended 31 December 2006. Statutory accounts for 2006, prepared under IFRS as adopted by the International Accounting Standards Board, will be delivered in due course. The auditors have reported on those accounts; their report (i) was unqualified, (ii) did not include references to any matters to which the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their reports. For further information: All Enquiries The Company Secretary Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Guernsey) Limited Trafalgar Court Les Banques St Peter Port Guernsey GY1 3QL Tel: 01481 745439 Fax: 01481 745085 ING Real Estate Investment Management (UK) Limited Selina Sasse, 020 7767 5756, Financial Dynamics Dido Laurimore/Stephanie Highett, 020 7831 3113 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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