Director/PDMR Shareholding

Lloyds TSB Group PLC 23 January 2007 Secretary's Department Direct line: 020-7356 2014 25 Gresham Street Network: 7-400 2014 London Switchboard: 020-7626 1500 EC2V 7HN Facsimile: 020-7356 1038 Network Fax: 7-400 1038 TNT: 89 email: The London Stock Exchange RNS 10 Paternoster Square 23rd January, 2007 London EC4M 7LS Dear Sirs Lloyds TSB Group plc ordinary shares of 25p each Notification of interests of directors Hill Samuel ESOP Trustees Limited, as trustee of the Lloyds TSB Group Shareplan, transferred 115,745 ordinary shares of 25p each in the capital of Lloyds TSB Group plc from Lloyds TSB Registrars Corporate Nominee Limited a/c AESOP1 (allocated shares) to Lloyds TSB Registrars Corporate Nominee Limited a/c AESOP2 (unallocated shares), following the forfeiture of shares, under the rules of Shareplan, by participants who have left the group. The following directors, together with some 77,000 other employees, are potential participants in Shareplan and are, therefore, to be treated as interested in the 996,984 shares held by Lloyds TSB Registrars Corporate Nominee Limited a/c AESOP2 (unallocated shares). Sir Victor Blank Mr. J.E. Daniels Ms. T.A. Dial Mr. M.E. Fairey Mr. A.G. Kane Mr. G.T. Tate Mrs. H.A. Weir This notification is made to comply with paragraph 3.1.4(R)(1)(b) of the disclosure rules. Yours faithfully Deborah Saunders Senior Assistant Secretary Lloyds TSB Group plc is registered in Scotland no. 95000 Registered Office: Henry Duncan House, 120 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4LH. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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