1Q07 Part 1 of 2

BP PLC 24 April 2007 BP p.l.c. Group Results First Quarter 2007 London 24 April 2007 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ---------------------- First First Fourth First Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter 2007 vs 2007 2006 2006 2006 ======================================= $million Profit for the period* 4,664 2,880 5,623 Inventory holding (gains) losses (303) 1,015 (358) --------------------------------------- Replacement cost profit 4,361 3,895 5,265 (17%) ======================================= - per ordinary share (pence) 11.54 10.37 14.66 - per ordinary share (cents) 22.50 20.08 25.66 (12%) - per ADS (dollars) 1.35 1.21 1.54 ======================================= • BP's first quarter replacement cost profit was $4,361 million, compared with $5,265 million a year ago, a decrease of 17%. • The first quarter result included a net non-operating gain of $363 million compared with a net non-operating charge of $17 million in the first quarter of 2006. • Net cash provided by operating activities for the quarter was $8.0 billion compared with $8.9 billion a year ago. • The effective tax rate on replacement cost profit of continuing operations for the quarter was 35%; the rate was also 35% a year earlier. • Net debt at the end of the quarter was $21.8 billion. The ratio of net debt to net debt plus equity was 20% compared with 16% a year ago. • Capital expenditure, excluding acquisitions, was $3.7 billion for the quarter. Total capital expenditure and acquisitions was $4.8 billion, which included $1.1 billion in respect of the acquisition of Chevron's Netherlands manufacturing company. Capital expenditure excluding acquisitions is expected to be around $18 billion for the year. Disposal proceeds were $0.9 billion for the quarter. • The quarterly dividend, to be paid in June, is 10.325 cents per share ($0.6195 per ADS) compared with 9.375 cents per share a year ago, an increase of 10%. In sterling terms, the quarterly dividend is 5.151 pence per share, compared with 5.251 pence per share a year ago, a decrease of 2%. During the quarter, the company repurchased 238 million of its own shares for cancellation at a cost of $2.5 billion. * Profit attributable to BP shareholders. The commentaries above and following are based on replacement cost profit and should be read in conjunction with the cautionary statement on page 9. Analysis of Replacement Cost Profit and Reconciliation to Profit for the Period -------------------------------------------------------------- First Fourth First Quarter Quarter Quarter 2007 2006 2006 =============================== $ million Exploration and Production 6,043 5,063 6,823 Refining and Marketing 838 312 1,612 Gas, Power and Renewables 206 470 301 Other businesses and corporate (116) (276) (217) Consolidation adjustment 83 (103) (8) ------------------------------- RC profit before interest and tax 7,054 5,466 8,511 ------------------------------- Finance costs and other finance expense (171) (149) (143) Taxation (2,440) (1,347) (2,929) Minority interest (82) (75) (71) ------------------------------- RC profit from continuing operations attributable to BP shareholders(a) 4,361 3,895 5,368 =============================== Inventory holding gains (losses) for continuing operations 303 (1,015) 358 ------------------------------- Profit for the period from continuing operations attributable to BP shareholders 4,664 2,880 5,726 Profit (loss) for the period from Innovene operations(b) - - (103) ------------------------------- Profit for the period attributable to BP shareholders 4,664 2,880 5,623 =============================== RC profit from continuing operations attributable to BP 4,361 3,895 5,368 shareholders RC profit (loss) from Innovene operations - - (103) ------------------------------- Replacement cost profit 4,361 3,895 5,265 =============================== (a) Replacement cost profit reflects the current cost of supplies. The replacement cost profit for the period is arrived at by excluding from profit inventory holding gains and losses. BP uses this measure to assist investors to assess BP's performance from period to period. Replacement cost profit is not a recognized GAAP measure. (b) See further detail in Note 3. Results include Non-operating Items ----------------------------- First Fourth First Quarter Quarter Quarter 2007 2006 2006 ================================ $ million Exploration and Production 748 (177) (386) Refining and Marketing (229) (53) 564 Gas, Power and Renewables 9 215 (55) Other businesses and corporate 34 (188) 9 -------------------------------- 562 (203) 132 Taxation (199) 51 (46) -------------------------------- Continuing operations 363 (152) 86 -------------------------------- Innovene operations - - (96) Taxation - - (7) -------------------------------- Total for all operations 363 (152) (17) ================================ An analysis of non-operating items by type is provided on page 19. Per Share Amounts ---------------- First Fourth First Quarter Quarter Quarter 2007 2006 2006 ================================== Results for the period ($ million) Profit(a) 4,664 2,880 5,623 Replacement cost profit 4,361 3,895 5,265 ---------------------------------- Shares in issue at period end (thousand)(b) 19,290,540 19,510,496 20,341,135 - ADS equivalent (thousand)(b) 3,215,090 3,251,749 3,390,189 Average number of shares outstanding (thousand)(b) 19,384,508 19,610,871 20,521,872 - ADS equivalent (thousand)(b) 3,230,751 3,268,479 3,420,312 Shares repurchased in the period (thousand) 237,916 310,385 349,079 Per ordinary share (cents) Profit for the period 24.06 15.04 27.40 RC profit for the period 22.50 20.08 25.66 Per ADS (cents) Profit for the period 144.36 90.24 164.40 RC profit for the period 135.00 120.48 153.96 ---------------------------------- (a) Profit attributable to BP shareholders. (b) Excludes treasury shares. Dividends -------- BP today announced a dividend of 10.325 cents per ordinary share to be paid in June. Holders of ordinary shares will receive 5.151 pence per share and holders of American Depository Receipts (ADRs) $0.6195 per ADS. The dividend is payable on 4 June to shareholders on the register on 11 May. Participants in the Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRIP) or the DRIP facility in the US Direct Access Plan will receive the dividend in the form of shares, also on 4 June. First Fourth First Quarter Quarter Quarter 2007 2006 2006 ================================= Dividends paid per ordinary share cents 10.325 9.825 9.375 pence 5.258 5.241 5.288 Dividends per ADS (cents) 61.95 58.95 56.25 ================================= Net Debt Ratio - Net Debt: Net Debt + Equity ----------------------------------- First Fourth First Quarter Quarter Quarter 2007 2006 2006 ================================= $ million Gross debt 23,728 24,010 18,679 Cash and cash equivalents 1,956 2,590 2,939 --------------------------------- Net debt 21,772 21,420 15,740 ================================= Equity 85,749 85,465 80,881 Net debt ratio 20% 20% 16% ================================= Exploration and Production ---------------------- First Fourth First Quarter Quarter Quarter $ million 2007 2006 2006 ================================= Profit before interest and tax(a) 6,054 5,057 6,816 Inventory holding (gains) losses (11) 6 7 --------------------------------- Replacement cost profit before interest and tax 6,043 5,063 6,823 ================================= By region: UK 1,062 1,534 1,165 Rest of Europe 720 249 303 US 1,652 952 2,311 Rest of World 2,609 2,328 3,044 --------------------------------- 6,043 5,063 6,823 ================================= Results include: Non-operating items UK 145 289 (394) Rest of Europe 533 (13) - US (8) (269) 2 Rest of World 78 (184) 6 --------------------------------- 748 (177) (386) ================================= Exploration expense UK 20 6 7 Rest of Europe - - - US 77 324 66 Rest of World 59 78 116 --------------------------------- 156 408 189 ================================= Production (net of royalties)(b) Liquids (mb/d) (net of royalties)(c) UK 236 239 281 Rest of Europe 59 57 68 US 526 533 566 Rest of World 1,625 1,587 1,618 --------------------------------- 2,446 2,416 2,533 ================================= Natural gas (mmcf/d) (net of royalties) UK 907 888 1,196 Rest of Europe 41 90 94 US 2,163 2,196 2,485 Rest of World 5,391 5,082 4,938 --------------------------------- 8,502 8,256 8,713 ================================= Total hydrocarbons (mboe/d)(d) UK 393 392 487 Rest of Europe 66 73 83 US 899 912 995 Rest of World 2,554 2,463 2,470 --------------------------------- 3,912 3,840 4,035 ================================= Average realizations(e) Total liquids ($/bbl) 53.43 54.13 55.88 Natural gas ($/mcf) 4.86 4.38 5.54 Total hydrocarbons ($/boe) 41.06 40.13 44.20 ================================= (a) Profit from continuing operations and includes profit after interest and tax of equity-accounted entities. (b) Includes BP's share of production of equity-accounted entities. (c) Crude oil and natural gas liquids. (d) Natural gas is converted to oil equivalent at 5.8 billion cubic feet = 1 million barrels. (e) Based on sales of consolidated subsidiaries only - this excludes equity-accounted entities. Exploration and Production ---------------------- The replacement cost profit before interest and tax for the first quarter was $6,043 million, a decrease of 11% over the first quarter of 2006. This result was impacted by lower oil and gas realizations and lower reported volumes, reflecting the impact of the divestment activity in 2006. In addition, it included higher costs, reflecting the impacts of sector-specific inflation, increased integrity spend and higher depreciation charges. BP's share of income from TNK-BP was negatively affected by lower prices and the adverse effect of lagged tax reference prices. The result included a net non-operating gain of $748 million, with the most significant items being the gain on the sale of our assets in the Netherlands, which completed on 31 January, and fair value gains on embedded derivatives relating to North Sea gas contracts. The corresponding quarter in 2006 contained a net non-operating charge of $386 million. After adjusting for the impact of divestments, production was flat compared with the first quarter of 2006. Actual production was down 123 mboe/d. Full year production in 2007 is expected to be in the range of 3.8 to 3.9 mmboe/d, in line with the guidance given with our fourth quarter results. During the quarter, we had our first lifting from the Dalia field in Angola, with the field ramping up as planned, and the BTC pipeline celebrated the loading of its 100 millionth barrel at the Ceyhan terminal. In Angola, the Greater Plutonio FPSO has been successfully moored. We continued our strong exploration track record in Angola with Miranda, our 13th successful well in Block 31, and made the Giza North gas discovery in Egypt. Since the end of the quarter, we have divested our interest in the Entrada field in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico, and acquired an increased interest in the Badin field in Pakistan in exchange for our ownership interest in the West Texas Pipeline System. Refining and Marketing ------------------- First Fourth First Quarter Quarter Quarter 2007 2006 2006 ================================= $ million Profit (loss) before interest and tax(a) 1,129 (706) 2,038 Inventory holding (gains) losses (291) 1,018 (426) --------------------------------- Replacement cost profit (loss) before interest and tax 838 312 1,612 ================================= By region: UK (10) 190 (148) Rest of Europe 298 336 564 US 122 (421) 637 Rest of World 428 207 559 --------------------------------- 838 312 1,612 ================================= Results include: Non-operating items UK (163) 23 20 Rest of Europe (12) (89) 229 US (58) 25 96 Rest of World 4 (12) 219 --------------------------------- (229) (53) 564 ================================= Refinery throughputs (mb/d) UK 148 188 111 Rest of Europe 640 660 639 US 1,152 1,052 976 Rest of World 292 294 296 --------------------------------- Total throughput 2,232 2,194 2,022 ================================= Refining availability (%)(b) 81.6 81.6 79.9 ================================= Oil sales volumes (mb/d) Refined products UK 335 354 345 Rest of Europe 1,246 1,368 1,315 US 1,564 1,541 1,599 Rest of World 624 601 567 --------------------------------- Total marketing sales 3,769 3,864 3,826 Trading/supply sales 2,026 1,920 2,204 --------------------------------- Total refined product sales 5,795 5,784 6,030 Crude oil 2,017 1,959 2,571 --------------------------------- Total oil sales 7,812 7,743 8,601 ================================= Global Indicator Refining Margin ($/bbl)(c) NWE 4.16 2.49 2.88 USGC 10.14 7.92 10.86 Midwest 7.62 5.42 4.89 USWC 22.21 14.59 11.22 Singapore 4.84 2.95 3.54 BP Average 9.45 6.30 6.28 ================================= Chemicals production (kte) UK 256 159 303 Rest of Europe 748 797 842 US 1,076 976 789 Rest of World 1,520 1,357 1,687 --------------------------------- Total production 3,600 3,289 3,621 ================================= (a) Profit from continuing operations and includes profit after interest and tax of equity-accounted entities. (b) Refining availability is defined as the ratio of units which are available for processing, regardless of whether they are actually being used, to total capacity. Where there is planned maintenance, such capacity is not regarded as being available. During 2006, there was planned maintenance of a substantial part of the Texas City refinery. (c) The Global Indicator Refining Margin (GIM) is the average of regional indicator margins weighted for BP's crude refining capacity in each region. Each regional indicator margin is based on a single representative crude with product yields characteristic of the typical level of upgrading complexity. The regional indicator margins may not be representative of the margins achieved by BP in any period because of BP's particular refinery configurations and crude and product slate. Refining and Marketing ------------------- The replacement cost profit before interest and tax for the first quarter was $838 million compared with $1,612 million for the same period last year. The quarter's result included a net non-operating charge of $229 million, primarily in respect of asset impairments. This compares with a net non-operating gain of $564 million for the same period last year. Compared with the first quarter of 2006, our result benefited from a stronger operating environment for both refining and marketing. However, the benefit of higher refining throughput at Texas City during the quarter was more than offset by the impact of operational issues at a number of our other refineries, particularly in the US. In addition, the quarter's result reflects a significant IFRS fair value accounting charge, lower supply optimization benefits and greater integrity spend. The refining throughputs for the quarter were 2,232 mb/d compared with 2,022 mb/ d for the same quarter last year. The improvement in throughputs was mainly due to the partial resumption of operations at the Texas City refinery. Excluding the Texas City refinery, refining availability for the first quarter of 2007 was 94.6% compared with 96.0% in the first quarter of 2006. Marketing sales were 3,769 mb/d compared with 3,826 mb/d for the corresponding period in 2006, reflecting lower heating oil demand in Europe caused by relatively mild winter weather. On 31 March 2007, BP completed its acquisition of Chevron's Netherlands manufacturing company, Texaco Raffinaderij Pernis B.V., for $1.1 billion. BP agreed to sell, subject to required regulatory approvals, its Coryton Refinery in Essex, UK, to Petroplus Holdings AG for consideration of $1.4 billion, plus working capital. Furthermore, BP announced its intention to sell its ethyl acetate and vinyl acetate monomer manufacturing units at Saltend, near Hull, UK. BP announced it had selected the University of California Berkeley, and its partners the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, to join in the previously announced $500 million research programme to explore how bioscience can be used to increase energy production and reduce the impact of energy consumption on the environment. Late in the quarter, operational issues at the Whiting Refinery have reduced throughput to around 200,000 barrels per day, about half its capacity, and limited the crude slate to primarily sweet grades. This will continue until we complete the necessary repairs. Gas, Power and Renewables ----------------------- First Fourth First Quarter Quarter Quarter 2007 2006 2006 =============================== Profit before interest and tax(a) 206 468 238 Inventory holding (gains) losses - 2 63 ------------------------------- Replacement cost profit before interest and tax 206 470 301 =============================== By region: UK 48 147 (72) Rest of Europe 7 143 1 US 26 114 178 Rest of World 125 66 194 ------------------------------- 206 470 301 =============================== Results include: Non-operating items UK 7 56 (55) Rest of Europe - 189 - US 1 - - Rest of World 1 (30) - ------------------------------- 9 215 (55) =============================== (a) Profit from continuing operations and includes profit after interest and tax of equity-accounted entities. The replacement cost profit before interest and tax for the first quarter was $206 million compared with $301 million a year ago. The non-operating gain for the first quarter comprises fair value gains on embedded derivatives of $7 million and a net gain of $2 million on the sale of assets. The corresponding quarter in 2006 included a fair value loss of $55 million on embedded derivatives. The first quarter's result was significantly lower than the same period in 2006, primarily due to a lower contribution from the marketing and trading business, partially offset by strong operating performance from the NGL's business, particularly in Canada, a positive impact in respect of non-operating items and a benefit due to the absence of last year's IFRS fair value accounting charge. In March, BP Solar began construction of two mega cell plants, one at its European headquarters in Madrid, Spain and the second at its joint venture facility, Tata BP Solar, in Bangalore, India. Also, we expect to begin construction of a wind power generation project in India and five wind power generation projects in the US, located in California, Colorado, North Dakota and Texas, in 2007. These projects are expected to deliver a combined generation capacity of more than 500 megawatts. During the quarter, China's first LNG terminal at Guangdong (BP 30%) reached the milestone of receiving 1 million tonnes of LNG, which is supplied to power, industrial and residential customers in Southeast China. Other Businesses and Corporate -------------------------- First Fourth First Quarter Quarter Quarter 2007 2006 2006 =============================== $ million Profit (loss) before interest and tax(a) (115) (265) (215) Inventory holding (gains) losses (1) (11) (2) ------------------------------- Replacement cost profit (loss) before interest and tax (116) (276) (217) =============================== By region: UK (46) 280 (141) Rest of Europe 21 (97) (3) US (114) (319) (104) Rest of World 23 (140) 31 ------------------------------- (116) (276) (217) =============================== Results include: Non-operating items UK - 13 - Rest of Europe 28 (2) - US 6 (199) 9 Rest of World - - - ------------------------------- 34 (188) 9 =============================== (a) Profit from continuing operations and includes profit after interest and tax of equity-accounted entities. Other businesses and corporate comprises Finance, the group's aluminium asset, interest income and costs relating to corporate activities. The first quarter's result includes a net gain of $34 million in respect of non-operating items. Cautionary Statement: The foregoing discussion contains forward looking statements particularly those regarding capital expenditure, production and the construction of wind power generation projects and their expected combined generation capacity. By their nature, forward looking statements involve risk and uncertainty and actual results may differ from those expressed in such statements depending on a variety of factors including the following: the timing of bringing new fields on stream; industry product supply; demand and pricing; operational problems; general economic conditions; political stability and economic growth in relevant areas of the world; changes in laws and governmental regulations; exchange rate fluctuations; development and use of new technology; the success or otherwise of partnering; the actions of competitors; natural disasters and adverse weather conditions; changes in public expectations and other changes to business conditions; wars and acts of terrorism or sabotage; and other factors discussed in this Announcement. For more information you should refer to our Annual Report and Accounts 2006 and our 2006 Annual Report on Form 20-F filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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