Net Asset Value(s)


(a closed-ended investment company incorporated with limited liability under the laws of Guernsey with registered number 48761)

Monthly Net Asset Value (“NAV”)

The unaudited Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share of the Company as at the close of business on 30th April 2015 was as follows:

Company Name Date NAV per Ordinary Share
JZ Capital Partners Limited 30 April 2015 US$ 10.79

The increase in NAV was primarily due to foreign exchange benefits.

JZCP’s cash and equivalent balances totaled $62 million at the end of April, as we have made investments in the following portfolios since the year end.  These investments were contemplated within the plan that was referred to in the chairman's statement accompanying the annual results for the financial year ended 28/2/15.

US Microcap               $23.2 million
European Microcap         $11.1 million
Real Estate               $24.1 million
                           $58.4 million

We are very cognizant of the ZDP redemption date in just over a year.  We plan on redeeming the ZDP’s with a combination of a new bank facility, and realizations in the United States portfolio.

Company website:

Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Guernsey) Limited

UK 100

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