CMC Markets

A trading statement saw full year guidance being significantly upgraded and the beleaguered share price reacted accordingly.  The stock was trading up by more than 20% at 11am, making the company the best performer on the main board, although that’s still some way below the pandemic highs.  

NFT Investments

It doesn’t seem that long ago that we were being told NFTs were the future. Somewhat confusing for those who were of the mindset that without a tangible product, how could value be ascribed, but a note this morning from NFT Investments says that the company is to be renamed as Phoenix Digital Assets. Given they sit on a portfolio which includes £43.8m worth of crypto and stablecoins, plus a further £3.3m of cash and equity investments, the rebrand does seem appropriate.

Royal Dutch Shell 

An advanceQ4 update from the company presented something of a mixed bag, with gas trading expected to show a material QoQ improvement, whilst multi-billion dollar impairment charges will be realised mainly in relation to the sale of a refining hub in Singapore. Shares were almost 2% lower at 11am, significantly underperforming the wider market and finalised results are expected to be published on 1st February.