Amendment to terms of Investment Management Arr...

UNICORN AIM VCT PLC ("the Company") Amendment to the Terms of Investment Management Arrangements 13 April 2010 The Chairman has today written to all shareholders to inform them that the terms agreed with the Investment Manager have been changed so that under the Incentive Agreement the net asset value per share ("NAV") must in future be not less than the higher of the NAV at 30 September 2010 or 125p before the Investment Manager can qualify for any payment under the Agreement. Also the minimum effective term of the Investment Management Agreement will be two years from the effective date of the merger with Unicorn AIM VCT II rather than three years. For further enquiries please contact: Peter Dicks Chairman Telephone: 020 7224 5354 Rob Brittain or Ross Lacey of Matrix-Securities Limited Company Secretary Telephone: 020 3206 7000 Chris Hutchinson of Unicorn Asset Management Limited Investment Manager Telephone: 020 7253 0889
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