Final Results

Creightons PLC 25 July 2003 CREIGHTONS PLC ('Creightons' or 'the Company' or 'the Group') Chairman's statement Review of the year This year has seen the Company continue to consolidate its manufacturing operation on the reduced Storrington site, ensuring that we achieve improved product costs through increased manufacturing efficiencies. Towards the end of the year, the Directors became aware of an exceptional opportunity to expand the Company's operation in line with the policy of building a successful and profitable business. Nemesis Toiletries Ltd had been put into administration in February, and the Company made an offer to purchase some of the Potter and Moore Brands and Intellectual Property Rights that had therefore become available. Potter and Moore had been an old and well established business operating in similar sectors and with complimentary products to Creightons, and shareholders will recall that under a previous board, Creightons made a costly yet abortive offer to purchase this business several years ago. The Company's offer to the Administrator was accepted, and separately, a subsidiary of the Company has negotiated to take leases on some of the premises and purchase manufacturing plant and equipment used for the production of Potter and Moore products in Peterborough. These operations have been brought together in a new subsidiary of Creightons, Potter & Moore Innovations, which will operate the acquired business from the Peterborough site. The two operations, Creightons based at Storrington and Potter & Moore Innovations based in Peterborough, will continue to operate separately, with their own marketing, selling and product development and innovation specialists so that they can continue to provide the highest quality of product and customer service to their respective clients. Although the Board will seek to achieve savings through synergies for non-customer facing functions, it is committed to achieving and maintaining a high standard of customer service and product quality. Financial results Consolidated Group Sales this year were £3,846,000 (2002: £4,421,000), including a contribution of £366,000 (2002: £nil) sales by the new business of Potter and Moore Innovations Ltd. The decline in sales through Creightons was almost wholly due to destocking as a consequence of changes in distribution and purchasing policies at Bodyshop, one of the Company's largest customers, as they shortened their supply chain and reduced internal stock holdings. This resulted in a reduction in sales to Bodyshop in the region of £1m. The Company has continued to pursue low-cost producer status and limit overheads to the minimum required to provide customers with the quality of service and delivery they require. To this end, further additional excess manufacturing and warehousing capacity has been eliminated, with the facilities made available for third-party rental, thereby maximising as far as possible the Company's return on its assets. The Potter and Moore Innovations trading consolidated into the Group's results contributed a profit of £71,000 to reduce the otherwise virtually flat Group operating loss to £23,000 (2002: £78,000 loss). Current year developments The Board intends to continue to operate the two businesses separately, whilst introducing cost saving and efficiency improvement measures similar to those that we instigated at Creightons when we took over from the previous management and Board. These proved very successful in reducing the Company's losses, focusing management and product development efforts into improved performance through elimination of unprofitable products and practices. A number of new and potentially exciting business opportunities are currently being progressed. The Company is also continuing to seek new and innovative openings for joint ventures in marketing, retailing and manufacturing, such as the opportunity with Potter & Moore that came along last February. The Group continues to operate within its agreed funding facility. The Board would like to thank all its employees for their continued hard work and dedication over the past year, and extend a warm welcome to the Potter & Moore Innovations employees based in Peterborough. William McIlroy Chairman 24th July 2003 Consolidated profit and loss account For the year ended 31 March 2003 2003 2003 2002 2002 Note £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Turnover 3,846 4,421 Cost of (2,203) (2,892 sales --------- -------- Gross 1,643 1,529 Profit Operating (1,686) (1,682) expenses Other 20 75 operating ----------- ----------- income Total (1,666) (1,607) operating --------- --------- expenses Operating (23) (78) Loss Net interest (59) (70) payable ----------- ----------- Loss on (82) (148) ordinary activities before taxation Tax on loss - - on ordinary ----------- ----------- activities Loss on (82) (148) ordinary ----------- ---------- activities after taxation Retained (82) (148) loss for the ----------- ---------- year Basic loss 1 (0.15p) (0.29p) per share --------- --------- Diluted loss 1 (0.14p) (0.29p) per share --------- --------- The turnover and operating loss arose from continuing operations. The Group had no gains or losses other than the above results. There is no difference between the results shown above and their historical cost. Note to consolidated profit and loss Account 1. •Loss per share The calculation of the basic loss per share is based on the loss after taxation of £82,000 (2002 - £148,000) and 54,275,876 (2002 - 52,158,719) ordinary shares, the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period. The calculation of the diluted loss per share is based on the basic loss per share, adjusted for the effect of all dilutive options. Consolidated balance sheet At 31 March 2003 2003 2003 2002 2002 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Tangible assets 1,813 1,895 Intangible assets 13 - Goodwill 345 - --------- ---------- 2,171 1,895 Current assets Stocks 647 645 Debtors 1,167 892 Cash at bank 9 16 ------- -------- 1,823 1,553 Creditors: amount (2,585) (1,953) falling due within one --------- --------- year Net current (762) (400) liabilities Total assets less 1,409 1,495 current liabilities Creditors: amount falling due after more than one year - (4) -------- Net Assets 1,409 1,491 ------- ------- Capital and Reserves Called up share 543 543 capital Share premium account 1229 1229 Capital redemption 18 18 reserve Capital reserve 7 7 Special Reserve 13 13 Profit and loss (401) (319) account ------- ------- Equity shareholders 1,409 1,491 funds ------- ------- Consolidated statement of cash flow For the year ended 31 March 2003 2003 2003 2002 2002 Note £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Cash from operating 1 (207) (294) activities Returns on investments 2 (59) (70) and servicing of finance Taxation - - Capital expenditure 3 (496) 1,190 and financial ------- ------- investments Cash (outflow)/inflow before management of Liquid resources and (762) 826 financing Financing 4 726 (355) -------- -------- (Decrease)/increase in (36) 471 cash in the year -------- -------- Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt (Decrease)/increase in (36) 471 cash in the year Cash outflow from 16 425 repayment of debt --------- ------- (20) 896 New loans (742) - ------- ----------- Movement in net debt (762) 896 in the year Net debt at the start (1,038) (1,934) of the rear --------- --------- Net debt at the end of (1,800) (1,038) the year --------- --------- The preliminary statement of results has been agreed with the Company's auditors, Chantrey Vellacott DFK, who have indicated that they will be giving an unqualified opinion in their report on the statutory financial statements, which will be dispatched to shareholders. The directors are not proposing that a dividend payment be made. Notes to consolidated statement of cash flow For the year ended 31 March 2003 1. •Reconciliation of operating loss to operating cash flow 2003 2003 2002 2002 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Operating loss (23) (78) Depreciation charges 221 246 Amortisation of intangible 2 - assets (Profit) on disposal of fixed (3) - assets (Increase) in stocks (2) (66) (Increase) in debtors (275) (96) (Decrease) in creditors (127) (300) ------- ------- Net cash (outflow) from (207) (294) operations ------- ------- 2. •Returns on investments and servicing of finance 2003 2003 2002 2002 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Interest received 1 1 Interest paid (58) (60) Interest element of HP (2) (11) payments --------- -------- --- Net cash (outflow) for (59) (70) returns on investments and -------- -------- servicing of finance 3. •Capital expenditure and financial investments 2003 2003 2002 2002 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Purchase of tangible fixed (150) (53) assets Purchase of intangible (15) - fixed assets Purchased goodwill (345) - Sale of property - 1240 Sale of other tangible 14 3 fixed assets --------- ---------- Net cash (outflow)/inflow (496) 1190 from capital expenditure ------- ------- and financial investments 4. •Financing 2003 2003 2002 2002 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Issue of ordinary share - 70 capital Other loans 742 - Repayments of amounts - (410) borrowed Capital element of HP (16) (15) payments --------- --------- Net cash inflow/(outflow) 726 (355) from financing -------- -------- 5. •Analysis of changes in net debt At 1 April Cash flow At 31 March 2002 2003 £'000 £'000 £'000 Cash at bank and in hand 16 (7) 9 Overdrafts (1,034) (29) (1,063) --------- --------- --------- (1,018) (36) (1,054) --------- ---------- --------- Debt due within one year - (742) (742) HP contracts (20) 16 (4) ----------- ---------- ------------- (20) (726) (746) ------------ ---------- ----------- Net debt (1,038) (762) (1,800) --------- ---------- --------- This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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