Interim Results - Part 2

Barclays PLC 05 August 2005 PART 2 BARCLAYS PLC ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Basis of preparation The Group will adopt the requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards and International Accounting Standards (collectively IFRS) for the first time for the purpose of preparing financial statements for the year ending 31st December 2005. The Group issued an IFRS Transition Report on 11th May 2005 ('the Transition Report') that set out the restated 2004 comparatives and 2005 opening balance sheet and also provided the reconciliations required by IFRS and the provisional accounting policies expected to be applied in the preparation of the 2005 financial statements. As explained in the Transition Report, the next annual financial statements of the Group will be prepared in accordance with accounting standards issued by the International Accounting Standards Board and adopted by the European Union. The financial information in this Interim Results Announcement has been prepared in accordance with the basis of preparation and provisional accounting policies included in the Transition Report ('Basis of Preparation') except for the use of the fair value option as explained below. The accounting policies are consistent with those the Group intends to use in the next annual financial statements. As explained in the Basis of Preparation contained within the Transition Report there is, however, a possibility that some changes may be necessary when preparing the full annual financial statements for the first time in accordance with accounting standards issued by the International Accounting Standards Board and adopted by the European Union. The accounting standards and International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) interpretations that will be applicable, and adopted for use in the European Union at 31st December 2005, are not known with certainty at the time of preparing this financial information. The fair value option At present, the EU endorsed version of IAS 39 'Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement' does not permit non-trading financial liabilities to be designated at fair value through profit or loss. However, it is expected that the recent amendments to IAS 39 will result in the EU endorsing a revised version of the standard that will permit designations for both financial assets and liabilities in certain circumstances ('the fair value option'). The relevant transitional arrangements are expected to permit designations in accordance with the fair value option to be made as at 1st January 2005 for companies adopting IFRS from that date. The 2005 interim financial information has been prepared on the basis that the fair value option has been used in the following circumstances: a) Financial assets backing insurance contracts and financial assets backing investment contracts are designated at fair value through profit or loss because the related liabilities have cash flows that are contractually based on the performance of the assets or the related liabilities are insurance contracts whose measurement incorporates current information. Fair valuing the assets significantly reduces the recognition inconsistencies that would arise if the financial assets were classified as available for sale. b) Financial assets, loans to customers, financial liabilities and structured notes are designated at fair value through profit or loss where they contain substantive embedded derivatives or where doing so significantly reduces measurement inconsistencies that would arise if the related economic hedging derivatives were treated as held for trading and the underlying financial instruments were carried at amortised cost. BARCLAYS PLC ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Restatement of 1st January 2005 reconciliation as at 01.01.05 as previously published for use of the fair value option The reconciliations for 1st January 2005 and the 2005 opening balance sheet information provided in the Transition Report have been restated as follows: As at 01.01.05 As Restatement as previously for fair value per revised published option reconciliation Assets £m £m £m Cash and balances at central 3,238 - 3,238 banks Items in the course of collection from other banks 1,772 - 1,772 Trading portfolio assets 113,241 (3,208) 110,033 Financial assets designated at fair value: - held on own account 2,367 7,432 9,799 - held in respect of linked liabilities to customers under investment contracts 63,124 - 63,124 Derivative financial 94,340 (129) 94,211 instruments Loans and advances to banks 25,728 - 25,728 Loans and advances to customers 210,959 (3,700) 207,259 Available for sale financial investments 48,491 (394) 48,097 Reverse repurchase agreements and cash collateral on securities borrowed 139,574 - 139,574 Other assets 3,639 8 3,647 Insurance assets, including unit-linked assets 109 - 109 Investments in associates and joint ventures 429 - 429 Goodwill 4,518 - 4,518 Intangible assets 139 - 139 Property, plant and equipment 2,282 - 2,282 Prepayments and accrued income - - - Deferred tax assets 1,642 (1) 1,641 --------- --------- --------- Total assets 715,592 8 715,600 --------- --------- --------- BARCLAYS PLC ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Restatement of 1st January 2005 reconciliation as at 01.01.05 as previously published for use of the fair value option As at As Restatement 01.01.05 as previously for fair value per revised published option reconciliation Liabilities £m £m £m Deposits from banks 74,735 - 74,735 Items in the course of collection due to other banks 1,205 - 1,205 Customer accounts 194,488 (10) 194,478 Trading portfolio liabilities 59,114 - 59,114 Financial liabilities designated at fair value - held on own account - 5,320 5,320 Liabilities to customers under investment contracts 64,609 - 64,609 Derivative financial instruments 95,218 (789) 94,429 Debt securities in issue 80,754 (4,600) 76,154 Repurchase agreements and cash collateral on securities lent 98,582 - 98,582 Other liabilities 9,859 10 9,869 Accruals and deferred income - - - Current tax liabilities 621 - 621 Insurance contract liabilities including unit-linked liabilities 3,596 - 3,596 Subordinated liabilities: - Undated loan capital- non convertible 4,208 - 4,208 - Dated loan capital-convertible to preference shares 15 - 15 - Dated loan capital- non convertible 6,383 - 6,383 Deferred tax liabilities 1,365 32 1,397 Other provisions for 403 - 403 liabilities Retirement benefit liabilities 1,865 - 1,865 --------- --------- --------- Total liabilities 697,020 (37) 696,983 --------- --------- --------- Shareholders' equity Called up share capital 1,614 - 1,614 Share premium account 5,524 - 5,524 Less: Treasury shares (119) - (119) Available for sale reserve 314 - 314 Revaluation reserve - - - Cashflow hedging reserve 302 - 302 Capital redemption reserve 309 - 309 Other capital reserve 617 - 617 Translation reserve (58) - (58) Retained earnings 6,739 45 6,784 --------- --------- --------- Shareholders' equity excluding minority interests 15,242 45 15,287 Minority interests 3,330 - 3,330 --------- --------- --------- Total shareholders' equity 18,572 45 18,617 --------- --------- --------- Total liabilities and shareholders' equity 715,592 8 715,600 --------- --------- --------- BARCLAYS PLC ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Group structure changes from 2004 The presentation of results by business differs from that provided in 2004 in the following respects: • International Retail and Commercial Banking and Wealth Management (formerly called Private Clients) are reported as completely separate business divisions and not aggregated, reflecting changes in management accountability. • The results for the Wealth Management - closed life assurance activities are provided separately from those for the rest of Wealth Management. The introduction of IFRS requires that the results of the closed life assurance activities are recorded on a line by line basis rather than the previous single line presentation. In order that the presentation of the underlying financial performance of Wealth Management is not distorted, it is considered appropriate to report the closed life assurance activity separately. • The 2004 results of Barclaycard and UK Retail Banking have been restated to reflect the 2005 change in allocation of branch network costs and insurance sales between the two divisions. This had the impact of increasing Barclaycard profit before tax by £59m and reducing UK Banking profit before tax by the same amount. • In order to comply with segmental reporting under IFRS, a new Income Statement has been prepared for 'Head office functions and other operations'. This information was previously reported in an abbreviated format. Acquisitions and disposals On 1st June 2005, Barclays Asset and Sales Finance ('BASF') acquired a 51% share and controlling stake in Fiat's Iveco Vehicle Finance Business. The transaction will expand BASF's commercial vehicle expertise across Europe. On 30th June 2005, EnterCard, the joint venture between Barclays Bank PLC and ForeningsSparbanken (also know as Swedbank), which was announced on 4th February 2005, began operations. Barclays Bank PLC has a 50% economic interest in the joint venture. EnterCard will provide credit cards in the Nordic market, initially in Sweden and Norway. BARCLAYS PLC ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Change in accounting estimate The Group has undertaken a review of the actual useful economic lives of property, plant and equipment. As a result of this review, the assumed useful economic lives of the costs of adaptation of freehold and leasehold property and equipment installed in freehold and leasehold property have increased from 10 to a range of 10-15 years. The useful economic lives of fixtures and fittings and other equipment have increased from 5 to a range of 5-10 years. This change in accounting estimate better reflects historical experience and has been applied prospectively from 1st January 2005. This has reduced the depreciation charge for the period to 30th June 2005 by £15m. Hedge accounting The element of ineffectiveness arising on hedges that qualify for hedge accounting is included in net interest income. Share capital The Group manages both its debt and equity capital actively. The Group's authority to buy back ordinary shares was renewed at the 2005 Annual General Meeting. Group share schemes The independent trustees of the Group's share schemes may make purchases of Barclays PLC ordinary shares in the market at any time or times following this announcement of the Group's results for the purposes of those schemes' current and future requirements. The total number of ordinary shares purchased would not be material in relation to the issued share capital of Barclays PLC. Filings with the SEC The results will be furnished as a Form 6-K to the US Securities and Exchange Commission as soon as practicable following the publication of these results. Other information The interim report for the six months to 30th June 2005, including extracts from this announcement and the independent review report by the auditors, will be advertised in The Daily Telegraph and the Daily Mail on 6th August 2005. Copies will be available to the public at Barclays registered office and at its website BARCLAYS PLC ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Recent developments On 9th May, 2005, Barclays announced the terms of an intended recommended acquisition of a majority stake of up to 60% in Absa Group Limited ('Absa'). The acquisition comprised a scheme of arrangement and a partial offer to shareholders, which were interconditional. The Board of Directors of Absa voted unanimously to recommend the acquisition to shareholders. The South African Minister of Finance approved Barclays application to acquire a majority stake in Absa, and the acquisition has been endorsed by Absa's black economic empowerment partner. The Absa transaction closed on 27th July 2005. At closing, Barclays owned 53.96% of Absa. On 1st August 2005, Barclays acquired a further 14.5 million shares in Absa taking its ordinary shareholding to 56.1%, which affords Barclays voting control. The aggregate consideration for the investment in Absa was R31,087m (approximately £2.6 billion at an exchange rate of 11.96 as at 30th June 2005). Naguib Kheraj and David Roberts joined the Boards of Absa and Absa Bank Ltd as non-executive Directors on 27th July 2005. Dominic Bruynseels, Chief Executive Officer of Barclays Africa and Middle East, joined the Absa Boards on 27th July 2005, as an executive Director. Dr Danie Cronje, the Chairman of Absa, will join the Boards of Barclays PLC and Barclays Bank PLC as a non-executive Director on 1st September 2005. The Absa transaction was financed from a combination of available resources and preference share finance. For Absa's financial year-ended 31st March 2005, Absa reported an increase of 23% in profit before tax to R7,633m (year-ended 31st March 2004: R6,223m) and net assets as at the year-end of R23,737m. On 11th July 2005 Barclays announced that it had acquired the wealth business of ING Securities Bank (France), consisting of ING Ferri and ING Private Banking on 1st July 2005. At 31st December 2004, the combined business of ING Ferri and ING Private Banking had net assets of approximately €10million and assets under management of approximately €2.7 billion. The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) has been investigating the level of default charges applied by the credit card industry since October 2003. These are fees charged when a customer pays late or goes over their credit limit. Barclaycard, along with other credit card issuers, has been cooperating with the investigation. The OFT issued a press release on 26th July 2005 stating that their provisional conclusion was that these fees are excessive and need to be reduced to be fair. The OFT have given Barclaycard, and seven other credit card companies, three months to provide suitable undertakings regarding the basis of future default charges or otherwise to address the concerns of the OFT. Barclays is considering the impact of the provisional finding on the credit card industry and Barclaycard, including steps to mitigate any financial impact for shareholders. Barclays will continue to work with the OFT to address its concerns over the next three months. BARCLAYS PLC NOTES (UNAUDITED) 1. Assets held in respect of linked liabilities to customers under investment contracts/liabilities arising from investment contracts As at 30.06.05 01.01.05 31.12.04 30.06.04 £m £m £m £m Non-trading financial instruments fair valued through profit and loss - held in respect of linked liabilities 69,792 63,124 Cash and bank balances within the funds 1,816 1,485 -------- -------- 71,608 64,609 -------- -------- Liabilities to customers under investment contracts 71,608 64,609 -------- -------- This comprises assets under management held on behalf of clients, required to be recognised on the balance sheet under IAS 39. 2. Derivative financial instruments The tables set out below analyse the contract or underlying principal and the fair value of derivative financial instruments held for trading purposes and for the purposes of managing the Group's structural exposures. Derivatives are measured at fair value and the resultant profits and losses from derivatives held for trading purposes are included in net trading income. Where derivatives are held for risk management purposes and when transactions meet the criteria specified in IAS 39, the Group applies hedge accounting as appropriate to the risks being hedged. As at 30.06.05 Contract Fair value amount Assets (Liabilities) Derivatives designated as held for £m £m £m trading Foreign exchange derivatives 1,031,529 17,912 (17,174) Interest rate derivatives 13,362,136 93,435 (91,197) Credit derivatives 398,126 3,110 (2,897) Equity and stock index and commodity derivatives 376,436 18,492 (20,815) ---------- -------- -------- Total derivative assets/ (liabilities) held for trading 15,168,227 132,949 (132,083) Derivatives designated in hedge accounting relationships Derivatives designated as cash flow hedges 22,839 283 (300) Derivatives designated as fair value hedges 38,857 694 (401) Derivatives designated as hedges of net investments 313 6 - ---------- -------- -------- Total derivative assets/ (liabilities) held for 62,009 983 (701) risk management ---------- -------- -------- Total recognised derivative assets/(liabilities) 15,230,236 133,932 (132,784) ---------- -------- -------- Total derivative notionals at 30th June 2005 have grown from 1st January 2005 due to significant increase in throughput of fixed income derivatives. This reflects the larger client base and clients increased use of Barclays' electronic trading platforms in Europe and the US. BARCLAYS PLC 2. Derivative financial instruments (continued) The Group's total derivative asset and liability position as presented on the balance sheet is as follows: As at 30.06.05 Contract Fair value Amount Assets (Liabilities) £m £m £m Derivative assets/(liabilities) designated as held for trading 15,168,227 132,949 (132,083) Derivative assets/(liabilities) designated in hedge accounting relationships 62,009 983 (701) ---------- -------- -------- Total recognised derivative assets/(liabilities) 15,230,236 133,932 (132,784) ---------- -------- -------- As at 01.01.05 Contract Fair value Amount Assets (Liabilities) £m £m £m Derivative assets/(liabilities) designated as held for trading 12,381,890 92,490 (93,217) Derivative assets/(liabilities) designated in hedge accounting relationships 89,894 1,721 (1,212) ---------- -------- -------- Total recognised derivative assets/(liabilities) 12,471,784 94,211 (94,429) ---------- -------- -------- BARCLAYS PLC 3. Loans and advances to banks As at 30.06.05 01.01.05 31.12.04 30.06.04 £m £m £m £m By geographical area United Kingdom 6,026 5,813 3,949 4,877 Other European Union 11,992 4,274 1,813 5,547 United States 9,180 8,459 7,668 6,067 Rest of the World 8,039 7,206 6,150 7,041 -------- -------- -------- -------- Total non-trading 35,237 25,752 19,580 23,532 Reverse repurchase agreements1 61,075 59,510 Less: Allowance for impairment/provision (12) (24) (23) (8) -------- -------- -------- -------- 35,225 25,728 80,632 83,034 -------- -------- -------- -------- The geographic presentation is based on the location of the customer. In previous publications, the geographic presentation was based on the location of the office recording the transaction. Of the total loans and advances to banks, placings with banks were £21.1bn at 30th June 2005 (31st December 2004: £66.7bn; 30th June 2004: £71.2bn). Placings with banks have decreased primarily due to the reclassification of reverse repurchase agreements, in accordance with IAS 39. 1 Reverse repurchase agreements are now disclosed separately on the face of the balance sheet. BARCLAYS PLC 4. Loans and advances to customers As at 30.06.05 01.01.05 31.12.04 30.06.04 £m £m £m £m Retail business 109,566 108,506 106,296 100,307 Wholesale business 130,385 101,366 100,497 99,298 -------- -------- -------- -------- Total non-trading 239,951 209,872 206,793 199,605 Reverse repurchase agreements1 58,304 55,291 Less: Allowances for impairment/provisions (2,828) (2,613) (2,688) (2,843) -------- -------- -------- -------- Total loans and advances 237,123 207,259 262,409 252,053 -------- -------- -------- -------- By geographical area United Kingdom 165,382 148,197 146,248 144,827 Other European Union 35,479 26,350 26,210 24,863 United States 22,588 21,813 20,982 18,062 Rest of the World 16,502 13,512 13,353 11,853 -------- -------- -------- -------- Total non-trading 239,951 209,872 206,793 199,605 Reverse repurchase agreements1 58,304 55,291 Less: Allowance for impairment/provisions (2,828) (2,613) (2,688) (2,843) -------- -------- -------- -------- 237,123 207,259 262,409 252,053 -------- -------- -------- -------- By industry Financial institutions 44,791 36,865 29,148 33,377 Agriculture, forestry and fishing 2,426 2,247 2,243 2,306 Manufacturing 12,717 9,477 8,422 8,368 Construction 4,478 3,637 3,389 2,697 Property 7,797 5,747 8,577 9,426 Energy and water 4,976 3,194 2,534 3,217 Wholesale and retail distribution and leisure 13,844 11,897 10,928 10,050 Transport 5,169 3,812 3,461 3,671 Postal and communication 1,164 828 678 581 Business and other services 28,721 20,924 19,004 15,751 Home loans2 75,435 78,030 77,673 73,284 Other personal 30,287 27,400 25,952 24,167 Overseas customers3 8,973 6,893 Finance lease receivables 8,146 5,814 5,811 5,817 -------- -------- -------- -------- Non-trading 239,951 209,872 206,793 199,605 Reverse repurchase agreements2 58,304 55,291 Less: Allowance for impairment/provisions (2,828) (2,613) (2,688) (2,843) -------- -------- -------- -------- Total loans and advances to customers 237,123 207,259 262,409 252,053 -------- -------- -------- -------- The geographic presentation of loans and advances is based on the location of the customer. In previous publications, it was based on the location of the office recording the transaction. 1 Reverse repurchase agreements are now disclosed separately on the face of the balance sheet. 2 Excludes commercial property mortgages. 3 Overseas customers are now classified as part of other industry segments. BARCLAYS PLC 4. Loans and advances to customers (continued) In 2005, total loans and advances have decreased primarily due to the reclassification of reverse repurchase agreements, in accordance with IAS 39. The industry classifications have been prepared at the level of the borrowing entity. This means that a loan to the subsidiary of a major corporation is classified by the industry in which that subsidiary operates even though the parent's predominant business may be a different industry. BARCLAYS PLC 5. Allowance for impairment on loans and advances/provisions for bad and doubtful debts Half-year ended 30.06.05 31.12.04 30.06.04 £m £m £m At beginning of period1 2,637 2,851 2,946 Acquisitions and disposals 23 21 - Exchange and other adjustments 33 (8) (25) Amounts written off (see below) (664) (813) (769) Recoveries (see below) 98 140 115 Amounts charged against profit (see below) 713 520 584 -------- -------- -------- At end of period 2,840 2,711 2,851 -------- -------- -------- Amounts written off United Kingdom (620) (692) (588) Other European Union (16) (36) (27) United States (24) (30) (20) Rest of the World (4) (55) (134) -------- -------- -------- (664) (813) (769) -------- -------- -------- Recoveries United Kingdom 65 121 96 Other European Union 4 - 9 United States 6 8 6 Rest of the World 23 11 4 -------- -------- -------- 98 140 115 -------- -------- -------- Impairment/provisions charged against profit: New and increased impairment allowances /provisions United Kingdom 827 780 578 Other European Union 45 84 47 United States 37 35 50 Rest of the World 36 28 153 -------- -------- -------- 945 927 828 -------- -------- -------- Less: Releases of impairment allowance/ provision United Kingdom (97) (98) (22) Other European Union (10) (6) (14) United States (23) (10) (4) Rest of the World (4) (23) (13) -------- -------- -------- (134) (137) (53) -------- -------- -------- Recoveries (98) (140) (115) -------- -------- -------- Impairment charged against profit/Net specific provisions charge 713 650 660 General provision (release)/charge (130) (76) -------- -------- -------- Net charge to profit2 713 520 584 -------- -------- -------- 1 Due to the adoption of IAS 32 and IAS 39 on 1st January 2005 and the consequent restatement of the impairment allowance, the period end value at 31st December 2004 does not correspond to the opening value at the beginning of 2005. 2 This excludes other credit provisions detailed on page 43. BARCLAYS PLC 5. Allowance for impairment on loans and advances/provisions for bad and doubtful debts (continued) As at 30.06.05 31.12.04 30.06.04 Allowance/specific provisions £m £m £m United Kingdom 2,174 1,683 1,700 Other European Union 282 149 99 United States 149 155 125 Rest of the World 235 160 214 -------- -------- -------- Total allowance/specific provisions 2,840 2,147 2,138 General provisions 564 713 -------- -------- -------- 2,840 2,711 2,851 -------- -------- -------- The geographic analysis of provisions shown above is based on the location of the customer. A reconciliation of UK GAAP provisions to IFRS impairment allowances is as follows: £m UK GAAP provision as at 31st December 2004 2,711 IFRS interest and fees not recognised (157) UK GAAP interest in suspense as at 31st December 2004 40 UK GAAP fees in suspense as at 31st December 2004 19 Additional impairment allowances resulting from the application of revised calculation methodologies at 1st January 2005 24 -------- IFRS impairment allowances as at 1st January 2005 2,637 -------- BARCLAYS PLC 6. Potential credit risk loans The following tables present an analysis of potential credit risk loans (non-performing and potential problem loans). As at 30.06.05 01.01.05 31.12.04 30.06.04 Potential credit risk £m £m £m £m loans Summary Non-accrual loans 2,104 2,052 2,115 2,235 Accruing loans where there is an expectation of ultimate write-off (either partial or full) 1,631 1,484 1,435 1,468 Accruing loans 90 days overdue, against which no allowances have been made 613 538 550 610 -------- -------- -------- -------- 4,348 4,074 4,100 4,313 Reduced rate loans 23 15 15 10 -------- -------- -------- -------- Total non-performing loans 4,371 4,089 4,115 4,323 Potential problem loans 731 795 798 884 -------- -------- -------- -------- Total potential credit risk loans 5,102 4,884 4,913 5,207 -------- -------- -------- -------- Geographical split Non-accrual loans: United Kingdom 1,585 1,449 1,509 1,630 Other European Union 140 240 243 135 United States 210 258 258 290 Rest of the World 169 105 105 180 -------- -------- -------- -------- Total 2,104 2,052 2,115 2,235 -------- -------- -------- -------- Accruing loans where there is an expectation of ultimate write-off (either partial or full) United Kingdom 1,285 1,231 1,188 1,193 Other European Union 165 68 58 91 United States 27 26 26 - Rest of the World 154 159 163 184 -------- -------- -------- -------- Total 1,631 1,484 1,435 1,468 -------- -------- -------- -------- Accruing loans 90 days overdue, against which no allowances have been made United Kingdom 576 501 513 583 Other European Union 31 34 34 27 United States 1 1 1 - Rest of the World 5 2 2 - -------- -------- -------- -------- Total 613 538 550 610 -------- -------- -------- -------- BARCLAYS PLC 6. Potential credit risk loans (continued) Half-year ended 30.06.05 01.01.05 31.12.04 30.06.04 Reduced rate loans: £m £m £m £m United Kingdom - 2 2 10 Other European Union 7 - - - United States 16 13 13 - Rest of the World - - - - -------- -------- -------- -------- Total 23 15 15 10 -------- -------- -------- -------- Total non-performing loans: United Kingdom 3,446 3,183 3,212 3,416 Other European Union 343 342 335 253 United States 254 298 298 290 Rest of the World 328 266 270 364 -------- -------- -------- -------- Total 4,371 4,089 4,115 4,323 -------- -------- -------- -------- Potential problem loans: United Kingdom 561 655 658 588 Other European Union 58 32 32 26 United States 43 27 27 191 Rest of the World 69 81 81 79 -------- -------- -------- -------- Total 731 795 798 884 -------- -------- -------- -------- Total potential credit risk loans: United Kingdom 4,007 3,838 3,870 4,004 Other European Union 401 374 367 279 United States 297 325 325 481 Rest of the World 397 347 351 443 -------- -------- -------- -------- Total 5,102 4,884 4,913 5,207 -------- -------- -------- -------- Allowance coverage of % % % % non-performing loans1: United Kingdom 63.1 64.2 68.1 68.5 Other European Union 82.2 69.9 60.9 66.0 United States 58.7 53.7 57.0 49.3 Rest of the World 71.6 73.7 70.4 67.9 -------- -------- -------- -------- Total 65.0 64.5 66.9 67.0 -------- -------- -------- -------- Allowance coverage of % % % % total potential credit risk loans1: United Kingdom 54.3 53.2 56.5 58.4 Other European Union 70.3 63.9 55.6 59.9 United States 50.2 49.2 52.3 29.7 Rest of the World 59.2 56.5 54.1 55.8 -------- -------- -------- -------- Total 55.7 54.0 56.0 55.6 -------- -------- -------- -------- 1 In 2004, the geographical coverage ratios include an allocation of general provisions. BARCLAYS PLC 6. Potential credit risk loans (continued) Since 1st January 2005, non-performing loans (NPLs) have increased 7% to £4,371m (1st January 2005: £4,089m). The increase occurred in the retail businesses with wholesale and corporate NPLs remaining flat. Potential problem loans (PPLs) decreased 8% from the beginning of the year to £731m (1st January 2005: £795m). Retail PPLs increased but this was more than offset by the decline in the level of wholesale and corporate PPLs. The increase in the Potential Credit Risk Loans (PCRLs) occurred mainly in the UK. The value of PCRLs at 31st December 2004 was restated for the adoption of IFRS on 1st January 2005. This restatement has not been applied to the numbers for 30th June 2004 and, as a consequence, these numbers are not comparable with the current values. In addition, due to improved modelling, PCRLs in the mortgage business have been restated. The restatement has been applied to the prior periods shown, causing increases of £226m at 30th June 2004 and £172m at 31st December 2004 and at 1st January 2005. This restatement does not reflect changes in credit quality but arises from the extension of Group methodology to the mortgage portfolios which were previously estimated on a different basis. Coverage of NPLs by the stock of impairment allowances increased to 65.0% (1st January 2005: 64.5%). Coverage of PCRLs rose to 55.7% (1st January 2005: 54.0%). 7. Available for sale financial investments As at 30.06.05 01.01.05 31.12.04 30.06.04 £m £m £m £m Debt securities 59,227 46,059 Equity securities 848 675 Treasury bills 1,065 1,143 Other eligible bills 3 220 -------- -------- -------- -------- 61,143 48,097 - - -------- -------- -------- -------- As at 1st January 2005, financial instruments have been classified and measured in accordance with IAS 39. In general, investment securities held under UK GAAP have been classified as available for sale under IFRS. BARCLAYS PLC 8. Other assets As at 30.06.05 01.01.05 31.12.04 30.06.04 £m £m £m £m Sundry debtors 2,789 3,042 3,711 3,629 Prepayments 530 415 467 410 Balances arising from off-balance sheet instruments 18,174 14,000 Accrued income 172 190 3,563 3,305 -------- -------- -------- -------- 3,491 3,647 25,915 21,344 -------- -------- -------- -------- As at 1st January 2005, balances arising from off-balance sheet instruments were reclassified to derivative financial instruments. Also from 1st January 2005, accrued income no longer includes accrued interest, which is included in the loan balances as part of the effective interest rate calculation. 9. Insurance assets, including unit-linked assets As at 30.06.05 01.01.05 31.12.04 30.06.04 £m £m £m £m Reinsurer's share of provisions 107 109 109 105 Assets held to cover linked liabilities 5,870 5,836 Assets held to cover non-linked liabilities 2,597 2,224 -------- -------- -------- -------- 107 109 8,576 8,165 -------- -------- -------- -------- In 2005, investment and insurance contracts are separately accounting for in accordance with IAS 39 and IFRS 4. At 1st January 2005, this has resulted in the majority of the assets within the life assurance businesses being classified as financial assets designated at fair value. These assets are held both in respect of linked liabilities to customers under investment contracts and also held on own account. In 2004, assets held to cover linked liabilities and provision for linked liabilities were aggregated and reported as insurance assets and insurance contract liabilities. 10. Insurance contract liabilities, including unit-linked liabilities As at 30.06.05 01.01.05 31.12.04 30.06.04 £m £m £m £m Long term business provision: - Provision for linked liabilities 1,434 1,460 5,821 5,722 - Provision for non-unit linked liabilities 2,098 2,100 2,520 2,186 Provision for claims outstanding 57 36 36 36 -------- -------- -------- -------- 3,589 3,596 8,377 7,944 -------- -------- -------- -------- In 2005, investment and insurance contracts are separately accounted for in accordance with IAS 39 and IFRS 4. In 2004, assets held to cover linked liabilities and provision for linked liabilities were aggregated and reported as insurance assets and insurance contract liabilities. BARCLAYS PLC 11. Other liabilities As at 30.06.05 01.01.05 31.12.04 30.06.04 £m £m £m £m Obligations under finance leases payable 338 353 353 352 Balances arising from off-balance sheet financial instruments 18,009 12,829 Sundry creditors 5,477 5,021 3,851 3,531 Accruals and deferred income 3,834 4,495 6,820 5,396 Short positions in securities 53,903 57,438 -------- -------- -------- -------- 9,649 9,869 82,936 79,546 -------- -------- -------- -------- As at 1st January 2005, balances arising from off-balance sheet instruments were reclassified to derivative financial instruments and short positions in securities to trading portfolio liabilities. Also from 1st January 2005, accruals and deferred income no longer includes accrued interest, which is included in customer balances as part of the amortised cost. 12. Other provisions for liabilities As at 30.06.05 01.01.05 31.12.04 30.06.04 £m £m £m £m Customer loyalty provisions 12 15 Redundancy and restructuring 70 97 97 34 Undrawn contractually committed facilities and guarantees 48 55 55 85 Onerous contracts 42 39 39 13 Sundry provisions 226 212 213 182 -------- -------- -------- -------- 386 403 416 329 -------- -------- -------- -------- As at 1st January 2005, the customer loyalty provision has been reclassified to other liabilities. BARCLAYS PLC 13. Legal proceedings Proceedings have been brought in the United States against a number of defendants, including Barclays, following the collapse of Enron. In each case the claims are against groups of defendants. Barclays considers that the claims against it are without merit and is defending them vigorously. A court ordered mediation commenced in September 2003 but no material progress has been made towards a resolution of the litigation. In addition, in respect of investigations relating to Enron, Barclays is continuing to provide information in response to enquiries by regulatory and governmental authorities in the United States and elsewhere. It is not possible to estimate Barclays possible loss in relation to these matters, nor the effect that it might have upon operating results in any particular financial period. Barclays is also currently in negotiations with the staff of the US Securities and Exchange Commission with respect to a settlement of the Commission's investigation of transactions between Barclays and Enron. Barclays does not expect that the amount of any settlement with the Commission would have a significant adverse effect on its financial position or operating results. Barclays is engaged in various other litigation proceedings both in the United Kingdom and a number of overseas jurisdictions, including the United States, involving claims by and against it, which arise in the ordinary course of business. Barclays does not expect the ultimate resolution of any of the proceedings to which Barclays is party to have a significant adverse effect on the financial position of the Group. BARCLAYS PLC 14. Contingent liabilities and commitments As at 30.06.05 01.01.05 31.12.04 30.06.04 Contingent liabilities £m £m £m £m Acceptances and endorsements 271 303 303 530 Assets pledged as collateral for security 35,703 30,011 30,011 26,334 Other contingent liabilities 8,503 8,245 8,245 7,800 -------- -------- -------- -------- 44,477 38,559 38,559 34,664 -------- -------- -------- -------- Commitments Standby facilities, credit lines and other commitments 163,037 134,051 134,051 119,887 -------- -------- -------- -------- Contingent liabilities increased by 15% (£5.9bn) to £44.5bn (1st January 2005: £38.6bn) due to the increased indemnifications issued by Barclays Bank PLC to Barclays Global Investors' clients for securities lending activities. Commitments increased by 22% (£28.9bn) to £163.0bn (1st January 2005: £134.1bn) primarily as a result of the growth in Barclaycard due to Juniper, and new facilities in Barclays Capital and UK Business Banking. BARCLAYS PLC 15. Market risk Market risk is the risk that the Group's earnings, capital, or ability to meet its business objectives, will be adversely affected by changes in the level or volatility of market rates or prices such as interest rates, credit spreads, foreign exchange rates, equity prices and commodity prices. Barclays Capital's market risk exposure, as measured by average total Daily Value at Risk (DVaR), decreased in the first half of 2005 compared to the first half of 2004. This was mainly due to a reduction in interest rate risk and an increase in diversification effect. Total DVaR as at 30th June 2005 was £31.0m (31st December 2004: £31.9m; 30th June 2004: £26.0m). Analysis of Barclays Capital's market risk exposures The daily average, maximum and minimum values of DVaR were calculated as below: Half-year ended 30th June 2005 Average High1 Low1 £m £m £m Interest rate risk 24.1 42.4 15.4 Credit spread risk 23.3 27.9 19.3 Foreign exchange risk 2.9 5.3 1.6 Equities risk 5.2 7.3 3.9 Commodities risk 5.8 7.6 4.5 Diversification effect (30.9) n/a n/a -------- -------- --------- Total DVaR 30.4 37.4 25.4 -------- -------- --------- Half-year ended 31st December 2004 Average High1 Low1 £m £m £m Interest rate risk 19.7 29.4 15.1 Credit spread risk 20.3 24.1 16.1 Foreign exchange risk 3.1 7.4 1.6 Equities risk 4.3 7.9 2.4 Commodities risk 8.2 14.4 4.5 Diversification effect (24.9) n/a n/a -------- -------- --------- Total DVaR 30.7 40.7 24.0 -------- -------- --------- Half-year ended 30th June 2004 Average High1 Low1 £m £m £m Interest rate risk 30.5 53.6 19.0 Credit spread risk 25.0 32.9 16.0 Foreign exchange risk 1.8 3.0 0.9 Equities risk 4.1 7.9 2.2 Commodities risk 3.7 7.8 2.2 Diversification effect (27.0) n/a n/a -------- -------- --------- Total DVaR 38.1 46.8 25.7 -------- -------- --------- 1 The high (and low) DVaR figures reported for each category did not necessarily occur on the same day as the high (and low) DVaR reported as a whole. Consequently a diversification effect number for the high (and low) DVaR figures would not be meaningful and it is therefore omitted from the above table. BARCLAYS PLC CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF RECOGNISED INCOME AND EXPENSE (UNAUDITED) Half-year ended 30.06.05 31.12.04 30.06.04 £m £m £m Available for sale reserve: Net gains from changes in fair value 112 Amount transferred to profit on disposal (26) Cash flow hedging reserve: Gains from changes in fair value 16 Amount transferred to profit 12 Share of changes in associates' equity (28) (17) - Currency translation differences arising during the year 23 (15) (43) Tax (118) - - Other 38 16 11 Profit for the period 1,975 1,483 1,818 -------- -------- -------- Total recognised income and expense for the period 2,004 1,467 1,786 -------- -------- -------- Attributable to: Shareholders 1,873 1,440 1,766 Minority interest 131 27 20 -------- -------- -------- 2,004 1,467 1,786 -------- -------- -------- Tax comprises items taken directly to reserves, including tax on available for sale reserve and cash flow hedging reserve. BARCLAYS PLC SUMMARY CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) Half-year ended 30.06.051 31.12.04 30.06.04 £m £m £m Net cash inflow from operating activities 17,584 2,384 2,787 Net cash outflow from investing activities (11,394) (2,702) (4,296) Net cash inflow from financing activities 2,526 1,004 1,956 Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents (539) (165) (305) -------- -------- -------- Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 8,177 521 142 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 21,603 13,996 13,854 -------- -------- -------- Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 29,780 14,517 13,996 -------- -------- -------- 1 The opening cash equivalents balance includes the impacts of adopting IAS 32 and IAS 39 and IFRS 4, which have not been applied to 2004 comparatives, in accordance with IFRS 1. BARCLAYS PLC OTHER INFORMATION Registered office 1 Churchill Place, London, E14 5HP, England, United Kingdom. Tel: +44 (0) 20 7116 1000. Company number: 48839. Website Registrar The Registrar to Barclays PLC, The Causeway, Worthing, West Sussex, BN99 6DA, England, United Kingdom. Tel: + 44 (0) 870 609 4535. Listing The principal trading market for Barclays PLC ordinary shares is the London Stock Exchange. Ordinary shares are also listed on the New York Stock Exchange and the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Trading on the New York Stock Exchange is in the form of ADSs under the ticker symbol 'BCS'. Each ADS represents four ordinary shares of 25p each and is evidenced by an ADR. The ADR depositary is The Bank of New York whose international telephone number is +1-610-382-7836, whose domestic telephone number is 1-888-BNY-ADRS and whose address is The Bank of New York, Investor Relations, PO Box 11258, Church Street Station, New York, NY 10286-1258. Filings with the SEC Statutory accounts for the year ended 31st December 2004, which also include certain information required for the joint Annual Report on Form 20-F of Barclays PLC and Barclays Bank PLC to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), can be obtained from Corporate Communications, Barclays Bank PLC, 200 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10166, United States of America or from the Head of Investor Relations at Barclays registered office address, shown above. Copies of the Form 20-F are also available from the Barclays Investor Relations' website (details below) and from the SEC's website ( Results timetable Interim 2005 Ex Dividend date Wednesday 17th August 2005 Interim 2005 Dividend record date Friday 19th August 2005 Interim 2005 Dividend payment date Monday 3rd October 2005 2005 Preliminary results Thursday 9th February 2006 Note that all dates are provisional and subject to change. For further information please contact: Investor Relations Media Relations -------------------- ----------------- Mark Merson/James S Johnson Chris Tucker/Pam Horrell +44 (0) 20 7116 5752/2927 +44 (0) 20 7116 6223/6132 More information on Barclays, including the 2005 interim results, can be found on our website at the following address: BARCLAYS PLC Index of Main Reference Points Accounting policies 63 Acquisitions and disposals 62 Additional information 59 Associated undertakings and joint ventures 47 Available for sale financial instruments 74 Balance sheet (consolidated) 8, 9 Barclaycard 13, 29 Barclays Capital 12, 21 Barclays Global Investors 23 Basis of preparation 59 Capital demand 53 Capital supply 54 Capital ratios 50, 51 Capital resources 49, 50 Cash flow statement - summary (consolidated) 81 Changes in accounting estimates 63 Contingent liabilities and commitments 78 Cost:income ratios 10 Derivatives 65 Dividends on ordinary shares 48 Divisional interest income 38 Divisional margins 37 Daily Value at Risk (DVaR) 79 Earnings per ordinary share 48 Economic capital 53 Economic data 3 Economic profit 56 Fair value option 59 Filings with the SEC 63 Financial highlights 3 Group performance ratios 10 Group share schemes 63 Group structure changes from 2004 62 Half-year review 4 Head office functions and other operations 13, 33 Impairment 43 Income statement (consolidated) 7 Insurance assets 75 Insurance contract liabilities 75 International Retail and Commercial Banking 13, 31 Legal proceedings 77 Loans and advances to banks 67 Loans and advances to customers 68 Market risk 79 Minority interests 47 Net fee and commission income 39 Net premiums from insurance contracts 41 Net claims and benefits paid on insurance contracts 42 Net interest income 36 Operating expenses 44 Other assets 75 Other information 82 Other liabilities 76 Other income 41 Other provisions for liabilities 76 Performance summary 2 Performance ratios 3 Potential credit risk loans 72 Principal transactions 40 Profit before tax 7, 14 Profit before tax excluding goodwill amortisation 67 Recent developments 64 Results by business 11 Results timetable 82 Risk asset ratios 3, 50 Risk Tendency 58 Share capital 63 Staff costs 45 Staff numbers 46 Statement of recognised income and expense (consolidated) 80 Tax rate 47 Total assets 15, 52 UK Banking 11, 16 UK Business Banking 11, 19 UK Retail Banking 11, 17 Wealth Management 12, 25 Wealth Management-closed life assurance activities 12, 27 Weighted risk assets 15, 50, 52 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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