Interim Results

Cater Barnard PLC 26 June 2002 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 26th June 2002 CATER BARNARD PLC Interim Statement For the Six Months to 31 March 2002 Enquiries: Cater Barnard plc 0870 066 0830 Stephen Dean, Chairman 07785 938782 Mark Garratt, Finance Director 07957 675979 Seymour Pierce 020 7648 8700 Sarah Wharry Parkgreen Communications Limited 020 7287 5544 Simon Robinson Justine Howarth Cater Barnard Plc Interim Results for the six month period to 31 March 2002 I am pleased to report that during the period under review your Company continued its transformation into a Financial Services Company. The Company concluded a successful Placing and Open Offer in March 2002 together with the acquisition of further shareholdings in Cater Barnard (USA) plc, our OFEX quoted subsidiary. The Placing and Open Offer has strengthened the Company's Balance Sheet considerably, by decreasing debtors and substantially increasing Shareholders' Funds. The highlights for the period include: • Turnover of £427,276; • Net assets per share of 2.19p; • Membership of OFEX; • Appointment of Mr Jon Everill to oversee our IFA programme; • Disposal of part of our non-core investments; • Further investment of US$1.5m in IMXI. The Group decided to increase the range of its financial service activities by the creation of an IFA Division. In order to pursue this, we were pleased to announce in April 2002 the appointment to the Board of Mr Jon Everill. Jon has several years experience in this market and is currently negotiating a number of potential IFA acquisitions. We hope to be able to conclude some of these acquisitions by the year end. The UK Corporate Finance activity has been dominated by the successful achievement of FSA Authorisation in November 2001 and membership of OFEX (allowing Cater Barnard Securities to act as a Corporate Adviser) attained in April this year. During the period, the UK office has carried out introductory and advisory assignments for two AIM-listed companies and has also been active in preparing clients for possible introduction onto OFEX. Cater Barnard (USA) made significant progress structurally and financially by expanding its business activities and broadening its strategies for building shareholder value. In a major expansion, Griffin Securities, Inc., a subsidiary of Cater Barnard (USA), launched Griffin Private Equity Group (GPEG) in April 2002. GPEG offers capabilities in private placements, advisory services, strategic partnership and mergers and acquisitions. These capabilities, in conjunction with Griffin's investment banking and research teams, give us the power to place transactions with venture capital, private equity, and buyout and fund investors. Cater Barnard plc now comprises the following divisions: Cater Barnard Securities Ltd (100% owned) Situated in the City of London, Cater Barnard Securities comprises our UK operations. The business operates as a corporate finance boutique offering mergers and acquisition services, corporate introductions, financial research and analysis. The business is authorised by the FSA and is therefore able to extend its scope of business in the corporate finance sector. Cater Barnard Capital Ltd (100% owned) Cater Barnard Capital is an investment management business, currently managing two investments - Envesta plc and IMX Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (IMXI). Envesta is an AIM quoted specialist telecoms business of which your Company owns 36.64%. IMXI is a US Public Company that owns ThinkDirectMarketing, Inc. (TDMI) and Panda Antivirus Software Ltd. Your Company owns 56.7% of IMXI. TDMI's business continues to develop; a further investment of c$1.5m was made in the period by the Group to support this growth. In the period, disposals of investments totalling c£0.6m were made comprising the whole of the holding in Elite Strategies plc and part of the holding in Envesta plc. Cater Barnard (IFA) Ltd (100% owned) Based in Central London, Mr Everill as Managing Director of this business will be looking to consolidate Independent Financial Advisers under the Cater Barnard banner. We believe this activity has substantial potential. Cater Barnard (USA) plc (89.06% owned) Cater Barnard (USA)'s operations are based in New York. Fully licensed by the NASD through its subsidiary Griffin Securities, business activities include mergers and acquisitions, fund raising, financial research, stock broking and private equity. Dividend Due to historic losses incurred, the Company is unable to recommend the payment of a dividend. We wish to thank our shareholders for their continued support and our staff for their hard work and commitment over the period under review. Stephen Dean Chairman 25 June 2002 Cater Barnard Plc Consolidated Profit And Loss Account Six months ended 31 March 2002 Six months to Six months to 12 months to 31 March 31 March 30 September 2002 2001 2001 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) £ £ £ TURNOVER Continuing operations - existing 427,276 522,006 2,743,401 - acquisitions - - 1,378,241 GROUP TURNOVER 427,276 522,006 4,121,642 COST OF SALES (24,054) - (594,144) GROSS PROFIT 403,222 522,006 3,527,498 Administrative expenses (521,062) (226,412) (1,011,807) GROUP OPERATING PROFIT/ (LOSS) (117,840) 295,594 2,515,691 - Existing operations (117,840) 295,594 1,721,981 - Acquired operations - - 793,710 Provision on fixed asset investments unsold at period end (2,500,000) (593,281) - Profit (Loss) on disposal of fixed asset investments (229,898) 1,882,299 (306,957) Interest payable & similar charges (101,813) (108,203) (319,713) Interest receivable & similar income 9,259 7,040 17,337 PROFIT (LOSS) ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION (2,940,292) 1,483,449 1,906,358 TAXATION - - (343,595) PROFIT (LOSS) ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES AFTER TAXATION (2,940,292) 1,483,449 1,562,763 Equity minority interest 65,802 - (92,535) RETAINED PROFIT/(LOSS) FOR THE FINANCIAL PERIOD (2,874,490) 1,483,449 1,470,228 Earnings per ordinary share (1.03)p 1.23p 1.16p Diluted earnings per share (1.03)p 1.16p 1.16p Cater Barnard Plc Consolidated Balance Sheet At 31 March 2002 At At At 31 March 31 March 30 September 2002 2001 2001 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) £ £ £ FIXED ASSETS Intangible fixed assets 1,227,510 - 1,149,966 Tangible fixed assets 68,146 1,438 54,612 Investments 16,787,562 19,302,152 18,536,683 18,083,218 19,303,590 19,741,261 CURRENT ASSETS Debtors 553,152 314,790 1,144,424 Cash at bank & in hand 243,811 133,667 162,598 796,963 448,457 1,307,022 CREDITORS: Amounts falling due within one year (1,540,086) (2,508,085) (2,484,887) NET CURRENT (LIABILITIES) (743,123) (2,059,628) (1,177,865) TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES 17,340,095 17,243,962 18,563,396 CREDITORS: Amounts falling due after more than - (4,000,000) (4,200,000) one year Equity minority interest (171,845) - (289,184) NET ASSETS 17,168,250 13,243,962 14,074,212 CAPITAL & RESERVES Called up share capital - equity 7,852,786 1,364,328 1,663,457 Share premium account 13,126,035 12,473,123 13,346,836 Revaluation reserve 10,000 339,371 10,000 Profit & loss account (3,820,571) (932,860) (946,081) EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS 17,168,250 13,243,962 14,074,212 NET ASSETS PER ORDINARY SHARE 2.19p 9.54p 8.46p ANALYSIS OF SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS Equity 17,168,250 13,243,962 14,074,212 Non-equity - - - Cater Barnard Plc Consolidated Cash Flow Six months ended 31 March 2002 Six months to Six months to 12 months to 31 March 31 March 30 September 2002 2001 2001 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) £ £ £ NET CASH INFLOW / (OUTFLOW) FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES (425,488) (2,752,466) 2,087,866 RETURNS ON INVESTMENTS & SERVICING OF FINANCE Interest received 9,259 7,040 17,337 Interest paid (101,813) (108,203) (32,510) NET CASH (OUTFLOW) FROM RETURNS ON INVESTMENTS & (92,554) (101,163) (15,173) SERVICING OF FINANCE TAXATION UK Corporation Tax paid - - (8,300) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE & FINANCIAL INVESTMENT Purchase of tangible fixed assets (27,076) - (62,532) Sale of fixed assets - 562 - Purchase of investments (980,777) (3,129,092) (14,986,832) Sale of investments - 2,765,974 9,579,748 NET CASH (OUTFLOW) FROM CAPITAL EXPENDITURE & (1,007,853) (362,556) (5,469,616) FINANCIAL INVESTMENT ACQUISITIONS & DISPOSALS Purchase of additional holding in subsidiary (161,420) - (554,033) undertakings Cash acquired with subsidiary undertakings - - - NET CASH (OUTFLOW) FROM ACQUISITIONS & DISPOSALS (161,420) - (554,033) EQUITY DIVIDENDS PAID - - - NET CASH (OUTFLOW) BEFORE FINANCING (1,687,315) (3,216,185) (3,959,256) FINANCING Proceeds from issue of shares 6,189,329 756,705 1,352,504 Costs of share issues (220,801) - (23,796) Debt finance raised/ (repaid) (4,200,000) 2,529,807 2,729,807 NET CASH INFLOW FROM FINANCING 1,768,528 3,286,512 4,058,515 INCREASE IN CASH 81,213 70,327 99,259 Cater Barnard Plc Notes to the Statement of Cash Flows (A) RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING PROFIT TO NET CASH INFLOW / (OUTFLOW) FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Six months to Six months to 12 months to 31 March 31 March 30 September 2002 2001 2001 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) £ £ £ Operating (loss) / profit (117,840) 1,584,612 2,515,691 Depreciation 13,542 150 9,640 Amortisation 32,339 - 18,609 Loss on disposal of fixed assets - (7,000,000) 2,150 Increase in investments - 4,190,842 - Decrease / (increase) in debtors 591,272 (233,043) (1,039,020) (Decrease) in creditors (944,801) (1,295,027) 580,796 NET CASH INFLOW / (OUTFLOW) FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES (425,488) (2,752,466) 2,087,866 (B) RECONCILIATION OF NET CASH FLOW TO MOVEMENT IN NET DEBT Six months to Six months to 12 months to 31 March 31 March 30 September 2002 2001 2001 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) £ £ £ Increase / (decrease) in cash in period 81,213 70,327 99,259 Decrease in debt in the period 4,200,000 (2,529,807) (2,729,807) Movement in net funds in the period 4,281,213 (2,459,480) (2,630,548) Opening net debt (4,037,402) (1,406,854) (1,406,854) Closing net funds / (debt) 243,811 (3,866,334) (4,037,402) (C) ANALYSIS OF NET CASH AND DEBT At 31.03.02 Cash Flow At 31.03.01 £ £ £ Net Cash Cash at bank 243,811 81,213 162,598 Bank overdrafts - - - Debt due within one year - 4,200,000 (4,200,000) Debt due after more than one year - - - Net Funds / (Debt) 243,811 4,281,213 (4,037,402) Cater Barnard Plc Notes to the Interim Statement 1. The interim financial information has been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the Group's 2001 statutory accounts to 30 September 2001. The interim figures have not been audited. The interim f inancial statement does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985 (The 'Act'). Comparative financial information for the 12 months ended 30 September 2001 has been extracted from the statutory accounts for the period which have been delivered to the registrar of Companies and upon which the auditors gave an unqualified report, with no statement under Section 237(2) or (3) of the Act. 2. The taxation charge for the 6 months has been calculated at an effective rate of 30% (31 March 2001: nil). 3. The calculation of earnings per share is based on the profit on ordinary activities after taxation and 278,550,686 (30 September 2001: 126,388,934; 31 March 2001: 120,372,496) ordinary shares being the weighted average number of shares in issue during the half year. The calculation of fully diluted earnings per share is based on the profit on ordinary activities after taxation and 278,550,686 (30 September 2001: 126,388,934; 31 March 2001: 127,820,895) ordinary shares being the weighted average number of shares in issue during the half-year, after allowing for dilutive share options and warrants 4. The Directors have not declared an interim dividend. 5. The interim statement was approved by the board of Directors on 25 June 2002. Copies are being sent to all shareholders. Copies of this statement will be available to members of the public, free of charge, from the Company's registered office, Lloyd's Avenue House, 6 Lloyd's Avenue, London EC3N 3AX. __________________________________________________ NOMINATED ADVISER PRINCIPAL BANKERS Seymour Pierce Ltd Bank of Scotland 29/30 Cornhill 14 Friar Lane London EC3V 3NF Leicester LE1 5RA STOCKBROKER SOLICITORS Seymour Pierce Ltd Philip Speer & Co 29/30 Cornhill 51 Cambridge Place London EC3V 3NF Cambridge CB2 1NS AUDITORS REGISTRAR Spokes & Company Connaughts St Michaels Ltd Hilden Park House PO Box 30 79 Tonbridge Road Cresta House Hildenborough TN11 9BH Alma Street Luton Bedfordshire LU1 2PU FINANCIAL PR Parkgreen Communications 3rd Floor Goldsmith's House 137-141 Regent Street London W1B 4HZ Cater Barnard Plc Registered office: Lloyd's Avenue House, 6 Lloyd's Avenue, London EC3N 3AX Telephone 0870 066 0830 Facsimile 0870 066 0831 Registered No. 03826434 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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