Final Results

City of Oxford Geared Inc Tst PLC 23 May 2001 Chairman's Statement This is the Company's second annual report since its reconstruction but the first under its new name of The City of Oxford Geared Income Trust. The report covers the twelve months to 31st March 2001 whereas last year we were reporting for a seventeen month period, and so strict comparisons of income and performance are not possible. It has been yet again an extremely turbulent and eventful period for equity investors but I am pleased to say that, unlike last year, the prevailing trends have been much more in the Company's favour. The collapse of the Telecom Media Technology ('TMT') bubble (a phrase to which commentators nowadays like to add the word 'inevitable') and associated recovery in more established companies enabled the portfolio to show some asset growth over a period where the wider market registered a significant decline. Our preferred measure of performance is to look at the total return on total assets. This shows a return of 5.0% which compares with a fall of 10.8% in the All Share Index on an equivalent basis. The FTSE 350 Higher Yield Index rose by 16.7% benefiting from its relatively pure exposure to the older economy. Whilst we would obviously like to report more substantial absolute returns, investors in the trust will know that, with a geared capital structure and a proportion of the portfolio in split capital shares, the odds are always against us in a falling market. The board therefore view the year's performance as really quite good. The revenue account has also been satisfactory with net post tax revenues of £ 6.23m, enabling the directors to declare a fourth interim dividend of 2.15p per income share and 3.00p per geared ordinary share. This is a better outcome than we expected a few months ago when the level of the third interim dividend paid was higher than the equivalent dividend paid in the previous accounting period. We warned at that time that this increase should not be taken to imply that the dividends for the whole year would be increased and so it is pleasing to report that this was the outcome. We have also been able to make a further transfer to reserves of £133,000. It is one of the more useful get-outs to say that we face uncertain times ahead, but in the current circumstances I feel more than justified in saying it. Given the sharp falls which we have already seen across world equity markets and the aggressive response by the Federal Reserve Bank through rapid interest rate cuts, logic might suggest that we are now past the worst and can look forward to a more fruitful year ahead. We should however make some provision in our thinking both for the scale of earnings downgrades now affecting the markets, and the risk of a more protracted downturn developing. Indeed there is a large body of opinion in the US which argues that a period of retrenchment is both inevitable and necessary if the problems of high consumer debt and the balance of payments deficit are to be resolved. As far as the UK is concerned, those factors most relevant to us look more promising. Our economy looks better placed than most to weather a downturn, while many of the higher yielding shares we hold still remain considerably undervalued even after last year's performance. Further interest rate cuts will only heighten their attractive valuations. Penultimately, I feel moved to say something about the Association of Investment Trust Companies' (AITC) marketing initiative, known as 'its'. Your board have carefully considered the AITC's latest proposals, which would involve us parting with a small proportion of your assets to help fund their generic advertising and marketing campaign. For a variety of reasons, the main one being that split capital trusts tend not to stand at material discounts to Net Asset Value, we feel that there is no advantage to our shareholders in supporting the campaign. We have also said that if a marketing levy were to become compulsory, we would resign from the AITC. Finally, I hope some, if not all, of you will be able to come to the Annual General Meeting on 18th July and I look forward to seeing you there. Fred Carr 23 May 2001 Consolidated Statement of Total Return (incorporating the Revenue Account*) of the Group for the year ended 31 March 2001 Period from 29 October 1998 Year ended 31 March 2001 to 31 March 2000 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Gains on - 4,668 4,668 - 1,872 1,872 investments Income 7,894 - 7,894 6,647 - 6,647 Investment (328) (765) (1,093) (280) (655) (935) management fee Other expenses (147) - (147) (141) - (141) Net return 7,419 3,903 11,322 6,226 1,217 7,443 before finance costs and taxation Interest (1,041) (2,428) (3,469) (839) (1,956) (2,795) payable Return on ordinary activities Before 6,378 1,475 7,853 5,387 (739) 4,648 taxation Taxation (147) 147 - (236) 214 (22) Return on 6,231 1,622 7,853 5,151 (525) 4,626 ordinary activities After taxation Dividends and (4,178) (3,470) (7,648) (3,548) (2,758) (6,306) other appropriations in respect of non-equity shares Return 2,053 (1,848) 205 1,603 (3,283) (1,680) attributable to Geared Ordinary shareholders Interim (2,009) - (2,009) (1,597) - (1,597) dividends paid to Geared Ordinary shareholders Transfer to 44 (1,848) (1,804) 6 (3,283) (3,277) reserves Return per 11.83p (10.65)p 1.18p 16.19p (33.15)p (16.96)p Geared Ordinary Share Return per 8.48p 8.48p 11.54p 11.54p Income Share Dividends per 11.58p 15.72p Geared Ordinary Share Dividends per 8.30p 11.27p Income Share * The revenue column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the Group. All principal activities of the Group are continuing operations as defined by Financial Reporting Standard 3. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the period. Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2001 31 March 2001 31 March 2000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Listed investments Current assets 141,876 145,894 Debtors 3,823 1,432 Cash at bank 10,964 6,266 14,787 7,698 Creditors: amounts (3,723) (2,404) falling due within one year Net current assets 11,064 5,294 152,940 151,188 Creditors: amounts (47,550) (47,550) falling due after more than one year Net assets 105,390 103,638 Capital and reserves Called up share 5,152 5,152 capital Share premium 98,991 98,994 Redemption reserve 6,228 2,758 Capital reserve - realised (4,043) (2,133) Capital reserve - unrealised (1,088) (1,150) Revenue reserve 150 17 Total shareholders' funds 105,390 103,638 Total shareholders' funds comprise equity and non-equity interests as follows: Equity - Geared Ordinary 11,715 13,522 shareholders Non-equity - Income shareholders 49,370 49,281 - Zero dividend 44,305 40,835 preference shareholders 105,390 103,638 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31 March 2001 2001 Period from 29 October 1998 to 31 March 2000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Cash flow from 6,184 4,368 operating activities Taxation received/(paid) 89 (22) Return on investments and servicing of finance Interest paid (3,498) (2,253) Capital expenditure and financial investment Purchases of investments (70,168) (164,410) Sales of investments 78,192 46,202 8,024 (118,208) Dividends paid - non (4,089) (2,478) equity Dividends paid - equity (2,009) (1,076) (6,098) (3,554) Cash inflow/(outflow) 4,701 (119,669) before management of liquid resources and financing Management of liquid resources Money market deposits (3,470) (4,530) placed Financing Gross proceeds from - 81,939 issue of shares Issue expenses paid (3) (3,567) Bank loans drawn down - 47,550 (3) 125,922 Increase in cash 1,228 1,723 Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt Increase in cash 1,228 1,723 Cash used to increase 3,470 4,530 liquid resources Bank loans drawn down - (47,550) Change in net debt 4,698 (41,297) Net (debt)/funds at (41,284) 13 beginning of period Net debt at end of (36,586) (41,284) period Liquid resources comprise short term money market deposits
UK 100

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