Proposed Refinancing and Changes to the Articles

To: RNS From: F&C Commercial Property Trust Limited Date: 16 October 2014 PROPOSED REFINANCING, AMENDMENT TO THE ARTICLES AND PUBLICATION OF A CIRCULAR Introduction and background F&C Commercial Property Trust Limited (the "Company") is a closed-ended Guernsey registered property investment company which is listed on the Official List of the UK Listing Authority. The Company's investment objective is to provide Shareholders with an attractive level of income together with the potential for capital and income growth from investing in a diversified UK commercial property portfolio. At the time of the launch of the Group in March 2005 the Group issued, through an associated company,£230 million of secured bonds (the "Bonds"). The Bonds are due for repayment on 30 June 2015. As recently noted in the interim report for the period ended 30 June 2014, the Board has been considering a refinancing of the Bonds. The Group has also drawn down £30 million under the Barclays Prime Four Facility which is due for repayment on 30 June 2015. The Board is pleased to announce that the Group has agreed terms to refinance the Bonds and the Barclays Prime Four Facility through a new ten year term loan facility with L&G. As noted below, this proposed long term loan is on attractive terms and is expected to enhance the returns to Shareholders over the longer term. The Articles require the Board to put to Shareholders an ordinary resolution at the annual general meeting of the Company to be held in 2015 approving the continuation of the Company. In the light of the proposed Refinancing, the Board is proposing a resolution to remove the obligation in the Articles to hold the continuation vote in 2015 andfive yearly thereafter and to replace it with an obligation to hold a continuation vote in 2024 (i.e. prior to the repayment date of the L&G Facility). As noted below, the Board is also proposing to amend the Company's discount control policies to betterreflect market conditions. The Board believes that holding the next continuation vote in 2024 and the revised discountcontrol arrangements are more appropriate for a listed property investment company such as theCompany and are in line with in the wider listed REIT and property company sector. The Company has today sent a circular to its Shareholders (the "Circular") in connection with the Refinancingconvening an extraordinary general meeting to consider a special resolution toamend the Articles. The Circular also explains why the Directors believe that these Proposals are in the best interests of theCompany and Shareholders as a whole and recommends that Shareholders vote in favour of theResolution. The proposed Refinancing F&C Commercial Property Finance Limited, an associated company of the Group, has issued £230 million of secured bonds which have been assigned an "Aaa" rating by Moody's. The Bond Issuer is a special purpose vehicle which is not a member of the Group. The proceeds of the issue of the Bonds were used to finance, pursuant to the terms of the Bond Facility Agreement, the purchase of properties for the Group's property portfolio on its launch. The Bonds are listed on the Official List of the UK Listing Authority and are admitted to trading on the London Stock Exchange's main market for listed securities. The Bonds carry interest at a fixed rate of 5.23 per cent. per annum. The Group has also drawn down £30 million under the Barclays Prime Four Facility to fund part of the acquisition cost of properties in Aberdeen. The Barclays Prime Four Facility is due for repayment on 30 June 2015. The Group expects to enter into a facility agreement with L&G substantially reflecting the heads of terms agreed with L&G. Under the facility agreement the Group will be entitled to draw down up to £260 million to finance the repayment of the Bonds and the Barclays Prime Four Facility. The L&G Facility will be conditional on certain matters including valid security being granted over the assets of the FCPH Borrower Group. The L&G Facility will not be secured over the remaining assets of the Group. Interest is expected to be payable on the L&G Facility at the rate of 1.1 per cent. per annum over therelevant ten year UK Gilt. Based on UK Gilt rates as at the date of this announcement, it is estimated thatthe total interest rate payableunder the L&G Facility would be approximately 3.1per cent. per annum whichis significantly lower than the current interest rate on the Bonds. It is estimated that the total costs forputting in place the L&G Facility and repaying the Bonds and the Barclays Prime Four Facility (includingthe L&G arrangement fee but excluding the early repayment penalty on the Bonds) will amount toapproximately £2.7 million. Based on the agreed heads of terms, the L&G Facility is expected to contain covenants, warranties andundertakings which are customary for a term loan facility of this nature. However, the Board is of theview that the terms of the L&G Facility will be more flexible than the current terms of the Bonds. The Board intends to give notice to the Bond Issuer for repayment of the Bonds on 31December 2014.It is expected that the Group will fix the interest rate payable, and draw down the full amount available, under the L&G Facility prior to that date. It is expected that the Barclays Prime Four Facility will be repaid at or around the same time. Under theterms of the Bonds the Group will be required to pay an early repayment penalty on the Bonds basedon UK Gilt yields on the date of repayment, which is estimated (based on UK Gilt yields at the date of this document) at approximately £5.5 million(equating to 0.7p perShare). The Board believes that it is in the interests of the Group to repay the Bonds early to ensurethat the Group has certainty of available funds in advance of the fixed repayment date of 30 June 2015and so that the Group can take advantage of the current availability of long term borrowings from L&Gat attractive rates of interest. There is no early repayment penalty in respect of the Barclays Prime FourFacility but the Group will be liable for the cost of breaking the relevant interest rate swap (such cost at 30 September 2014 isreflected in the current NAV per Share). The Group will meet the repayment penalty and the interestrate swap breakage cost from its existing cash resources. In accordance with the Company's investment policy gearing, represented by borrowings as apercentage of total assets, may not exceed 50 per cent. However, the Board's present intention is thatthe borrowings of the Group will be limited to a maximum of 35 per cent. of total assets at the time ofborrowing. Following the Refinancing, the Group's borrowings will comprise the L&G Facility and theBarclays SCP Facility and it is estimated that the weighted average period to maturity on the Group'sdebt will be 8.8years with a weighted average interest rate of 3.4per cent. per annum. Based on thetotal assets of the Group as at 30 September2014, such borrowings would represent approximately 25per cent. at the time ofborrowing. Continuation vote The Articles require the Board to put to Shareholders an ordinary resolution at the annual generalmeeting of the Company to be held in 2015, and five yearly thereafter, approving the continuation of theCompany. In the light of the proposed Refinancing, the Board is proposing a special resolution toamend the Articles to remove the requirement to hold a continuation vote in 2015 and five yearly thereafter. It is also the Board's current policy, as stated in theCompany's annual report and accounts, to convene a meeting to consider the continuation of theCompany in the event that the Shares trade at a discount of more than 5 per cent. for 90 consecutivedealing days or more. In the light of the refinancing of the Group with a long-term ten-year debt facilitythe Board has undertaken a review of these policies and, in particular, has considered whether holdingperiodic continuation votes is appropriate for a Company with illiquid underlying assets, long-termdebt and a long term investment strategy. The Board has also taken into account the significant costs that would be incurred by the Group in repaying the L&G Facility early and on being forced to sell properties to fund such repayment,as a result of the continuation vote. Following this review the Board is proposing that, if the Resolution is passed, the Board will be required to propose an ordinary resolution to approve the continuation of the Company in 2024 (i.e. prior to the repayment date of the L& G Facility). If such resolution is not passed, the Board will be required to put forward proposals within 12 months for the winding up of the Company, or a reconstruction providing Shareholders with the opportunity to exit their investment in full. The Board has also carefully considered the appropriate way to protect Shareholders in the event of asignificant and persistent discount to the NAV developing. At the annual general meeting held in May2014 the Board was authorised to purchase up to 14.99 per cent. of the Shares then in issue. It is theBoard's current policy to use this power, subject to certain conditions, to repurchase Shares where theyhave traded at a discount of 5 per cent. or more for a continuous period of 20 dealing days. However,the daily prices at which the Shares trade can be significantly affected by the expectation of valuationchanges between the quarterly valuations and by the expectation of interest rate changes. While the Board does not believe that this policy provides the appropriate level of flexibility to enable itto use the share buyback authority it recognises that Shareholders may expect some degree ofprotection. With this in mind, if the Resolution is approved, it is the intention of the Board that, while thecurrent policy will no longer apply for the reasons noted above, the Board will, nonetheless, continue its commitment to limit anydiscount to the NAV at which the Shares may trade through the application of share buybacks. Theremoval of the formulaic policy provides the Board with more flexibility on the timing and levels of anyshare buybacks. However, although in the future the application of share buybacks will not be linked toany specific discount target, the Board is aware of its responsibilities to Shareholders and its historiccommitment to a 5 per cent. discount trigger. A discount of 5 per cent. or more will therefore remain alevel at which the Board will formally review its buyback implementation. The Board will maintain itspolicy of seeking to minimise any significant and persistent discount to the NAV and, in decidingwhether any buybackof Shares is in the best interests of Shareholders, the Board intends to take intoaccount the level of discount, the market environment at the time, the Group's cash position and cashrequirements and the views of Shareholders including whether a continuation vote should be held. Attractions of the Group and the Shares The Directors believe that is the Proposals are in the best interests of Shareholders for thefollowing reasons. * The Group has performed strongly since its launch in 2005. * The Property Portfolio is well positioned to continue to out-perform the wider UK commercial property market over the medium and longer term. * There are a number of asset management opportunities in the Property Portfolio that will assist in the performance of the Group over the forthcoming years. * The Company remains one of the most highly rated companies in its sector. * Following the Refinancing, the Group will have in place cost effective long term borrowings which are expected to enhance returns to Shareholders over the longer term. * Based on the current UK Gilt rates, the expected interest margin on the L&G Facility will significantly improve the dividend cover of the Shares. Amendments to the Articles If the Resolution is passed by Shareholders at the General Meeting, the requirement on the Directorsto hold a continuation vote at the annual general meeting in 2015 and every five years thereafter willbe removed from the Articles and replaced with a requirement to hold a continuation vote in 2024. General Meeting The General Meeting has been convened for 9.30 a.m. on 7November 2014, to be held at TrafalgarCourt, Les Banques, St. Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 3QL. All Shareholders are entitled to attend andvote on the Resolution to be proposed at the General Meeting. If the Resolution is not passed, the Directors will consult with Shareholders as to whether theRefinancing should proceed and will put to Shareholders an ordinary resolution for the continuation of the Company at the annual general meeting of the Company to be held in 2015. Circular A copy of the circular has been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at Definitions Terms used and not defined in this announcement have the meanings given in the Circular. For further information please contact: Richard Kirby, F&C Investment Business Limited Tel: 020 7499 2244 Graeme Caton, Winterflood Securities Limited Tel: 020 3100 0268
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