Annual Financial Report

FIDELITY EUROPEAN VALUES PLC ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT, PROXY FORM AND ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES TO THE PRELIMINARY RESULTS FOR THE YEAR TO 31 DECEMBER 2008 Further to the voluntary disclosure of the Company's annual results for the year ended 31 December 2008 by way of a preliminary announcement dated 2 March 2009, in accordance with the Disclosure and Transparency Rules ("the Rules") 4.1.3 and 6.3.5(2) this announcement contains the text of the preliminary announcement dated 2 March 2009 together with the additional text in compliance with the Rules. The Company's annual report and financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2008 together with the accompanying proxy form have been filed with the UK Listing Authority Document Disclosure team and will shortly be available for inspection at the UK Listing Authority's Document Viewing Facility which is situated at: Financial Services Authority 25 The North Colonnade Canary Wharf London E14 5HS Tel: 020 7676 1000 (Documents will usually be available for inspection within six normal business hours of this notice being given). The annual report and financial statements will shortly be available on the Company's website at Tracey Cousins, FIL Investments International, Company Secretary - 01737 836 883 24 March 2009 CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT I have pleasure in presenting the annual report of Fidelity European Values PLC for the year ended 31 December 2008. PERFORMANCE 2008 was a very challenging year for both the European economy and European stockmarkets. It is, therefore, disappointing but not surprising to have to report a fall in the Company's net asset value. In 2008 the net asset value per share declined 17.5% but significantly outperformed its benchmark (the FTSE World Europe (ex UK) Index) which fell 24.6%. This relative performance is encouraging, given the very difficult economic and stockmarket background, and can be attributed to two factors. Firstly the Board decided to reduce the net gearing to zero towards the end of 2007 and this clearly helped performance given the fall in share prices through 2008. We continually review our gearing with our Manager (and have retained the capacity to reinstate it), but feel the immediate outlook too uncertain. Following the repayment of a fixed term loan of €35m in November 2008, the Company has fixed term loans of €105m in aggregate with a further €25m available by way of a revolving credit facility. Secondly and more importantly share selection, particularly in the banking and telecommunication sectors, was well executed. This was particularly encouraging since Sudipto Banerji took over the management of the portfolio from Tim McCarron during the year. I wish Tim well in his future career with Fidelity and thank him for his excellent contribution. I also hope and believe that Sudipto's good start augurs well for the long term future of your Company. A detailed review of the performance of the portfolio is provided in the Manager's Review. DISCOUNT MANAGEMENT The Board will be active in issuing shares at a premium and buying back shares at a discount; a continuation of practice since launch. The purpose of this is to reduce share price volatility and results in an enhancement to the NAV. Over the last six months share buybacks have been made, further details of which may be found in the Directors' Report in the annual report. At the close of business on 31 December 2008 the Company's share price fell to 990.00p per share, significantly below the trading price during that day. This was due entirely to a small trade badly executed ten minutes before the market closed (there is a lesson for us all in the timing and execution of such a transaction). This resulted in a discount level of 16.4%, much higher than normally exists or the Board intends. The discount narrowed in the New Year and at the time of writing the share price is 800.50p per share and the discount is 12.6%. DIVIDEND I wish to reiterate that the Board will not influence the Manager in any way to determine the level of income of your Company's portfolio; it will remain the Board's policy to pay out earnings in full. The Board has decided to recommend a final dividend of 23.26 pence per share for the year ended 31 December 2008 (2007: 13.75 pence). This dividend will be payable on 29 May 2009 to shareholders on the register at close of business on 20 March 2009 (ex-dividend date 18 March 2009). In addition this year, it has been decided that the £7.4m VAT on investment management fees plus interest reclaimed following the decision of the European Court of Justice will be returned to shareholders by way of a special dividend of 13.24p per share. The dividend payment, record and ex-dividend dates will be the same as for the proposed final dividend. DIRECTORATE As explained in my Chairman's Statement last year, David Simpson will retire from the Board after the Annual General Meeting. He has served as a Director since 1998 and I would like to thank David for his contribution to the Company and personally for the quality and independence of advice that he has given me over the years. His investment experience and work as Senior Independent Director and Chairman of the Audit Committee have been extremely valuable. I am delighted to confirm that Mr van der Klugt will be appointed Senior Independent Director and Chairman of the Audit Committee with effect from Mr Simpson's retirement. I look forward to working with Mr van der Klugt in this role. He has already contributed greatly to Board discussions, including very detailed work on the VAT reclaim. This year two Directors will retire and, being eligible, offer themselves for re-election. As detailed in the biographies in the Annual Report the Directors have a wide range of appropriate skills and experience to make up a balanced Board for your Company. I am subject to annual re-election due to my tenure on the Board exceeding nine years and Mr Fraser is subject to annual re-election under the Listing Rules due to his recent employment relationship with the Manager and his directorship of another investment trust managed by Fidelity, namely Fidelity Japanese Values PLC. Mr Fraser retired from Fidelity at the end of 2008, but remains a Senior Advisor. Both I and the Board are pleased that he has agreed to continue his directorship of this Company. In my case, my fellow Directors met in my absence and considered my eligibility for re-election. They considered that my experience, my independence of mind and the manner in which I have filled the role of Chairman over the last seven years have been beneficial to the Company and they confirmed that they wish me to continue as Chairman. In particular the Board believes that my finalisation of the agreement on the repayment of VAT illustrated my independence well. As previously announced, I plan to retire following the 2010 Annual General Meeting having retained my role to ensure a smooth transition to the new Portfolio Manager. All other Directors are totally independent and this provides an appropriate balance. The Board recognises the importance of continuity on the Board as well as the need for refreshment from time to time. The Board has considered the proposal for the re-election of the Directors and recommends to shareholders that they vote in favour of the proposals. Due to Mr Simpson's retirement this year and my proposed retirement in 2010, the Board is currently considering the appointment of an additional Director. External consultants will lead the initial search. CONTINUATION VOTE In accordance with the Articles of Association of the Company, an ordinary resolution that the Company continue as an investment trust for a further two years was passed at the 2007 Annual General Meeting. A further continuation vote will take place at this year's Annual General Meeting. The Company's performance record has been excellent since launch with a NAV increase of 1,197.6% compared to an increase in the benchmark Index of 359.1%. During the past 12 months the Company has outperformed the Index by 7.1% (-17.5% compared to an Index fall of 24.6%). Therefore your Board recommends that shareholders vote in favour of the continuation vote. A further continuation vote will take place at the Annual General Meeting in 2011. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Annual General Meeting of the Company is due to take place on 19 May 2009 at midday at Fidelity's offices at 25 Cannon Street. Full details of the meeting are given in the Annual Report and I look forward to meeting you then. OUTLOOK The outlook for the European economy looks challenging. Across the developed world economic growth is forecast to be negative in 2009 which is not a good sign for European companies whose revenues depend upon international trade. This means that company profits in the region will be under severe pressure moving into 2009. There are other headwinds that weigh upon European companies such as the overhang from a strong euro as well as tightening credit conditions as a result of the global credit crunch. The European Central Bank (ECB) has reduced interest rates in an effort to support economies, but some would argue they have not gone far enough. That said, a lot of the bad news has already been absorbed by the markets. Company valuations in Europe are looking extremely attractive on a historical basis and relative to other regions. For longer term investors there are now some good stock picking opportunities to be found where company shares have been indiscriminately sold without considering longer term fundamentals. In the coming year, we will be seeking to take advantage of a weak environment to invest in attractive companies for the longer term. Robert Walther Chairman 2 March 2009 Manager's Review PERFORMANCE REVIEW As shown in the Financial Summary in the annual report, the NAV per share of Fidelity European Values PLC declined 17.5% in the year to 31 December 2008, outperforming the FTSE World Europe (ex UK) Index, which fell by 24.6%. (All performance figures are quoted on a total return basis and in sterling.) European equity markets declined considerably in 2008, after five years of positive gains. Against a very challenging economic and market backdrop, the portfolio declined less than its benchmark and produced a solid outperformance in the year. This can be attributed to positive sector allocation and successful stock picking. During the year, sterling weakened by 24% against the euro. As a UK investor in a European equity portfolio, this had a positive effect on returns. MARKET BACKGROUND 2008 was a year of two halves. In the first half of the year, the synchronised global expansion of the previous few years continued, driven primarily by growth in emerging economies. Commodity prices soared and demand fundamentals supported rising prices. For example, the oil price reached US$150 a barrel in July, and food prices continued to increase. Concerns over the level of inflation dominated the market. The second half of the year was dominated by the deepening of the crisis in the financial sector and its impact on the real economy. The catalyst for the sudden collapse of confidence was the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, a US financial institution, in September. Capital and credit markets froze and the transmission mechanism within the banking system ceased to function effectively. The crisis spread to the real economy as liquidity in commercial paper and other short term credit markets became unavailable or prohibitively expensive. This triggered an unprecedented collapse in business activity as companies sought to raise cash by cutting back aggressively on costs and unwinding inventory. Meanwhile, the overall business cycle that had hitherto been supported by ongoing credit expansion, also ground to a halt. The simultaneous collapse of aggregate demand and unwinding of the inventory cycle led to what is likely to be the most severe contraction in GDP for many years. In response to the crisis, Central Banks implemented aggressive easing policies. However, share prices declined on the expectation that future fundamentals would deteriorate further, impacted by the contraction in the availability and cost of capital. Investors moved into those assets that provided less risk and lower yields. PORTFOLIO REVIEW 2008 was a very active year for the portfolio as the Manager concentrated the portfolio and attempted to move into a generally more defensive position. As stated earlier, this led to an outperformance against the Index, which can be attributed to successful positioning in the banking sector, where the portfolio had less exposure than the benchmark. More specifically, avoiding companies that suffered most during the global credit squeeze positively contributed to relative performance. Roche, a Swiss pharmaceutical firm, was the biggest single contributor. The company offers a solid product pipeline and enjoys an attractive oncology franchise. Its defensive characteristics were well rewarded in a more volatile environment. KPN, the Dutch telecommunications firm, was the second biggest stock contributor during the year. Its share price was supported by solid results and the announcement of a share buyback plan. Conversely, stock picking in the energy sector hurt returns. It proved to be a volatile sector in the period under review, due to a rising and then declining oil price. A lack of exposure to Volkswagen also detracted from performance. OUTLOOK The near term outlook for corporate earnings is expected to remain difficult. However, the recent sell-off in the equity markets has meant that company valuations have declined to attractive levels from a medium term perspective. As a result, there are some good stock picking opportunities to be found for longer term investors. FIL Investments International 2 March 2009 Principal risks and uncertainties Due to the current economic climate, shareholders will have greater concerns about the way their investments are managed. The Board confirms that there is an ongoing process for identifying, evaluating and managing the principal risks which fall under the general headings of strategic, operational and management. With the assistance of Fidelity's internal audit team the Board has constructed a risk matrix which identifies the key risks to the Company under these broad headings. The Board reviews and agrees policies, which have remained unchanged since the beginning of the accounting period, for managing risks and summaries of these are set out below. The process is regularly reviewed by the Board in accordance with the FRC's "Internal Control: Revised Guidance for Directors on the Combined Code". Risks are identified, introduced and graded and this process, together with the policies and procedures for the mitigation of risks, and are updated and reviewed twice a year in the form of a comprehensive internal controls report considered by the Audit Committee. 1. Market risks The Portfolio Manager's success or failure to protect and increase the Company's assets against this background are core to the Company's continued success. Other factors affected by market forces, such as exchange and bond rates, contribute to risks which have to be taken as part of the Company's normal business. Risks to which the Company is exposed and which form part of the market risks category are included in Note 18 to the financial statements in the annual report together with summaries of the policies for managing these risks. These comprise: market price risk; foreign currency risk; interest rate risk, liquidity risk and credit risk. The Company has fixed term, fixed rate loan facilities in place, the first of which is due for repayment in 2010. At the present time, cash is being held against these loans to reduce the level of net gearing to around zero. However, should good opportunities for investment arise, these funds are readily available. In addition a revolving credit facility (currently nil drawn down) and a day to day overdraft facility can be used if required. The impact of limited finance from counterparties including suppliers has not impacted the Company to date, however there are alternative suppliers available in the market place should the need arise. The Company relies on a number of main counterparties, namely the Manager, Registrar, Custodian and Auditor. The Manager is the member of a privately owned group of companies on which a regular report is provided to the Board. The Manager, Registrar and Custodian are subject to regular audits by Fidelity's internal controls team and the counterparties' own internal controls reports are received by the Board and any concerns investigated. 2. Performance risk The achievement of the Company's performance objective relative to the market requires the application of risk. Strategy, asset allocation and stock selection might lead to underperformance of the benchmark Index and target. Management of the risks set out above is carried out by the Board which, at each Board meeting, considers the asset allocation of the portfolio and the risk associated with particular countries and industry sectors within the parameters of the investment objective. The Portfolio Manager is responsible for actively monitoring the portfolio selected in accordance with the asset allocation parameters and seeks to ensure that individual stocks meet an acceptable risk/reward profile. 3. Investment management and income risks - dividends In addition to the risk of the mis-management of funds by poor investment decisions, there is also a risk involved in income. The Company's objective is capital growth and as explained in the Chairman's Statement in the annual report, the Portfolio Manager is not constrained in any way to determine the level of income. The Board monitors this risk through the receipt of detailed income reports and forecasts which are considered at each meeting. 4. Share price, NAV and discount volatility risk The price of the Company's shares relative to the benchmark Index and in absolute terms, as well as its discount to net asset value, are not factors the Company is able to control. Some short term influence over the discount may be exercised by the use of share repurchases at acceptable prices. Details of repurchases during the year are given in the annual report. The Company's share price, NAV and discount volatility are monitored daily by the Manager and considered by the Board at each of its meetings. 5. Gearing risk The Company has the option to invest up to the total of its loan facilities in equities. In a rising market the Company will benefit but in a falling market the impact would be detrimental. In order to manage the level of gearing the Board regularly considers gearing and gearing risk and sets limits accordingly. The Portfolio Manager follows these and may hold short term cash deposits to control the level of net gearing appropriate to the circumstances as viewed at the time. 6. Control systems, regulation, governance including shareholder relations risks The Company is dependent on the Manager's control systems and those of its Custodian and Registrars, both of which are monitored and managed by the Manager in the context of the Company's assets and interests on behalf of the Board. The security of the Company's assets, dealing procedures and the maintenance of investment trust status under s842 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988, among other things, rely on the effective operation of such systems. These are regularly tested and a programme of internal audits is carried out by the Manager to maintain standards. Other risks Other risks monitored on a regular basis include loan covenants, which are subject to daily monitoring, together with the Company's cash position, and the continuation vote (at a time of poor performance). Related parties Mr Simon Fraser was employed by Fidelity International until the end of December 2008 and continues to act for Fidelity as a Senior Advisor. FIL Limited has an interest of 112,379 shares or 0.20% in the Company (2007: 112,379 shares or 0.19%). No Director has a contract of service with the Company and no contracts existed during or at the end of the financial period in which any Director was materially interested and which were significant in relation to the Company's business, except as disclosed above in relation to Mr Fraser's interests in the Management Agreement. There have been no other related party transactions requiring disclosure under Financial Reporting Standard ("FRS") 8. Directors' responsibilities statement The Directors are responsible for preparing the annual report and the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and regulations. Company law requires the Directors to prepare financial statements for each financial period. Under that law they have elected to prepare the financial statements in accordance with UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice. The financial statements are required by law to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company and of the profit or loss for the period. In preparing these financial statements, the Directors are required to: - select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; - make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; - state whether applicable UK Accounting Standards have been followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements; and - prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the Company will continue in business. The Directors are responsible for ensuring that proper accounting records are kept which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Company and to enable them to ensure that its financial statements comply with the Companies Act 1985. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. Under applicable law and regulations the Directors are also responsible for preparing a Directors' Report, including a Business Review, a Directors' Remuneration Report and a Corporate Governance Statement that comply with that law and those regulations. The Directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the corporate and financial information included on the Company's pages of the Manager's website Visitors to the website need to be aware that legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination of the financial statements may differ from legislation in their jurisdictions. We confirm that to the best of our knowledge the financial statements, prepared in accordance with the applicable set of accounting standards, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Company; and the Directors' Report includes a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Company together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties it faces. Approved by the Board on 2 March 2009 and signed on its behalf. Robert Walther Chairman 2 March 2009 Report of the Independent Auditor We have audited the financial statements (the "financial statements") of Fidelity European Values PLC for the year ended 31 December 2008 which comprise the Income Statement, the Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds, the Balance Sheet, the Cash Flow Statement and Notes 1 to 20. These financial statements have been prepared under the accounting policies set out therein. We have also audited the information in the Directors' Remuneration Report that is described as having been audited. This report is made solely to the Company's members, as a body, in accordance with Section 235 of the Companies Act 1985. Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state to the Company's members those matters we are required to state to them in an auditor's report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the Company and the Company's members as a body, for our audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed. RESPECTIVE RESPONSIBILITIES OF DIRECTORS AND AUDITORS The Directors' responsibilities for preparing the Annual Report, the Directors' Remuneration Report and the financial statements in accordance with United Kingdom law and Accounting Standards (United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice) are set out in the Statement of Directors' Responsibilities. Our responsibility is to audit the financial statements and the part of the Directors' Remuneration Report to be audited in accordance with relevant legal and regulatory requirements and International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland). We report to you our opinion as to whether the financial statements give a true and fair view and whether the financial statements and the part of the Directors' Remuneration Report to be audited have been properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 1985. We also report to you whether in our opinion the information given in the Directors' Report is consistent with the financial statements. The information given in the Directors' Report includes that specific information given in the Chairman's Statement and the Manager's Review that is cross referenced from the Business Review section of the Directors' Report. In addition we report to you if, in our opinion, the Company has not kept proper accounting records, if we have not received all the information and explanations we require for our audit, or if information specified by law regarding Directors' remuneration and other transactions is not disclosed. We review whether the Corporate Governance Statement reflects the Company's compliance with the nine provisions of the 2006 Combined Code specified for our review by the Listing Rules of the Financial Services Authority, and we report if it does not. We are not required to consider whether the Board's statements on internal control cover all risks and controls, or form an opinion on the effectiveness of the Company's corporate governance procedures or its risk and control procedures. We read other information contained in the Annual Report and consider whether it is consistent with the audited financial statements. The other information comprises only the Objective and Highlights, Financial Summary, the Chairman's Statement, the Manager's Review, Ten Largest Investments, Distribution of the Portfolio, Summary of Performance, the Directors' Report, the Corporate Governance Statement, the unaudited part of the Directors' Remuneration Report and the Full Portfolio Listing. We consider the implications for our report if we become aware of any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the financial statements. Our responsibilities do not extend to any other information. BASIS OF AUDIT OPINION We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) issued by the Auditing Practices Board. An audit includes examination, on a test basis, of evidence relevant to the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements and the part of the Directors' Remuneration Report to be audited. It also includes an assessment of the significant estimates and judgments made by the Directors in the preparation of financial statements, and of whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the Company's circumstances, consistently applied and adequately disclosed. We planned and performed our audit so as to obtain all the information and explanations which we considered necessary in order to provide us with sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the financial statements and the part of the Directors' Remuneration Report to be audited are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or other irregularity or error. In forming our opinion we also evaluated the overall adequacy of the presentation of information in the financial statements and the part of the Directors' Remuneration Report to be audited. OPINION In our opinion: - the financial statements give a true and fair view, in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice, of the state of the Company's affairs as at 31 December 2008 and of its net loss for the year then ended; - the financial statements and the part of the Directors' Remuneration Report to be audited have been properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 1985; and - the information given in the Directors' Report is consistent with the financial statements. Grant Thornton UK LLP Registered Auditor and Chartered Accountants London 2 March 2009 Enquiries: Chris Davies, FIL Investments International - 01737 837 723 Rebecca Burtonwood, Company Secretary, FIL Investments International - 01737 836 869 FIDELITY EUROPEAN VALUES PLC Income Statement - for the year ended 31 December 2008 2008 2007 revenue capital total revenue capital total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 (Losses)/gains on - (158,681) (158,681) - 98,812 98,812 investments Income - Dividend 23,757 - 23,757 23,322 - 23,322 - Interest 1,930 - 1,930 983 - 983 - Interest on VAT 1,429 - 1,429 - - - recovered on investment management fee - Fidelity Institutional 2,534 - 2,534 - - - Cash Fund plc Investment management and (5,491) (7,458) (12,949) (8,002) - (8,002) performance fee VAT recovered on 5,995 - 5,995 - - - investment management fee Other expenses (875) - (875) (898) - (898) Exchange (losses)/gains (107) 25,141 25,034 18 5,011 5,029 on other net assets Exchange losses on loans - (26,695) (26,695) - (9,692) (9,692) Net return/(loss)before 29,172 (167,693) (138,521) 15,423 94,131 109,554 finance costs and taxation Interest payable (4,427) - (4,427) (4,275) - (4,275) Net return/(loss)on 24,745 (167,693) (142,948) 11,148 94,131 105,279 ordinary activities before taxation Overseas taxation on (2,619) - (2,619) (2,812) (97) (2,909) return/(loss) on ordinary activities Taxation on expenses (1,509) 1,509 - - - - charged to capital Net return/(loss)on 20,617 (166,184) (145,567) 8,336 94,034 102,370 ordinary activities after taxation for the year Return/(loss)per ordinary 36.77p (296.35p) (259.58p) 13.79p 155.60p 169.39p share (1) A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses has not been prepared as there are no gains and losses other than those reported in this Income Statement. The total column of the Income Statement is the profit and loss account of the Company. All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the year. FIDELITY EUROPEAN VALUES PLC Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds - for the year ended 31 December2008 called share capital capital capital revenue total up premium redemption reserve reserve reserve equity share account reserve realised unrealised capital £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Opening 15,611 58,615 214 567,640 152,116 7,467 801,663 shareholders' funds: 1 January 2007 Net recognised - - - 127,956 (33,922) - 94,034 gains/(losses) for the year Repurchase of (874) - 874 (46,145) - - (46,145) ordinary shares Net revenue after - - - - - 8,336 8,336 taxation for the year Dividend paid to - - - - - (3,243) (3,243) shareholders Closing 14,737 58,615 1,088 649,451 118,194 12,560 854,645 shareholders' funds: 31 December 2007 Net recognised - - - (62,415) (97,820) - (160,235) capital losses for the year Repurchase of (1,009) - 1,009 (51,106) - - (51,106) ordinary shares Performance fee - - - (7,458) - - (7,458) charged to capital Taxation credited - - - 1,509 - - 1,509 to capital Net revenue after - - - - - 20,617 20,617 taxation for the year Dividend paid to - - - - - (7,991) (7,991) shareholders Closing 13,728 58,615 2,097 529,981 20,374 25,186 649,981 shareholders' funds: 31 December 2008 FIDELITY EUROPEAN VALUES PLC Balance Sheet - as at 31 December 2008 2008 2007 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Investments at fair value through profit or loss 657,544 848,119 Current assets Debtors 1,890 4,543 Fidelity Institutional Cash Fund plc 48,764 - Cash at bank 50,907 111,233 101,561 115,776 Creditors - amounts falling due within one year Fixed rate unsecured loan - (25,755) Other creditors (9,145) (6,230) (9,145) (31,985) Net current assets 92,416 83,791 Total assets less current liabilities 749,960 931,910 Creditors - amounts falling due after more than one year Fixed rate unsecured loans (99,979) (77,265) Total net assets 649,981 854,645 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 13,728 14,737 Share premium account 58,615 58,615 Capital redemption reserve 2,097 1,088 Capital reserve - realised 529,981 649,451 Capital reserve - unrealised 20,374 118,194 Revenue reserve 25,186 12,560 Total equity shareholders' funds 649,981 854,645 Net asset value per ordinary share 1,183.61p 1,449.76p FIDELITY EUROPEAN VALUES PLC Cash Flow Statement - for the year ended 31 December 2008 2008 2007 £'000 £'000 Operating activities Investment income received 18,280 19,971 Deposit interest received 6,162 628 Investment management fee paid (6,011) (8,841) VAT recovered on investment management fee paid 6,043 - Directors' fees paid (104) (62) Other cash payments (762) (1,084) Net cash inflow from operating activities 23,608 10,612 Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest paid (4,505) (4,265) Net cash outflow from returns on investments and (4,505) (4,265) servicing of finance Taxation Overseas taxation recovered 740 1,232 Taxationrecovered 740 1,232 Financial investment Purchase of investments (937,042) (995,838) Disposal of investments 982,820 1,152,214 Net cash inflowfrom financial investment 45,778 156,376 Dividend paidto shareholders (7,991) (3,243) Net cash inflowbefore financing 57,630 160,712 Cash flow from management of liquid resources Fidelity Institutional Cash Fund plc (48,764) - Net cash outflow from management of liquid resources (48,764) - Financing Repurchase of ordinary shares (51,906) (45,361) 4.335% credit facility drawn down - 10,191 4.595% credit facility drawn down - 10,109 5.165% credit facility drawn down - 10,462 3.54% fixed rate unsecured loan repaid (29,736) - 4.1465% credit facility repaid - (10,191) 4.335% credit facility repaid - (10,109) 4.595% credit facility repaid - (10,462) 5.165% credit facility repaid - (11,078) Net cash outflowfrom financing (81,642) (56,439) (Decrease)/increasein cash (72,776) 104,273 1. Returns per ordinary share are based on the net revenue return on ordinary activities after taxation of £20,617,000 (2007: £8,336,000), the capital loss in the year of £166,184,000 (2007: return £94,034,000) and the total loss in the year of £145,567,000 (2007: return £102,370,000) and on 56,077,724 ordinary shares (2007: 60,434,721) being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year. The above statements have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies as set out in the financial statements in the annual report to 31 December 2008. This preliminary statement, which has been agreed with the auditor, was approved by the Board on 2 March 2009. It is not the Company's statutory financial statements. The statutory financial statements for the financial year ended 31 December 2007 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The statutory financial statements for the financial year ended 31 December 2008 have been approved and audited but have not yet been filed. The statutory financial statements for the financial years ended 31 December 2007 and 31 December 2008 received unqualified audit reports, did not include a reference to any matters to which the auditor drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying the report and did not contain statements under section 237(2) and (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The annual report and financial statements will be posted to shareholders as soon as is practicable and in any event no later than 16 April 2009.
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