3rd Quarter 2004 Financials

Commercial Intnl Bank (Egypt) SAE 25 October 2004 Commercial International Bank (Egypt) S.A.E. Financial Statements September, 30 2004 CIB 3rd Quarter 2004 Results and Brief Analysis With record breaking profits LE. 348.9 MM in September 2004, CIB achieved a 52.5% growth over 2003 figures. Interest Before Provision reached LE. 604.7 MM. This increase in profitability was mainly due to CIB's core business, as( (Interest Income +T-bill income +commissions) -Interest Expense) grew to reach LE. 1.4 BN, up from LE. 1.3 BN . Consequently operating margins reached 54.8% up from 47.6% in September 2003. Total Assets exceeded LE. 27 BN, which represents a YTD unannualized growth of 11.7%. Minimum risk assets reached LE. 11 BN, while net loans recorded LE.13 bn with a growth of 4%. Customer Deposits reached LE.23 BN, representing an unannualized YTD growth of 12.9%. Provision Breakdown: Tax Provision LE. 70 MM Bank General Risk LE. 15.7 MM CIB Investor Relations Team For any further information contact : Suha Awny Investor Relations Officer Direct : 00 202 747 2776 Fax : 00 202 747 5421 e-mail : suha.awny@cibeg.com COMMERCIAL INTERNATIONAL BANK (EGYPT) S.A.E FINANCIAL POSITION As of September 30, 2004 Amounts in L.E. Note 30-Sept-2004 31-Dec-2003 Assets Cash & Due From Central Bank 4 2,775,725,475 2,674,292,801 Due From Banks 5 4,515,364,199 3,782,015,348 Treasury Bills 6 2,173,392,281 1,427,181,491 Reverse Repos 7 723,962,742 Trading Investments 8 654,144,984 476,223,229 Available for Sale Investments 9 1,686,279,372 1,638,846,363 Loans & Overdrafts(Net of Provision for Doubtful Debts) 10&11 13,020,042,862 12,505,238,953 Held to maturity Investments 12 533,120,120 933,562,940 Investments in Subsidiary and associated companies 13 76,400,000 65,660,000 Debit Balances and Other Assets 15 536,071,859 418,384,985 Fixed Assets (Net) 16 286,105,157 232,046,863 Total Assets 26,980,609,051 24,153,452,973 Liabilities & Shareholders' Equity Liabilities Due to Banks 17 260,420,767 163,305,925 Customer Deposits 18 23,043,339,752 20,414,684,038 Credit Balances & Other Liabilities 19 490, 645,806 445,762,619 Long Term Loans 20 116,797,558 270,408,918 Other Provisions 21 812,295,710 708,676,979 Total Liabilities 24,743,764,793 22,002,838,479 Shareholders' Equity Issued & Paid- in Capital 1,300,000,000 1,300,000,000 Reserves 608,167,670 438,033,411 Total Shareholders' Equity 22 1,908,167,670 1,738,033,411 Net Profit of the Period 348,941,788 412,581,083 Total Shareholders' Equity & Net Profit 2,257,109,458 2,150,614,494 Total Liabilities & Shareholders' Equity 26,980,609,051 24,153,452,973 Contra Accounts 23 4,855,031,146 5,175,378,396 COMMERCIAL INTERNATIONAL BANK (EGYPT) S.A.E INCOME STATEMENT As of September 30, 2004 Amounts in LE. Note 30-Sept-2004 30-Sept-2003 Interest Received from clients & Banks 910,482,487 885,430,891 Interest Received from Treasury Bills & Bonds 245,946,512 203,611,034 Interest Paid to Clients & Banks (643,301,940) (659,839,533) Net Interest Income 513,127,059 429,202,392 Banking Fees & Commissions 267,104,651 189,061,144 Share Dividends 20,395,759 10,225,751 Foreign Exchange Income 24 81,234,011 (16,071,307) Profit from Selling Investment 10,688,319 15,528,357 Trading Investment Revaluation Differences 3,780,470 98,409,978 Other Income 40,524,255 20,759,123 Total Fee Income 423,727,465 317,913,046 Net Operating Income 936,854,524 747,115,438 Provisions (275,963,378) (274,514,861) Other Investment Revaluation Differences 25 (39,821,992) (27,594,274) General & Administration Expenses & Depreciation (239,119,060) (195,604,030) Other Expenses (33,047,696) (20,849,425) (587,952,126) (518,562,590) Net Operating income 348,902,398 228,552,848 Non-Operating income 39,390 313,255 Net Profit 348,941,788 228,866,103 COMMERCIAL INTERNATIONAL BANK (EGYPT) S.A.E CASH FLOW STATEMENT 1a As of September 30, 2004 Amounts in LE. 30-September-2004 30-September-2003 Cash Flow From Operating Activities Net Income Before Tax 348,941,788 228,866,104 Adjustments To Reconcile Net Income Total Net Cash Provided by operating Depreciation 33,337,705 29,450,386 Provisions (Additions during the period) 275,963,378 274,514,861 Trading Investment Evaluation (3,780,470) (98,409,978) Other Investment Evaluation 39,821,992 27,594,274 Utilization of Provision (Other than Provision for doubtful (78,754) (8,498) debts) Difference in revaluation of FCY Provision Balances 1,470,195 50,393,105 Gain(Loss) From Selling of Fixed Assets (39,390) (313,255) Gain(Loss) From Selling of Investments (10,688,319) (15,528,357) Paid Income Tax (14,470,888) (121,000,000) Difference in Revaluation of Long Term Loans (217,816) 84,416,762 Operating Profit Before Changes in Operating Assets and 649,994,221 459,975,404 Liabilities Net Decrease (Increase) in Assets Due from banks (661,823,567) (1,596,361,782) Treasury Bills Over Three Months (593,721,268) (492,241,737) Reverse Repos (723,962,742) 0 Trading Investments (174,141,285) (277,858,174) Available for Sale Investments (76,566,682) 311,774,387 Loans & Overdrafts (673,122,229) (1,161,303,943) Debit Balances & Other Liabilities (140,192,863) (107,762,386) Net Increase (Decrease) In Liabilities Due to Banks 97,114,842 (59,954,376) Customer Deposits 2,628,655,714 4,479,614,432 Credit Balances & Other Liabilities 44,883,187 114,473,673 Net Cash Provided from Operating Activities 397,382,528 1,670,355,498 COMMERCIAL INTERNATIONAL BANK (EGYPT) S.A.E CASH FLOW STATEMENT 1b As of September 30, 2004 30-September-2004 30-September-2003 Cash Flow From Investment Activities Purchase of Subsidiaries (10,740,000) (20,160,000) Prepaid for Fixed Assets, premises and Fitting-out of (65,797,500) (58,076,285) Branches Purchase of Held-to-Maturity Investments 400,442,820 (778,775,742) Net Cash (Used in) Investment Activities (323,905,320) (857,012,027) Cash Flow From Financing Activities Decrease in Long Term Loans (153,393,544) (76,555,310) Dividends Paid (242,446,824) (238,801,908) Net Cash (Used in) provided from Financing Activities (395,840,368) (315,357,218) Net Increase in cash & cash equivalent 325,447,480 497,986,253 Beginning Balance of cash and cash equivalent 3,077,271,444 2,535,616,467 Cash & Cash equivalent Balance At the End of the period 3,402,718,924 3,033,602,720 Cash & Cash Equivalent are Represented as Follows Cash and Due from Central Bank 2,775,725,475 2,594,839,270 Due From Banks 4,515,364,199 4,501,749,521 Treasury Bills 2,173,392,281 1,762,930,698 Due to Banks (4,319,253,707) (4,433,981,929) Treasury Bills More than Three Months (1,742,509,324) (1,391,934,840) Total Cash& Cash Equivalent 3,402,718,924 3,033,602,720 COMMERCIAL INTERNATIONAL BANK (EGYPT) S.A.E STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY As of September 30, 2004 30-Sept-2004 Capital Legal General Special Reserves Profits of Total Reserves Reserves Reserves for Inv. the year Revaluation Beginning 1,300,000,000 254,704,948 0 162,709,903 20,618,560 412,581,083 2,150,614,494 Balance Transfer to 0 20,629,054 149,505,205 0 0 (170,134,259) 0 Reserves Distributed 0 0 0 0 0 (242,446,824) (242,446,824) Profits Net Profit 0 0 0 0 0 348,941,788 348,941,788 Ending 1,300,000,000 275,334,002 149,505,205 162,709,903 20,618,560 348,941,788 2,257,109,458 Balance 30-September Capital Legal General Special Reserves Profits of Total -2003 Reserves Reserves Reserves for Inv. the year Revaluation Beginning 650,000,000 308,719,566 453,901,139 162,709,903 0 380,886,150 1,956,216,758 Balance Transfer 0 16,280,434 125,803,809 0 0 (142,084,243) 0 to Reserves Distributed 0 0 0 0 0 (238,801,907) (238,801,907) Profits Capital 650,000,000 (70,295,052) (579,704,948) 0 0 0 0 Increase Net Profit 0 0 0 0 0 412,581,083 412,581,083 Increase 0 0 0 0 20,618,560 0 20,618,560 in Reserves Ending 1,300,000,000 254,704,948 0 162,709,903 20,618,560 412,581,083 2,150,614,494 Balance 4- Cash And Due From Central Bank Sep. 30, 2004 Dec. 31, 2003 L.E L.E - Cash & Cash Items 413,662,735 371,929,838 - Reserve Balance with CBE 2,362,062,740 2,302,362,963 Total Cash & Due From Central Bank 2,775,725,475 2,674,292,801 5- Due from Banks Sep. 30, 2004 Dec. 31, 2003 L.E L.E (A) Central Bank - Time Deposits 273,821,164 633,928,379 Total Due from central bank 273,821,164 633,928,379 (B) Local Banks - Current Accounts 4,593,422 4,990,327 - Time Deposits 243,035,247 396,425,251 Total Due from Local Banks 247,628,669 401,415,578 (C) Foreign Banks - Current Accounts 191,517,070 119,594,881 - Time Deposits 3,802,397,296 2,627,076,510 Total Due From Foreign Banks 3,993,914,366 2,746,671,391 Total Due From Banks 4,515,364,199 3,782,015,348 6- Treasury Bills Sep. 30, 2004 Dec. 31, 2003 L.E L.E - 91 Days Maturity 436,525,000 280,000,000 - 182 Days Maturity 1,490,875,000 1,166,000,000 - 364 Days Maturity 313,525,000 - Total Treasury Bills 2,240,925,000 1,446,000,000 - Issuance Discount (67,532,719) (18,818,509) Net Treasury Bills 2,173,392,281 1,427,181,491 Sep. 30, 2004 Dec. 31, 2003 7- Reverse Repos L.E L.E - Maturity within one week 66,227,775 - Maturity within three months 497,494,178 - Maturity within six months 114,500,241 - Maturity within one year 45,740,548 723,962,742 - 8- Trading Financial Investments Sep. 30, 2004 Dec. 31, 2003 L.E L.E - Portfolio Managed By other parties 461,257,292 290,361,988 - Bonds 175,631,867 178,259,906 - Shares 17,255,825 7,601,335 Total Trading Financial Investments 654,144,984 476,223,229 The Financial Trading Investments are represented as follows :- - Financial Investments Quoted on Stock Exchange 654,144,984 476,223,229 - Financial Investments Un-quoted on Stock Exchange 0 0 654,144,984 476,223,229 9- Available for sale financial investments Sep. 30, 2004 Dec. 31, 2003 L.E L.E (A) Shares - Bank's Shares 8,048,122 6,890,735 - Corporate Shares 634,920,353 614,867,372 (B) Bonds - Governmental Bonds 322,792,232 330,072,337 - Bank's Bonds 115,184,353 115,184,353 - Corporate Bonds 605,334,312 571,831,566 1,686,279,372 1,638,846,363 Available for sale financial investments are represented as follows :- - Financial Investments Quoted on Stock Exchange 1,267,194,014 1,316,598,355 - Financial Investments Un-quoted on Stock Exchange 419,085,358 322,248,008 1,686,279,372 1,638,846,363 - The market Value of Available for sale Investments listed on the Capital market is LE 1,307,401,807 as of sep, 30,2004 compared to LE 1,360,090,790 as of December 31,2003 10- Loans and Overdrafts Sep. 30, 2004 Dec. 31, 2003 L.E L.E - Discounted Bills 234,587,882 287,242,050 - Loans & Overdrafts to Customer 13,026,578,492 12,279,166,995 - Loans & Overdraft to Banks 770,401,942 746,428,550 14,031,568,316 13,312,837,595 - Unearned Bills discount (4,168,231) (6,343,819) - Provision For Doubtful Debts (892,020,151) (718,723,704) - Unearned Interest & commission (115,337,072) (82,531,119) Net Loans & Overdrafts 13,020,042,862 12,505,238,953 11- Provision For Doubtful Debts Sep. 30, 2004 Specific General Total LE LE LE - Balance at beginning of the period 333,106,251 385,617,453 718,723,704 - Addition during the period 125,029,000 34,236,200 159,265,200 - written off debts recoveries 13,754,187 - 13,754,187 - Foreign currency revaluation diff. 3,986,418 0 3,986,418 475,875,856 419,853,653 895,729,509 Usage during the period -3,709,358 -3,709,358 Balance at the end of the period 472,166,498 419,853,653 892,020,151 Dec. 31, 2003 Specific General Total LE LE LE - Balance at beginning of the year 165,087,738 289,197,873 454,285,611 - Addition during the year 199,677,510 0 199,677,510 - written off debts recoveries 13,392,724 0 13,392,724 - Transferred from general to specific 3,128,362 -3,128,362 0 - Transferred from provision for income tax 41,618,560 0 41,618,560 - Foreign currency revaluation diff. 42,229,943 107,937,335 150,167,278 465,134,837 394,006,846 859,141,683 - Usage during the Year -132,028,586 0 -132,028,586 - Transfer to provision for contingent 0 -8,389,393 -8,389,393 Balance at the end of the Year 333,106,251 385,617,453 718,723,704 -12 Held to maturity Investments Sep. 30, 2004 Dec. 31, 2003 L.E L.E - Housing Bonds (maturity 215,000 215,000 Dec.2019) - Treasury Bonds 532,905,120 933,347,940 533,120,120 933,562,940 The held to maturity Financial Investments are represented as follows :- - Investments Quoted on Stock 532,905,120 933,347,940 Exchange - Investments Un-quoted on 215,000 215,000 Stock Exchange 533,120,120 933,562,940 - The market value of Held to Maturity Financial 540,725,694 as of sep. 30,2004 Investment is LE 13- Financial Investments in subsidiary companies Sep. 30, 2004 Dec. 31, 2003 LE % LE % - Commercial International 10,000,000 %40 10,000,000 %40 Brokerage co. - Contact for Cars Trading 27,500,000 %40 20,000,000 %40 - Commercial International life 32,000,000 %40 32,000,000 %40 insurance co. - Fleming C I Assets Management 1,500,000 %30 1,500,000 %30 - Corplease co. 5,400,000 %40 2,160,000 %40 76,400,000 65,660,000 The Financial Investments in subsidiary companies are represented as follows :- - Financial Investments Quoted 10,000,000 10,000,000 on Stock Exchange - Financial Investments 66,400,000 55,660,000 Un-quoted on Stock Exchange 76,400,000 65,660,000 - The market value of The Financial investments in subsidiary companies quoted on stock Exchange is LE 10,000,000 as of both sep.30, 2004 and Dec. 31,2003 14- Capital Commitments (Financial Investments) The capital commitments for the financial investments reached in date of Financial position L.E 46,571,881 as follow :- Gross Investment Paid Remaining L.E L.E L.E - Available for sale Financial investments 87,826,730 60,954,849 26,871,881 - Financial Investments in subsidiaries co. 52,600,000 32,900,000 19,700,000 15- Debit Balances and Other Assets Sep. 30, 2004 Dec. 31, 2003 L.E L.E - Accrued Interest receivable 184,818,894 104,492,257 - Prepaid Expenses 18,056,880 12,573,959 - Advances for Purchase of Fixed Assets 61,664,430 83,223,539 - Assets Acquired for Settlement of Debts 119,908,954 120,855,834 - Accounts receivable & Other Assets 151,622,701 97,239,396 Total Debit Balances and Other Assets 536,071,859 418,384,985 16- Fixed Assets (Net of Accumulated Depreciation) Land Premises E.D.P Vehicles Fitting Machines Furniture total -Out & & Equipment Furnishing L.E L.E L.E L.E L.E L.E L.E L.E Opening Balance 2,247,073 162,708,373 154,336,833 14,886,683 47,083,795 60,733,711 24,445,319 466,441,787 (3) Additional 2,400,504 43,167,811 23,876,312 974,326 5,145,767 9,523,791 2,307,488 87,395,999 during the period Closing Balance 4,647,577 205,876,184 178,213,145 15,861,009 52,229,562 70,257,502 26,752,807 553,837,786 (1) Accu.Depreciation at beginning of - 48,765,007 84,512,136 10,882,589 39,392,485 38,257,980 12,584,727 234,394,924 the period (4) Current period - 6,532,742 17,129,149 777,328 3,296,559 4,093,319 1,508,608 33,337,705 Depreciation Accu.Depreciation at end of the - 55,297,749 101,641,285 11,659,917 42,689,044 42,351,299 14,093,335 267,732,629 period (2) End of period 4,647,577 150,578,435 76,571,860 4,201,092 9,540,518 27,906,203 12,659,472 286,105,157 net asstes(1-2) Beginning of 2,247,073 113,943,366 69,824,697 4,004,094 7,691,310 22,475,731 11,860,592 232,046,863 period net assets (3-4) - Net fixed assets in financial 33,882,342 represents fixed assets not registered yet position date includes and registrations procedures in process 17- Due to Banks Sep. 30, 2004 Dec. 31, 2003 L.E L.E (a) Central Bank - Current Accounts 2,358,480 2,832,636 - Time Deposits 0 9,211,072 Total Due to Central Bank 2,358,480 12,043,708 (b) Local Banks - Current Accounts 44,861,202 23,241,936 - Time Deposits 4,452,844 19,062,452 - Total Due to Local Banks 49,314,046 42,304,388 (c) Foreign Banks - Current Accounts 208,748,241 108,957,829 - Time Deposits 0 0 - Total Due to foreign Banks 208,748,241 108,957,829 Total Due to Banks 260,420,767 163,305,925 18- Customers' Deposits Sep. 30, 2004 Dec. 31, 2003 L.E L.E - Demand Deposits 5,812,491,142 4,339,557,816 - Time & Notice Deposits 7,268,751,033 7,967,313,845 - Saving & Deposits Certificates 4,407,705,418 3,456,461,428 - Saving Deposits 4,314,930,746 3,753,395,330 - Other Deposits 1,239,461,413 897,955,619 Total Customer Deposits 23,043,339,752 20,414,684,038 19- Credit Balances and Other Liabilities Sep. 30, 2004 Dec. 31, 2003 L.E L.E - Accrued Interest Payable 73,298,036 106,739,344 - Accrued Expenses 49,321,747 15,472,209 - Accounts Payable 360,901,769 313,560,350 - Other Liabilities 7,124,254 9,990,716 Total Credit Balances And Other Liabilities 490,645,806 445,762,619 20- Long Term Loans Rate Maturity date Maturing through Balance at % next year Sep. 30, 2004 - Sumitomo bank - European Investment Bank - Dec-2012 0 30,926,553 - KFW Bank ten years 10,169,453 - Ministry of Agriculture 3.5 - 5.5 3-5 years 7,843,823 13,680,465 (F.S.D.P) depends on maturity date - Ministry of Agriculture 3.5 - 5.5 3-5 years 425,740 448,100 (V.S.P) depends on maturity date - Ministry of Agriculture 3.5 - 5.5 3-5 years 13,422,154 45,455,987 (M.S.S.P) depends on maturity date Ministry of Agriculture 3.5 one year 120,000 120,000 (P.S.B) - Barclays bank (P.S.F.S) 6.62 ten years 4,765,000 5,997,000 from 1996 - Social Fund 3 months T/D 2010 0 10,000,000 or 9% which more Total 26,576,717 116,797,558 21- Other Sep. 30, 2004 Provisions L.E Opening Addition FCY Balance Usage Transfer Closing Balance During the Reval. During the period Balance period Difference - Provision for 474,262,778 70,000,000 0 -14,470,888 0 529,791,890 Income Tax claims - Provision for 1,883,088 0 21,316 -78,754 0 1,825,650 Legal Claims - Provision for 68,147,300 31,000,000 654,497 0 0 99,801,797 contingent - Provision for 151,066,860 15,698,178 551,134 0 -12,377,304 154,938,868 General risk - Provision for 13,316,953 0 243,248 0 12,377,304 25,937,505 Bank Risk insurance Total Other 708,676,979 116,698,178 1,470,195 -14,549,642 0 812,295,710 Provisions Dec. 31, 2003 L.E Opening Addition FCY Balance Usage Closing Balance During the Reval. During the Transfer Balance Year Difference Year - Provision for 558,632,242 81,249,096 0 -124,000,000 -41,618,560 474,262,778 Income Tax claims - Provision for 1,433,328 0 449,760 0 0 1,883,088 Legal Claims - Provision for 27,968,646 22,512,195 9,277,066 0 8,389,393 68,147,300 contingent - Provision for 113,558,729 0 37,508,131 0 0 151,066,860 General risk - Provision for 10,000,000 0 3,316,953 0 0 13,316,953 Bank Risk insurance - Provision for 8,498 0 0 -8,498 0 0 Real Estate Tax Total Other 711,601,443 103,761,291 50,551,910 -124,008,498 -33,229,167 708,676,979 Provisions 22- Capital & Reserves (a) Authorized Capital The Authorized Capital reached LE 1500 Million (b) Paid - In Capital paid - in capital reached to LE 1300 million divided to 130 million shares with par value LE 10 per each . (c) Reserves According to the bank statues 5% of net profit is to increase legal reserve until legal Reserve reaches 50% of the bank's issued and paid -in capital Concurrence of Central Bank of Egypt for usage of Special Reserve is required . 23- Contingent Accounts Sep. 30, 2004 Dec. 31, 2003 L.E L.E - Letters of Guarantee 3,823,194,015 4,022,808,535 - Letters of Credit ( import & export ) 618,412,007 693,273,659 - Customers Acceptances 481,204,921 457,896,303 - Forward Foreign Exchange contracts 13,082,001 79,099 - Swap Deals -80,861,798 1,320,800 Total 4,855,031,146 5,175,378,396 24- Foreign Exchange Profits (losses) Sep. 30, 2004 Sep. 30, 2003 L.E L.E - profit from dealing with foreign currencies 68,189,996 48,288,379 - Profit (loss) of revaluation of Monitoring assets and Liabilities -1,538,022 -65,281,793 - profit (loss) forward deals revaluation 12,904,738 -3,943,216 - profit revaluation of options 1,677,299 4,865,323 81,234,011 (16,071,307) 25- Other Financial investments evaluation differences Sep. 30, 2004 Sep. 30, 2003 L.E L.E +( - ) +( - ) - Available for sale Financial investments -39,821,992 -27,594,274 - Held to maturity Financial Investments - - - Investments in subsidiary and associated companies - - -39,821,992 (27,594,274) 26- Assets & Liabilities Maturities Maturity Maturity Within one year Over One Year Assets - Cash and Due from Central Bank 2,775,725,475 - - Due from Banks 4,515,364,199 - - Treasury Bills 2,240,925,000 - - Reverse repos 723,962,742 - - Trading Investments 654,144,984 - - Available for sale investments 1,686,279,372 - - Customers' Loans & Overdrafts 5,898,422,098 7,247,407,204 - Banks' Loans & Overdrafts 124,728,065 645,673,877 - Held to maturity Investments - 533,120,120 - Investments in subsidiary companies - 76,400,000 - Debit Balances and Other Assets 490,450,806 - 19,405,684,041 8,502,601,201 Liabilities - Due to Banks 260,420,767 - - Customer Deposits 18,628,040,751 4,415,299,001 - Long Term Loans 26,576,717 90,220,841 - Credit Balances and Other Liabilities 510,911,006 - 19,425,949,241 4,505,519,842 27- Interest Rate The average interest rates applied for Assets and Liabilities during the period are 5.82 % & 3.17 % Respectively 28- Corporate Tax Status - The bank's corporate income tax position has been examined and settled with the Tax Authority from the start up of operations up to the end of year 1984. - Corporate income tax for the years from 1985 up to 1993 were paid according to the Tax appeal Committee decision and the final settlement is under discussion in the court of law - The bank's corporate income tax position has been examined and settled with the Tax Authority from 1994 up to 2000 and the final settlement is under discussion in the court of law - Corporate income Tax for the years from 2001 up to 2002 were examined and under discussion with the tax Authority. 29- Distribution of Assets, Liabilities and Contingent Accounts Assets Local Currency Foreign Currency 1- Due From Banks 33,978,965 4,481,385,234 2- Loans & Overdrafts % Agriculture Sector 120,849,020 0.86 Industrial Sector 6,501,139,548 46.33 Trading Sector 1,051,904,326 7.50 Services Sector 4,306,102,901 30.69 Household Sector 1,028,026,691 7.33 Other Sectors 1,023,545,830 7.29 Total Loans & Overdrafts (Including unearned interest) 14,031,568,316 100.00 Unearned Discounted Bills -4,168,231 Provision for Doubtful Debts -892,020,151 6.21 Unearned Interest & Commission -115,337,072 Net Loans & Overdrafts 13,020,042,862 Liabilities Local Currency Foreign Currency 1- Due to Banks 46,069,139 214,351,628 2- Customers' Deposits % Agriculture Sector 18,267,123 0.08 Industrial Sector 2,482,808,571 10.78 Trading Sector 769,937,428 3.34 Services Sector 3,783,248,792 16.42 Household Sector 14,399,934,572 62.48 Other Sector 1,589,143,268 6.90 Total Customers' Deposits 23,043,339,754 100.00 Contingent Accounts Local Currency Foreign Currency - Letters of Guarantee 1,212,780,713 2,610,413,302 - Letter of Credit ( import & export ) 36,338,048 582,073,959 - Customers Acceptances 234,131,112 247,073,809 - Forward Foreign Exchange Contracts 199,947,700 (186,865,699) - Swap Deals (806,261,083) 725,399,285 876,936,490 3,978,094,656 30- Foreign Currencies Positions Sep. 30, 2004 Dec. 31, 2003 in thousand L.E in thousand L.E - Egyptian Pound 46,631 (5,480) - US Dollar (40,563) (1,200) - Sterling pound (186) 1,630 - Japanese Yen (363) (407) - Swiss Franc 447 208 - Euro 5,961 6,302 31- Transactions With Related Parties All Banking transactions with related parties are conducted in accordance with the normal banking practices and regulations applied to all other customers without any discrimination. Due from Banks 152,135,244 Loans & Overdrafts 139,157,529 Bank's Loans 124,633,460 Investment in subsidiary companies 76,400,000 Due to banks 24,199,724 Customer Deposits 131,465,922 Contingent Accounts 66,990,088 32- Comparative Figures The Comparative Figures are amended to confirm with the reclassification. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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