Block Admission Interim Review

RNS Number : 9906L
IG Design Group PLC
02 January 2019

2 January 2019


IG Design Group plc

("Design Group" or the "Company")


Block Admission Interim Review

Further to the announcement dated 14 June 2018, the Company announces that a total of 1,229,281 ordinary shares of 5 pence each in the capital of the Company ("Ordinary Shares") have been issued since that date pursuant to the Company's 2008 Executive Share Option Plan, LTIP 2014-2017 scheme and LTIP 2015-2018 scheme. An update in respect of the Company's block admissions is set out below in accordance with Schedule 6 of the AIM Rules for Companies.


The Company also announces that application has been made for an additional block admission of 10,429 Ordinary Shares, which shall be used to satisfy the issue of shares pursuant to the Company's LTIP 2014-2017 scheme. The Company's issued share capital has not changed as a result of this additional block admission, and it is expected that the 10,429 Ordinary Shares will be admitted to trading at 8.00 a.m. on 8 January 2019.


As at today's date, the Company has 78,365,046 Ordinary Shares in issue, none of which are held in treasury. The Company will notify on a monthly basis when there are changes to its issued share capital, and these monthly figures may be used by shareholders as the denominator for the calculation by which they will determine if they are required to notify their interest in, or a change in their interest in, the share capital of the Company.



For further information, please contact:

IG Design Group plc

Tel: 01525 887310

Paul Fineman, Chief Executive

Giles Willits, Chief Financial Officer

Cenkos Securities plc

Tel: 020 7397 8900

Stephen Keys

Harry Hargreaves

Alma PR

Tel: 0208 004 4217

Rebecca Sanders-Hewett

Susie Hudson

Sam Modlin





Name of applicant:

IG Design Group plc

Name of scheme:

2008 Executive Share Option Plan (Scheme 1)

LTIP 2014-2017 scheme (Scheme 2)

LTIP 2015-2018 scheme (Scheme 3)

Period of return


14 June 2018


14 December 2018

Balance of unallotted securities under scheme(s) from previous return:

Scheme 1: 200,000

Scheme 2: 656,811

Scheme 3: 1,213,794

Total: 2,070,605

Plus: The amount by which the block scheme(s) has been increased since the date of the last return (if any increase has been applied for):

Scheme 1: -

Scheme 2: 10,429

Scheme 3: -

Total: 10,429

Less:  Number of securities issued/allotted under scheme(s) during period:

Scheme 1: 200,000

Scheme 2: 393,319

Scheme 3: 635,962

Total: 1,229,281

Less:  Number of options that have lapsed during the period:

Scheme 1: -

Scheme 2: -

Scheme 3: -

Total: -

Equals:  Balance under scheme(s) not yet issued/allotted at end of period

Scheme 1: -

Scheme 2: 273,921

Scheme 3: 577,832

Total: 851,753

Name of contact:

Nikky Geairns

Telephone number of contact:

01525 887323


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