Interim Management Statement

Interim Management Statement -Blue Planet Financials Growth & Income Investment Trust Quarter Ended the 30th June 2010 Fund Manager's Review In June our undiluted NAV fell 4.9% to 90.6p per share unit. The benchmark index return was -5.7% in sterling terms. The Fund fell less than the benchmark as we were positioned to take advantage of the near term envisaged malaise. The share unit price fell 13.2% to 66.0p per share unit. Over the last three months the NAV of the fund has fallen 30.5% whilst the benchmark has fallen 13.2% and the share unit price has fallen 24.1%. As of 30th June 2010, shareholder funds were £12,382,690 and total borrowings were £7,500,000. During June we saw continued evidence that there are major risks to the global economy. The long economic boom through to 2007 was fueled by low interest rates and accommodative monetary policy, which led to years of high risk lending by banks and fueled elevated levels of both private and public expenditure. When this boom turned to bust, sparked by the sub-prime mortgage debacle in the US, at a point when individuals and corporate were highly overleveraged, the governments stepped in. Their huge fiscal stimulus packages returned the global economies to growth. From the start of this year we were concerned about what would happen when governments started to withdraw their stimulus packages, as the dangerously over-leveraged state of the public purses became clear. Looking over the precipice at both private and public institutions that have run out of firepower is a scary place! In April we became complacent that the effects of the stimulus, particularly as it remains in place in the US, and the strength in the Asian economies, would continue to spur global growth and corporate profitability and drive markets higher, for somewhat longer, and we reinvested in the market. This was a mistake. Despite markets having a series of minor rallies, the current trend in equity markets is down this year and we see major risks ahead of further sharp market falls. In the portfolio, we cut equity holdings further and introduced some short index trackers. As we do not anticipate a rapid return to investing in equities, we have built a portfolio of shorter-dated financial bonds during June. These will provide a much improved yield to the portfolio going forward. Cumulative Performance (%) as of 30th June 2010 Current 1 month 3 months 6 months 1 year 3 years 5 years (p) NAV 90.60 -4.9% -30.5% -30.9% -4.8% -71.5% -43.7% (undiluted) NAV (fully 90.60 -4.9% -27.9% -28.3% -4.5% -67.8% -39.4% diluted) Share Price - 66.00 -13.2% -24.1% -15.4% 21.9% -69.1% -29.6% Total Return Benchmark 64.48 -5.7% -13.2% -5.0% 16.1% -23.6% -3.3% Warrant Price 5.00 -93.8% -96.9% -97.2% -97.5% -99.7% -98.5% Discount: -27.2 -20.3 -33.2 -40.5 -40.4 -29.4 -38.8 Undiluted (%) Discount : -27.2 -20.3 -30.7 -38.3 -40.3 -20.5 -34.4 Fully Diluted (%) Source: Blue Planet, share price bid to bid, net income reinvested Discrete Annual Performance (%) as of 30th June 2010 Share price Benchmark 2Q/09 - 2Q/10 21.9% 16.1% 2Q/08 - 2Q/09 -56.8% -11.7% 2Q/07 - 2Q/08 -41.4% -25.5% 2Q/06 - 2Q/07 55.9% 9.4% 2Q/05 - 2Q/06 46.2% 15.7% Source: Blue Planet, share price bid to bid, net income reinvested Portfolio Information as of 30th June 2010 Security Security Country Valuation Weighting Type Name £ % 89,660 Equity BP Global Financials-A Ireland 3,348,460 13.9 Class 124,400 Equity Direxion Financial Bear US 1,448,271 6.0 3X 40,360 Equity DJ Stoxx 600 Banks Short Luxembourg 1,118,430 4.7 ETF 690,060 Equity Bank Rakyat Indonesia Indonesia 472,006 2.0 149,720 Equity Asya Katilim Bankasi AS Turkey 230,641 1.0 58,390 Equity Turkiye Garanti Bankasi Turkey 164,329 0.7 AS 383,070 Equity Other Other 192,585 0.8 6,974,722 29.1 Bond Kommunalbanken 05/12 Norway 298,330 1.2 10.0% Bond Morgan Stanley 04/11 US 257,103 1.1 7.5% Bond Citigroup 06/11 5.25% US 254,524 1.1 Bond Santander 11/10 6.8% Cayman 253,750 1.0 Islands Bond Abu Dhabi Com 11/11 UAE 253,264 1.0 5.625% Bond ING Bank 10/10 7% Netherlands 251,525 1.0 Bond Swedbank 06/16 5.25% Sweden 244,544 1.0 Bond BA Creditanstalt 07/11 Austria 243,722 1.0 5.625% Bond BAC Float 02/12 0.88% US 241,400 1.0 Bond AMP UK 11/10 6.375% UK 241,080 1.0 Bond BKIR Float 02/12 Ireland 235,000 1.0 0.74625% Bond Rabobank 07/12 5.50% Netherlands 186,886 0.8 Bond NAB 05/12 5.25% Australia 180,235 0.7 Bond BQDAU 12/10 6.0% Australia 169,730 0.7 Bond Dexia MA 02/12 5.75% France 135,604 0.6 3,446,697 14.2 Security Cash Denomination Valuation Weighting Type £ % Security Name Liquid Near Cash Assets GBP 0 0.0 Assets Liquid Cash GBP 13,620,567 56.7 Assets Liquid Cash Other 3,826 0.0 Assets Currency 13,624,393 56.7 Total 24,045,812 100 For more information, please visit You can also contact the Company on 0845 527 7588 or by emailing
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