Prod Report Q/E 30/6/2002

BHP Billiton Limited 26 July 2002 BHP Billiton Limited is issuing this announcement to fulfil disclosure obligations arising from its secondary listing on the London Stock Exchange. The text of this release is identical to that issued by BHP Billiton Plc earlier. 26th July 2002 Number 43/02 BHP BILLITON PRODUCTION REPORT FOR THE QUARTER ENDED 30 JUNE 2002 BHP Billiton today released its production report for the quarter ended 30 June, 2002 • Aluminium production for the year of 992,000 tonnes was in line with last year. Increased production from Mozal (Mozambique) for the year (up 37 per cent) reflecting full commissioning of that operation, was offset by lower production from the Brazilian smelters mainly due to a government enforced power rationing program in place for the first half of the financial year. Aluminium production in the June 2002 quarter was five per cent higher than both the June 2001 and March 2002 quarters. • Alumina production for the year of 3.9 million tonnes was 34 per cent higher than 2001, reflecting the additional 56 per cent interest in Worsley (Australia) acquired in January 2001 combined with higher production rates achieved through Worsley's capacity creep program. Worsley has achieved consistent operation at or above nameplate capacity of 3.1 million tonnes per annum. Alumina production in the June 2002 quarter was in line with both the June 2001 and March 2002 quarters. • Copper production for the year of 824,300 tonnes was five per cent higher than 2001. Production in the June 2002 quarter was 14 percent above the March 2002 quarter, mainly due to higher production at Escondida reflecting fiscal year end ore inventory clean out and better than anticipated mill performance. This is a short-term aberration in copper output and does not interfere with the commitment to temporarily reduce output at Escondida and Tintaya by 250,000 tonnes over a 14 month period ending in December 2002 due to the deterioration of global copper markets. Reductions at Escondida and Tintaya were offset by the commencement of commercial production at Antamina (Peru) in October 2001. Escondida copper production for calendar 2002 will be slightly less than that achieved in 2001, despite the scheduled start-up of the Phase IV expansion in September 2002. • Iron Ore production for the year of 67.9 million tonnes (BHP Billiton share) was three per cent higher than 2001. Record West Australian iron ore production of 72.6 million tonnes (100 per cent terms) was seven per cent higher than 2001 due to increased demand for all products and success with marketing Yandi Lump. Samarco (Brazil) iron ore production was 5.6 million tonnes, which was 25 per cent lower than 2001 mainly due to lower market demand for pellets. Total iron ore production in the June 2002 quarter was in line with the June 2001 quarter and four per cent above the March 2002 quarter. • Metallurgical Coal production for the year of 35.5 million tonnes was four per cent lower than 2001. The decrease reflects the impact of the sell-down of BHP Billiton's interest in the CQCA and Gregory joint ventures (Australia) to Mitsubishi. This was partly offset by additional production from the newly integrated Blackwater mine (Australia). Production in the June 2002 quarter was 13 per cent lower than the June 2001 quarter, again largely due to the sell-down in Queensland. Illawarra (Australia) production of 7.1 million tonnes for the year was eight per cent higher than 2001. • Boodarie Iron production re-commenced in one train on 18 July, with the remaining three trains to be brought progressively back on line during the September quarter. No production was recorded at Boodarie Iron in the June 2002 quarter. • Nickel production for the year of 68,900 tonnes was 13 percent higher than 2001, reflecting the continued ramp-up of Cerro Matoso Line 2 (Colombia), which commenced production on 1 January 2001. Production at Yabulu (Australia) was in line with 2001. • Energy Coal production for the year of 82.8 million tonnes was 11 per cent less than 2001. South African production was 55.7 million tonnes, a decrease of nine per cent reflecting the divestment of Matla and Glisa, the scaling down of Rietspruit and a modest reduction in export production in response to reduced market demand. US production was 13.3 million tonnes, a decrease of 11 per cent reflecting reduced production at San Juan Coal Company in response to reduced customer demand. South Africa production in the June 2002 quarter was one per cent higher than the March 2002 quarter due to higher domestic demand (Eskom). During the course of the June quarter, as previously announced, BHP Billiton also closed Rietspruit and Blinkpan. • Oil and Condensate production for the year of 78.5 million barrels was one per cent lower than 2001. Natural field decline at Griffin (Australia) and Bass Strait (Australia) was partially offset by the completion of repairs to Scindian-3 flowline, the Griffin-9 infill program and the success of the West Tuna infill. In addition, the start up of Typhoon (US) in July 2001 added 5.5 million barrels which partly offset lower production volumes as a result of the sale of the Buffalo (Australia) oil field. Oil and condensate production in the June 2002 quarter was seven per cent higher than the June 2001 quarter and in line with the March 2002 quarter. • Natural Gas production for the year of 283.5 billion cubic feet was eight per cent higher than 2001, mainly due to higher volumes from Liverpool Bay (UK) and the commencement of production at Zamzama (Pakistan) in March 2001 and Typhoon (US) in July 2001. Natural gas production was in line with the June 2001 quarter and seven per cent higher than the March 2002 quarter, mainly due to higher production at Bass Strait (Australia) due to seasonal factors. • Raw Steel production for the year of 5.3 million tonnes was two per cent less than 2001, reflecting production down-time associated with industrial action, planned maintenance and the reline of the New Zealand Steel melter. Raw Steel production in the June 2002 quarter was 13 per cent above the March 2002 quarter mainly due to industrial action, operational difficulties and the reline of New Zealand Steel melter occurring in the March quarter. Following the de-merger of BHP Steel from BHP Billiton in July 2002, future production reports will not include production information for raw steel. • EkatiTM Diamond production for the year of 3,650,000 carats was 155 per cent higher than 2001. The increase in production was mainly due to the acquisition of an additional 29 per cent interest in July 2001, higher grade on core production, and higher recoveries of lower quality diamonds. EkatiTM production in the June 2002 quarter was 140 per cent above the June 2001 quarter, reflecting the factors outlined above. **** Further information can be found on our Internet site: Australia United Kingdom Andrew Nairn, Investor Relations Mark Lidiard, Investor & Media Relations Tel: +61 3 9609 3952 Mobile: +61 408 313 259 Tel: +44 20 7747 3956 email: email: Mandy Frostick, Media Relations South Africa Tel: +61 3 9609 4157 Mobile: +61 419 546 245 Michael Campbell, Investor & Media Relations email: Tel: +27 11 376 3360 Mobile: +27 82 458 2587 email: United States Francis McAllister, Investor Relations Tel: +1 713 961 8625 Mobile: +1 713 480 3699 email: BHP BILLITON PRODUCTION SUMMARY QUARTER ENDED YEAR ENDED % CHANGE JUNE Q02 JUNE Q02 FY02 JUNE MARCH JUNE JUNE JUNE vs vs vs 2001 2001 2002 2002 2001 JUNE Q01 MAR Q02 FY01 ALUMINIUM Alumina ('000 998 996 1,018 3,942 2,938 2% 2% 34% tonnes) Aluminium ('000 250 250 263 992 984 5% 5% 1% tonnes) BASE METALS Copper ('000 200.2 187.6 213.5 824.3 784.9 7% 14% 5% tonnes) Lead (tonnes) 55,681 64,064 64,768 236,066 206,194 16% 1% 14% Zinc (tonnes) 30,846 47,174 38,942 162,520 121,749 26% -17% 33% Gold (ounces) 68,992 67,089 74,321 289,764 218,976 8% 11% 32% Silver ('000 8,302 11,284 11,540 40,750 31,729 39% 2% 28% ounces) Molybdenum (tonnes) 125 121 232 658 385 86% 92% 71% CARBON STEEL MATERIALS Iron ore ('000 17,074 16,464 17,080 67,907 65,858 0% 4% 3% tonnes) Metallurgical coal ('000 10,802 8,989 9,359 35,532 37,141 -13% 4% -4% tonnes) Manganese ores ('000 936 891 784 3,535 3,774 -16% -12% -6% tonnes) Manganese alloys ('000 136 166 169 619 644 24% 2% -4% tonnes) Hot briquetted iron ('000 276 277 - 1,047 848 -100% -100% 24% tonnes) STAINLESS STEEL MATERIALS Nickel ('000 16.8 17.8 17.7 68.9 60.8 5% -1% 13% tonnes) Chrome ores ('000 665 549 664 2,451 3,158 0% 21% -22% tonnes) Ferrochrome ('000 194 201 223 837 908 15% 11% -8% tonnes) ENERGY COAL ('000 23,134 19,236 20,571 82,835 92,807 -11% 7% -11% tonnes) PETROLEUM Crude oil and ('000 bbl) 18,378 19,644 19,732 78,519 79,109 7% 0% -1% condensate Natural gas (bcf) 71.64 66.30 70.66 283.47 261.83 -1% 7% 8% LPG ('000 175.60 161.20 180.43 697.56 673.82 3% 12% 4% tonnes) Ethane ('000 18.53 18.87 25.62 87.13 67.39 38% 36% 29% tonnes) BHP STEEL Raw steel ('000 1,328 1,251 1,411 5,306 5,432 6% 13% -2% tonnes) Marketable steel ('000 1,469 1,396 1,439 5,381 5,507 -2% 3% -2% products tonnes) EXPLOR'N, TECH & NEW BUS Diamonds ('000 427 932 1,023 3,650 1,429 140% 10% 155% carats) BHP BILLITON ATTRIBUTABLE PRODUCTION QUARTER ENDED YEAR ENDED BHP JUNE SEPT DEC MARCH JUNE JUNE JUNE Billiton Interest 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 2001 ALUMINIUM ALUMINA Production ('000 tonnes) Worsley (a) 86% 674 662 671 677 686 2,696 1,632 Suriname 45% 211 219 209 208 214 850 852 Alumar 36% 113 83 85 111 117 396 454 Total 998 964 965 996 1,018 3,942 2,938 ALUMINIUM Production ('000 tonnes) Hillside 100% 123 125 117 127 132 502 498 Bayside 100% 43 44 45 43 43 174 178 Alumar 46.3% 43 35 32 39 46 152 172 Valesul 45.5% 9 8 9 9 11 37 43 Mozal (b) 47% 32 32 32 31 32 127 93 Total 250 244 235 250 263 992 984 BASE METALS (c) COPPER Payable metal in concentrate ('000 tonnes) Escondida (d) 57.5% 89.1 89.3 80.1 75.3 94.4 339.1 402.7 Tintaya (d) 100% 20.1 20.9 22.9 0.8 0.2 44.9 84.9 Antamina (f) 33.8% - - 26.2 25.1 30.5 81.9 - Alumbrera (e) 25% 11.9 11.6 11.9 12.3 12.8 48.5 32.6 Highland Valley (e) 33.6% 14.1 16.1 15.6 14.2 16.1 62.1 44.9 Selbaie 100% 3.0 2.5 2.6 2.5 2.6 10.2 12.8 Total 138.1 140.4 159.3 130.3 156.6 586.6 578.0 Cathode ('000 tonnes) Escondida 57.5% 22.0 21.9 21.9 21.2 21.5 86.5 83.4 Cerro Colorado (e) 100% 33.8 34.3 33.8 31.3 31.3 130.8 96.7 Tintaya (d) 100% - - - - 1.3 1.3 - San Manuel 100% 2.3 2.3 2.2 1.8 - 6.3 10.3 Pinto Valley 100% 3.8 3.4 3.4 3.1 2.8 12.8 16.4 Total 62.0 62.0 61.4 57.4 56.9 237.7 206.9 LEAD Payable metal in concentrate (tonnes) Cannington 100% 54,271 52,879 51,914 63,172 63,799 231,764 200,328 Pering 100% 1,410 1,153 1,288 892 969 4,302 5,866 Total 55,681 54,032 53,202 64,064 64,768 236,066 206,194 ZINC Payable metal in concentate (tonnes) Cannington 100% 17,176 14,058 17,285 15,002 12,511 58,856 64,194 Antamina (f) 33.8% - - 16,010 18,825 13,518 48,353 - Selbaie 100% 8,275 9,684 7,896 8,495 8,121 34,196 36,646 Pering 100% 5,396 5,888 5,583 4,851 4,793 21,115 20,909 Total 30,846 29,630 46,774 47,174 38,942 162,520 121,749 Refer footnotes on page 5. BASE METALS (continued) GOLD Payable metal in concentrate (ounces) Escondida (d) 57.5% 10,302 10,641 12,166 11,837 17,694 52,338 49,597 Tintaya (d) 100% 7,693 10,249 11,500 503 - 22,252 24,424 Alumbrera (e) 25% 42,287 42,584 49,780 49,064 51,511 192,939 106,313 Selbaie 100% 8,711 6,519 4,914 5,685 5,117 22,235 38,643 Total 68,992 69,994 78,360 67,089 74,321 289,764 218,976 SILVER Payable metal in concentrate ('000 ounces) Cannington 100% 7,806 7,804 7,915 9,980 10,265 35,964 29,488 Antamina (f) 33.8% - - 690 565 512 1,767 - Alumbrera (e) 25.0% 57 42 71 68 56 237 145 Highland Valley (e) 33.6% 170 190 167 168 183 709 545 Selbaie 100% 268 384 662 504 524 2,073 1,550 Total 8,302 8,421 9,505 11,284 11,540 40,750 31,729 MOLYBDENUM Payable metal in concentrate (tonnes) Highland Valley (e) 33.6% 125 152 153 121 232 658 385 CARBON STEEL MATERIALS IRON ORE Production ('000 tonnes) Mt Newman Joint 85% 5,239 5,973 6,423 5,565 5,413 23,374 20,950 Venture Goldsworthy Joint 85% 1,788 1,656 1,667 1,434 1,690 6,447 6,601 Venture Yandi Joint Venture 85% 6,882 7,046 6,933 6,614 6,663 27,256 26,156 Jimblebar 100% 1,272 1,182 1,332 1,211 1,476 5,201 4,643 Samarco 50% 1,893 1,223 928 1,640 1,838 5,629 7,508 Total 17,074 17,080 17,283 16,464 17,080 67,907 65,858 METALLURGICAL COAL (h) Production ('000 tonnes) CQCA Joint Venture 50% 4,064 4,002 3,908 5,156 5,001 18,067 15,338 (i) South Blackwater 50% - 670 524 - - 1,194 - (j) Gregory Joint 50% 960 486 408 861 685 2,440 3,626 Venture (i) BHP Mitsui Coal (k) 80% 1,802 1,823 1,467 1,707 1,746 6,743 6,419 QCT Resources (l) 50% 2,087 - - - - - 5,184 Illawarra 100% 1,889 2,055 1,841 1,265 1,927 7,088 6,574 Total 10,802 9,035 8,149 8,989 9,359 35,532 37,141 MANGANESE ORES Saleable production ('000 tonnes) South Africa (m) 60% 490 467 501 424 475 1,867 2,162 Australia (m) 60% 446 505 387 467 309 1,668 1,612 Total 936 973 888 891 784 3,535 3,774 Refer footnotes on page 5. CARBON STEEL MATERIALS (cont'd) MANGANESE ALLOYS Saleable production ('000 tonnes) South Africa (m) 60% 85 69 101 115 121 406 398 Australia (m) 60% 51 50 63 51 48 212 246 Total 136 119 165 166 169 619 644 HOT BRIQUETTED IRON Production ('000 tonnes) BoodarieTM Iron (n) 100% 276 386 384 277 - 1,047 848 STAINLESS STEEL MATERIALS NICKEL Production ('000 tonnes) CMSA 99.8% 9.1 9.6 10.4 10.5 9.9 40.4 31.8 Yabulu 100% 7.7 6.3 7.1 7.3 7.8 28.5 29.0 Total 16.8 15.9 17.5 17.8 17.7 68.9 60.8 CHROME ORES Saleable production ('000 tonnes) South Africa (m) 60% 665 629 609 549 664 2,451 3,158 FERROCHROME Saleable production ('000 tonnes) South Africa (m) 60% 194 207 206 201 223 837 908 ENERGY COAL Production ('000 tonnes) South Africa 100% 14,571 14,538 13,724 13,633 13,815 55,710 61,322 USA 100% 3,890 3,106 3,170 3,266 3,703 13,245 14,925 Australia 100% 1,329 1,173 863 1,129 1,390 4,555 5,303 Indonesia (o) 80% 2,291 2,450 1,778 186 208 4,622 8,426 Colombia (p) 33% 1,053 1,138 1,088 1,022 1,455 4,703 2,831 Total 23,134 22,405 20,623 19,236 20,571 82,835 92,807 PETROLEUM Production Crude oil & (000 bbl) 18,378 19,505 19,638 19,644 19,732 78,519 79,109 condensate Natural gas (bcf) 71.64 71.05 75.47 66.30 70.66 283.47 261.83 LPG ('000 175.60 182.92 173.01 161.20 180.43 697.56 673.82 tonnes) Ethane ('000 18.53 24.05 18.59 18.87 25.62 87.13 67.39 tonnes) BHP STEEL Production ('000 tonnes) Raw steel 100% 1,328 1,382 1,262 1,251 1,411 5,306 5,432 Marketable steel 100% 1,469 1,377 1,169 1,396 1,439 5,381 5,507 products Refer footnotes on page 5. EXPLORATION, TECH & NEW BUSINESS DIAMONDS Production ('000 carats) EkatiTM (q) 80% 427 767 928 932 1,023 3,650 1,429 (a) Interest in Worsley increased from 30% to 86% effective January 2001. (b) Mozal produced its first metal in June 2000 and achieved full commissioning of its 253,000 tpa capacity in December 2000. (c) Metal production is reported on the basis of payable metal. (d) Sulphide production at Escondida and Tintaya was temporarily reduced in November 2001 and January 2002 respectively due to weak market conditions. Commercial production of copper cathode commenced at Tintaya in June 2002. (e) Included from 1 October 2000, the effective date of the acquisition of Rio Algom. (f) Antamina commenced commercial production in October 2001. (g) San Manuel SXEW operations closed in March 2002. (h) Coal production is reported on the basis of saleable product. Production figures include some thermal coal. (i) BHP Billiton interest is 50% from 28 June 2001 (previously CQCA joint venture 52.1% and Gregory joint venture 64.14%). (j) BHP Billiton acquired its share of South Blackwater in July 2001. South Blackwater is equally owned by BHP Billiton and Mitsubishi Development Pty Ltd. Effective January 2002, South Blackwater production is reported in CQCA Joint Venture. (k) Shown on 100% basis before 20% outside equity interest. (l) Production reported represents BHP Billiton's 50% equity interest in MetCoal Holdings. MetCoal Holdings is equally owned by BHP Billiton and Mitsubishi Development Pty Ltd and acquired QCT Resources Limited (QCT) in November 2000. In June 2001, Mitsubishi acquired the balance of the shares in QCT from BHP Billiton. (m) Shown on 100% basis. BHP Billiton interest in saleable production is 60%. (n) On 26 March BHP Billiton announced that it had declared 'force majeure' on sales contracts and some supply contracts at the Boodarie Iron plant. The declaration followed suspension of work at the plant following a tube failure in a gas re-heating furnace. The plant is progressively being brought back on-line commencing in July. (o) Production shown on 86.5% basis after allowing for Indonesian state owned corporation's 13.5% share of production. BHP Billiton sold its interest in the Senakin and Satui mines effective 30 November 2001. (p) Carbonnes del Cerrejon (BHP Billiton 33.3%) and Cerrejon Zona Norte (BHP Billiton 16.7%) were acquired in September 2000 and November 2000 respectively. BHP Billiton increased its interest in CZN to 33.3% effective February 2002. (q) Interest in EkatiTM increased from 51% to 80% effective July 2001. PRODUCTION AND SHIPMENT REPORT QUARTER ENDED YEAR ENDED JUNE SEPT DEC MARCH JUNE JUNE JUNE 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 2001 ALUMINIUM BHP Billiton attributable production and sales unless otherwise stated. ('000 tonnes) ALUMINA Production Worsley, Australia (a) 674 662 671 677 686 2,696 1,632 Paranam, Suriname 211 219 209 208 214 850 852 Alumar, Brazil 113 83 85 111 117 396 454 Total 998 964 965 996 1,018 3,942 2,938 Sales Worsley, Australia (a) 725 692 638 656 689 2,676 1,503 Paranam, Suriname 186 224 221 205 197 847 818 Alumar, Brazil 116 79 88 101 106 374 462 Total 1,027 995 947 962 993 3,897 2,783 (a) Interest in Worsley increased from 30% to 86% effective January 2001. ALUMINIUM Production Hillside, South 123 125 117 127 132 502 498 Africa Bayside, South 43 44 45 43 43 174 178 Africa Alumar, Brazil 43 35 32 39 46 152 172 Valesul, Brazil 9 8 9 9 11 37 43 Mozal, Mozambique (b) 32 32 32 31 32 127 93 Total 250 244 235 250 263 992 984 Sales Hillside, South 124 123 117 128 131 499 498 Africa Bayside, South 50 43 43 42 53 181 179 Africa Alumar, Brazil 45 34 33 38 45 150 171 Valesul, Brazil 12 8 8 10 11 36 41 Mozal, Mozambique (b) 33 32 32 31 34 129 90 Total 264 240 233 249 274 995 979 (b) Mozal produced its first metal in June 2000 and achieved full commissioning of its 253,000 tpa capacity in December 2000. PRODUCTION AND SHIPMENT REPORT QUARTER ENDED YEAR ENDED JUNE SEPT DEC MARCH JUNE JUNE JUNE 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 2001 BASE METALS BHP Billiton attributable production and sales unless otherwise stated. Metals production is payable metal unless otherwise stated. Escondida, Chile (a) Material mined (100%) ('000 77,115 85,344 84,821 80,401 77,244 327,809 304,800 tonnes) Sulphide ore milled ('000 10,650 11,205 10,060 10,452 11,311 43,028 45,671 (100%) tonnes) Average copper grade (%) 1.82% 1.75% 1.72% 1.53% 1.74% 1.69% 1.89% Production ex Mill ('000 159.5 162.0 144.4 134.9 170.3 611.5 725.8 (100%) tonnes) Production Payable copper ('000 89.1 89.3 80.1 75.3 94.4 339.1 402.7 tonnes) Payable gold (fine 10,302 10,641 12,166 11,837 17,694 52,338 49,597 concentrate ounces) Copper cathode (SXEW) ('000 22.0 21.9 21.9 21.2 21.5 86.5 83.4 tonnes) Sales Payable copper ('000 88.3 83.8 87.0 77.0 85.3 333.0 400.4 tonnes) Payable gold (fine 9,780 8,729 12,386 10,806 17,004 48,925 49,024 concentrate ounces) Copper cathode (SXEW) ('000 23.1 22.9 18.0 24.6 22.7 88.1 86.8 tonnes) (a) Sulphide production at Escondida was temporarily reduced in November 2001 due to weak market conditions. Tintaya, Peru (a) (b) Material mined ('000 16,447 17,600 14,115 396 - 32,111 64,130 tonnes) Ore milled ('000 1,508 1,640 1,569 71 - 3,280 6,301 tonnes) Average copper grade (%) 1.56% 1.58% 1.72% 1.64% 0.00% 1.65% 1.54% Production Payable copper ('000 20.1 20.9 22.9 0.8 0.2 44.9 84.9 tonnes) Payable gold (fine 7,693 10,249 11,500 503 - 22,252 24,424 concentrate ounces) Copper cathode (SXEW) ('000 1.3 1.3 tonnes) Sales Payable copper ('000 32.0 19.2 17.8 8.8 0.0 45.9 86.3 tonnes) Payable gold (fine 10,350 9,745 9,546 5,452 212 24,955 26,418 concentrate ounces) Copper cathode (SXEW) ('000 1.9 1.9 tonnes) (a) Sulphide production at Tintaya was temporarily reduced in January 2002 due to weak market conditions. (b) Commercial production of copper cathode commenced in June 2002. Cerro Colorado, Chile (a) Material mined ('000 14,177 13,595 16,677 15,348 18,628 64,248 42,476 tonnes) Ore milled ('000 3,546 3,516 3,864 3,698 3,581 14,659 10,289 tonnes) Average copper grade (%) 1.09% 1.06% 1.13% 1.03% 1.00% 1.06% 1.09% Production Copper cathode ('000 33.8 34.3 33.8 31.3 31.3 130.8 96.7 tonnes) Sales Copper cathode ('000 33.6 33.8 31.7 33.9 34.5 133.9 96.7 tonnes) (a) Cerro Colorado (BHP Billiton 100%) included from 1 October 2000, the effective date of the acquisition of Rio Algom. Antamina, Peru (a) Material mined (100%) ('000 19,970 20,548 28,990 69,508 tonnes) Ore milled (100%) ('000 6,318 6,309 7,250 19,877 tonnes) Average head grades - Copper (%) 1.42% 1.31% 1.43% 1.39% - Zinc (%) 1.35% 1.44% 0.93% 1.23% Production Payable copper ('000 26.2 25.1 30.5 81.9 tonnes) Payable zinc (tonnes) 16,010 18,825 13,518 48,353 Payable silver ('000 690 565 512 1,767 ounces) Sales Payable copper ('000 28.7 28.8 28.6 86.2 tonnes) Payable zinc (tonnes) 9,283 23,028 15,009 47,320 Payable silver ('000 748 595 489 1,832 ounces) (a) BHP Billiton acquired its 33.8% interest in Antamina in October 2000 as part of the acquisition of Rio Algom. Commercial production commenced on 1 October 2001. Alumbrera, Argentina (a) Material mined (100%) ('000 27,182 29,545 28,635 25,430 26,524 110,134 80,834 tonnes) Ore milled (100%) ('000 7,445 7,516 7,142 7,146 7,575 29,379 21,583 tonnes) Average head grades - Copper (%) 0.74% 0.70% 0.74% 0.76% 0.73% 0.73% 0.70% - Gold (g/t) 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.9 Production Payable copper ('000 11.9 11.6 11.9 12.3 12.8 48.5 32.6 tonnes) Payable gold (fine 40,004 40,370 46,987 45,421 46,537 179,315 100,743 ounces) Payable gold - dore (fine 2,283 2,214 2,793 3,644 4,973 13,624 5,569 ounces) Payable silver ('000 57 42 71 68 56 237 145 ounces) Sales Payable copper ('000 14.2 9.8 13.1 12.7 11.6 47.2 32.1 tonnes) Payable gold (fine 45,999 34,461 48,223 47,261 36,874 166,819 100,453 ounces) Payable gold - dore (fine 2,138 2,009 1,829 3,710 4,466 12,014 5,978 ounces) Payable silver ('000 57 42 71 67 56 236 144 ounces) (a) Alumbrera (BHP Billiton 25%) included from 1 October 2000, the effective date of the acquisition of Rio Algom. Highland Valley, Canada (a) Material mined (100%) ('000 18,988 19,910 20,883 18,322 18,522 77,637 59,295 tonnes) Ore milled (100%) ('000 11,355 12,841 12,912 11,778 12,224 49,755 36,294 tonnes) Average copper grade (%) 0.43% 0.43% 0.42% 0.42% 0.43% 0.42% 0.43% Production Payable copper ('000 14.1 16.1 15.6 14.2 16.1 62.1 44.9 tonnes) Payable molybdenum ('000 0.12 0.15 0.15 0.12 0.23 0.66 0.38 tonnes) Payable silver ('000 170 190 167 168 183 709 545 ounces) Sales Payable copper ('000 13.6 17.5 18.8 11.6 14.9 62.7 42.2 tonnes) Payable molybdenum ('000 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.17 0.22 0.67 0.52 tonnes) Payable silver ('000 163 204 219 133 173 729 505 ounces) (a) Highland Valley (BHP Billiton 33.6%) included from 1 October 2000, the effective date of the acquisition of Rio Algom. Cannington, Australia Material mined ('000 507 543 555 569 574 2,240 1,861 tonnes) Ore milled ('000 490 496 538 567 575 2,176 1,781 tonnes) Average head grades - Silver (g/t) 577 598 567 619 675 616 599 - Lead (%) 13.2% 13.2% 12.1% 12.7% 13.6% 12.9% 13.3% - Zinc (%) 5.5% 4.8% 5.3% 4.6% 3.9% 4.6% 5.4% Production Payable silver ('000 7,806 7,804 7,915 9,980 10,265 35,964 29,488 ounces) Payable lead (tonnes) 54,271 52,879 51,914 63,172 63,799 231,764 200,328 Payable zinc (tonnes) 17,176 14,058 17,285 15,002 12,511 58,856 64,194 Sales Payable silver ('000 8,681 7,231 8,045 9,383 10,788 35,448 30,359 ounces) Payable lead (tonnes) 61,243 49,423 52,577 59,712 67,650 229,362 206,306 Payable zinc (tonnes) 17,496 13,220 17,850 19,105 14,761 64,935 63,026 Selbaie, Canada Ore milled ('000 896 1,006 1,029 1,012 1,016 4,063 4,009 tonnes) Average head grades - Zinc (%) 1.42% 1.51% 1.29% 1.32% 1.26% 1.34% 1.53% - Copper (%) 0.42% 0.34% 0.34% 0.33% 0.34% 0.34% 0.44% - Gold (g/t) 0.45 0.34 0.24 0.26 0.25 0.27 0.48 - Silver (g/t) 18.14 25.00 37.23 29.10 28.99 30.12 25.17 Production Payable zinc (tonnes) 8,275 9,684 7,896 8,495 8,121 34,196 36,646 Payable copper (tonnes) 2,967 2,477 2,616 2,452 2,642 10,186 12,815 Payable gold (ounces) 8,711 6,519 4,914 5,685 5,117 22,235 38,643 concentrate Payable silver ('000 268 384 662 504 524 2,073 1,550 ounces) Sales Payable zinc (tonnes) 8,406 9,959 7,932 8,400 7,877 34,167 36,685 Payable copper (tonnes) 3,040 3,196 2,615 2,605 2,459 10,876 12,666 Payable gold (ounces) 8,207 8,112 8,002 5,048 5,142 26,304 36,444 concentrate Payable silver ('000 405 284 321 605 573 1,783 1,879 ounces) Pering, South Africa Ore milled ('000 345 339 342 330 338 1,349 1,343 tonnes) Average head grades - Zinc (%) 2.09% 2.02% 1.90% 1.73% 1.85% 1.89% 2.09% - Lead (%) 0.60% 0.49% 0.54% 0.42% 0.52% 0.50% 0.63% Production Payable zinc (tonnes) 5,396 5,888 5,583 4,851 4,793 21,115 20,909 Payable lead (tonnes) 1,410 1,153 1,288 892 969 4,302 5,866 Sales Payable zinc (tonnes) 5,063 4,932 4,859 4,745 3,667 18,203 20,149 Payable lead (tonnes) 1,493 1,366 1,217 1,298 729 4,610 6,028 San Manuel, USA (a) Production Copper cathode (SXEW) ('000 2.3 2.3 2.2 1.8 - 6.3 10.3 tonnes) (a) San Manuel SXEW operations closed in March 2002. Pinto Valley, USA Production Copper cathode (SXEW) ('000 3.8 3.4 3.4 3.1 2.8 12.8 16.4 tonnes) PRODUCTION AND SHIPMENT REPORT QUARTER ENDED YEAR ENDED JUNE SEPT DEC MARCH JUNE JUNE JUNE 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 2001 CARBON STEEL MATERIALS BHP Billiton attributable production and sales unless otherwise stated. ('000 tonnes) IRON ORE (a) Pilbara, Australia Production Mt Newman Joint 5,239 5,973 6,423 5,565 5,413 23,374 20,950 Venture Goldsworthy Joint 1,788 1,656 1,667 1,434 1,690 6,447 6,601 Venture Yandi Joint Venture 6,882 7,046 6,933 6,614 6,663 27,256 26,156 Jimblebar 1,272 1,182 1,332 1,211 1,476 5,201 4,643 Total (BHP Billiton 15,181 15,858 16,355 14,824 15,242 62,279 58,350 share) Total production 17,636 18,448 19,006 17,194 17,984 72,351 67,828 (100%) Shipments Lump 3,823 3,729 3,483 3,316 4,151 14,679 15,443 Fines 11,545 12,334 12,025 11,083 10,517 45,959 45,156 Total (BHP Billiton 15,368 16,063 15,508 14,399 14,668 60,638 60,599 share) Total shipments (100%) 18,080 18,897 18,245 16,940 17,256 71,338 71,290 (a) Iron ore production and shipments are reported on a wet tonnes basis. Samarco, Brazil Production 1,893 1,223 928 1,640 1,838 5,629 7,508 Shipments 1,460 1,156 1,440 1,705 1,768 6,069 6,979 METALLURGICAL COAL (a) Queensland, Australia Production CQCA Joint Venture (b) Blackwater 1,130 977 1,305 1,892 1,669 5,843 4,328 Goonyella 1,122 986 850 1,036 904 3,776 3,978 Peak Downs 779 885 730 1,028 1,185 3,828 3,129 Saraji 530 627 528 676 716 2,547 2,075 Norwich Park 503 527 495 524 527 2,073 1,828 CQCA total 4,064 4,002 3,908 5,156 5,001 18,067 15,338 South Blackwater (c) - 670 524 - - 1,194 - Gregory Joint Venture (b) 960 486 408 861 685 2,440 3,626 BHP Mitsui Coal (d) Riverside 966 917 649 907 928 3,402 3,272 South Walker Creek 836 906 817 800 818 3,341 3,147 BHP Mitsui Coal total 1,802 1,823 1,467 1,707 1,746 6,743 6,419 Queensland total 6,826 6,980 6,307 7,724 7,432 28,444 25,383 Shipments Coking coal 4,813 4,804 4,011 4,799 5,252 18,866 18,437 Weak coking coal 1,245 1,592 1,674 1,604 1,124 5,995 4,914 Thermal coal 624 631 704 764 734 2,833 2,388 Total 6,682 7,027 6,390 7,167 7,110 27,694 25,739 (a) Coal production is reported on the basis of saleable product. Production figures include some thermal coal. (b) BHP Billiton interest is 50% from 28 June 2001 (previously CQCA joint venture 52.1% and Gregory joint venture 64.14%). (c) BHP Billiton acquired its share of South Blackwater in July 2001. South Blackwater is equally owned by BHP Billiton and Mitsubishi Development Pty Ltd. Effective Jauary 2002, South Blackwater production is included in Blackwater. (d) BHP Mitsui Coal production shown on 100% basis before 20% outside equity interest. QCT Resources, Australia (a) Production CQCA 1,263 - - - - - 3,088 Gregory Joint Venture 242 - - - - - 628 South Blackwater 582 - - - - - 1,468 Total 2,087 - - - - - 5,184 Shipments Coking coal 1,476 - - - - - 3,985 Weak coking coal 231 - - - - - 604 Thermal coal 268 - - - - - 722 Total 1,975 - - - - - 5,311 (a) Production and shipments reported represents BHP Billiton's 50% equity interest in MetCoal Holdings. MetCoal Holdings is equally owned by BHP Billiton and Mitsubishi Development Pty Ltd and acquired QCT Resources Limited (QCT) in November 2000. In June 2001, Mitsubishi acquired the balance of the shares in QCT from BHP Billiton. Illawarra, Australia Production 1,889 2,055 1,841 1,265 1,927 7,088 6,574 Shipments Coking coal 1,686 1,457 1,655 1,555 1,543 6,210 5,934 Thermal coal 246 136 94 49 268 547 606 Total 1,932 1,593 1,749 1,604 1,811 6,757 6,540 MANGANESE ORES South Africa Saleable production (a) 490 467 501 424 475 1,867 2,162 (a) Shown on 100% basis, BHP Billiton interest in saleable production is 60%. Australia Saleable production (a) 446 505 387 467 309 1,668 1,612 (a) Shown on 100% basis, BHP Billiton interest in saleable production is 60%. MANGANESE ALLOYS South Africa Saleable production (a) 85 69 101 115 121 406 398 (a) Shown on 100% basis, BHP Billiton interest in saleable production is 60%. Australia Saleable production (a) 51 50 63 51 48 212 246 (a) Shown on 100% basis, BHP Billiton interest in saleable production is 60%. HOT BRIQUETTED IRON BoodarieTM Iron, Australia (a) Production 276 386 384 277 - 1,047 848 Shipments 342 358 302 391 93 1,144 741 (a) Refer footnote (n) on page 5. PRODUCTION AND SHIPMENT REPORT QUARTER ENDED YEAR ENDED JUNE SEPT DEC MARCH JUNE JUNE JUNE 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 2001 STAINLESS STEEL MATERIALS BHP Billiton attributable production and sales unless otherwise stated. ('000 tonnes) NICKEL CMSA, Colombia Production 9.1 9.6 10.4 10.5 9.9 40.4 31.8 Sales 10.2 9.1 10.4 10.5 11.6 41.6 30.9 Yabulu, Australia Production Nickel 7.7 6.3 7.1 7.3 7.8 28.5 29.0 Cobalt 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.4 1.7 1.8 Sales Nickel 8.2 7.7 6.9 7.3 7.1 29.0 27.3 Cobalt 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.9 1.6 CHROME ORES South Africa Saleable production (a) 665 629 609 549 664 2,451 3,158 (a) Shown on 100% basis, BHP Billiton interest in saleable production is 60%. FERROCHROME South Africa Saleable production (a) 194 207 206 201 223 837 908 (a) Shown on 100% basis, BHP Billiton interest in saleable production is 60%. PRODUCTION AND SHIPMENT REPORT QUARTER ENDED YEAR ENDED JUNE SEPT DEC MARCH JUNE JUNE JUNE 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 2001 ENERGY COAL BHP Billiton attributable production and sales unless otherwise stated. ('000 tonnes) Ingwe, South Africa Production 14,571 14,538 13,724 13,633 13,815 55,710 61,322 Sales Export 6,557 6,289 6,083 5,605 5,744 23,721 25,779 Local utility 6,821 7,477 6,780 6,979 7,767 29,003 31,149 Inland 1,110 1,092 1,111 835 742 3,780 5,007 Total 14,488 14,858 13,974 13,418 14,253 56,503 61,935 New Mexico, USA Production Navajo Coal 2,170 1,694 1,682 1,801 2,030 7,207 7,671 San Juan Coal 1,720 1,412 1,488 1,465 1,673 6,038 7,254 Total 3,890 3,106 3,170 3,266 3,703 13,245 14,925 Sales - local utility 3,434 3,407 3,489 2,882 3,469 13,247 14,350 Hunter Valley, Australia Production 1,329 1,173 863 1,129 1,390 4,555 5,303 Sales Export 1,201 604 571 904 1,056 3,135 4,025 Inland 399 398 378 342 337 1,455 1,422 Total 1,600 1,002 949 1,246 1,393 4,590 5,447 Kalimantan, Indonesia Production (a) Senakin (b) 1,099 1,161 801 - - 1,962 3,978 Satui (b) 981 1,068 777 - - 1,845 3,596 Petangis 211 221 201 186 208 815 852 Total 2,291 2,450 1,778 186 208 4,622 8,426 Sales - export 2,308 2,312 1,684 242 243 4,481 8,374 (a) Reported on 86.5% basis after allowing for the Indonesian state-owned corporation's 13.5% share of all production. (b) BHP Billiton sold its interest in Senakin and Satui effective 30 November 2001. CDC & CZN, Colombia (a) Production 1,053 1,138 1,088 1,022 1,455 4,703 2,831 Sales - export 959 1,098 688 971 1,144 3,901 2,737 (a) Carbonnes del Cerrejon (BHP Billiton 33.3%) and Cerrejon Zona Norte (BHP Billiton 16.7%) were acquired in September 2000 and November 2000 respectively. BHP Billiton increased its interest in CZN to 33.3% effective February 2002. PRODUCTION AND SHIPMENT REPORT QUARTER ENDED YEAR ENDED JUNE SEPT DEC MARCH JUNE JUNE JUNE 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 2001 PETROLEUM BHP Billiton attributable production unless otherwise stated. Figures in italics indicate adjustments made since the figure was previously reported. CRUDE OIL & CONDENSATE ('000 barrels) Bass Strait 6,946 7,400 7,197 6,593 6,786 27,976 28,839 North West Shelf - condensate 1,239 1,331 1,310 1,525 1,466 5,633 4,848 North West Shelf - Wanaea/Cossack 1,757 1,652 1,919 1,851 1,892 7,314 7,144 Laminaria 3,076 3,001 2,569 1,958 2,200 9,728 14,853 Buffalo (a) - - - - - - 1,520 Griffin 1,194 1,037 863 1,971 1,587 5,458 7,140 Pakistan (b) 14 17 19 20 18 74 17 Typhoon (c) - 835 1,443 1,507 1,754 5,539 - Americas 958 918 810 917 861 3,506 3,669 Liverpool Bay 2,516 2,830 2,868 2,770 2,574 11,042 8,679 Bruce/Keith (d) 678 483 640 532 594 2,248 2,400 Total 18,378 19,505 19,638 19,644 19,732 78,519 79,109 NATURAL GAS (billion cubic feet) Bass Strait 26.75 29.76 23.14 17.18 26.77 96.86 96.40 North West Shelf - 3.81 3.68 3.73 3.45 2.86 13.73 13.51 Domestic North West Shelf - LNG 13.47 15.76 15.56 15.22 13.01 59.55 56.73 Griffin 0.84 1.45 1.25 0.92 0.34 3.97 3.14 Pakistan (b) 2.03 2.66 2.83 2.94 3.02 11.45 2.43 Typhoon (c) - 0.67 1.48 2.01 1.93 6.09 - Americas 5.52 5.41 4.69 4.40 4.63 19.13 21.30 Bruce 7.59 3.28 10.65 8.44 7.92 30.29 32.41 Keith (d) 0.25 0.19 0.27 0.11 0.16 0.72 0.60 Liverpool Bay 11.38 8.19 11.87 11.63 10.01 41.69 35.31 Total 71.64 71.05 75.47 66.30 70.66 283.47 261.83 LPG ('000 tonnes) Bass Strait 117.66 128.73 107.80 108.47 126.70 471.70 454.51 North West Shelf 31.65 36.32 35.53 33.33 35.08 140.26 124.26 Griffin - - - - - - 3.58 Bruce 24.85 16.51 28.50 18.73 17.49 81.23 86.15 Keith (d) 1.44 1.36 1.18 0.67 1.17 4.38 5.32 Total 175.60 182.92 173.01 161.20 180.43 697.56 673.82 ETHANE ('000 tonnes) 18.53 24.05 18.59 18.87 25.62 87.13 67.39 (a) Buffalo sold effective September 2000. (b) Zamzama extended well test commenced in March 2001. (c) Typhoon commenced production in July 2001. (d) Keith commenced production in November 2000. PRODUCTION AND SHIPMENT REPORT QUARTER ENDED YEAR ENDED JUNE SEPT DEC MARCH JUNE JUNE JUNE 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 2001 BHP STEEL BHP Billiton attributable production unless otherwise stated. ('000 tonnes) PRODUCTION Iron Sands NZS, New Zealand 478 397 464 395 363 1,619 2,187 Coke Port Kembla, Australia 643 661 620 626 643 2,550 2,436 Iron Port Kembla, Australia 1,269 1,262 1,191 1,144 1,263 4,860 4,975 Raw Steel Port Kembla, Australia 1,176 1,238 1,109 1,126 1,281 4,754 4,830 NZS, New Zealand 152 144 153 125 130 552 602 Total 1,328 1,382 1,262 1,251 1,411 5,306 5,432 Delta, Ohio (a) 197 196 196 202 206 800 766 Marketable Steel Products Flat Products Flat and Tinplate 1,183 1,183 1,054 1,103 1,184 4,524 4,671 products Coated Products Rolled and coated 474 533 400 489 451 1,873 1,931 products Flat and coated products (NZS) 135 137 117 128 135 517 536 Rolled and coated products 89 69 70 70 90 299 338 (offshore) Building products (includes 42 40 36 32 39 147 158 offshore) Total (b) 1,469 1,377 1,169 1,396 1,439 5,381 5,507 Delta, Ohio (a) 193 192 192 198 202 784 750 DESPATCHES (c) Business unit despatches Flat Products 1,294 1,128 996 1,164 1,134 4,422 4,704 Coated Products 813 746 657 648 695 2,746 2,902 Total (d) 1,587 1,296 1,153 1,386 1,397 5,232 5,342 External despatches Australia Domestic (e) 585 691 569 545 619 2,424 2,088 Export 757 387 391 653 551 1,982 2,359 New Zealand Domestic (e) 55 61 56 60 61 238 240 Export 97 83 67 58 76 284 297 Other offshore 93 74 70 70 90 304 358 Total 1,587 1,296 1,153 1,386 1,397 5,232 5,342 Delta, Ohio (a) 191 191 189 208 208 796 748 (a) Production and despatches reported is that proportion determined by BHP Steel's equity interest in North Star BHP LLC (50%). (b) Total excludes production for intra-business sales. Therefore, the total figure is less than the sum of the individual businesses. (c) Steel products only. Excludes pig iron and by-products. (d) Total excludes intra-business sales. Therefore, the total figure is less than the sum of the individual businesses. (e) Includes despatches to OneSteel Limited from 1 November 2000. PRODUCTION AND SHIPMENT REPORT QUARTER ENDED YEAR ENDED JUNE SEPT DEC MARCH JUNE JUNE JUNE 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 2001 EXPLORATION, TECHNOLOGY & NEW BUSINESS BHP Billiton attributable production and sales unless otherwise stated. DIAMONDS EkatiTM, Canada Production (a) ('000 427 767 928 932 1,023 3,650 1,429 carats) (a) Interest in EkatiTM increased from 51% to 80% effective July 2001. BHP Billiton Limited ABN 49 004 028 077 BHP Billiton Plc Registration number 3196209 Registered in Australia Registered in England and Wales Registered Office: 600 Bourke Street Melbourne Victoria Registered Office: 1-3 Strand London WC2N 5HA United Kingdom 3000 Telephone +44 20 7747 3800 Facsimile +44 20 7747 3900 Telephone +61 3 9609 3333 Facsimile +61 3 9609 3015 The BHP Billiton Group is headquartered in Australia This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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