Final Results

Caffyns PLC 31 May 2000 CHAIRMANS REPORT RESULTS The trials and tribulations of the retail motor industry have been well documented and so the result for the year ended 31st March 2000 is highly commendable and I thank all members of staff for their hard work. The Group's consolidated profits before tax for the year ended 31st March 2000 were £2.15m compared with the previous years pre-tax profits of £1.86m. Earnings per ordinary share were 51.3p (1999: 46.7p). DIVIDEND An interim dividend of 5.5p per ordinary share was paid on 7th January 2000. A final dividend of 9.5p which would cost £316,000 is now being recommended which, if approved will be payable on 25th July 2000 to shareholders on the register on 30th June 2000. This will result in a total dividend for the year of 15.0p per ordinary share (1999: 14.5p). FINANCE Borrowing at 31st March 2000 were £5.7m (1999: £9.7m) which, as a proportion of shareholders funds at the year end, gave rise to gearing of 24% (1999: 42%). Interest was covered 4.1 times by operating profits (1999: 2.8 times). PEOPLE It has also been an important year as we have appointed a new finance director, Mark Harrison, who takes over from my brother Robert on the 1st June 2000. During his many years in charge of the finance and administration of the company, Robert has made certain that we were always at the forefront of modern technology which in turn has made the management of the business that much easier. PROSPECTS Our pension contribution holiday has ended and there will be a charge to the profit and loss account of approximately £250,000 in the year ending 31st March 2001. However, since the year end we have exchanged contracts on the sale of one branch which is likely to result in a surplus of approximately £300,000. As the chief executive notes there is much uncertainty ahead of us but like him, I feel that your board has taken the correct decisions to ensure that we shall be well placed to take advantage of any opportunities that may arise. 31st May 2000 A M Caffyn Chairman CHIEF EXECUTIVES REVIEW RESULTS I am very pleased to be able to report a record profit for the company. Despite a small reduction in turnover and a new charge of £170,000 for freehold property depreciation, the profit before tax has increased by 16 % from £1.86 million to £2.15 million. A great deal of work has been undertaken by all our staff to achieve this improvement in what has been a very difficult year for our industry and I am very grateful for all of their efforts. Particular mention must go to our regional directors who have worked closely with their branches to produce this overall figure. COMPETITION COMMISSION Trading conditions have not been enhanced by the review of the Motor Industry by the Competition Commission. The delay in publication of its report meant that customers continued to put off buying decisions and also caused heavy depreciation of second hand cars which affected both our levels of enquiry and the values of our used car stocks. We broadly welcome the findings of the Report, which was finally published in April. However I do not believe that Block Exemption, which is in place across Europe, is responsible for the discrepancies in prices between the UK and the Continent. This is more a result of excessive discounting to fleet buyers by some manufacturers, which is subsidised by the retail customer. The differences in the levels of tax charged on car purchases by European governments, which is able to be reclaimed by foreign purchasers exporting the car for use in another country, causes problems. Taxation in country of purchase would resolve this. We together with most of the large dealer groups continue to ask for reductions in both retail prices and for lower discounts to fleets. The recent move by Rover to cut their prices demonstrated that there is great demand for sensibly priced cars. Last month our April Rover sales were over four times those of the same month in the previous year. FRANCHISES AND PREMISES During the year we have completed a number of investments in premises. In Folkestone we have opened a new Vauxhall Master-Fit operation, which is a part of our large Vauxhall territory in East Kent. The centre of this operation is in Ashford and we are on target to complete a major development in the Orbital Park site near the International Railway Station. This will also be the site for our successful Skoda dealership. In Eastbourne we have nearly completed an external refurbishment of our Rover dealership and in Lewes we now have a successful stand-alone Rover site. Volkswagen have a very impressive design for their franchise locations and we have now completed a major redevelopment of our site in Worthing and we are working on a similar concept in our Haywards Heath territory. Our Ford operation in Alton is now contributing to profits after relocating to smaller and more visible premises. The workshop facilities in Sevenoaks Peugeot are now complete and we are about to begin work on a new showroom. We are very pleased to have been appointed Peugeot agents and the outlook for Sevenoaks is very encouraging. In Canterbury we were sad to lose the Citroen franchise, and in Crowborough, where the facilities have become too large for the local market, we are redirecting customers to Tonbridge, Tunbridge Wells and Uckfield. Both sites are in the process of being sold at a premium to book value and we are looking to retain as many staff as possible in nearby locations. Having finished the major redevelopment of Lewes Land Rover and amalgamated our Heathfield operation at this site, I am delighted to see such excellent results. The success of Mercedes-Benz, Jaguar and Audi continues with excellent results from all of these businesses, with both Skoda and Vauxhall also beginning to perform well. After the recent problems with Rover we are very pleased to see the Phoenix consortium acquire the company. Much work has to be done but a joint venture with another manufacturer would give Rover every chance of success. TECHNOLOGY I am very pleased to report that as a result of good planning we were unaffected by the Millennium Bug. Many staff throughout the company worked very hard during the run up period and over New Year to ensure we had no problems and I am grateful to them for their commitment. We already have an internet site,, and we are on the verge of launching a new facility to enable customers to search our entire used car stocks on-line. We continue to keep abreast of developments in this field and to capitalise on the more innovative ideas. PEOPLE After 38 years with the company, Robert Caffyn retires as finance director in June this year. Under Robert's guidance the finance and administration of the company has been in excellent hands and we are enormously grateful to him for his huge contribution in all areas of the business. We were fortunate to have a number of excellent candidates apply for the position of finance director and we are delighted to welcome Mark Harrison who has joined the company and takes over the role from Robert. As always our non-executive directors and professional advisers have given us invaluable advice and assistance during the year. I am particularly grateful for their considerable help with the recruitment of our new director. I began by reporting our improved result, which is a testament to the hard work, commitment and loyalty of our staff. We remain, as an industry, in uncharted waters, but I am confident that the company is in a good position to take advantage of any upturn. 31st May 2000 S G M Caffyn Chief Executive Caffyns plc Preliminary Announcement For the year ended 31st March 2000 Consolidated Profit and Loss Account Note 2000 1999 £'000 £'000 Turnover 147,305 151,610 Cost of sales (126,586) (131,013) Gross profit 20,719 20,597 Other operating charges (17,877) (17,720) Operating profit 2,842 2,877 Exceptional items 2 5 3 Interest payable (696) (1,022) Profit on ordinary activities 2,151 1,858 before taxation Taxation 3 (345) (215) Profit on ordinary activities 1,806 1,643 after taxation Dividends (equity and non-equity) 4 (601) (574) Transfer to reserves 5 1,205 1,069 Earnings per ordinary share Basic 51.3p 46.7p Diluted 50.7p 46.2p Note of Historical Cost Profit and Losses Reported profit on ordinary 2,151 1,858 activities before taxation Realisation of property 163 1,160 revaluation surpluses Historical cost profit on 2,314 3,018 ordinary activities before taxation Historical cost transfer to 1,368 2,229 reserves There were no recognised gains or losses other than the profit for the financial year. Caffyns plc Preliminary Announcement for the year ended 31st March 2000 Balance Sheets at 31st March 2000 Note Group Group Company Company 2000 1999 2000 1999 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Fixed Assets Tangible assets 24,077 23,588 23,914 23,418 Investments - - 250 250 24,077 23,588 24,164 23,668 Current Assets Stocks 21,647 22,541 19,399 20,453 Debtors 5,895 8,432 6,865 9,491 27,542 30,973 26,264 29,944 Creditors Amounts falling due 22,353 23,700 21,540 22,932 within one year Net Current Assets 5,189 7,273 4,724 7,012 Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 29,266 30,861 28,888 30,680 Creditors Amounts falling due after more than One year 4,937 7,744 4,937 7,744 Provisions for liabilities 150 150 150 150 and charges 24,179 22,967 23,801 22,786 Capital and Reserves Called up share capital 2,899 2,897 2,899 2,897 Share premium account 58 53 58 53 Revaluation reserve 5,419 5,582 5,419 5,582 Profit and loss account 15,803 14,435 15,425 14,254 24,179 22,967 23,801 22,786 Equity shareholders' funds 22,942 21,730 22,564 21,549 Non-equity shareholders' 1,237 1,237 1,237 1,237 funds Total shareholders' funds 5 24,179 22,967 23,801 22,786 The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 31st May 2000. Caffyns Plc Preliminary Announcement for the year ended 31st March 2000 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31st March 2000 Note 2000 1999 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Net cash inflow from Operating 6 6,884 770 activities Returns on investment and Servicing of finance Interest paid (696) (1,022) Preference (98) (91) dividends paid (794) (1,113) Taxation UK Corporation tax (302) (312) paid Capital expenditure Purchase of (1,582) (2,356) tangible fixed assets Sale of tangible 267 3,767 fixed assets (1,315) 1,411 Equity dividends (483) (465) paid Cash inflow before 3,990 291 financing Financing Capital element of (104) (96) finance leases Issue of shares 7 4 Repayment of (3,498) (2,317) amounts borrowed Net cash outflow (3,595) (2,409) from financing Increase (decrease) 7,8 395 (2,118) in cash Caffyns plc Notes to the Preliminary Announcement for the year ended 31st March 2000 1 Basis of preparation This preliminary statement which does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985, has been extracted from the statutory financial statements of the company for the year ended 31st March 2000 on which the auditors issued an unqualified audit opinion on 31st May 2000. These financial statements have not yet been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The financial statements have been prepared using accounting policies which are consistent with previous years. Financial Reporting Standards No 15 on tangible fixed assets and No 16 on current taxation have been applied for the first time this year. 2 Exceptional items Arising in respect of branch closures: 2000 1999 £'000 £'000 - Closure costs (82) (256) - Impairment review of freehold property - (220) - Profit on disposal of fixed assets 87 479 Net receipt 5 3 The closure costs and profit on disposal related to the surplus on and related costs incurred as a result of closing a branch in the year. The impairment review in 1999 related to a reduction in value of one of the Group's freehold properties. 3 Taxation The Group's UK corporation tax charge has been reduced by £25,000 (1999 - £79,000) as a result of the exceptional costs (note 2). There is no corporation tax charge arising on the exceptional profit due to the availability of roll-over relief. No tax relief will be available on the impairment provision until it becomes a realised capital loss. 4 Dividends Non equity Preference 6.5% Cumulative First Preference 25 18 6.0% Cumulative Second Preference 12 9 10% Cumulative Preference 65 65 102 92 Equity Ordinary: Interim dividend paid of 5.5p (1999 - 5.5p) 183 183 Final dividend proposed of 9.5p (1999 - 9.0p) 316 299 499 482 Total 601 574 Caffyns plc Notes to the Preliminary Announcement for the year ended 31st March 2000 5 Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds Group Group 2000 1999 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Profit for the 1,806 1,643 financial year Dividends (601) (574) 1,205 1,069 Equity shares issued 7 4 in year Net increase in shareholders Funds 1,212 1,073 Brought forward at 1st 22,967 21,894 April Carried forward at 24,179 22,967 31st March Shareholders' Funds are attributable as follows: Equity interests 22,942 21,730 Non-equity interests 6.5% Cumulative First Preference shares of 389 389 £1 each 10% Cumulative Preference Shares of £1 each 648 648 6% Cumulative Second Preference shares of 200 200 10p each 1,237 1,237 24,179 22,967 6 Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating activities: Group Group 2000 1999 £'000 £'000 Operating profit 2,842 2,877 Adjustment for 5 3 exceptional items Depreciation charge 894 692 Impairment of tangible fixed assets - 220 Profit on sale of tangible fixed assets (68) (465) Decrease in stocks 894 1,235 Decrease/(increase) in 2,535 (3,164) debtors Decrease in creditors (218) (628) Net cash inflow from operating Activities 6,884 770 7 Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt Increase/(decrease) in cash in the year 395 (2,118) Cash outflow from decrease in debt 3,498 2,317 Cash outflow from capital repayments of finance leases 104 96 Movement in net debt 3,997 295 in the year Net debt at 1st April (9,732) (10,027) Net debt at 31st March (5,735) (9,732) Caffyns plc Notes to the Preliminary Announcement for the year ended 31st March 2000 8 Analysis of net debt At At 31st March 2000 Cashflow 1st April 1999 £'000 £'000 £'000 Overdrafts 2,811 (395) 3,206 Debt falling due 1,500 (1,498) 2,998 within 1 year Debt falling due after more than 1 year 1,000 (2,000) 3,000 Finance leases 424 (104) 528 2,924 (3,602) 6,526 Total 5,735 (3,997) 9,732


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