Joint Venture Signed with ENEL & Other News

Pan Andean Resources PLC 22 March 2000 PAN ANDEAN RESOURCES PLC * Drilling dates for Chipiriri announced. * Joint Venture (Memorandum of Understanding) signed with ENEL to study power generation in Bolivia. Chapare Block Drilling The road to the Chipiriri X-1 well site in Chapare, Bolivia is now usable. The rig contractor, Pride International, has set a mobilisation date of 10th April. It is anticipated that drilling will commence within 15 days of mobilisation. Drilling will take between 42 and 50 days. Joint Venture with ENEL Power Pan Andean has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Italian electrical utility, ENEL Power, to examine the feasibility of gas fired power generation in the Santa Cruz area of Bolivia. A limited feasibility study for Pan Andean by SADE of Argentina has indicated that commercial returns are available in the fast growing Bolivian power market. Pan Andean has undertaken preliminary work on both a gas supply and power contract. ENEL is one of the largest power companies in Europe and is expanding aggressively in South America. A full feasibility study, jointly funded, is now underway. Contacts: Jim Finn +353 1 8332833 David Horgan +353 87 2923500 David Bramhill +44 831 413360


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