Final Results

Acorn Income Fund Ld 20 April 2001 CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT I am pleased to present to Shareholders the second Annual Report of Acorn Income Fund Limited for the year ended 31st December, 2000 covering the first full year of investment activity for the Company. The Company's investment strategy has continued to be productive with the objectives of providing Shareholders with a high income and the opportunity for growth in income and capital being successfully achieved. This has resulted in an increase in net asset value per share of 3.62% together with an uplift of over one quarter in the revenue return. Dividends for the year totalled 11p per share compared with 8.5p for the 46 week period, a like for like increase of 14.6%. The year under review saw further fund raising taking place. On the 13th December, and in response to demand from the market, 2,600,000 ordinary shares were issued at 133.5p. This, together with a proportionate increase in the bank term loan facility of £2,279,000, raised an additional £5.691m (net) for investment. At the balance sheet date the extra cash raised remained largely on deposit but is now fully invested. It is pleasing to report that the Company's shares have continued to trade at a premium to their net asset value for much of the year. As at the 31st March, 2001, the most recent reporting date, the net asset value per share stood at 130.8p compared to the share price of 133p on the same date. The year under review was notable for the stability experienced in UK base rates which remained unchanged at 6% from February 2000 until the turn of the year. Despite this background, the period was an extremely difficult one with much attention focussing on the telecommunications, media and technology sectors and large fluctuations experienced in the UK stockmarket. Against this background, the performance of the Company's portfolio has been creditable. The early months of 2001 have proved equally challenging, with the UK market falling in common with other world markets, as fears of recession have grown. While this negative sentiment may hold back the growth of our investments in the short-term, our portfolio remains well balanced with many of the underlying companies continuing to trade at satisfactory levels. I look forward to welcoming Shareholders to our second Annual General Meeting at 10.00 am on 11th May, 2001 at the Company's registered office at TSB House, Le Truchot, St Peter Port, Guernsey. D.M. Bralsford 20th April, 2001 10 PRINCIPAL PORTFOLIO INVESTMENTS AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2000 Stock Sector Portfolio Market Value £ '000 Guaranteed Exp Finance 12.875% bonds UK Government Bonds High Inc 3,904 29/9/2002 Rotork Engineering Smaller 3,774 Co Charles Baynes Distributors Smaller 2,585 Co Metalrax Group Engineering Smaller 2,464 Co Dowding & Mills Electronic & Smaller 2,358 Electrical Co Renold Engineering Smaller 2,291 Co Elementis Chemicals Smaller 2,220 Co Sirdar Group Household Goods & Smaller 2,119 Textiles Co Heywood Williams Const. & Building Smaller 2,026 Materials Co Pendragon Motor Distributors Smaller 1,859 Co 25,600 10 PRINCIPAL PORTFOLIO INVESTMENTS AS AT 31 DECEMBER 1999 Stock Sector Portfolio Market Value £ '000 Fine Art Developments Retailers Smaller Co 2,960 Allied Leisure Leisure Smaller Co 2,153 Abacus Polar Distributors Smaller Co 2,047 Ash & Lacy Engineering Smaller Co 2,023 Heywood Williams Const. & Building Materials Smaller Co 1,949 Jove Investment Trust Investment Trusts High Inc 1,912 Baynes (Charles) Distributors Smaller Co 1,889 Stat-Plus Group Support Services Smaller Co 1,865 Metalrax Group Engineering Smaller Co 1,801 Finelist Group Distributors Smaller Co 1,767 20,366 The 10 principal investments represent 42.9 % of the investment portfolio (1999: 35.9%). Statement of total return for the year ended 31st December 2000 Period 11th February to 31st December 1999* Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Gains on investment - 2,521 2,521 - 4,211 4,211 Income 4,405 - 4,405 1,965 - 1,965 Fund management fees (144) (432) (576) (68) (203) (271) Other expenses (123) (217) (340) (85) (554) (639) Net return on ordinary activities 4,138 1,872 6,010 1,812 3,454 5,266 before finance costs Interest payable (449) (1,348)(1,797) (180) (538) (718) Return on ordinary activities for 3,689 524 4,213 1,632 2,916 4,548 the period Dividends paid (2,970) - (2,970)(1,395) - (1,395) Transfer to reserve 719 524 1,243 237 2,916 3,153 Return per Ordinary Share 13.59p 1.93p 15.52p 10.59p 18.92p 29.51p * 46 week period BALANCE SHEET as at 31st December, 2000 31st December, 1999 £'000 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Investments listed at market value 59,680 56,754 Current assets Debtors 2,068 812 Cash at bank 5,136 2,137 7,204 2,949 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year Creditors (2,393) (2,146) Net current assets 4,811 803 Creditors - amounts falling due after more than one year Long term bank loan (25,616) (23,337) Net asset value 38,875 34,220 Share capital and reserves Share capital 7,400 6,750 Share premium 27,079 24,317 Revenue reserve 956 237 Capital reserve 3,440 2,916 Total equity shareholders' funds 38,875 34,220 Net asset value per Ordinary Share 131.33p 126.74p D.M. Bralsford J.M. McKean 20th April, 2001 CASH FLOW STATEMENT for the year ended 31st December, 2000 £'000 £'000 Net cash inflow from operating activities 3,267 993 Servicing of finance Interest paid (1,760) (438) Capital expenditure and financial investment Purchase of investments (44,345) (68,850) Sale of investments 43,791 16,748 (554) (52,102) Dividends paid (3,645) (720) Cash outflow before use of liquid resources and financing (5,959) (53,260) Financing Issue of ordinary share capital 3,412 31,067 Loan drawn down 2,279 23,337 Movement in net cash 2,999 2,137
UK 100

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